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YOU LL never want for a better cigarette than Chesterfield. Everybody likes em and you will, too they re so mild and fragrant and mellow.
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which yetem of municipal ever, system of being termed the India Office.
The Viceroy of India darsistered bio powers with the aid of Erotive Council, himself porn wing the right of over riding bie Council) and for several years the Viceroy or Governor General in Council remained the legislature for the control of the British Parliament, Jadis, cubject, of course, to the exercised through the Secretary of State for India, but in the year 1861, with the idea of Associating Indians, until THIS 600 TONS STEAMER aben excluded therefrom, in the govern see of their own country, it was enacted that the Viceroy Executive is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins. Consneil should eit at times to Login Istive body and that to it should be beam. She has two decks. tween added twelve purely legislative members, of whom six at least should be pertom decks ft. high.
not in the public service Io Bie man ner non cfficial Europeans, often commercial men, great experience, Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric and Indians, came to be associated with Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrigthe Government of India and in the erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed course of time the twelve members of the Supreme Legielative Council grew water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
into nixty eix, and the elective principle We must Buy her for our Service before was adopted to secure the admissson of some of them to the Council. Apart July this year from the GC Cvernor General and his Council, locel provisional governments WE NEED 60, 000 MORE were constituted in Bombay, Madras, the Punjaub, the United Provinces, the MONEY Central Provinces, the North West Frontier Province and in Burma, and You may subscribe some of this by purchasing bere Guvernors, Lieutenant Governors, or Chief Commissioners, according to some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound the importance of the province, exer each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound cited provincial government, assisted in cu pro each and become part owner.
some cases, an Executive Council and a Legislative Council, whiob, u DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW in the case of the Supreme Council came in part to be elected from nonofficial Europeana and Indians. Final Write to the ly an Indian was admitted as a member of the Governor General Executive WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Council 73 ORANGE ST, Meanwhile, in another direction, KINGSTON, JAMAICA very earnest offert had been made, to accustom Indians to the idea of tellgovernment and to train them therefor by the establishment of municipal and BRITISH RULE IN INDIA local boards, in which, from the begin Ding, Indiana had a large share of con trol. As far back och 1842 an Act was passed in this connection. By EDWARD LONG, however, applicable able only to Bengal, and thereafter legislation was introduced from In a former article endeavoured to but wbich left him with little real power time to time dealing with the otber pro thw what British rule has done to bene. this remaining in the hards of the Di vinces, which eventually remodelled the fit India and qualify Indians for an etray rectors of the Company. In 1784, how system of government and in self government berein I shall seek tbe famous British statesman, Pitt, establiebed it on sn elective basis, but to prove my contention that the British organized a of government under with official control in the person ots of sin in India has been, always, to foster which the British Government is ued Givil Servant at the head, and today eventual eelf government 80 far as that orders to the Governor General of India, there are in India no less than 749 muni is consistent with the consilidation and directed bie policy and could recall him, cipal boards and 1, 089 distrist boards in maintenar ce of the general British Im. thus virtually becoming directly respon being, whilst a number of Port and Har perial os stem in other words, to make bil le for Indian policy, whilst a Board of bour trusts have been created which India a free and willing partner within Control was formed consisting of six control dock accommodation and other the British Empire parliamentary commissioners, thus es services necessary to shipping in the Prior to the year 1858, British ad tablishing a dual system of government, chef Indian ports and on which Indians ministration in India, had boen exercised under which the Directors of the Com have an important and large represent by the East India Company, a company pany and the Board of Control and its ation.
founded in the first instance, purely for President sbared the powers of adminis In yet another direction Indians have.
of trade, but which eventually ration.
taken a part, and a very large part, in by roason of a very wide extension of its Eventually thie system was further the of their country, although territory, found itself forced to assume reformed, in the year 1833, when the indirectly, in that they have for many of administration over a British Government renewed the East years forned, and now form, the jor largo portion of the continent of India India Company Charter only on the proportion of the lodian Civil Service.
and over many millions of its peoples. understanding that it held its territory spaskine, at the present day.
Until, As a result of Clive victory at in India in trust for the British Crown, about 1, 200 Englishmen only, including lihat functions plesey, it became necessary to exercise that that all Indian les and to the civil government of some 250 all its trading would military officers and others, are employ1. delo in powers of British sovereignty over In cena, dian races, The East India Company ports of the newly instituted Low Com 000, 000 Indian people, and in the par: derived its powers in India from chartera missioners in India should be laid before inlo. ntrol of 70, 000, 00 more In the itsued by the British Crown, which the British Parliament, Twenty years superior branches of the expensive and amounted to a trade monopoly pure and later the right of patronage was taken judicial services there are about 5100 simple, without any national control. from the Directors of the Company, and persons holding office and only about 100 But before long it was felt in England finally, in 1858, the year after the of them are Europeans, whilst there aro that the Directors of the East India Indian munity, the Queen of England no less than 22, 000 Indians holding pubCompany must be eubjected to come assumed entire charge of the territories lie posts on salaries of 75 rupees per form of Parliamentary control and no of the East India Company, appointed meneem and upwards, thus forming 77 cordingly, in the year 1773, An Act. Viceroy to represent her in India, and per cent of the entire staff of efficials in.
known as Lord North Regulating Act Secretary of State for India in Eng. India on the salaries stated. The high was passed, which created a Governor land, to be responsible, with the assis est division the service is open to General of British India and empowered tance of Council, to the British Indians who can pass the requisite er him to rule with the aid of Council, Parliament, this latter establishment aminations and even the Indian Army is now open to India for commissions as officers on level terms with English But despite all that Lad been done previously to build up a national system of Government in Indis, it was felt that no sufficiently decided fetep had been THE VERY BEST troduced in the direction of self govern ment and accordingly in 1917, it was Announoed in the British House of Commons by the Right Honourable hi English Elementary Private School Montague, the Secretary of State for India, that the polioy of His Majesty IN PANAMA CITY Government, with which the Govern ment of India were in complete Accord, for preparing boys and girls, white or black was that of the increasing association to take their proper stand in life or to enter of Indians in every branch of the Administration and the gradual develop ment of self governing institutions wich a view to the progresive realisation of responsible government in Indian an integral part of the British Empire, through training and character building and that it had been decided that substantial steps in this direction should be taken as soon as posible.
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There is possibility that the mail and passenger steamers of the New Zealand Shipping Com.
pany may call at St. Lucia on their voyage from Southampton and Panama. The matter is under consideration, but an enquiry at the company office bas elicited the reply that no decision has been arrived at as yet. Much depends upon adequate bunker supplies being available for the voyage of 3, 600 miles.
while, owing to the difficulty of securing sufficient coal to enable her to steam across the Atlantic, the company Paparoa, which sailed on May 26th from southampton, proceeded to Panama by way of the Azores, thus some 500 miles to the normal voyage.
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Colon Secondary or High Grade School Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank Dr. LOWE L, Edin office Hoursi 30 a. 1p. p. Box 798 hacon, phones: Reside 1002 WEST INDIAN EMPORIUM OF FASHION Mrs. Wilson begs to inform her various patrons that she has re opened her Fashion Emporium at No. 33 Calidonia Road, and that she will be pleased to serve them one and all again.
Dr. LORD and HOWELL Dentists 143 CENTRAL AVE (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
The Latest in Crown and Bridge Work.
General Banking Business Transacted BBANDON IBAAO BRANDON President: NATHANIEL BRANDOS Vion President.
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