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TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1921, FAGE THREE DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR constitu entirety ecos 36:50 30 OSSOS 6. Sa Panama Branch WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP Jamaica Representative COMPANY LTD Government Association, Dear Sir:The regular meeting of the local branch of the Jamsica Representative am pleased to inform you that an at anGovernment Auseistion was beld on nual general meeting of the shareholders of the Monday night lust at the Pacifis Club West Indian Steamship Company held at this Mr. Wynter providing, Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of Mr. Wynter in opening the meeting, extwded bearty welcome to the visit members of the organization were present and That a Car so light should also be so ors, He said that they were gathered enthusiastic speeches were made in support of there for the purpose of helping very tremendously rugged and strong is the furtherance and development of the Comimportant movement at Jamaics to evidence of the thoroughly fine way in bring about change in the pany. The members in a body voted confidence tion of the island. The constitution which it is builtfrom the time of Queen Victoria bid in the administration, and pledge their wholeoutlived its purpose and does not meet hearted support advanced ideas of today. They wanted It was also unanimously agreed that each The very first cars built are still renderchange to improve th: come con ditions large number of Jansens shareholder will advance his shares by purchasng steady, economical servica.
were forced to be here owing to the ing mora stock so as to enable us at once to ex ing conditions at home.
procure and put afloat our large steamer con.
The Under Secretary of State, Mr.
Wood is now on a tour of inspection of templated for the conveyance of freight and the West Indies and Jamaica will passengers to the ports agreed upon in our included in that tour. memorial will prospectus The gasoline consumption is unusually low be prepared and given to that gentleman The tire mileage is unusually high.
asking fra change in the constitution You are therefora, respectfully requested which will te protented to Hjerty Government not only to act in conformity with the decision The Asistant Secretary then read a of the shareholders who were present by very elaborate and well worded constitu doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but tion drawn up by the Presiunt, The President in outlining the consti: that you will induce every man, woman and HARRY NICHOLLS tution and in part: child in your locality to come forward and join Io presenting this suggested consti with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
13 STREET tution for the government of Jamaica, am conscious of the fact that in that remain, Telephone 758.
country it will not be adopted in its am further conscious of the Yours truly, fact, that the ideas and opinions of others will be considered, and out of the SMITH, Secretary.
various proposals surgested, something will be propounded that will give effeo tual relief to the demand for a reform in convenience. Personally, he wanted the the government of the country. first stroke at the wisket. Considering The proposition is one of reform that only one month from date and the Not a reform through the medium of Under S:cretary of State would be in corfusion and exeggerated ideas; not Jamaica, he did not think it would be reform to be hunted through wite to wait another week. Mr Brage, the labyrinth of intricate an endless the Secretary would be leaving on negociations. not a reform to ariss out Saturday for Jamaica and they would LUCKY of a divided Party strife or out of uni commision him to deliver the suggestiversal discord; not reform to be ed enstitution wi a personal letter to STRIKE brought about through the solution of the Gleaner CIGARETTE plexing problems or vex stipus ques Dr. we withdrew his motion and tion, por do cace to make any precise suggested that a committee be appointtracing of any shadowy boundaries of a edo desl with the matter on Wednes complex givernment. The reform: am day night, suggesting tre sought in its natural Mr. Haynes said he thought ejurse it democracy is what it ought to that the time being short the best be; a government emanating and pro, thing that they could do was to pounded as the expression of the will of nole Nr. Brags to deliver the Of course posed to remove the ground of the This was a matter of vital importano you know to It is pro to the Gleaner, difference, and to restore confidence in and they shou endeavour to expedite the reason the Imparial Government and to matter, Ss exos oso ooo permanent satisfaction to our people; and to further reconcile our minds to the Dr. Anderson supported the why millions further political advancement of the er speaker of men like Mir. Pilgrim Wilkins said that they country.
Seals Gerald Nuptials sho ld be quite sure about the question Lucky Strike It has been suggested by some of of method in prorenting the tungested Cigarette our representative Jamaicans, that this constitution in Jamaica. He was neither Mr. Reginald Seals of Barbados was EVERY HOUSEWIFE Association should await a copy of the a Jamaican nor a member but he was because joined in matrimony with Miss Mario proposals from Jamaica before attempt profoundly interested in the movement.
Gerald of Martiaique at the Assumption Should be prepared for the accidents that happen in the house. to it toasted suggest anything in connection The suggested constitution might con Catholic Church, Pedro Mizuel on Satur hold. Cuts, burns, sprains, bruises, are quickly relieved by that oldi Rooft tried, standard remedy.
with the constitution. With this sugges flict with the at home. You know which seals day the 15th inst. at pm.
Bion, permit me to emphasixo, disagree what u want, but the people at home in the real After the ceremony was over he and Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC emphatically. Experience has taught me are more acquainted will the conditions chas ideas and coaclucions his bride motored over to Panama Recom.
Burley taste press would deas and coaclusions once formed and in und ng it to the Joolling, soothing relief giving application. Don be without to alter or eradicate, and ignoring them. copy should be sent to pspined by some of his friends, among it will relieve dobie iteh. Keep it on band all the time.
venture them were Mr. Louis Tayale, Mr.
to suggest the the opinion, that is your representative 8) as to get their and Mrs. Acadon Phillip Aton, eto. On pleasant mouth wash. specific eure for cramps and stomach is better and more consistent wi. the opinion before it be sent to the pross.
Mr. Wy interpretation of democracy that our arriving there he was met by some of his troubles.
said he was sorry that Det repr sentatives or the deputation which Mr. not at the previous lodge brothers whoj ined in congratulat Bball ba respasible for tha presentation meeting when he bad road an CM ing his Buy a bottle of your druggist.
of the merial should be informed of from the Gleaner of the 17th asking the Cheer up (Amigo Seals) we wish you the people wishes before making any people to give suggestions as to the form and your bride bappiness and success in concrete plans in the drawing up of of constitution they desired. The per your undertaking wuch an important and historical docu ons representing the bad nos yes High Cost of Prohibition Enforcement Wo want to bring about a healthy best ideas may be got from what is were asked to give opinions so that the ish and Engilsh, for sale at the and useful discussion of what ought to be be. We must demonstrate that we are opinion that the people should tell patch from New York, dated presented. It was the concensus of Direct West India cable des, Workman Printery.
capable to think for ourselves and that what they wanted, rea forms for which we are asking His forelock.
the extension of advanced political reson that they were taking time by the October 12 h, States that en.
forceme. of prohibition through Majesty Goy Government, is not purely the out the Uaited States cott the demand of agitators nor individuals Vote of Thanks for President. Government 250 003 dollars SANCHEZ FARRUGIA actuated by selfish motivos; but that it Dr. Lowe moved vote of during the last fiscal year, it was ca is the spontaneous feelings, sentiments Thanks for the President for drafting revealed yesterday in a state.
and convictions of people who such an elaborate and highly apprecia. men given out at prohibition havo outlived the present adverse conditive constitution.
headquarters ons of the constitution in operation at After the motion was unanimously tha present time.
carried, Mr. Braga addressed the Presi.
No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET Lut us show that the people know dens as follows: vote of thanks has French Government Decfor what they are making. Do not let been unanimously carried for your good orates Colored Woman.
us underestimate our own value in the work. We want to assure you sir, that Silver Prices body polític. Let us show that we are we stand behind you as a solid column.
Jamaicans, and of Jamaica, and that Mr. Wynter in thanking the (By the Associated Negro Press)
the educational progress although of said: accept without any mental cable despatch to the GENERAL MERCHANDISE slow growth (and could have been more reservation the vote of thanks you have Brooklyn and Long Island informer advanced) can and will prove our capa acsorded me. did not start this move dated Oct. states that the Rebility to be honorable and reliable mem ment because thought that was the e connaisance Francaise, Ware, Etc. bers of the British Empire. only man capable of doing so, but be bronze medal, has been awarded Dr. Lowo said that the constitution cause have great interest in my coup by the French government to was intelligortly drawn up. He eulo try. have followed the political con Dr. Harriet Rice, a colored ditions Many have not followed them woman, gised Mr. Wynter for the interest be as have; and further, not overy man French Military Hospitals dur.
for her services in Special to our Customers has always displayed in the affairs of has the same position and talent in life. ing the war. The medal his country. He said, however, that shall never forget your appreciation reached her through the French Cups and Saucers in Various Patterns. for 00 owing to the immensity of the consitu to for my insignificant servicos.
Embassy at Washington. She tion he would suggest that instead of Plates, Assorted Sizes The meeting rose at 10 m.
the matter being put through that is graduate of Wellesly 30, 40 50c. each.
night that it should be delerred until College and of the Woman Glasses, Plain and Fancy. 20. 25, 30 40c.
College in New York.
Best Maraganda de rechter where there wound WILKINSON Meidlicadistilleen lae mens Parties next night OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN be by clause.
CONTRACTCR BUILDER the magnificent) French spirit Mr. Wynber in expressing his of awarding alllon merit alone.
on the question said: There were a First Class Workmanship, Pay us a Visit and you will be Convinced pointe to be considered. 1) Time. 3) Plans and Specifications Free Advertise in The WorkThe possibility of no meeting on account 15th Street Wes: House 99 of inclement weather, and (8) Mail Box 411, Panama, man It pays what you editortal tent, The prope Saken any definite haite step.
Rent Receipt Books in Span Advertise in the Workman It Pays STORES members China, Glass Enamel it could dealt with clause be feelings tor
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