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Woman Charged with Infanticide JOLIGIA AUGUSTIN CONFESSES TO DETECTIVE UNITED FRUIT MR. WYN TER REPLIES TO ARTICLE two work about first few Stitt of woman, subsequently ing application by Clement Cook, of of the picked up personal The local what is is commonly but stara removing or Inown known as lished below comCoun petitionation Our carrying winner, This level be to sons the labourer subjected arose to the occasio against the time ago.
the they ed co that them.
But oh, rony of own labour, HORSE RACING COMPANY At Juan Franco Cause of Great Dissatisfaction Suspends Transportation to Almirante Says Unfaithfulness of Father ed off its 3rd race meet for the It is reported that the United Criticising West Indian Labourers The Panama present month on Sunday last, Fruit Company has suspended Caused her to commit Rash Act occasions there was a very large tween the town of Bocas del To the 19th inst. As on previous all transportation facilities be. Which Appeared in Local Paper attendance present to witness ro ro and Almirante for the past The veil of mystery which for gent measure be taken to reme this Sport of Kings.
The day although somewhat seven days, and as the result, To the Editor the WORKMAS. These men after their task was six days enshrodude the discov dy this disgustir nuisance.
ery of a newly born babe wrap The whole thing turned out to cloudy and threatened to rain in Mr. Editor. There appeared in concluded never thought of reped into a wbite sheet and neatly be a storm in a teapot. It ap the early morning, broke fair and convenienced there the cause the editorial colums of La Defensa turning to their native soil, as it It is rumoured fucked away between two garb pears that three or four Panaza lent a mello wness in the late af for which the Company has taken semi oficlal newspaper pub appears that living conditions of a nian laborers, employed on the ternoon to the excitement and this extreme measurs has due to lished in this city, bearing date of there are both unbearable and nuel Urı ola Street, was yester new Santo Tomas Hospítái condissatisfaction which greatly he Governmentas attitude in et. June 7th and 8th of the present desperate.
en rent bome from marred the program articles These men, therefore, stayed on Detective about three o clock in the Nat events were run purchased by the passengers respectively with the competi. in the country, presenting a afternoon that day, observed off to general satisfaction. But travelling between the two ports. against Native labour. The first er. Our labourers are anything of West Indian labour competition to the native labour.
Bureau, when the who ional langup of a clue turned out to be ore Ms. Maud tween Short Cake, Sampson and del loro hag applied to the the rupture came in the race begovernment at Bacas article but subservient and prefers after oving her shoes Dainty In this the editorial, is race, it is claim den on the couple of days before Babb.
with all its horrors, vation will cutive of this city for a BE of his own and stockings, walk some dis led, that Sampson galloped past The submitting themselves to the in.
acquaintance with the tance into the sea and emptied the Judge first at the minds hast launch, so as to re establish The pa solent ways and abusive manby munication. We are informed per in Chombo lady, forced confession from therein the centents of an en a whole horses length in front of that arrangements with the Sec. per in question is under tbe ners bers of employers, labourmanagement of Don Guillermo ers have consequently placed placed under arrest.
Vice President themselves on an interior Julicia Augustine Martinican, the of this Republica and Ex Direc before the capitalist who, o vas Having the occurrence of a created a seething foam launch will in Canal with destine. Senor Calvo, Editor staunch friends of those miser.
B, is the heroine of our story, a on their minds, the n accosted among everybody, even the tion for Bocas.
woman who has been already five the woman and enquired as to jockeys, who at once consulted The company decision It will be remembered, that forts for a neagre remuneration.
able souls, who burn their ef.
times a mother, with three of the contents of the package they cided not to ride for the balance indefinitely, and it is said by labour representatives of this been gnite an unfavorable factor hold up the service will continue Senor Calvo, was one of the The language, of course, has her offspring still alive.
had According to her own story, ed to call the police if she did not were made of the personnel of lodge sf the Company inter. Washington A, during against our men. For those rea.
the father of these children is give the required informa ion, seen hor during and threatens of the day unless some changes some persons with inside know country at a conference held at now in Cuba about two years.
Panamanian The mere mention of the police to handle beer. and this seeming tion that if the Government the early part of 1920, and was on tae Zone has been subje judge box After his departure she fell in tendency to break up in connection with the matter, the with one Goldburn, for whom ste however, to boycott to such an extent completely unnerved re establish the transportation paraging remarks made a chuid about 18 months the unfortunate woman who be Cardo sport. Bui Mr. Dave sends a launch from this city to the person who made the dis.
the two points, that unfortunate and unrepresented occasion between the anted that they do not apply at those anb in samalla to express herself in with other members of ensulting they will suspend the passenger West Indian labourers in this placen ly words post til after they see train service to Almirante, as Republic.
language The undersigned have got After the birth of that child this side.
on ed to tears. Believing her tears mounted to the judge box and their concession do not oblige writer of this letter, the father proved so unfaithful to be a sign of guilt, the men call Jockey Club had desired to re than that point.
afford to announced to the public that the them to provide service farther instantly dismiss the disparag. Things have dragged along that relationships existing betweened the police and, after some dis fund the money to all those per she was forced to sever the to ing remarks made against West way and the petition made Indian labourers at the by Wash cussion, had the woman carried the Panama government for the pe off to the jail.
sons who had bought tickets on fate, they were thrown toge.
Later, however, after the ex and also to put two additional Sampson, the alleged winner Young Falrweather Grad. ington conference. It was with the protection of our labourers ther again with the result that out at y doubt a tacit admission bave simply been ignored. Well uates.
hed in his she was again to be the mother citement had subsided and the of the unreliability of native every man is his master house. But and of another unfortunate being, official doctor had failed to find persons in the judge box who which drew its first breath on on the woman, it was discovered the races. This somewbat ap well known and genial townswho had the Congression emen tions and that we dispose of besides Senor Calvo roads are being how that our any marks of recent childbirth would assist in rightly judging and now Mr. Andrew Fairweather our was addressing that we masters Saturday night, June 18th.
Julicia states that without the some old and unserviceable linen well as the jockeys and the pro during this week of the glad were that the package only contained peased the dissatisfied crowd as man was the happy recipient cords of the Panama Canal and our it must fully informed on the bar own resources, aid of a midwife she was able to which the woman had thought olim was continued with some uews by letter, that his son labour conditions in this country permitted under any circumthe American conforth a stil born but seeing her (penni getting rid of by dumping in the stablefaction unti the 9th race, Charles de Fairweathers had There were Americans of the tractors should continue having occurence took graduated on les condition and fearing that sea. search was also made at the 10th inst, as a United States present at that colored help with her home but no incriminating her last state may be worse Medical Dector at Howard Uni conference who met the West over our native labourers. IL th in her first, she resolved to evidenee was therefore discov galloped past the judge first, in It was claimed that horse No. versity. Washington DC Indian labourers in the British they allege the language, why, Med and she was therefore releas.
conceal its birth. It is however Young Fairweather is is a Pana West Indian Regiments on the let them learn Spanish. If they allegek that stradgulation was exactly the same manner and in manian by birth having been battlefields of Flanders. some of object to the lack of ability of our ed.
the cause of death At 30 Mrs. Babb lives at house No. dia, aume position as Sampson born in this city and received his those men were at have patience and but judge, seemed on the next morning the sales 25, at the corner of 12th of Octo: only to notice hose who come early ed acation under Professor Anbourers Panama Colteach them forth with her preciour package the hard 20th Sts. Guachapali. opposite side, a declared him the Baption that terest which he was andre they knew that physically, and deposited it where was and her husband has been in Cu winner. The entire crowd stood ary school, Jamaica where would certaioly be the sent the West Branch Seconc. morally and otherwise, they of competition and of our found by the janitor of the build ba for some months past.
he and compared favorably with therance to see the Chombo up as one ing.
protested recained for two years. He troops of nearly everybody had purchased then the other regiments winning over our labourer in the Wben arrested, Julicia was then entered Wolmers High who were inundated in that great tickets on No. horse and but a construction of the roads. And staying with a friend at 21st St. President of Singer Sewing mere few on No.
school and completed his educa. and memorable European catac. it we not open our eyes to Guachapali.
Machine Co. Knighted tinn taking the lysm knew that the state. takes care of the interests of our Never before in the history of Junior and Senior Cambridge nents made by Senor Calo were racing at Juan Franco Park has examination.
over Another Woman Suspected calottice of the singer Sewing dissatisfaction seen at a meet. telegram received at the lo such Jamaica public Hospital as a melha austrous habits Dmbour is neither Fairweather then went to the people who had by their lab potopelamins made their tout andere parte del paese died that nor patriotic. This papar proposes taking Following upon the discovery, Machine Company states that The only explanation for during the of the care and defending the interests week of dead body of a newly born child been pleased to confer the dis horse bihe King George of England has a decision is that the winnick dical student and remained for the brawn for the building of galloped so close under the township and finally proceeded greatest and most twentieth tion of the ing beeide a garbage canat House on Mr. Douglas Alexander Presi it. And in consequence thereof came out with honors in all his important a part in the economic tleman of Don Guillermo Aadre.
wrapped in a white sheet and ly. tipgaisbed title of a Baronetery judge nose thnt he did not see Hashington and entered dertaking of the important un of our labourers in the construcUniversity where he tury; and who had played so It is inconceivable that a gen1 this city, quite a Manuel dent a commotion was comme of thos, Singerecognition Mot box bel derecede in the core the north of this monthly Ma we would suggest that Exams, until his graduatlon on development of this progres: ve professed intelligence, in caused La arrest Wednes.
sive as. of a West Indian bom services and those of the Stand so that full view of the that Dr. Fair other reasons too numerous to Defensa, should have permitted woman a. ong the Trujillo beach Allies during the late European Company in be possile the Istb with in this raply, it was such illiberal and Darrow alleged to be the perpetrator of war the President will hence be Mr. Lawrence Sud Greate se pored tradende les ment aid not attach much in passed the susceptibility of his mus soon. The weather will be Workman takes seen clearly at the clin the arutements as expressed pleasure in congratulating that the in question, to have Quick, as a flash the news The Workman extends conaround the Guachapali, gratulations.
denly Called Home. teemed townsman, Mr. Andrew portance to the witless and The passing Maration and Calidonia districts, Fairweather on the brilliant suc un founded remarks made by the such an article in the columns of Bad in less time than takes to cess of his son Charles, reputed Sənor Calvo, Panama a respectable paper, where such pen this, a vast crowd had ss. British Consulate Notice. the Isthmus on the ss. Camito Silver City Band at Cristobal Among the passengers leaving representative.
vile epithets and insinuating resembled on the sidewalks adja cent to and in crave your indulgence, Mr. marks as Chombo have been front of Police the to day will be Mr. Law.
Editor, to reproduce a transla: applied to a foreign colony after Station at Calidonia, To night The British Consul at Colon called to Jamaica owing to the rence, of Colon, who is necessitat is hurriedly ind tion of the first article dated admitting them under well esThe Silver City Band will be at the June 7th, as follows. intervention of several would be glad of information as illness of his wife whose candi Cristobal Silver Clubhouse to night 25th, tablisaed laws and treaties, who 29 Our labourers have really suf the many drawbacks and keep the erowd on the move. pin Walker, who is stated to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence are very Dance to be held there, circumstances, hava de It is indeed to see have been with Charles Scott at much respected in Colon and favorably their of De 20ho death, a result of the large immigration monstrated the number of On Sunday 28th. The full Band will of Chombos into Panamanian terity for law and order as any of dian women West In or about the time of the latter Panana and it is fret sure that render propection with the Literary an avalanche of labourers from this republic, is an outrage and will leave their homes and their the Workman voices the wish of prises in at the distribution ritory. During the Canal works the other foreiga residents in business to assemble on the would be glad of information as both cities in wishing for the time ago. This will be known as a cessary. The West Indians due The British Cousul at Colon of the entire community of the Society Elocution Contest held some every part of the world was ne much to be deplorado The national ethics taught to streets when sny trifling occur to the present whereabouts of speedy recovery of Mrs. Law. union evening. the management or to the langunge and the miser West Indians in their Island rence takes place for the sole Samuel Adolphus Downes, a rence and the return of Mas poote to put before the public some of able conditions in which they homes forbid insinuation and in.
purpose of indulging in gossip. shoemaker by trade, who left Tom as he is generally called in Colon best Musical artists. Programi mo live, sent to Panama over one sulting remarks to foreigners keally it is time that some strin Barbados in February 1907, the Windy City, starts at pm, half of their entire population. Continued on page was of our own never stances that the when place.
similar preference the man cen roads.
deal minded spread.


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