
I telling you They Seeds Antigua in Africa for 31 of the night he The Isthmian Undertaking Co. Ltd.
Chesterfield were years Revd.
the usual premium TKS BUSINESS MEN sexeicos THEJ WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News (Continued from pape 2)
NO CAMOUFLAGE ers were conspicuous by their absence. The proceedings were very enthusiastic and unanimous. Meanwhile leading East Indians have met and formally protested against the suggested chauge.
We want your patronage, West Indians We want you to purchase our remaining shares We have made good and can make better if you help. and the blend Archdeacon Farquhar.
can be copied We can supply luxurious funerals at lowest prices Ven. Archdeacon Far quhar, of Pongas, French Guinea We can do all kinds of woodwork and cacon of St. Georges Cathedral of Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa, arrived in the ColeWe can build and repa your house and furniture RDM Nickerie en route to ny on the 21st inst. on board the Try us, then if you have a kick, tell us Antigua tigus. Archdeacon Farquhar, Ween engaged in missionary work a native of Antigua, has Don tell the other fellow for 31 years. was fellow Rerd whose receptio at Trinity attended by invitation Archdeacon Farquhar was traip ed as teacher at the Mico Train ing College in Antigua and became Model Master of the College. He was appointed to take charge of the educational No. 47 CALIDONIO work in West Africa but when the French government took over PHONE 830.
the mission and the school CIGARETTES practically closed. Some be joined the ministry. The Dr, John Walmsley was his diocese. Archdea puts shall be limited to ten gal 400, 000, 000 membars of our.
Bishop har will leave the colo ions per ton of sugar, and an race, do hereby protest against ny by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO. for Trinidad on a visit to his son exported to the United Kingdom veterans by the Spanish Gor who is a clergyman in that isla unless a contract has been pre ernment in England as volon.
He will proceed to Barbados and viously made for its sale, when teers to fight against the Moor then return to his home at An its price should not be less than in Morocco Africa, in this their tigua after 31 years service in 33, per proof gallon in bond for fight for freedom from alien with not less aggressioa.
via England at the end of the than West Africa, returning to Africa ordinary quality, for addition We believe that the onlisting 1orks.
year. Argosy, 27. 21 Archdeacon Farquhar was or The Government have arrised of such unteers in Enkiand tuds tu argravate the feelmis dained deacon in St. John at an agreement with the sugar of 400, 000, 000 Negros against Cathedral, Antigua for the Pon planters in respect of the meas the conspiracy of aliens to domi gas Mission in 1890 and sent to sures of relief the former is nate Africa, which is by rigat West Africa Voice prepared to afford the industry of heritage belonging to the under certain conditions.
darker races now inhabiting the their side the planters and mer country, chants agree that certain tixed exile.
as well as those in St. Lucia retail prices shall not be exceed GET ALIVE TO YOUR INTEREST ed in the colony.
For the further peace of the world and for the cause of jusWidow and Orphans Fund There is tribulation in Demer tice to all humanity we appeal We have learnt that His Honor gun. For many years this has that may result in a world widë ara regarding the five o clock to the English public to denounce this new attempt of mobilization the Acting Administrator has been fired with sider and report on the advisa learnt recently that it was to be humanity; and be it Yurthede appointed a Committee to con punctuality, and, when it was onflict, to the further suffering overburdened bility of founding a Widow and discontinued, a question was and Orrhans Fund in connection asked, appropriately enough, by Resolved, That a copy of this IN THE with the Civil Service of St. the Hon. Nelson Cannon one of resolution be forwarded to the the big guns of the Court of press of England and to those Policy as to the reason. The concerned.
St. Lucia Crop Prospects. no intention of suspending the Governor stated that there was Second Annual International Planters continue to feel the old established custom of awak Convention of Negroes Marones cus Garvey, President.
effects of the general depression ening the inhabitants of George due to the slump in European but that the cost of gunmarkets, and in some cases powder being in excess of the difficulty is experienced in amount the Ceding of the West Indies.
dime, and coconut crops are very expressed their inability to meeling obligations. The cocao, estimatse, the Crown Agents had promising in most districts. deliver the goods His ExcellenSagar erop is, however, ey added, however, that as soon clip the following paragraph From a Canadian exchange we attention it is possible for the the gun would be fired again est. Plymouth Eng. July 11:dependent the amount of as the gunpowder was available, which will no doubt be of interowners to give the cultivation The people of the West Indies during the next few weeks.
Owing to the financial depres. Representatives of gestion that the islands shoula sion it possible to incur the usual Four be ceded to the United States as Hundred part payment of Great Britain expenditure in weeding drainwar debt, accord! ng to Sir Giling, and manuring, and this will Million Negros bert Carter, who has just returned from the islands. Sir reaping The Mycologist on the staff of Indorsed Resolution Sent sively governor of the Bahamas, Gilbert, who has been succes.
the Imperial Department of Agriculture paid a visit to the Colony from Liberty Hall to Barbados and Trinidad, his wife from July 9th to 19th, the chief the daughter of the late British Press.
object of bis visit being in con Francis Parker of Boston, adnection with the Panama disease mitted that the interests of the of bananas. During his accompanied the Agricultural World to hand states that during the temperament of the people The latest issue of the Negro West Indies are largely Ameri can; know anything of Superintendent on visits estates in the Castriee, Gros yention of the NIA, the cession to the bitter end.
Barbados, they would resist a Islet, Soufriere, Choiseul, La following resolution of protest said. Siç Gilbert added he borie. and Vieuxfort districts against the recruiting oor war since the opening of the Panama that veterans in Canal Morocco, was forwarded to the of the great health resorts of the On July 14th Cambrian, British Press, The resolution world, where visitors from North under the command of Captain which must be as Stewart, arrived at this port and both interesting runs are for and South America congregate.
remained for four days. This lows:visi welcomed by the whole Colony, and such visits delegates and deputies attending Be it resolved. That we, the have of late have been very few the second annual international Ish and in English for sale at Rent Receipt Books in Spanand far betwen. Tennis, foot convention of the Negro peoples ball, cricket, and shooting of the world, representing the the Workman Printery.
matches were arranged between the ship and local teams. Visits made by His Majesty ships are greatly appreciated by all, and it is hoped that they may TRY XAXA FORM LINIMENT continue and become more frequent.
For Any Kind of External Pains Demerara Your money refunded if you are not by all means Satisfied The question of limiting the SOLD AT THE FOLLOWING DRUG STORES manufacture of rum as a result of the glut in the home market Papama, Modern, Spanish. American, Natio fal, is being closely considered. The suggestions meeting with most Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies general approval are that out.
town, WORKMAN which is read by every West Indian in Panama Colon and the Canal Zone.
Provided on The is The circulation of THE WORKMAN is the largest of any All English paper printed in the Republic of Panama, stay be be was ADVERTISE TO DAY Our RATES are Reasonable Www BOOK BINDING Why allow your Books to go to pieces when you can have them neatly bound at the WORKMAN PRINTERY


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