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it tions in consequence wro men laid very the men re ptes. L.
an MP SOLDIERS AN APPEAL SENT UP TO To District Court for As Pastors and the Heads of sault and Damage. Friendly Organizations Small State Must Swallow its Eight soldiers of the 4th Field Artillery, United States Army, the lack of response by the peoGentlemen, It is bêtteved that And Return to British Consulates Pride and Nurse its Wrath. were charged on Wednesday ple to the propositions of both in Panama and Colon.
morning last in the Cristobal the Governor and the British Magistrate Court with attempt Consul is due in great part to Under the above caption, The rules in international relations dansault on Hubert Lindsay. the laek of knowledge as to the There still seems to be great this information, and it would be New York World comments thus and that a country can expect chauffeur, and John Jordon, who op the late Panama Costa Rican to be respected in proportion to WAS riding with bim, and sub facts, and well explained infor reluctance on the part of the well for all those unemployed mation on the same.
taking away and unemployed West Indians to fill who fell that they are in want to question the number of machine guns it sequently Comparatively few of the peo out the forms issued by the get busy, fill in these forms and can produce at a critical juncple Panama dispute with Cos: ture. He says further that the ta Rica is ended; the United United States has assumed pow. Judge Wade sent up the case ed from one to the other is liable is surprisingly strange.
After a preliminary hearing heresay information that is pass and Colon. Why this should be sulates at Panama and Colon.
read the papers, and the British Consulates in Panama turn them in to the British ConStates has had its way and the ers in settling the controversy to the trial. As has already been stated White award will stand. But which could cisim under no by Judge Kerr.
According to official figures the forms can be had in Panama though Panama lost her conten. law or treaty, and that the wrong.
over 6000 tion for territy she comes out United States has seen fit to in ably defended Attorney Todd the It iba probable also, that the from the Panama Canan Widhin at the British Legation, the Chorrillo Drug Store, in of the affair much more grace terpret the canal treaty to please endeavouring to have the charges publication of the notices was the past nine months. These Street, the West Pharmacy, 3rd exceptions, November Street, Guachapall, by Panama requested further arbi competent, supposedly, as one of who, however, decided that the and in need.
The British tration on the ground that the the contracting, parties, has evidence produced left him no line finally drawn did not ecos never been asked for an opinion. choice but to send the case to posters better results would willisg to use its good impos. been but 45 forms turned in at papers had been supplemented donia Cuatro.
quite offices in Up to the present there have with the inu ntion of the award have been obtained.
any way possible, but made by President Loubet of All this is true. The conduct of the District Court.
It is believed that it our thing without having authentic would not at first sight indicate sible for that office to do any Panama and 90 at Colon. This France and was left indefinite the United States throughout the Capt. Marston of the Friendly Societies and Churches because of uncompleted surveys: history of the Panama Canal is regiment to which Secretary Hughes replied in epitomised in this indictment of belonged was in court, and the would make a careful explana. and reliable information at its that there is much suffering. of machine gun said that terms of cruisers and marines our diplomac. Judge if he would tbe dasires and intention of the West Indians from the diferent among the unemployed. But the keep them at Evidently Washington was President Roosevelt invaded Preverente da was whether amanat vereigas yang otomatis unde the post he questog hould the parti beobareino mentioned, that extends of bo are in need, and the biet ten tenue that the reads. deda was right or. such he Captain helped, and that the response to in the people would be exterit their The unemployment forms sent to fill in the forms, as can be else bere is nothing for a sthall the power in his hands. If the Marston agreeing the Court the end res putas forward in their out by the Legation are for no testified to by many who are beclose rahere me nothing late small cane Zone had been owned by fixed the bal at 200 each phan behalf would be corresponding: other purpose than to acquire seiged daily by persons for aid The. who but swallow its pride and nurse Great Britain Mr.
are Sefgeant ly greater.
its wrath.
would have acted quite Beware Welt ly. Mr. Hughes treated Pace Corporals Speag and Wiley, in behalf, therefore, of our Dr. Garay, Panama Minister Panama with the same cynical Murray, Murray. ReLumb people, you are earnestly solicit Pacific Theatre Life and Law of Foreign Affairs, says as much Trua and Sloop, bad ed to advertise from pulpit and in a succinct note delivered to lack of consideration because Society the State Department on the eve small country can make no effec hired the car in Front Street, hall again and again the offers of PRIZE DRAWING of his departure. He says, in tive protest. There have been no Colon. to take them to Barracks help made so that all may irnow.
brief, that the action of the scruples, no pretence of justice at Gatun on Friday evening the very ag reeable and well atUnited States in this dispute only machine guns and plenty because the chauffeur demanded 14th inst. an: became incensed Famine Threatened Situa tended function was brought oft proves that might not right, of them.
by the Life and Law Benefit to be paid before starting out Notice of Meeting tion Solved.
Society last Sunday at the in which he was supported by On Monday at p. at the Druid Hall, 20th Street CenPacific Club, a meeting of the CUBA TRYING TO SELL EUROPE non reaching the railroad couet Jamaica Representative Govern Setuba, 29 dhe realiter de vera ties, prominent among whom Commencing on Saturdas, members of various other societral. There were present mayy ing Silver City, SURPLUS SUGAR.
ment Hope, the chauffeur stopped the vened for the purpose of discelled, the Management of this Chapter Gaisby, President of Saturday until can was of the upon one of soldiers, it is alleged, constitution here the government give one chance to be competed a proposed advanced most popular play house will of this district.
Newspaper Says 1, 700, 000 tons of Stock to be offered asked him why he had demanded of Jamaics. Tbis matter being prize consisting of a parcel con very enjoyable and delectable Among the contributors to a his fare beforeband, to for by its many patrons. the at Low Price, which of importance, 1o the chauffeur replied that he had bers and over well wishers are taining an assortment of some program provided was Mr. Percy been chat out of his fare on a requested to attend. The meet of the following much needed Green orchestra, which from fight then taba ing will be called precisely at commodities, Havana, Oct. The Even of the mills not firing up for previous oc as on.
to ing News today published the operations the coming season started solarthe result of the the hour named, as this docu. Coffee, Sale, Rice, Cod fish, wit: Sun Sureality of its offerings will make its mark in the angry attempt to following:They deal ment is to be forwarded at the ned milk and Cream, canned mue atmosphere of the IsthThe plan now is to get rid of grind, and they will grind out blows to the chauffeur and meant out going forwa goods, Candies, Sweets, etc, etc. mus.
the surplus supply of sugar on all they can, but the cane will aged to make their escape in the etc. the quantity of the assort It is gratifying to mention, as a market estimated at 1, 700. 000 bields have not received the melee, and their assailants made British Uneart Indian two persons for one week.
not as productive as usual, ment so offered being ample for denoting the advance that is be tons, which will not interfere with the car ing made by the coming genera with the future market of the attention they have formerly.
found in a badly damaged conPlot.
How to Get a chance to win tion of West Indian stock, that the address crop, to come in within a short dition by Lieutenant Tom Foley, this Attractive Prize.
ciety, its purpose and scope was on hand, and it is to be sold in Soldier Gets 10 Years In Lindsay had telephoned the oc of the Cristobal Police to whom Bombay, Oct. Special letEvery Monday, Wednesday delivered by Master Raymond possible to European DUS Penitentiary. currence.
ter to Associated Negro Press. and Friday preceeding the George, aged 12 years, of Lindependent of the Sugar ance Board, at a price which The British authorities in India drawing night (Saturday. with Boca. Mrs. Gittens, the wife of suckily for the complainants have obtained a document calling the purchase of your admitting the President of the society and will be an inducement to the In the Cristobal Court on dent of Siver City Mrs.
Philistina Burke, resion all the Mussulmans in India to ticket you will be given what Mr Julius LƏCurrieux, Chaplain, European buyers.
complete will her proclaim independence be known as a chance ticket thereof, also made very effective Monday Judge Kerr sentenced whole of the trouble from her from Great Britain and set up a bearing tbe date on which same and interesting addresses that with the Gordon Matteson, soldier, house near to which the oc a shipments made to Europe who pleaded republ in the event that the is issued as well as the Satur the prices will advance in the of indecent assault upon an currence transpired and was British take action against the day or which that particular sworn in as a witnesss. for the United States, and with the American girl, seven years old, NEW MEDICO Angora Rovernment of Turkey. drawing is to take place. Every for tari concessions there will the Gambos penitenst in prosecution, or perhaps the cul The Ali brothers, the leading ing at the ticket counter three prospects now being held out ding Saturday, any person presentprits would have been able now to Bombay Indis agitators are chance tickets one corresponde We are pleased to welcome Dr be a good market for the coming It is said that the occurrence a mere evening frolic.
enjoy year crop. It is estimated took place at Gatun on the 21st their act of boliganism as being prosecuted by the going to the Monday, one to the Fair weather, son of our ernment in connection with the We have from time to time ađair. The document is in Wednesday, and one to the Fri esteemed townsman; Mr.
even if it is worked to the limit, than one little girl was the vic the despicable practices of some were passed at the recent All be given in exchange what will rived on the Isthmus that the coming crop of sugar. of last month, and that more commented in our columns on the form of resolutions which day immediately preceeding, will Fairweather who has just ar from will be no more than a three tim of Matteson, but as he was fourths crop. With more than caught almost red handed in of these soldiers who seem to India Khalifate conference be known as a drawing ticket, Howard University, where he a million tons sold to European this instance the District Attor take a delight in disgra cing the held at Karachi.
which will bear a number, at graduated as an Dr. Fair.
uniform that they wear, and buyers there will be nothing ney considered that that was uni a it In part the document fol. the middle of the second show dical Board and we wish him weather will take the local Mehagainst the improvement in suficient for bim to obtain a son will ba taught to the actors is our fervent hope that a leslows: on that night, the lucky prices for conviction to be This conference proclaims will be tarown on the screen, coming zafra.
penalty which would satisfy the as will cause others of the same open game of lawlessness such that if the British Government and the priza immediately turnIt is known that there are them against the prisoner.
other cases, and did not file ilk to fear the law and respect againt the Angora government the person holding the ticket ponding minute of the drawing.
or secretly take action ed over to the lucky winner and who will sign the corresseveral deals on, and it is not the persons and property of the Mussulmans of India will be bearing the number thrown on likely that there will be any inothers.
Stady this valuable proposition terference from the sugar Fin Confirmation at St. Paul forced to commence civil dis. the screen. Bear in mind that thoroughly so as to ayoid any obedience, and the Indians of the numbers to be drawn from dispute, and you will be convince ance Commission.
PERSONAL AND GENERAL India complete will the.
while the local sugarmen Susses has announced a meeting freedom and a republicana Poeta bers of tickets issued, and there ed that it is worth your while Next Wednesday, 26th inst. bo be held tonight at the rather patiently win. No other method fore there will always be some of drawing than that outlined usual place of government.
awaiting the progress of the the Rt. Rev. James Craik Mor for the purpose of electing officers for the one winniog above will be followed by the loan, it is now very likely that ris, will confirm a class of coming season.
The drawing will take place at management NOTICE they will go elsewhere in the over sixty candidates at St.
The Progressive Chamber No. 4285 the office of the Theatre in the List of articles contained in effort to get loans with which Paul Church, Panama.
M, will hold its 3rd anniversary The Excursion Committee will presence of (three) reputable prize parcels will be thrown on to move the sugar crops. All The service will commence at at o clock to morrow evening at the meet again at the usual time and persons selected by the manage the sereen every Thursday these reports about a majority 30 sharp.
Jethro Temple Hall 106 Broadway, place, on Wednesday Oct. 26th. ment from among the audience, night, deal musical.
now saw o 11 is figured first to ten years success this trying


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