
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1921, PAGE THREE No Work In Cuba Notice to the Public For Our Labourers: Vouchers for Pay Dr. BUCHANAN (EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. 200. 00 GOLD factory In thirty eight Cash Prizes hirr This opportunity is open to every goods would be to PIEDMONT Writing under the above caption the Jamaica Gleaner of the 14th ulto, states Within the sand lobourers have returned to ANT opticine working with blm or for past week or two at least a thou wishes to inform the public in coneral of the fact that he has NO ASSISTthe island from Cuba, and all of them bear out the published re bm in the cities of Panama or Colon ports that the labour situation Sf. far as hie professional service is con in the republic) is very unsatis crood he has NO REPRESENTA TIVE in the person of anyone but HIMSELF On Saturday a representative of the Gleaner had an interesting Individuals have reported that they chat with one of the labourers have bed their eyes examined and treatof the more intelligent type, le ed at their home: by certain itinerant, stated that he had been working of traveling optician, wh, somehow it on one of the big Centrals for the chem with he impresion, or represented selves to be DBUCHANAN or that last 12 month, but since Jac themselves to uary last he had been unable to they are working with him or for m get the money that was due to Dr. BUCHANAN dots not go around Ple es of paper were testine and treating eyes in buses around being issued for work done, and he sitice except in cu where tho pa it was arranged that tiene must be be kept in bed or by call these ed in March last he had been soept euch a person sa Dr. BUCHANAN, be redeem or special appointment. 9, please do not ble to get asy money except or his representative some food If Rood work is done by them, Dr.
in reduction of what was due him He stated that BUCHANAN gets the praise, and it satthings were becoming worse in isfactory servion is not given he gets the Cuba, and having come to the blame also. In both of these cases jus conclusion it was better to re tice would not be done to him. If you main in Jamaica and work for a wish to get the benefit of his professional nomingi Wage, ha had decided to kill, and years of experience in the eye, remain here. His advice is. It Rises work, the see to it that you get is a mistake for any Jamaicans to the RIGHT MAN, and ONE else, go to Cuba now. Thousands Dr. BUCHANAN wiel es to expresa are there desirous of coming his bighest appreciation and gratitude for and in his opinion it is the largo practice he has had from tho only a matter of time when the folks who have come to him from all Jamaica Government will have over the Republice of Panama, Costa to send to Cuba to repatrlate the Rioa, Colombia, and Nicaragun, large number of labourers from BUCHANAN o cupies offices upthis island who are at present airs at No. 182 Bolivar Street (in front unemployed.
of Masonic Temple Bailding. Colon, Phone No. 409. When you wish to bava Royal Mial Steam Packet sound, honest reliable advice about your eyesight, consult him at his office.
Company HE IS RELIABLE, Subject to audit of the accounts for the year 1920, the Court of Di bampton on May 3rd and is being rectors recommend the payment conducted in harmony with other of a balance dividend of per lines engaged in the trade.
cent. less income tax, on the The sailings s for the conveyance Ordinary stock, making together of emigrants between Spain and with the interim dividend paid have resumed.
in October last a total of per The term of the contract with cent. for the the Canadian Government for The annual report of the steumship service between CanaDirectors contains the following da and the West Indies has exreferences to the West Indian pired. but the service is being Teade. The communication matain Government paying the Com.
continued for the present, the ed by the company for many pany the same subsidy per voyage years between Southampton and as was received under the conNew York by way of the West tract.
lies has come to an end, but direct service between South. port, the passenger service bro As foreshadowed in the last rehampton, the Continent and New tween the United Kingdom and York has been substituted. This the West Indies has been sus.
service was inaugurated by pended in view of the heavy Orbita, which sailed from South losses involved, home, CIGARETTE SMOKER Cuba been year.
Each Package Front has a value in this contest.
For the greatest number of packages returned, we offer the following prizes: One 50. 00 prize One 25. 00 One 15. 00 Five 10. 00 prizes Five 00 Ten 00 Fifteen. 00 Remember this Contest closes July 25th 99 99 99 YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama) Ltd.
That the goods we sell are exactly as represented. BOX 176 ANCON, C:Z.
We guarantee them so. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry police did nothing, Then a and expert repairing. Call and visit.
Oklahoma Civil white man tried to seize a gun War is warning to De WITT PILLS from a Negro, and what then FULLER JEWELRY STORE, took place is described for The World readers by Richard 122 Central Avenue, Panama.
Nation of Peril THE HOME DOCTOR Lloyd Jones, publisher of the Tulsa Tribune: American Government The blacks were reinforced Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of by other blacks. The whites die for the flag, and naturally he Advertise in Tho WORKMAN cannot remain with one their presence in various physical disorders noticeable hurried for arms. The city was refuses longer to believe that he and got Good Results, law for White Man and among which are: in darkness. Stores having fire is not entitled to privileges and another for Biak Man arms in stock were smashed into immunities for which the flag TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS The blacks and the whites to stands. He is no longer submis. WILKINSON says Militant Square HEADACHES, BACKACHES, SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOME growing groups began to parade ive but aggressive and while this Deal Champion.
CONTRACTOR BUILDER TIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS IRRITATION OF has the street. Two hours before he Negro himself, it its midnight the battle began.
BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, grave dangers to the an ineviance of the failure First Classs Workmanship Th? following clarion note IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND Government ceased for the table consequence time being to exist and the of local and State Governments Plans and Specifications Free from The New York World of Fri.
SEDIMENTS, streets of Tulsa ran with blood. to administer even handed day June should awaken the As no other Medicine is as good as DeWitt Pills, but in vast sections of the coun It is the fashion to attribute nation: start with it right now and watch results try government has a habit of most of the recent race riots to 15th Street West House90 Oklahoma Ciyil War ceasing to exist were legal rights economic rivalry between whites Box 411, Panama, Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle of the Negro are concerned. Had and blacks, but economic rivalry The American Negro is no purchased the offence in longer docile and easily lynched in question been com is no new thing. For more than mitted by a white man the law ofty years there has been an as Mr. Dooley once described CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave. would presumably have taken its irrepressible conflict between RADIUM him. He is asserting his right GENERAL DEPOT PANAMA CITY to live under the white man law course. Although white men the blacks and the so called have the JOHN A, FINZI, Prop.
are sometimes lynched when ac poor whites, and this conflict Will cure you or it will ananities and privileges and im cused of crime, the general pre is bound to go on as long as the make such a change in your.
guarantees of that law. So long as he is denied be compete that right in whole or in part not lynched when accused of it not riot, and back of all these that you will be perfectly Although black men are often daily bread. Rivalry. howeverfeelings and appearance the way is open for a repetition crime, the general presumption miniature civil wars which dissatisfied with results.
of such tragedies as that which in many parts of the United grace the nation from year to cost so many lives and destroyDRINK MUSCADINE PUNCH ed 1, 500, 000 in property at States is that they are likely to year is the breakdown of gov. And it costs you nothing be. Out of that presumption ernment and the denial of due Tulsa, Okla.
came Tulsa race war.
To try it The process ef law to the Negro.
civil war that took place Drink Muscadine Punch, a delicious and refresh great change has come over Llncoln said that this Governin that city between whites and WE TAKE ALL THE RISK the the American Negroes atti ment could not endure half slave Just write your name and blacks had its origin in lynch ing beverage. Once drunken you will forget tude towards the white man and half free. It cannot endure address on postal card and law. Negro had attacked Root Beer and all other aerated drinks government during the last four with one law for the white man mail it to a years. a change for which the and another law for the black department store and was ar CALL AT THE war was rested. Immediately the rumor ALEXANDER BROWN, Agent, the Negro was conscripted like for both, and until there is one largely responsible. man. There must be one law Radium Appliance Co. spread that he was to be lynched. Colon Co operative Stores, 5th and Hudson Lane any other citizen, He was put law for both every community Box 896, Anoon, Negroes with arms went to the into a uniform, given a rifle, and of mixed population is living and Secure same for your Xmas Drink jail to protect him. White men or Box 1731, Cristobal, sent to France to fight for his under the shadow of threatened He will do the rest.
with arms followed them. The country. He was good enough to anarchy.
white girl

    AnarchismCivil WarFranceSpain

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