
PAGE FIA Atlantic Side News Self Respect there Css is in to the sus world trand hows atisfy elect crutiny by the cool largely to retard breeze a pite mas to forge abead, much ogs, y see. an. מד soloists and reciters who all rave a good account of themselves, Profesor Shine was present, and kept the audience ex The enterprising West Indian, tremely lively.
struggling to gain his cquill The promo ers of this concert are to brium in the business world, has be complimented on the success.
very trying and depressing ex periences, resulting more or less CRICKET from the failure of his people to support hit. While it must Jamacians lose to Barbadians be admitted that the average West Indian is now opening his Colon, Sunday 20 Yesterday match eyes to the fact that it is to his on the Mount Il pe baseball pirk be own interest to support his own, tween the Barbadian CC on the is apparently a spirit of Jamaaelso CC resulted in a win for the icd fference in the man who has former by 14 runs.
made his maik firar cialis, and As we expected there was a very e now be regarded as being in lige kathering of cricket lovers. who per dent. This man man whose sue from all appearances enjoyed the game many cases due largely immensely.
support of his own people. Batting first, Jamacians totaled 64 is now on the top of the fin runs, the chief sor2r3 being Roberts 18, ar cial ladder and fecis bimself Aird 13. and Sampson 11. These men secure.
He lives in a played a fine indings and wire much by himself. and is not comprimented.
to any extent affected by the lo replying the Barbadians sent groans and cries of the millions Cook and Porter to the wicket. Both below. On the contrary he is these men did wall, especially the latter sometimes ready to identify him, who succeeded in making 15 runs. All self with opposing elements and appeared to be in good form, and at the auto Such a spirit is hall of age, and tends legrace to the was reached, wen, Porter and Layno the general progress. There are topping the tore with 25, 15, and 18 are repctively.
also, men who though not pos Bowling for the Jamsiean, Reid sessing any financial distinction repred wickets for 34 runs, and Ard are men of great ability, and to for 18, while the Barbadians, Elcock got some extent influential there, for 16. Lynton for 18, and Porter, like the foregoing class, wouid for 21.
be of great assistance in In bringing about a general advancement, as Excelsior vs. Victoria.
one of the most necessary fact Colon, June 20 In yesterday cup ors is influence. financial and fixture on the Camp Bierd Oval which otherwise.
wise, called for a match between the Ex rel.
We would not for one moment cior and Victoria The close our eyes to the various ter was lat defeated by 67 runs, lo barriers and obstacles that pres of the fact that they were first to go to ent themselves, but with willing the wicket, and had the advantage of a hearts and helping hands much perfect wicket, they mustered only 35 Le done. runs, Thorpe and it the man who has the money and respectively.
and Sealey making would invest, and he who has lo this and influence would also wiekets for 14 runs and Pearson for 22 ionings, Gittes bowled Visith those who are strug Exe:Isior played very careful in would be accomplished the moun for 16 and Miliar für 10, while th: y accounting for 35, Spalding tains of prejudice and seltishness to obtained was 103.
which now appear unsurmount During the course of this innings atle would in a short time bowlers were frequently changed, but to disappear, and with the resul no advantage. Gi tens captured ting independence, respect and wiskets for 21 runs. Cooper for 31 recognition would be won. This game was witnessed by a large Sky Pilot Takes. Rat Passage crowed, and was much enjoyed.
Married Men and Bachelors Colon, June 21. Preacher Williams, a to Clash.
well known celebrity of the city, who it will be membered was fined 29 for ried Men CC, is throwing an open chil Captain Georga Phillips of the Marwounding, is alleged to have attempted to effect a clandestine passage to the friendly game, presumably on the Mount lenge to the Bachelor: to play a but was diecovered Evidently of Both clubs are about equally mehed, Hope Baseball Park on the 24th prox his folowers, who heve st confidence in him as a result of bis for as will be remembered, they hav.
recent exploits, the preacher it is under ready met on two ocenins, ending stood, took a secret partage in batch way fir. in a draw, while Bachelors won by run in the last engagement.
No, of the Ss. Pastores which sailed from Cristobal about the let 1st inst, for New York, via Limon end Havana. but Colon Teachers Association on reaching Limou he was discovered by Colon Jone 20. The monthly general some labourers and handed over to the captain, who in turn tried to hand bim meeting of the Colon Teachers Associs.
over to the Costa Rican authorities, but way, when th re re present the fol the Costa Rican authorities, but tion took place yesterday at 109 Broadto the defence put up by the lowing: Mr. R Cuntingham, President; preacher who produced citizenship papers MrJ. Drumm nd, Secretary; Mr. of the United States and stated he want Kerr, Treasurer, Me ers. Fredericks, ed to get home. He was then put in con Johnson, Peterson, Mes fiatment on board, and taken to Havana dames Eile Johnson and Emmy Rosewhere the authorities refusing to act on mond mond.
the case, he was put sebore.
After the confirmation of the minutes Williams later tecured a passage on the President declared the office of vice one of the Ward Line steamer for Key President vacant and Mr. C, Kerr was West, Florida.
elected to fill the office.
Flower of the Isthmus Elects. model lesson in arithmetic, counting Now Officers.
twos, which aims to make the multiplica tion table easy, was given by Madam Colon, Jude 21 The Flower of the Emma Rosemond. This lesson was very Isthmus Lodge No. I. o. s, ably and efficiently demonstrated, and a last night elected Officers for the ensu vote of thanks was accorded her.
irg term as follows: Brown I, Mr. Kerr, suggested that the Plummer, Hinds, Association hold in erschools examinaGittens, Secretary; Shaw, Treasurer; tion, and the suggestion being adopted Rose, Tyler.
it was decided that the first examination be beld in August Kennedy Copsey Nuptials Colon, June 19. Rev. Father Burns, Personal and General G, yesterday ovening at o clock The Cristobal Literary Association united Miss Lilian Copey in Holy wed presents an exceptionally attractive pro lock to Mr. Robert Kennedy at the st gram at the silver Clubhouse to morrow Joseph Catholic Church.
The bride who was beautifully adorned will feature, evening. Many of the local favorites in a dress of of white pusey willow silk car ried in her hand a very taily arranged Rev. Kissock Braham, Superboquet of Eucharist lily and was attend intendent of the Panama Colon Wesed by her sister who carried a pink loyan Mission is expected to arrive on boquet. The office of ervom man was the Isthmus on or about Wednesday by Mr. White Dext the 29th inut.
Following the ceremony the party motored to the residence of the parents Cricket fixtures for to morrow call for of the bride where a brilliant reception Mount Hope baseball park; Excelsior vs. cup matches; Sparts vs Wanderers.
was held.
and Mrs. Kennedy were the reBird vs. Melbourne, Camo Bierd Oval.
Westmoreland, Aero Park; Humming cipients of many useful and attractive presents.
Peter Paine ni Concert Successful.
The many friends of Peter Pains, Colon, June 19. The International Secretary of the Three Sisters Lodge Ball Club of the Cristobal Colon Baptist G, F, of U will be informed that Church last night presented a unique be is at present in the Santo Tomas Hog.
program at the Cristobal Silver Club pital where he is undergoing treatment.
house, Mr. Paine is connected with other socieNearly 600 were present, and every ties, and his many well wishers are en item of the somewhat lengthy program tertaining hopes for a speedy recovery to was enjoyed. In addition to the various health.
STANDARD Saturday, Juue 25th OVAL TREX RAYIN Dangerous Trail Thing of Beauty and a Joy Forever Sunday 26th STOP LOCK. LISTEN, DOROTHY PHILLIPS IN DESTINY With but days ahead whea the lovers of real sport, picnic Morday 27th gers, gay dancers, y ung lov. rs, old maids, bachelors, Grannie and EILEEN SEDGWICK IN Graud Papa will all be wending their way on The Diamond Queen.
2nd and the even ng cf the 2nd and 4th of July to the garden 10th 11th and 12th Episode party at the STANDARD OVAL, the scene ot attraction and Tuesday 28th amusement of dow all crowned with illumination every description.
VINCENT COLEMAN IN never before with witnesed, one can The Law of Nature not but feel happy and wish that the glorious 2nd and 4th were already here. The well prepared Wednesday 29th lawn and commodious pavilion EILEEN SEDGWICK IN (especially prepared for the dancers) bordered by the beauti The Diamond Queen ful waters and fanned 13th, 14th and 15th Episodes and fio vigorating of the Pacific mingling with the sweetest etest Thursday 30th strains of jazz; will certainly cause you to forget your worries, BEATRICE MICHELENA IN feel jolly, and agreeable, have a Smil House of Intrigues smile, and dance till day dawn.
Many new attractions will be in troduced such as gay costumes, Friday, July 1st worn by the ladies, decorated iceEILEEN SEDGWICK IN cream parlour with special accomodation for couples etc, etc. The Diamond Queen Japanese tea room under the 16th, 17th and 18th Episodes direct management of Her Highness Lady Mit Yu Hackasaki, a late arrival from the far east; for tune telling by Professor Abdil Karanjai, T. The Post Office will be under Cricket. the management of an expert let THE BEST COOKING RESULTS ter writer, and quick de1 very guranteed, and a tivourable Surrey defeats La Boca reply to all proposals. old maids ARE ONLY OBTAINABLE WITH GAS the line Dismord lasida bachelors now is is your the surros CC deve severe the chance) The tancy stills will be the IB cs CCT home tam courteous hospi batted first, and if the fielding table, and always smiling ladies At your request one of our reprethe visitors bad been anything bear who have made a careful study of to form, we doubt whe ler La Bira the how to please you system, could have made 25, as it were, they so doa be surprised when you sentatives will kindly call and made 47, thanks to the meny mistakes find yourself sniling also. Many made by Surrey, Franklin played a good valuable articles for the fishing explain its many merits.
me for In Bocs and was top scorer wells, grab bags etc, have been with 14 to his credit, and Hoy te made secured and, as will be remem11.
bered, many young men and After the usual recess, Surrey went lassies were welfrewarded when to the bat, and easily passed the score they received a five or seven dol with two wickets down. The innlogs of lar article for the investment of a CLEAN. EFFICIENT. RELIABLE the champions closed for 188. Harding mere i me. Some class, isa it?
made 44, Hector 31, Archer 28, Capt. See the sandwiches Sousa 24, Pitterson 21 and Thomas palaces. Sandwiches especially prepared by Monsiour Federic Britannic defeat. ovelly Bonsieurveu, Chef La Paris: Ready when you want it. At the Standard Oval, the Clovelly Aerated waters, ginger beer, root went down to defeat before the served by gaily costumed ladies beer from the north all cold, Britannic CC. Batting first Clovely while you are enjoying the pleas could cnly muster 53. Of this amount, are AT Miller made 18 and Mayero 12, Britan ure that life aftords, comfortably nic replied wi a score of 106, Beckles bene seated on the highly cushioned COLON GAS CO.
33 not out, Cornell 13 Hurdle 11 and nook, which however will not be benches of lovers lane and shady YOUR Cathedral Plaza 13 Bollvar St.
Goddard 10 Game with Colon Postponed bere ateliere illuminated WATCH, Tel. 798.
SERVICE Tol. 364.
staligat shall be on you The Surrey will not be going Then oh! the minstrels with the over to the Atlantic end tomorrow ni latest and hottest hits from Dixie was stated last Saturday owing to the land, keeping time with the рас fact that there is no available ground. ing of the fox trots and giving All the grounds will be occupied, and you your hearts desire. Jazz first Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
therefore the match has been postponed then die after.
for next month. The Surrey boys and Prizes for various events such Pacific Steam Navigation Co. their numerous Fans are disappointed, as, hitting the pipe out Grannie In an interview with one of the leading mouth, take what you touch; Surrey bats, be stated the longer the Stick the donkey tail will be FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE game is delayed, the more cruabing will given.
be the defeat administered.
Votings and prize (1st and 2nd)
SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON GAMES FOR TO MORROW for the best dressed lady in Jamaica vs. Clovelly at Isthmian paper costume. Prize for the Cauca Wednesday, June 29th for Park.
most popular girl etc. etc. speTumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, Cayo, Ballenita Standatd vs. Yorkshire at Standard cial band of music will be in at tendance for both days.
Oval and Guayaquil Cable va. Britannic at La Boca Oval Follow the crowd, don miss it, Acajutla Saturday, July 2nd, for UMPIRES For if you do you may have a fit Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, Umpires for tomorrow game are: LA Libertad, Acajatla, San Jose de Gautemala and At Isthmian Park, Ripley and Initiatory Ceremany Champerico.
Williams; At Standard Oral, Turpin, The St. Peter Lodge No. 22, Inde8. Jamaica, Wednesday, July 6th, for and Barnett; at La Boca Oval, pendent Order of Galilean Fishermen Hall and Batson.
held a successful initiatory ceremony on Puerto Colombia and Cartagena Saturday June 18th, at the Effort Guatemala, Thursday, July 7th, for Lodge Hall, when bright stars were Guayaquil, Payta, Pimentel, Eten, Pacas mayo, Salaverry, WEST INDIAN EMPORI initiated into the mysteries of the order.
The Master of ceremonios Bro. George Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta UM OF FASHION Wint, asisted by Bros. Nichols, Carmi Coquimbo and Valparaiso.
Mrs. Wilson begs to chael, Gordon, Corbin and other pro formed their duty in an able and satis is Essequibo, Saturday, July 9th, for inform her various patrons factory manner, and gredit must be Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta and that she has re opened her given them for making the ceremony Valparaiso.
Fashion Emporium at No. 33 success. There was over 90 visiting Oriana, Sunday, July 10th, for Calidonia Road, and that she brothers and sisters, and all were proclaimed will be pleased to serve them time spent, The Lodge was closed in to say that they enjoyed the the Havana, Corufia, Santander, La Rochelle, Pallice, and United Kingdom one and all again.
wee hours of the morning and all re paired to the banqueting room and did Justice to the many nice things provided For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies Dr. LORD for the oecasion.
CRISTOBAL and HOWELL REMOVED or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company Dentists KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR PANAMA 143 CENTRAL AVE TO 106 BROADWAY 8th ST. Late Dr. Bailey Office. Near to Drug Store)
or Wessrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Suh Agents, Hair and Skin Culture, Nile Queen The Latest In Crown and Preparations, Dr. Welters Tooth Puwder, Royal Mall Steam Packet Co. Panama Bridge Work Hair Goods, Notions. States but was Bu port from his viches and ice cream 10.
failed, owing ably filled


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