
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JULY 30 1921 PAGE SEVEN 111: from 1. Continued from page 2)
NO CAMOUFLAGE Delicate and Sickly children; anaemic women of weak nature and pall appearance due to the poor quality of the blood; old men made premature by excessive work or the abuse of pleasure: HEALTH SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSFITES IS THE SURE REMEDY FOR STRENGTHENING YOUR SYSTEM For sale at all Drug Stores in this City and in Colon at Messrs. Salazar, Delgado Son and Da Costa Gomez Sole Agent for the Republic of Panams GERVASIO GARCIA, We want your patronage, West Indians We want you to purchase our remaining shares We have made good and can make better if you help We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices they are We can do all kinds of woodwork We can build and repa your house and furniture during Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us known to have a fixed place of abude.
The Court has power to ad jurn any matter at any stage of the proceedings, In these mat.
ters use my discretion. There are a large number of persons in Court daily as litigants br witnesses, and it does not seem right that the matter in which are interested should be kept back in order to investigate applications which appareatly are not reasonable or bona fide. In a number of these cases where state shall consider the matter later, the fines are ave paid forth with, and in others the course of the day.
Some person or persons have have been doing and have done a great deal of barm in instigating litigants to invariably ask for time as a matter of course. The state of things became so ludi crous that had a boy who was ordered a few strokes with a tamarind rod, asking for time. defendant whom had ed on a personal bond made a similar request, and another defendant asked for time when bad actually dismissed the case. number of persons who are fined 28 6d. 69. or 10s. ask for time, although they plead guilty and had been served with the summons a week or so before or the case had been adjourned.
On several occasions persons bave asked for time before had passed sentence.
BUSINESS MEN Don tell the other fellow GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST plac.
The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
ADVERTISE No. 47 CALIDONIA PHONE 33 IN THB Loan for Carrying Out Drainage, Scheme.
The Canadian (Gazette states that Trinidad is negotiating for a loan of 200, 000 for the purpote of carrying out a draicage scheme. This will increase the Island loan for public improve ments to Learly one and a balt million pounds sterling.
WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
a woooo. SOMCOXSOXOOXO further side: side shingles were have made to those who have thrown in the air and a retain. served us, ing post uprooted and cut in half trees too were cut down as with sharp instru Medical Delegates to Sail for ment. When the mother recov ered from the shock, she(rushed Demerara.
to the rescue of her child and servant who were apparently imprisoned in the house. On ar. Dr. GW. Paterson, Colonial rival there she was both glad Surgeon is booked to sail to and surprist td. Toe chiu and Demarare shortly to atend the servant were uninjured but the need to be held there on the house was envelopid io sulphur subject of tilaria. In this con lumes. The matter was report nection we learn that the Barba.
ed to other persons in the neigh dos delegates will als) pass bourhood who went to rend through on the same date. The er aid. It seems that there Assembly of that colony recently an electric ignition voted 250 for the expenses of somewhere, but nothing defin their representatives.
ile be traced. Lake Antoine is believed to contain sulphur beds and in that case theory may be set up about the mysterious appearance of sul Demerara phur in the house in question.
can To Control Amusements. League of Social Welfare has been formed in Trinidad and Tobago with the purpose of pressing for greater con trol over amusements, such as dancing and cinema shows, and over the liquor traffic and con ditions in factories for girl.
The Times.
The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama.
The successor of the late Bish We learn that arrangements op of British Guiana is Rav.
are well under way for the es. Os well Parry who is now sta tablishment of an Ice Factory in tined in London. He is said to place of the recently dismantled be an Honours Graduate of one. The concern will be pro. Magdalene College. Oxford and moted by local enterprise and has done service in Syria. He is is estimated to cost something an Oriental Scholar and one o over 4, 000.
the ablest men in the Diocese of London.
present Trinidad Makes Wine.
Trinidad will soon be develep ing the vine culture as an additicn to her minor industries Wine of splendid quality is at being manufactured at Cauta (some twenty michack Port of Spain) out of of excellent quality, said to thrive well in that locality. This is evidently the third year since the nxperiment has been in progress. The first year yield gave nine gallons ef wine, the second year the quantity was doubled, while this year gave a yield of over thirty six gallons.
grapes which is Therefore THE WORKNAN is an Advertision Medium which must bring good results.
Grenada ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable msater General mail It will be surprising on an ex.
amination of the Post Office Report just published, to learn that the Department did splendid business last year. Apart from attending to an increased service which it perform to the satisfaction of the the Post Office was responsible for other important business.
Its revenue was 6, 411 17 and its expenditure 963 11 One particular feature which needs to be recorded is the volume of business done in the Money Order Department. The Office received from abroad over 11, 000, the United States in cluding Panama contributing over 6, 000 of that amount This is a large measure represented remittances made to connections here by sons and daughters of the colony. Cuba is not included, as we think most of the money which came to Grenada passed through the local Banks. BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatli öound at the WORKMAN PRINTERY rumour is going the round that the Government is consider. British Gulana Rice Coning it advisable to close down trol.
the Primary Schools for a period of six months. We beg to dismiss the idea es unthinkable as we Lieut Colonel James asked the really do not see that such a radical step can be taken in the Secretary of State for the Colocolony. As a matter of common nies, on June 14th, whether he knowledge, the Government can was aware that the Governor only refuse supplies to certain schools but it is not within its remove the embargo on the power to order their closure. export of rice from the Colony.
as a precautionare there there during. The West Indies have not been justification for this control of an was any largely included in the Birthday important local industry two honours of His Majesty, Trini.
dad gets Knight Bachelortion of hostilities; whether ho and a half years after the which has fallen to its PostIt is quite of control was causing grave was aware that the continuance sometime now since we remem. dissatisfaction in the Colony and ber any number of honours be discontent and distress among who have done conspicious pub the growers; and whether the lic service. Maybe the Colonial cello would recommend to His Ex.
Minister is reserving for late cellency the desirability of the removal of announcement an honour which go the embarindustry will be of the greatest cause for me so that the important rice thankfulness by the loyal In: its normal condition and its habitants of this be His Majesty Dominions Perer progress governed by the baps to general change in the demardi, aryi haws of supply and constitution is contemplated, but ly to the fact that there was now having this will take time before it is made public. Perhaps too ample rice available for general Refurtation. scheme of Federation may force requirements? Mr. Wood repart of the programme so as to The Governor reported in inion with a future voice in Inna probable shortage in the supply of rice before the 1921. crop.
perial affialrs.
Auditorium 25 BOLIVAR ST. COR. 3rd ST.
It will be surprising to many 1921. He is still satisfied that hibited the export until ad pro to know that the total amount the supply of losal requirements Upstairs Universal Grocery Store paid to persons receiving pen is not ecxessive, and, as con sions above 100 is about 3, 400 tracts have been made on the. comfortable and airy. Suitable for anmelby Recently an increase to basis of the Government policy pensioners was as announced in the dances, parties rallies etc. etc. the direction of the Secretary autumn of 1920. consider that of State for a period of about two intervention on my part would Prices Moderato years. Had time not been speci be justified neither by the infied in the arrangements, we terest of the consumer nor by would today have suggested that those of the industry as a whole.
Give us a call before going elsewhere the increase be withdrawn. But have no doubt that the Govern.
BURTON BROS, Props. we must be honourable and re or will remove the prohibition Universal Grocery Store. deem whatever promises we at the earliest practicable date.
might return part YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT to The Park View over do That the goods we sell are exactly as represented We guarantee them 80. Prompt, efficient and satisfactory service in the interest of our customers is our constant aim and purpose.
For reliable watches, rings, all kinds of jewelry and expert repairing. Call and visit peculiar incident is reported from St. Andrew The scene of the occurrence was in the vicinity of Lake Antoine. balf a mile from which is the nearest house. child and servant girl were in the house and the mother was engaged in looking after her domestic affairs in the kitchen in the yard. Suddenly they were startled by a flash of lightning. On looking round the house was found to be cut on the FULLER JEWELRY STORE, 122 Central Avenue, Panam


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