
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921, No other so good!
They Satisfy EX in the on the canal is of no particular interest to the West Indian Batoh Prank Haylett 7th Shippine acco Turkey shall Sir Chesterfield ko CECILIA THEATRE human appeal and dramatie suspense heart by anyone Such a pictures Elaine Hammerstein, Seizsick scharni Theatre to night.
Labor Day at Isthmian Park, THE WORKMAN The energetic management of Isthmian Park are arranging a Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS fine program for Labor Day Sept 5th. There will be athletic SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1921, sports, picnic and dancing The spacious floor at the top of Over in Turkey grow rich aromatic the pavilion is certainly an at the tobaccos. We buy the choicest selecTHE BLINDNESS OF ECONOMIC traction to those who like delightful pastime of jazz na, and tions and corbine them with the best PREJUDICE considering that it is American tobaccos.
kept cool by the hat defying The result is Chesterfield cigarettesbre breezes that unceasingly in the the kind that satisfy. That rare old time People in the United States and in other parts of the dance hall, it is not in the tobacco taste wins right and left.
world who are handicapped in understanding the correct surpriz ng that so many peo; la we One package of Chesterfields will show conditions of things economic on the Isthmus of Panama sould crave to go there, a you why no other cigarette can be on account of their remoteness from it will unquestionably have sa often noticed when dane ing is on quite so good.
receive a stupendously false impression from the announcement which appeared in a local daily last Sunday that Recognition of Meritorious there is a planned policy to replace white American work Service.
men by alien Veyro labor.
The feeling which prompied the statement is not The attached letter was for strange to residents in this country who have been hearing at every corner of the streets in the cities of Panama and warded to Frank Haylett.
sergeant of the giment Colon that the white labor unions are putting up a huge and well known on the Isthmus, Ottice, fight to combat the proposed payment of rental by gold by the British War employees and other curtailed privileges which that class connection with meritorious ser of labor has been enjoying on the Canal Zone for the past with his regiment during vice rendered while in France seventeen years, or so.
Great War BW. Regt. was mention laborer who has been paying for bis house all along; ed in a dispatch from Field Marneither is the matter of vacation time or vacation pay CV OK. CIE dated the 8th Sir Douglas Haig KFG.
of white labor of the most insignificant import to him. But Rov when the statement that Negro alien labor is scheduled Nov 1918, for gallant and distin, guished services in the field. CIGARETTES to replace American labor is published, the prejudicial effect have it in command from the that it is likely to bave is sufficient for the silver employees King to record His Majesty high appreciation of the services to pay some little attention to it.
rendered In the first place, such a statement cannot be true, War Office, Negro labor cannot replace white labor on the Canal Zone Whitehall because, Negro labor never has, and never will get the ficti1st March 1919.
tious wages given to gold labor on the Canal Zone, and it is unsound, untrue and unethical to give out such a pernicious announcement in public print in reference to the silver employees in this country What can therefore be the reason for this tinted estrangement from veracity?
ENROLL NOW IN Nothing but blind economic prejudice, under which it is attempted to conceal the real facts in connection with the THE STEWART COMMERCIAL EVENING SCHOOL This Week Program reorgan zation of the canal work The truth of the situation lies in the economic shakeOnce in a while a story is put on the up at the machine shops and in other places where men Classes in Shorthand Typewriting, Spanish, Business, screen in which there is not only dep TO NIGHT who had been holding big positions and receiving big pay Engglish and Book keeping.
but which contains a wholesome less (SATURDAY)
are no longer necessary to the canal operation. These men Students preyared for examinations for certificates or on that can be absorbed and taken to have served their time and their usefulness, and it is the Dplomas granted by recognized institutions Selznick Pictures Greater Than Fame, in which same story as when the last mouthful of the, last steamin the above subjects.
PRESENTS shovel in ihe canal prism sent hundreds of bosses and timeing star, will appear at the Cecilia ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IN Checkers back to the States, and again when the consolidaTERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 1st. 1921.
As the titeimplies, thare is JAY KAUFMAN tion of the canal administration at Balbɔa Heights made thing greater than fame. The moral drivea home in this story is that it is the laying off of large numbers of clerk3 necessary.
For full particulars, communicate with Box Greater than Fame a happy heart, and that success can The Probe Committee from Washington, 1120. Section 7a. Panama, P, or call up telephone of mind, which can be obtained by pa The Price he asked was too which has bcan here and seen the superfluity of offices, 939, Panama tience and understanding.
jups and punitions and which was thunder struck at the In the role portrayed by Miss HamHigh, and so she found FAME merstein a young country girl who and HAPPINESS in her enormous nothing done by large numbers of high brows goes to New York to win success on could not have returned to the States Capitol and the operatie stage and triumphs over Own Way.
obstacles and templations she has a Strong Vital Story told in a remained silent with so many significant discoveries in wide scope for her talents.
Teosely Gripping Way, their minds. They saw who were the real workers here TRY XAXA FORM LINIMENT and they knew the force necessary to operate the canal, Here A Big Problem For TO MORROW and it was expected that they will say so. The abolition For Any Any Kind of External Pains Experts On Sociology of certain departments and the termination of certain (SUNDAY)
offices tell the story of a new system. and it will remain Your money refunded if you are not by all means ADOLPH ZUKOR to be seen whether this new system will work, or not.
Spead six months a year with her Satisfied It would be tremendously risky for West Indian la.
whose turpitude is known to all the George Fitzinaurice borels to believe that the Canal Government would make chorous girls of Now Yorky That insuch a benign arrangement as to put out American em Panama, Modern, Spanish. American, National, teresting question is an wered in the ployees in order to find room and employment for them.
Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies Paying the riper, which will be the Paying The Piper Such a position is unthinkable and untrue. If the offices With DOROTHY DICKSON, which the big salaried Americans held are to be abolished, if the work for which they bad been employed has reached ALMA TELL GEORGE Miss Mason Delights in New its finale and if the new arrangement leaves little room able envy. They have proved that they can fit in almost FAWCE IT and ROD capable qualities have made them the objects of considerFox Picture LAROQUE for economic pets why should they attribute the situation to a proposed plan to replace American employees by noise and least squabble; and whenever they did ask for at the Cecilia Theatre next Tuesday One of the prettiest as well as the Photoplay by OUIDA ROGERS.
anywhere and do almost anything with little fuss, less strongest film dramas ever seen here Paramount Picture.
Negro alien labor. more wages petite William Fox star, seen.
What has Negro alien labor to do with the reduc get what they asked for. And it is universally admitted to ring Toron kay haw details tion of gold labor? And if the Panama Canal Government be an intelligent procedure to make reasonable claims for who, through the exigencios of fate is MONDAY little girl find it expedient, as an economic principle, to use more deserving service whenever it is rendered.
brought up as a Chinese in the mys: All Star Comepy Program silver labor than has been done in the past few years why If the men who have been receiving such high salaries Chinatown. How Wing Toy, the cha terious atinosphero of New York FATTY ARBUCCLE in should the time served gold labor kick at silver labor as from one hundred and seventy five to two huudred and racter portrayed by Miss Mason, is ti which cannot supplant it?
Gitty dollars will be satisfied to do the work that can be done ings, and tinds happiness in the arms THE ROUGH HOUSE If the gold employees are in a fight against the policy by silver labor for eighty and a hundred dollars; if they of her lover, is made the basis of a and (HALL ROOM BOYS in of reorganization as carried on by the Washington Govern believe that such reduced finance can keep them now in charm on the local sereen. Back on the Farm ment, and they believe they can reverse the decision of while before their big pay could not, although domestic that august body and make it do what they wish they have necessities are no cheaper at the present time, of course, The Chicken In The Case TUESDAY a perfect and regular right to make as noisy a rumpus as let them have the jobs and the offices and the positions Laugh and the world laughs with you, they may feel disposed to, but it would be honest and just and whatever else they want; but is such a thing possible? Weep and you weep alone; if they would leave out of the embroilment the unoffendWEDNESDAY ing silver employees, especially the aliens who could is most amusing, and the statements anent replacement by It has troubles enough of its own.
Certainly, the confusion that has overtaken gold labor Por ibis brave old earth must barrow its never gain any point of vantage over them.
silver or Negro labor intensely laughable. It would be some So runs the lines of Ella Wheeler The class of work and the pay aliens are receiving and thing like an industrial circus to see one time gold labor World, and in the parlance of tu.
poem WILLIAM FOX may receive can have no attraction to the big pay gentle that could even carry its own tools spreading pitch over day Ella said a pageful. Therefore PRESENTS men who are making the hullabaloo over the situation. the roads, cutting grass and spraying mosquito oil, sweep words, Swen Moorohas del ved into Shirley Mason the These men are fighting for the retention of their rights. ing streets and collecting garbage, ducking into man holes the superluous supply of troubles, which, as they are understood, consist in free quarters, and clearing drains, hauling ships, scraping their bottoms them ļnto good hearty laughs in the free fuel, free light, free medication and un cut salaries. and whirling trucks and wheel barrows on the docks at form of his latest solznick Picture WING TOY. If Negro alien labor is to replace them, then it must get Balboa and Cristobal. tempora. mores. THE CHICKEN IN THE CASE the same; otherwise, the matter of replacing is out of the If the United States Government can save one or two question and the accusation remains a lie. This is logic, million dollars by changing the canal system of operation FRIDAY THURSDAY not prejudice.
the idea is that it will be done, regardless of how hard or Alien labor is interested in itself, but not at the ex how high anybody may kick. One thing is true and indisWILDIAM FOX LEWIS SELZNICK pense or prejudice of anyother class of labor. It could not, putable: the canal authorities are not going to keep any for two reasons, foster apy hope or feeling against gold class of labor that can be dispensed with whether it be PRESENNTS PRESENTS labor. First, because alien (Negro) labor could have no gold or silver, brass, copper, stone or wood.
BUCK JONES in OWEN MOORE voice against its professed superiors; and, secondly, because it could never imagine itself enjoying the luxuries Advertise in The Big Punch. The Chicken in the Case. concomitant with the gold roll precedent.
unadulserated 100 per The greatest disadvantage of West Indians here has IT PAYS By JULES FURTHMAN, Dialways lain in the fact that their energetic, industrious and farce Comedy, Concocted for laughracted by JACK FORD, ing purposes only, best be obtained through contentment What kind of girl will be the pro duct of a divorce which permits her to straightlaced, Puritancial mother and the other six months with a father PRESENTS Production George Fitzmaurice production of feature at the Cecilai Theure tomorrow.
fo IN of IN the Workman Smanbios Westerno Dests witb.
Terrific Climax Pure cent


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