
The United Christian Work Campaign That they all may be one SEMI ANNUAL REPORT Oh, fine!
They Sands SA vices Chesterfield CIGARETTES American Government to make the platform med power ordecon frem Enquiry into Murder in Hayti ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY tives or al interest Bad in Party more the the object of our (Contributed THIS 600 TONSISTEAMER Beloved Brethren: Looking over the past six months work of the campaign, we are bound to is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
admit that although there has been quite the same amount of interest beam. She has two decks. tween manifested as during the first year work, we have much to be thankful for decks ft. high.
Our con erence on New Year Day HESTERFIELD that although not as well attended as could the smoke! Fresh, firm have been desired owing to tie fact that Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric many o. the churches bad fanctions of and full of flavor They Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrigbeir own to attend on the same day, erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed was an occasion for wbich we Satisfy. The blend can be ale grate water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. ful, and those wbo were able to attend copied either you only get received a deep draught of inspiration We nust Buy her for our Service before with wbich to inter upon the New satisfy in Chesterfields.
July this year Year work before them. The ad ad dresses delivered on the occasion were truly belpful, and it is indeed a source WE NEED 60, 000 MORE of regret that more were unable to attend, however, it is hoped that our dex MONEY conference will be much betier attend ed and that matters will be no ar You may subscribe some of this by purchasing ranged ss to facilitate tte participation some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound of all the churches.
each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound At our excu. ive meeting held at the opening of the year, twenty two ser each and become part owner.
were planned for to cover the eix months of the year, and we are glad to DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW report that, with a few exceptions, these have been held and when it is Write to the remenbered that this representa 14 oburcbes y. sited, some twice and others EST NDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD. coce during the half year just past, and bundred of christians and unsaved 73 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA persons spoken to with possible resuls of conversions and renewals on the part LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
of backsliders, also opportunisies given Pan to many to witness for their rd and in meetings both overlook the discouragements we may have experienced oud leave the results with Him with Him from wbom we hope to receive reward closer bond of christian fellowship The Harding Administration, ren and the property left by him is being realized among us as these in the case of the murder of and to request that the murderer meetings continue, so that it is becoming Harris Lipschitz in Haiti, has or murderers be brought to jug. the rule rather than the exception to see determined to bring the culprits tice and that compensation be ebristians greet each othe in the same to justice, whether they are na sought for the family of the spirit of brotherly love as if they be or members of the Marine deceased.
onged to the same church, and to en Corps, according to Representa The depaetment has telegraph quire into the op ritual tive Isaac Siegel, who has chamed the American Location at some instances the temporal welfare o pioned the cause of Lipschitz Port au Prince to a ise theach o. ber is not overlooked) without for two years.
Department is to be reported reference to denomination, We are be Pressure has been brought killing of Mr. Lipscuz, and it coming a little more interested in each from all parts of the country to inis report is correct to request other and are beginning to learn the compel a thorough investigation, the appropriate authorities to commandment of our bloosed Master necessary measures to love to Love one another differences according to Mr. Siegel. He said otect the wife and child of the are Dan 1084 Bigot of sad Christ is be that the question of of a Congres sional inquiry into the murder decased and the property left coming more and the subject of Haiti by hiin and also to request that vision, as the precious truthe christian executive meetings, but faithfnlly kept.
has been ostponed because of prompt action be taken to appre way are taught from time to time in пу The meeting during the past six. these Whether or not the months have been condused on como by the Navy Department and As you readily understand, the wro experieuces for which we ougtt to bu what the eam lines as during the pre The for reasons of economy. Con matter of possible compensation bankful, shall leave it gressionals inquiry Would cost to the family of Mr. Lipschitz on werelere has been, however, a marked representatives of the churche, and on with you to vious year, Addresses and exhortations decide.
rom the Platforms and Pulpits by NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA between 200 000 dollars and 300. account of his killing must ne000 dollars.
cessarily await the disclosure decrease in the interest of othe oui mne cecreion testimonies from the ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN Investigations into the man of the facts in regard thereto. muutatere, and sheir visits to our stv. ct ongregations, which it is believed bove ner in which Lipschitz was buvo be a mot as rara as Len icelle been coures of much help and en Lipschitz before his death. can hardly be expected that the killed have been started both by wrote to a brother in Chicago members of our several churches will cour gewen to many during the trying the State and Navy Departments, and to Ambrose Welch of this keep up their interest in the work of the through, and many come away from we are at this time passing Dressmaking and Dressmakers Supplies, Mr. Seigel appealed to Secretary city, saying he would be mur campaign when their leaders take a these services and confessed to the belp Hughes, who wrote in reply. dered as a result of his quarrel Back seat, and can find no time to and inspiration gotten, and Ready Made Waists and Hosiery, we believe have received your letter of of two years standing with June 15, 1921, in which you state marine officer. At the time he words of counsel and admonition the heir service for their Lord and to bì Things for Baby Health and Comfort, by by with a go on in THE FAMOUS NILE QUEEN HAIR POMADE that Harris Lipschitz, an Ameri was killed the Navy Depart can citizen, his recently been still bad under consideration the cood caus, we are pureuing.
more faithful to Him in their daily and other Toilet Articles.
killed near Cavaillon, Haiti. You testimony regarding the com It is hoped that this period we have principal walk; and while there is an ask the Department to take plaint of Lipscitz that he had just entered upon will see marked apparent lack of interest on the part of ANN R, THOMAS, Proprietress.
prompt steps to protect the lives been driven out of business, awakening of their interest in the work, some, it is believed that there are still of Mr. Lipschitz wife and child robbed and deported because he and that they will endeavor to do their quite a number who would be very level best to create a greater interest sorry should the meeting discontinue, among their members on behalf of the Among the regrettable events that meeting of the campaign. It should be miod that have occurred during the period now was started by laymen and is being con while the campaign under review, we record the departure ducted in the main by them, there is no This good work from the beginning bos of Rev. Ms. Evers, whose fellowship in desire whatever on on their part to the ministers relegated to their back been so hlepful, and which we cannot so THE VERY BEST seats, and it is not believed that they that he did not leave us without a easily forget. We are pleased to note should on their own volition find them token of our appreciation in the shape selves in this position. Their hearty of a Filsgree Fountain Pen and an (BRANDON BANK)
English Elementary Private School co operation is nut only earnestly solicit eddress, for which he expressed his deep ed, but it is essential (bumanly seeking grati gratitude and which he promised SECURITY IN PANAMA CITY to the succes of this movemeat, and be prize. At the time of writing this report, cause of this fact it has been the policy Although his successor is amongst us, SERVICE of the leaders of the movement from the the we are unable to state our inpressions of for preparing boys and girls, white or black onset to give full and free scope to them bim, not having had the opportunity to take their proper stand in life or to enter and ony suggestions they have been to meet him, but we hope he will stand Panama (Founded 1863)
Colon pleased to make from time to time bave by the cause in the spirit of brotherly always been thankfully received and love as did his predecessor.
Our large Resources and well known given the most careful consideration and In conclusion the where found practicable adopted. It conservative Management afford unthrough training and character building these tervices are to continue, the pledge taken to thank our ministers and lay of those in the lead of our christianas who have so faithfully stood brethren semblies must not only be given at our ble sid, but for which fact it would be the questioned security for every dollar work and rendered such invaludeposited with this bank Tender this report.
NO FOOLING NOR CRAMMING bad made a complaint to the Several very excellent and uplifting commanding officer of the ma addresses have been delivered at the rines two years ago that an meeting during the past six months Undesirables are not admitted if known officer had insulted bis sister and we are grateful to have such able Transacted nor retained when proven unfit to in law, helpere among us. May the Lord long Ost be moulded For some reason, no decision continue their helpful service, thankfulness to 18AAO BRANDON has ever been reached on this NATHANIEL BRANDOS case. said Mr. Siegel. The Father who has brought us bither to EBBANDON President.
Vice President only definite position ever taken and in the hope that the inf nite opporby the navy authorities has been tunities before us will be utilised by The Co operation of parents is solícited that it was necessary for Lap all in the best interest of His Kingdom, 600 ouo abalonemusi schitz to leave Haiti.
this report is humbly eummitted.
Mr. Seigel also made public a E, WALKER, Principal, letter which he had sent to Yours in the unity of the spirit, Trained, Certificated, Experienced. Secretary of the Navy Denby, TAYLOR, covering the same subject.
PANAMA CITY. Exchange)
Secretary, the Woman Exchange imes horne in Wesleyan School to Panama Banking Company. to Secondary or High Grade School by impossible to General Banking Business Transare Printed at the Workman


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