
allars bringing it FEATURING Eddie Polo, Francis Ford AND of the condue Grace Cunard Victoria Quits.
Ves SSKOS Sssssss tout of the red at of the Republie Colon July 11, The Victoris CC of Panama, the king, the Ordut, Past ander Captain Thorpe. yesterday and procent administratin, ant visiting quitted to Susiex in a first class mateb Brethren wste pris!
on the Camp Bid Oval Winning the tos Thorpe sert Sussex to damp CANAL ZONE wicket, but the boys of that team at pared equal to the deadvantage and in quick time starse a to al of 120 for GATUN wicke St Hill kg 41 Baker The weather here for the past week 37, Nurse 21, and Cumberbatch hus been mediocre Twith 10. When Victoria took their stand ober season rule of the great wickets fell fart and st the rdietiin of for os ateing the fall of the 4h, with score of i ve emplosere there are lo ros, the captain decided to sbandon In to lo sern wearing surious fies the match.
ih to what hey shall do to get bad for their Bowling for the winters Atherly took families. The City of other wickes for runs and Lin op fr bu iness places present an ebb tha tide of Surrey Sporting Special Washed out.
Amok the recent bippenings we chronicles visit by the prove commission Colon, July 11. Cricket lovers and few weeks ago, the transit of the others who gathered to witness the Fresh gun bost Jules Siebelet bear match betwein Burrey and the Sporting ing the beorie General Mangin throuzb Special suffered a keen disappointment the locks on his way to Peru.
due to the beavy downpour of rain Last but not least, the success of wb ch fell at the end of the first inning, Teacher Webster in procuriak job in to a sudden termination, the Commissary in these most trying The match opened with the home times of laying off ete Hold on tesch, team, and at the fall of the last wieket we commend your tenacity in this par the total was 52, Reid and Roberta ticular, Trading with 24 and 15 respectively.
LA BOCA Jael Chamber Dedicates New Jozzers Please Take Notice.
Hall Grand and attractive danca is being Colon, July Jael Chamber No.
arranged to take place at the Ls Boca 2873 of dedicated its new hall Cubhouse on Saturday night July 16. 106 Broadway and 8th Street, and in The dancing space this auditorium stalled officers for the presrat term.
having been recently increased there There were many present including no fear of crowding Martin with his Priests from Jethro Temple and full Jazz Band will be there to give all priestesses of rame chamber.
the latest hita Music lovers are sure The dedication ceremony to have their fill. Don Ming it come by William Bailey, HP and and have good time. Some more Bellamy, P, and addresses deliver jazz. Doors open at 30 pm. Dancing ed by Eato, Underwood, starts at pm sharp.
Franklin, and Heming of Jethro Timple, after wbich Priestes Hay Christian Mission Mystery Tree installed the new ministration as fol a Success.
bws; Sis Elizabeth Kely, W ZM The Mystery Tree celebration at the Enma Barnett, ZM. Fredrica Christian Mission in 21th street Guseb.
Sterd, 12. Joeephine Boyce, ZM.
Remember Its a Universal spali on Tuesday evening last 194 Louisa King, AM. Maud eart, Temarksble sucos.
S; Sara Gale, WAS: Margaret Smith, T; May Pedro, Maryll gas, Frotn 50e ark in the pople Eva Biscomb, Florenca began to pies: ibi bir way in the hall BBS SEXXX SSXSW See Yoox XXSXSCOXose Bay, W1. G, Ellen Brown WIG koos et kur to hiva alok at the meserious Following the installation ceremony arlor Nor was their sny dissapointthe usual banquet was served.
Johnson of this city. We extend St. Alban s, Paraiso. Mr. 8A, Hölder. Installation Ceremony med, for to ibir suprise fruits of sil Little Rodney iLcses Leg hope that their stay emongst us The v, AF. Nightengale, p. Sun to them hearty welcome and kinds hanging from the aborscent bougho 11 Holy Communion and seran MULCARE, Priest in charge.
The half yearly installatioa of efficere o clock, th: ball was set rolling, and greeted the questioning eye. little after Colon, July 14. We have to wiil be an enjoyable one.
day School and Confirmation Class, 7, 30 of the Royal King Edward Lodge No 13 wł en it was ca led to a halt at 11, 15, note with much regret that it PERSONAL AND GENERAL Erensong and address.
Mission Hall, Las Cascadas. 0, M took place at their Lodge there were intimations that it should his been found sary to NIGHTENGALE, Morning The hom of Mr. and Mrs Stewart prayer and Room on the 7th inst. The following continue rolling for another hour. Every address perform an amputation on little Priest in charge Sunday School at pm, pin, Even officers form the administration for the inch of standing place available was Hurtus Rodney, of whom men. Lazarus was on Wednesday morning laet present term tion was made in cur last week the 13th inst gladdened by the arrival ing prayer and addres. Mr, Mahlon occupied, while spectators thronged at St. George s, Gatun.
issue. as being badly injured by of a pound baby girl. Hyacinth Idalia.
Daley, Bro, RA, Fraser every corner Mr. James Trotmin Mother and child well.
11 a. Mating and address p. MULCARE, Crooks D, M, presided, Dan Morris the Cornetist monster Rag Time rally to be given Sunday Shool 30 pm. Even song and As far as can be gathered, the JL. Myers Priest in charge.
from Chərillo and Mr. Edgar Smith Padmore MPS of Panams an medical authorities did all in by the Loyal Star of Colon Social, takes address anama an energetic and cleaver We leyan Methodit Small Treas.
their power to prevent such an place to night in the Gabriel Lodge Hall, performer kept the audience spellbound by NIGH PENGALE, Refresh their AC Boxil. Tyler operation, but it was found to be 6th Street and Hudson Lane.
Pensma 11 m, 3, and 7, 30 Rev.
Priest in charge. superb talents Miss Pearl Smith absolutely unavoidable.
ments will be sold.
M, Surgson Morris an excellent singer sang two solos whicla When it is understood that the were plausibly received. The mysteRev. Kissock Braham makes his JN. Smith. Chaplin.
Colon St. Peter Church, La Boca.
Missionary anniversary 11 unfortunate boy was planned to first appearance in the Colon Pulpit ry tree had every one ensbroud in aud 7, 30 p, m, Rev, J, Kissock Brabam, There will be a Choral C:labration of The ceremony was ably conducted by mystery, for inspite of its fruits of all enter school in Jamaica within tomorrow, preaching the annual mis B, Bro. Thomas GM, assisted by Bro. kinds there were found beneath its the next few weeks, it will be sionary sermons. Reerd gathering ex the Holy Communion at 30 am, at 11 La Bes 11 s, m, Mr, Lereuresus J, Bennett G, D, M, It was a very im shades gold to the amount of 15, 00 realized how keen has been the pected all day.
a Matins au sermon at p. Sua 7, 30 pm, Mr, Knott. New Provl. prassive one, and at its close the breth nt, not only of the day School, and at 730 pm, Choral dene: 11 mm, Mr, HG, Johnson 7, 30 ren repaired to the banquet hall and did in costume and the coming of The disappointment, performance of the Ten Virging parents. but also of all acquaint Camp Bierd oval, and Melbourne is ex Sporto meet victoria tomorrow at the Evensong with sarmon, supplied, Paraiso 11 am, Mr. E, Wright, justice to the repast provided.
the coming of the bride MULCARE, 7, 30 supplied. Lirio 11 a, Rev. G, H, pected to cle with Wanderers on the Much credit is due to Mrs. Mount Hope Baseball Park.
groom was carried out in a most appres.
On Saturday night the 9th, the mas inble and satisfactory manner, an air of Rsetor.
Headly, and uschise Rodney the mother ters Degree was conferred on several of solemnity surrounding the whole, The and sister of the injured lad as Sussex is isusing a challenge to Sur St. Barnabas Church, Empire.
the brethren by Bro. Thomas ably as choir did excellent work, the singing well as his father for their roy for a friendly game to be played on sisted by Past Masters Marson, being of that class that is rarely dupliMorning prayer and address (Mr. Rent Receipt Books In Span Bennett, Toppin Brown and cated. We learn it is their intention courage in the hour of grief. the oval of the former at Broadway, on They have been much cheered the 14th prox: and one to the Jamaica 4, Holder) Bundy School at m, ish and Engiish, for sale at the others grand reception was beld in to repeat the ten virgins and we think supported in their sadness C, to be played on the Mount. Hope Evening prayer and address at 4, 30 p, an Workman Printery.
the banquet hall after the ceremony and the public will b2 quita eager to see it by the sympathy and condolence base ball park on the 4th or 11th of at any time.
of various friends and well wish. September, REGINAద ENCES ere, and desire to express their Mr. Cedric Milne of the Panama Feast of Good Things Leartfelt thanks.
Canal Press sailed on Thursday last for At the Boventh Day Adventist Church Among the many who help to his home in Kingston; where he intendo Panama City July to 11, 1921, W3 cheer and brighten the home is to spend a week vacation.
were privileged to have with us Pastor Rev. Surgeon, who by his Reid of the Colon Church who unwavering kindness and sympa OBITUARY thetic attitude, is a source of conducted the services of the day, Sabbath July Och at 11 am, service much comfort.
Colon, June 12 Our condohle text was taken from Ist John 3:1 3, Hurtus like his sister is a faith lence goes out to Mr. George W, he emphasized at ful adherent of the Colon Wesley. Noad who is now mourning the love towards his Many other an Sunday School, and his pre loss of his beloved wife, Mrs, texts of Scriptures were cos ed in con sence is greatly missed by bis Ida Noad, who passed away companions.
yesterday at the time of accouch junction with this thought. Our ves ment in the Samaritan Hospital.
per service began at 5:45 p, m, at which Business Forges Ahead. Deceased, who was quiet and time the Elder gave us short adrese Colon, July 14 The Univer held high in esteem by all who inviting in her disposition, was taking for his text Mal. 1:6 vhich followe: Come in and look over our new son bonoureth his father sal Trading Company under the knew her.
able management of Mrt John a servant his master: if then be Neverson is making rapid proRev. Surgeon held a father, where is mine honour? and if be a master where is my fen? saith the grees. In addition to the remov. very impressive funeral service o al of the main store at 14th and at her late residence today, after Lord of hoste unto you. Priests that streets into more commodious which interment was done at the deepise my nome, and ye say, wherein havo wo despised thy name? ftum tbls text quarters, facing his old site he Mount Hope Cemetery.
has opened a branch at the Much sympathy is extended our duty to our heavenly Father was clear lycret forth. At this time many of the corner of 8th street and Hudson to the bereaved husband and brethren and sisters gave cheering testiLane, capturing a large per cent year old daughter of the de. monies to the goodness of their heavenly oge the trade in that vicinity.
Father and their willingness to continue The It is remarkable that the day orders and maki tem of opted ne of this lady dennise was her in the faith which was onde delivered to deliveries by 34th birthday.
the saints, after a fvery profitable time the management to an advertisement appearing in we sung to close Song 32: Saviour CHURCH NOTICES.
again to thy dear raise with these columns is in deed a very one accord our parting bymn of praise, commendable one, and plays a St. Paul Church, Panama.
We stand to blere Thee ere our worship great part in the remarkable (Eighth Sunday after Trinity)
cease, Then lowly kneeling wait thy Buccess of the concern. a. Holy Communion. 10 a. the word of peace, PERSONAL Litany, 10, 30 a. Holy Eucharist and On Sunday July 10, 1021 at 7, 30 p, m, sermon, p. Sunday School, 730 we had a good attendance to feast on the good things prepared for us. The Mrs. Fraser, wife of m, Eveningsong and serman. Preacher text for the evening was taken from Captain Fraser of Panama City, the Rev, Meredith. vicar of Bt.
Matt. 7:21 to 23. many beautiful along with her adopted daughter, Luke Ida Dorotby, are at present the NIGHTENGALE thoughts were emphasized, among which Vicar.
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Continued on page a coach.
and NEW MERCHANDISE length God grest We are receiving by every steamer fresh stocks of Merchandise his children, and HATS. SHOES. SHIRTS. SUITS New goods mean better values in these days of declining Prices.
of the American Bazaar Stores Panama. EISENMANN ELETA Co. Inc. Colon


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