
to STORES puthing mint of Ireland Act The Open Forum: China, Glass Enamel ware, mint ionalist iro are Well fond. By John Gordon. London Septembar 1921. De Valera reputation bu not been enhanced by his letters to Lloyd George and there bss þeen, hear, very genuine anxiety in as to the wisdom of THIS 600 TONS STEAMER bio policy. He has shown an irdinporition inability to deal with facts and his letters have been aggressively worded is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
expositions of time wora theories of beam. She has two decks. tween course, he is perfectly entitled to driva a CIGARETTES bard bargain; he may think it adviesblo decks ft. high.
to cement internal rifts in the Dail Extra Mild Mild and Sweet Extra Mild Eirean by using the phrases of the ex Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric tremist party and be may quite natural SIGARETTE FIGARETTE Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig ly wish to pay for time to ensble s erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed more ardent spirits to forget all the water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. robustious utteraners of the last few years about an Irish Republic which he now We must Buy her for our Service before knows to be chimerical, But in doing July this year these things he is taking a grave risk; he is leaving the national hopes of exposed peac accidents of a situation WE NEED 60, 000 MORE which time is not likely to improve; and be is strengthening the bands of pople MONEY in Britain and North Ireland who think that the Government cffer enstitucs You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Alink to the United Kingdom.
XS SSSSSSSSSS some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound One could easily knock the bottom each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound out of de Valira theories. None of his SANCHEZ FARRUGIA each and become part owner.
contentions, however, is more absurd than that Britain is claiming to rule and DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW legislate for Ireland even to the point of partitioning Irisis territory against the will of the Irish poeple. The truth of Write to the course is that Great Britain desires at Duits so much as to be free from all No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD responsibility for the Government of Ireland and that, even if the Govern73 ORANGE STi, KINGSTON JAMAICA did not exist, the Silver Prices resistene)
of the Ulster minority to absorption in an independent Irish Siste would be not whit lex determined, GENERAL MERCHADISE only that in that exe an additional edge would be given to it by foar Toe existence of a Nothern Ireland enjoying Etc.
a larg measure of self goveromen at least gives to the formidable ster ity a sense of security. Na Letter of Con The way the people down thºund, at pres. nt represented byen sinn Special to our Customers ladder of life treat themselves Pein, desires two things and desires gratulation. is very often responsible for the them pa sionately Irish uni and Irish Cups and Saucers in Various Patterns. for 00 degree, the sort of interest independ nee.
It cannot hav them their professed mouth pieces both, not because Great Britain threat Plates, Assorted Sizes 30, 40 50c. each.
take in them.
We take great pleasure in giv eus force to prevent it, but because the Glasses, Plainaid Fancy 20, 25, 30 40c.
ing publicity to the attached let For example, the West In minority in Ireland itself would undoubt ter, especially so, as the parties dians are considered as being edly resist by force. It was prepared to therein of concerned attending foree the far more modest demon resist OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN known ic Iathmian life. strations, sport, funeral possis of the last Home Rule Aet. The processions with music and British Government did not promote Pay us a Visit and you will be Convinced Sept 23, 1921.
society regalias, church, etc. that resistence. it sufiered by it.
Mrs. Lilian Kerr, so certain news organs cater to Neither will it promote rezistene now. S3500X50XS 273 West 140th Street, their taste along these lines, Whatever terms de Valera ein indu New York City.
but often to the disappointment Ulster to accept for the unity of Ireland Dear Mrs. Kerr. Although of others who think Britain also will not merely accrpt but stranger, am writing to congratulate seriously of the times in which welcome. If at present he can e me to you on your clever musical pair. mean men live and prevailing condi no terms with Ulster, let him cond of course Master Kerr, whom musical tions.
what provisional arrangem:ut he would erities of the Lvecum claim to be Editorials.
disire for the rest of Ireland. If he wonderful boy violinist, and Miss Kerr It is in times like these that says nothing will do short of epara ion then at the amo who is spoken of as one of the grea est a well thought out properly writ from this country piano players of her age in the coun ry. ten editorial and other articles time he decides separation wiibia (reIt would be needies for ino to tell you in the interest of those on the land. This is the bard fe with thrilled the lower rounds of the ladder of ar de Vlera has seemed to prefer to Mark Ly cua last nigat. Before they society can help to buy things ignore rather than to face and to handle.
left the meeting asked them for your and spirits up a bit. mentioned a few weeks so the name and address so that en uld write and say to you that the coming Thurs It must have been in this light exir mely interesting experiment which ev ning, Col. William Hayward, the Workmaa in which the editorials of the the Duke of York, the King second of the past three son, insugurated in tue boys camp at late commander of the famrus fighting weeks or so have been read and New Romney. Four huwered lads went 15th regiment in France will address the considered.
under canvas together; two hundred of moeting.
It was not without a very came from the best Eoglish public tinguished statesmen like this to appear, perused the Workman Editor workshops and mines and factories, Of course whenever we have distingreat amount of interest that schools and two huadred came from the Lyceum usually tries to vard ial of the first inst under the They were all of the same age about the best in the race in the way of talent caption Justice Killer of Racial 16 to 18 and the products of Eton and that can be obtained, so am going to Antipathies.
Harrow and Winchester and many anask you it other famous old school slept and ate Mies Kerr to play for us again. We shall in mediating on the spirit or and played in company with the procertainly defray their carfare, handing what presume to call the sub ducts of the humtning workshops of them more Beberally do their expenses which stance of the Editorial in ques Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield give to all artiets.
tion, my thoughts went in two and the sh syards of the Clyde and different directions: to Johnny Wilkins Doing Thanking you in adv. noe for this Seats of Justice in the the Tyne. The Duke of York trusted that Fine.
fav. And hoping to hear from you Isthmian courtdem, and in the the close association of omp life and either by let er or phone, and assuring audience of somewho claim to more particularly that the love of sport you that any thông that we can do represent the poorer working and fairplay which seems to be part of through the co umns of this paper to classes.
the psychology of the typical young The many friends of Johnny B:iton might teach these boys, in spite Wilkins, who have en regular (BRANDON BANK)
before the public, we shall be very glad to the former direction of differencs of speech and maoner and ly enquiring after bis welfare: have long ere now concluded that upbringing to unders and and appre how he is faring with Judge SECURITY Very truly yours, one of the greatest essentials to cinto each other. Well, the experiment Hanan up north in Indiana, will the dispensing of justice is has been extraordinarily successful and be glad to learn that he reports JOHN ROBINSON, SERVICE competent knowledge of the law Managiog Editor and of the realm. This think is annual affair. The little ardoues and Judge get along tine, that he camp of this kind is to become an doing five, that he and the Pras. of St. Mérk Lyceum, borne out the and have been. and Panama (Founded 18. Colon Please note that Master Kerr deductions of the Workman Edi equally shared and the two aud Miss Kerr are the son and torial in question have mixed splendidly.
every thing. that while others or course, the bave begun to shiver with the daughter of Professor Kerr. In the latter clause. feel that feamp life wao just a peace time applica. opening of the fall he enjoys Our large Resources and well known the a lack of lesson the. and in mus for many years. Master is often a serious menace to the few British officers who did not win the weight and in several other conservative Management afford unKerr was offered a salary of accomplishment of very much regard of their men by voluntarily shar. directions. In short, he has fho questioned security for 200 per mop to manage the by leaders of the people. ing and taking in very many cases, regrets in going up.
every dollar orchestra of a popular New York deposited with this bank theatre, and act as first violinist, cannot but hope that the much more than their share in the but he had to refuse as it would Editor of the Workman is a work rigours and discomforts as well as the interfere with his studies. er for a proper Representative dangers of warfare. The extraordinary Government in Jamaica, and more the entente which resulted from the closer British Consulate Notice.
others of the West Indies, as it personal 4880 personal association of young men of has occurred to me that some element in the industrial crisis that different classes to lose much of Organs of the of the Isthmian workers its effect these lines along followed the war. The Duke of dosky fear to use The British Consul at Colon hought it too privileges we enjoy in countries too precious to abandoh, and would be glad of information re AAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON People. BBANDON where free speech is permiss. is boys camp seems to have stimulated garding the present whereabouts President it afresh. The experiment at New of Mrs. Jane Small, sister of the Vice President Treasurer able to hammer at the things at Romney is likely to be duplicated on a home which create the need for late Private James Shorey, Newspapers and Editorials. reforms.
large sale next year.
Go to it. Mr. Editor and fear no chances of a boycot these Sir. There are existent many days, it can be done.
The British Consul at Panama things and persons that lay Advertise in The Work would be glad of information reclaim to being organs of the Yours, garding whereabouts of Mr.
H, PILGRIM WILKINS. man it pays. Jamas Butler, of Jamaica.
more ORDER BOOKS 80 For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the day er them WORKMAN PRINTERY put forward we Panama Banking Company to do.
classes es seemed General Banking Business Transacted Advertise in the Workman It Pays


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