p. 8


SO new TLERE GROTHERS MD OUR LAR 500 SSSSSS ed in to give an exhibi 10 sound de Owners will tell you that they can depend upon it for faithíui caily service.
dismise for 10 runs une. ook And that this dc. iy dependability is available at a fixed low cost.
went to the wicket, but failed to same over to 10 Cricket. Grand Anniversary WANTED WANTED IT KNOWN that ving to the beavy rains that fell last The Crlon Love Chariot Bene have opened up a new shoe Encabut th time for starting volent Society No. 1, of matebes, the two como tebeduled to Isthmus of Panama held its 3rd my Quick Shoe Repair business, the department in cornection with take place had to be abandoned anniversary in the spacious ball English of Court Brock. Street, shoes at reasonable prices. If a and American The Gentlemen Defeats Colon, on Sunday July 17th Rubber Heel is purchased along the Cosmopolitan and was a brilliant success while with a new shoe the heel is put On Mnday, August lat, at the Stan it lasted The ball was nicely on free of charge. Also remen dard Oval, the Gentlemen under decorated for the occasion, and and per that your old shoes can be the leadership of Harper met and de was crowded with members of made new with genuine Oaktan feated the Complitan CC. under the the organization as well as sole leather at reduced prices leadership of King. Gentlemen having presentatives of other kindred Also a large variety of materials Forde and West to fac: the undring of Prior to beginning of the cere: Pan American Shoe Repair Cor.
won the fos decided to bat, mend ment societies, friends, and visitors. for shoe sales Pollard and Joe Hill, Forde was bort mony the Juvenile lived and he fi led by Thomas, who at once start Precisely at 4:15 m. the organ be versucy crea ed by hit photographed by Mr. Asbley East 12 St. and Plaza Arango. FICE. Prop.
under the able handling of Mrs fince cuined with in p»werful off drive Pinnock pealed The bowling of the Cusinopolitan was monious strains in one of Be o. Williams was forth its her recitations, and addresses. Bro deputed as vry kotid the Gentlemen were all thoven March, and the prea Chairman for the evening, and Thomas was cher Mr. Lord led by Bro, he performed same in an able top roup with 27 to his credit, Piter Williams, son, 21 and Turdie (w muade a splendid office and fo lowed by Bro. a brief instructive the President in and creditable manner but after stand with Thomes) 12 After recess Burnham, and address and one of the he asked to be Cosmopolitan the but mainstays of the Society ascend and gotiate the bowling of Rawlo ed the platform.
opportunity unted Hymn No. of turning Holder and Mottlen. Forde also did good from specially prepared sheets Mr. Roberts, who acted for the bowling service for the Gentlemen, and was given out and the choir coup remainder of the evening. Mr.
dislodged Pinder at a time when be seem led with the voices of the audience Roberts made a great hit with ed well set. The principal contributors made the air resound with the audience and all voted it was were Pinder 16 and Pierrie 11 out of the sweet melody The preacher a worthy choice. The Choir un after golng through the prelimi der the able management of Bro.
nary part of the service, took for Williams as choirmaster and Trent Challenges Gentlemen. his text Luke 16: Give Mrs. Pinnock organist excelled Mr. Trent Manager, of the Britano ship. and after dealt with the various items on the pro: account of thy steward themselves in their rendition of nic at cnce issued a challenge to the skipper of the Gentlemen and it was his Faithfulness.
decided to play this game on Sunday an elcquent and forceful man uot but mention the Duet b2 all his facts in not be made of all, yet one can.
Aur. 7tb.
very powerful Eleven, and the word is ner and kept the large audience iween Messrs Rock and Callen Can Gentlemen defeat them. This in rapt attention. He analysed ender, as also Mr. Boyal s, ono solo Out of the bal will be proven tomorrow at the Stan bis subject under three heads: of the evening 2nd The Social point of the same, tell to the juveniles for without 3rd The reward after faithful them, the anniversary would feli Surrey in Fine Form. service.
not of been a success. Miss Tie Surrey ye are going very strong His address was a masterly Eulalie Lord the herorine of the at present, and to all appearances it piece of eloquence, and he was occasion set a terrible pace from Bel me to y will again be champions this listened to with careful attention the beginnir in her rendition of At present they are leading the This brought the ceremony to a Joyful greetings. she also was Competition with six points. Britannic close at pm. The celebration the Prima Donna in the Dialogue with and Jamaica with 4, On Sunday of the anniversary was started Where! and what about the Ang Iith they are slated to meet the with a select programme of songs Juvenile this contribution is Wanderers of Colon at Standard Oval.
Surrey fins are all confident that the Cups wili upload their reputation, by deieating their opponents, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC total of 61.
The Gasoline consumption is unusually low The tire mileage is unusually high Seramme, and while me marshalingect HARRY NICHOLLS 13 STREET TELEPHONE 758 dard Oval But a year.
50Bas Games for To morrow Clovelly ve Standard at lehmain Park Mr, Trent XI vs. Gentlemen Scan dard Oval.
Bookexses 20 WE hereby make use of this opportunity for advising our numerous customers, graduates in the art of Curing und Beautifying thr, and the public in general, that Mr.
Alex Hall of the crescent Specialty House, Panama, is no longer our representative, and that this date we have enter.
ed into an exclusive contract with Mr Emigdio Jimenez, as successor to Mr. Hall, authorizirg currew Agent to sell in the territories of Panama Republic, Canal Zene and Central America We hereby advise the druggistsof this city to cell 09 our new Agent. Mr: Jimenez, when they are in need of orders or any other matter concernir gcur business.
Iudianapolis, 1st July, 1921.
Ir ditra USA SEXSSSSSSSSS PACIFIC THEATRE Elerenth Sunday after Trinity)
St. Peter Church, La Boca.
Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist at 11 a. til, Sunday School at Mem orial Service for the Isle Mr. James Mand at Iptu Bleu song and Ser.
mon at 7, 30 m. MULCARE, Rector. Barnabas Church, Empire.
Morning prayer and address 11 am.
Sunday School and Confirmation Class pm Evening prayer and address 7, 30. MULCARE, Priest in charge.
Mission Hall, Las Cascadas.
Morning prayer and address 11 Am.
Sunday School Confirmation class pm, Evening prayer and address 4:30 MULOARE, Priest in charge.
St. Paul Church, Panama. am. Holy Communion, The Vicar, 7, 30 a, Matins and address, the Rev.
Col. P. Hyde, p. Sunday School p. Holy Baptism 7, 30 Evengong and Sermon prescher The Rev.
Meredith. NIGH LENGALE, Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
To Night To Morrow Saturday 6th Sunday 7th BROKEN COIN All Star Cast Feature Episodes 7, 8, II East Lyun NEXT WEEK Continuation of the Broken Coin.
BooXoXoSSEXCESSO SEXOXO SOSOKOSXOS XOXO FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON Vicar. Quilpue, Monday, August 6th for New York direct. Jamaica Tuesday August 9th for Buenaventura and Tumaco. Orita Friday August 12th for Havana. Corona: Santander, La Rochelle. Pallice and Liverpool. s, Ebro Saturday, August 13th for Callao; Mollendo, Arica, Iquivue, Antofogasta and Valparaiso s, Salvador Saturday, August 13 for Puntarenas. San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala, La Union, La Libertad, Acajutla San Jose de Guatemala and Champerico Cauca Saturday, August 13th for Tumaco, Esmeraldas, Bahia, Manta, Cayo. Bellentia and Guayaquil, Essequibo Sunday, Angust 14th for Havana, and New York Oruba Monday, August 15th for Havana. Coruna, Snntander. La Rochelle, Paliice and Liverpool.
Cole St. Alban s, Paraiso.
9, 15 a. Holy Baptism, 118, Holy Eucharist and Sermen, The Rev.
Nightengale, pm. Sunday Shool and Confirmation Class, 7, 30 p, Evensong and address NIGHTENGALE Prisst ir charge St. George s, Gatun.
11 am, Matins and address, pm.
Sunday School, 30 Evensɔng and address, NIGHTENGALE, Priest in charge. was Diving with the composition of local talent The following offisers after being duly. Co the members of the Fraternity through and could not be beaten any elected were installed to serve during his assuming te nprimint and his where. Sister Hamlin ad the ensuing term. Soer willinga 288 at all tim3s to do anything dress was well delivered and (re elected. Raid Marks for the furtherance of the Lodze and left the impression that the re elected. Willians ra elect Odor. Rolv 3dTas we th: Offers Society has amongst its mem ed. E, Johnson M, Lxtmsa 1, and mombas of Princ) of Wales bers some sisters to be reckoned (re eleced) e. Fletcher Bytune Ldge 2332, of th: Loyal Order of with in future.
win Mr Cecil Niles LM. Howett Ancient Sh phards, Ashton Unity Friend Men Friendly Association C, Elwarde L, CG;G, Lø IG. re ex en our hearifalt sympathy to the the audience spell bound with elected) A, Naaton G; Bailey 19 bereavad family in the hour of their his twenty minutes address, and toss; McLoud afil cion, and pray that the inipotent 30 interesting and instructive The ceremony in his lov, and mrey will imbue them parformed by with strength to ensble them was the discourse, that praise Bro Paisley CS. and instructing to bear should be given him, and it was Master of said Lodge Anderson their loss with humble submission to with and sister from His will.
Refreshments was then served Lodgo. band of music furnished by ED: That our spensation bs draped sister AND BE IT FURTHER enjoyable time. This brought melodies during the evening.
stage, and all spent on the brothers. Lodgo discouraod sweet in murning for 30 days, the copy of of this ba sary to a close, and all departed family, a copy be recorded in the minfeeling that a pleasant afternoon Resolution of Sympathy. utes of this meeting and a copy be sent was well spent. Long may the to Panams CLC. S, remain on the Isth.
Editor of the Shepherds Magazine.
mus for the upliftment of fallen The following resolation paved Dr. LORD humanity.
at meeting of Prince of Wales Lodge, No. 2632, L, Installation Ceremony. 8, held on the 25th instant. Whereas and HOWELL the Shepherd, in His providence, has thought it to remove Dentists very impressive installation Cere from our midst our beloved Brother Amor 143 CENTRAL AVĚ mony was held by the Loyal Jonathan Erskine, who departed this life on the Daughters No. 2756 LO, AS st 17th instant, and Whereas that Brother (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
their Lodge Hall on 20th street Cent. was a member of our Lodge for a period The Latest in Crow, and Ave. on Monday night, last July 18th of ten years, and had endeared himsef Bridge Work Juan Franco Park Races.
Notice Great Removal of Star of the East Lodge No. 2793 Members of the above Lodge are hereby notified of its removal from Court Land House, San Mi. No House, Guachapali, guel, to Morning Star 1, 0, 0, M, F, Regular meeting nights are the first third and fourth Fridays of each month until further notice, R, PHILLIPS, For further particulars apply to the Office of the Conganles CRISTOBAL or to the Pacific Steam Navigation Company PANAMA or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, Royal Mall Stean Packet Co, Panama wise fit Secretary,


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