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PRICE Cts. Cy Expected Changes on Canal Zone POINTS FAVOURABLY TO ALIEN LABOUR by to land not the a result of.
force substituting do not possile the THE FIJI ISLAND CUBAN GOOD REPORT NEWS POSSIBLE FIELD OF LABOR On Men Sent Back to For Colored Labor Is BeIsland of Barbados. lief of Pilgrim Wilkins Causes Much Concern Among Havanı, Oct. The Evening The nowe which appeared in According to Notes From ComNews publishes the fbllowing the columns of the Workman last Unemployed West Indians More than two weeks ago the Saturday relative to the sugges mission Recommendations Cuban steamship Guantanamo tion that there will be a call for took aboard 276 unemployed British West Indians to go to We reproduce hereunder schools necessary:10 months The article about the Fitas possiblo, us it is only by natives of Barbados, who were the Fiji archipelagoes in the far islands being possible field of this means that the Lego Dabs because they were out of in desperate condition in South Pacific has already spread summary of the Special Panama school per year favored. Establish manual training issue of the Workman, seems totalr estimate of the number relabor which appeared in the last Non will be able to give work and could not get more wild fire, and has as is Canal Probe Commission re. Cuban Government ematom to. have caused quite a stir among quiring employment should the tried to do the history, been responsible War Weeks us given out in the natives can be trained to all square thing for a deal of speculation.
unemployed Weat Indians in the call come from the Fiji Islands. tried these workmen and take them potes taken thereon by Messrs. places of American mechanics.
Wilkins cities of Panama and Pilgrim Colon, who is ever on Pushing and Wyone, POLICE DEPARTMENT There has been quite a large back home, but now seems tho que vive whore the needs of coutube. Parmheme Employes get 14 per cent.
judging from the many made de oro en los Brillen on number of these forms taken by thus the Governor of Barbados Inborare concerned, has been Metal Council Tradera persons will sulate and also at this offico 11ips them in and returning claiming that they are not Bar hi suggestion at well as what cipie comments and recom00ez. polloe. Favor replacing polico permit them to investigating the facts about the notes, it is is said, covers the prin. more pay than District Columbia during the week.
same to the Legation, but there badians. These natives bave buildings, of with onquirers we have been advised to doing so. why this sbould be and reports received here state scheme, and baving already obe our the Canal land should be For tha information of anxious appears to be great reluctance been on the abip bitteen dayo puro stans Zobeing made towara dations of the Commission, and canada et piere, administration great interest to negroes.
is difficult to goderstand, our readers, to whom we expect to state that the British LegaIt that they are in a terrible condi wained specific information, will to be in a position to give a more FIRE DEPATMENT Hon in this city has no definite hampers the Logation in form. tion, althy and dirty, and disease publicly (in a mass meeting at comprehensive version of the Employes get 11 per cent instructions just now that West Ing any correct estimate of the is likely to break out among the Pacific end express his recommendations and their in more pay than DC Firemen.
Indians will be sent to the Fuji nunber of unemployed from the them.
white of views on the subjects soon, and tended application in later Islands. But as of various West Indian Islands, It is said that most of the men suggest what he ihinks the best issue.
Balboa, Cristobal, Pedro Miguel the God may eventually curtail any are Barbadians, which are under course to pursue.
The notes as appeared in and Gatun and cut down paid Imperial ations made to Government as to the possible relief that might be the jurisdiction of the Governor Follow local newspaper col local daily run as follows:negroes. Apnumber of unemployed West forthcoming from any of these of that island. No plan has yet umns and the date of Mr. Wil.
ply two platoon system under Indians here, and the OPEN SHOP governments.
likelihood conditions been formed to get the men of kin Mass Meeting as well as af untold sudering among them recommended of a number of 2, 000 forms the ship, the Open shop now is in effect in British Legation has been distributed in the cities of Pana place where it will meet theory only as the Canal Zone is and Cristobal. Capt. Lieut Proposed Force At Balbos be will be given.
in formed that negotiations ms and Colon, there has not would be entered into with the been more than little over 200 ONE OF THE ROBBERS very sad feature of the whole gaining but is opposed to out. Miguel and Gatan. Lieut. Mr. Wilkins has stated that completely untonized. Commis Sergeants, White Firemen: sion believes in collective bar. 10 colored Firemen, At Pedro Gorarnment of the Pji Islands situation of West Indian labor Insiders representing subployes. Sergeant, White Firemen, 15 to whether a large number turned in to the Consulates Panama and report of suffering at the unemployed could not be these cities. This surely does of the Colon Municipal drafted to that island. And not even give the falntest iden Are opposed to employes Colored.
is where the facts gained in high forcing high (taking it statistically. that Treasury Caught.
reply is expected at any moment there is any suffering here, and wages through DEBARTMENT OF CIVIL AFFAIRS British and American directions political influence for any group Meantime prove the British Legal yet we all know that there is that there is the amount of distress which has of emyloyes. Governor to be meot of U, Rovernment. Turu over to other departtion here is desirous of finding great deal.
instructed not to make any out as acourately as We have been given to under: been given out, consequent on agreements for any definito Postofices to the Pafstal number of unemplyed West Unemployed West Indians get stand that throu, the activities the fact that despite the effort Departmentto Indians on the Isthmus, and to alive to your interest, fill in of Captain Bermudez of the (of the British authorities to length of time and to abrogato Customs Department, Adminisbo to. Governor to that all those who have taken the consulates, by doing no dia and Arcadio Diaz, one of the about the reported suffering to committees from (Recommded elsewhere)
unions, but the unemployed Forms sent out can cause you no harm, and dia MUNICIPAL DIVISION operators in committees of employes by the Legation to have same there is every chance in it to do tha Colon Munici warrant the Britisk government is recommended that the supervisors only.
Cut to three districts:Go inte tiled in and returned as soon you a lot of good, Gordon was was arrested a few days Indians on the Isthmus have not Wages; Dispense ago in Colon, responded in manner to war lopen shop principle be actually with oll at pump station and put into offect on the Isthmus, have police drop in and see that At the Turf last He Zealously De Gordon band 150 dollars in bills anibeke hamperial Government and, that, in all apartamento, a no harm on him at the time of his arrest tion or absorption of West Ima necessary repatria operator fair proportioned non union men left; Re.
fended his Flag.
and confessed that he and two of chilans had carried out the dian labor from the Isthmus to be comployed, and that this pro duc proportion shall be kept large med: Replace all clarks robbery. The chiliane had plan. available British territory.
ned Mr. John Hart the furniture the coup he said, and had enough to their thai the Governo de croce Replace foramen of Mr. Wilkins hopes that the ment actually believes in the The borse races at Juan Franco yards and offices with on Sunday last was run in ideal dealer on Central Avenue de made off with the bulk of the response which his planned weather, and could have been monstrated yesterday (Armis: loot giving him only a paltry mass meeting in Panaman will open shop prlociple and is follow. negroes; Cut out superintend.
ents at Water plants, leaving one recelye, will help to decide the one of the best tice Day) that there is still much sum as his share.
listed as All rules miting alien at Miraflores and one at Mount question of whether or not there meets ever pulled off by the of the fighting spirit left in him Panama Jockey Club, but for a though he has seen bis 62 sum.
is a large amount of British labor to be removed, especially Hope and Agua Clara.
COMMISSARIES TAG DAY misunderstand. mars. As la generally known West Indian workers on the the Edge Tool Rule and Ford ing which prevented the rea loyal one at that too, so is Britisher Isthmus ready and willing to go Must pay full rate for commoDivorce from Panama Cities handled by Panama alization what WAS to open doors which are sug Canal entirely and operate asa and Steamship line.
day The in eing the third Anniverstery mae publicam ill please beard y gested by the Imperial Govern commerciale enterprise to be the most exciting event of Armistice Day the Union 24th November for the reliet ment especially for their relief.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT of the day, as it included such of well matched horses as a canone place, while gracefully Jack Encourage agriculture; local floated Hart over Splendid: Beyond erilcism; business of our needy, suffering fellow, supplies are deficient in quanties Wilful floating citizens under the auspices of Mountain Boy in a six tur in the breeze it happened to the Panama Charity organizFour Cayman Isla nderss food that could be raised on Isth.
done. If any thing, and quality, Prices charged for Too well Official salaries low; others come in contact with some pass. tion.
mus are exorbitant and hard high. Number of nurses excesTherawas some trouble in get, who Hart said burled some very do his bit in assisting to bring American gentleman (9)
Let every one be prepared to are held by Cubans.
ship on employes. Recommend sive. Ancon hospital compares tingthe horses off, which caused that Zone be open to the public in as to cost of operation.
favorably with with hospitals a little delay and a couple of false obscene remarks at his flag and rellet, if not happiness, to every the horses were being urged up same back which was not done thrice happy who tries to make bave been arrested on the charge starts. For about the 4th time be at once demanded him to take home; remembering that he is Hayana, Oct. 14. Five men poses.
for agriculture and other rge subsistence of 50 per AUDITOR. when was service. Replace 25 Those who, of being Implicat :d in the mur. The auditor is general man nurses with negroes. Cut out 10 of Trumps and waampus Kat of British for bitarte indlebe and hitherto, could not afford to der Hof Fred Newland which ager without proper title of per cent of silver got away Tearing teh Wiiful standing right. This created little co Tag day in your opportunity to Ing. Four of these are natives ly reorganized and modern sys and surgeons and replace all physician the post, and raced the motion and the police intervened. dowhat you can. The labels en of the island of Grand Cayman. tem Installed. And he should do army medical officers. Consider entire distance; Ace of Trumps The matter was eventually set gaged will be willing to wait and one, Juan Jose Gordon the auditing and nothing more, turning over hoepitals to farmy.
And the easily. Without con tled at the police station whero upon you. Buy a bag and wear Cuban, is accused of being an GENERAL MANAGER it. Gradually sanitation accessory after the fact.
until it rates er it was a start, the General Manager for Canal Judge at for malaria once declared Ace of Trumps the The post mortem examination should be man of wide expe In 20 large cleties of the winner. This created great PERSONAL Pleasant Sunday of the body, which was conductrience, etc. to relieve Governor Tuen oror sanitary department ed by Doctors Roger and of details.
to Public Health excitement among the backers Afternoon of the other horses. Bat this Drapar, brought out the fact that Wo are glad to state that Mr.
the body The Canal should be operat Families must keep their was Starter declared that there was Cambridg: real estate was quickly allayed when the covered with blood and deathed by high grade executives at premises and grounds clean no start. In the face of this the dealer of Colon, who has been sociation will hold Pleasant blows on tho hende which treble for results obtained by low charged for and subject to fine.
The Antigua Progressive As. had been produced by three high salaries and held responsi ander penalty of having it done, Judge still maintained his rolept for the past weeks is greatly commenciog at o clock, the ill in the Panama Hospital here Sunday afternoon to morrow, tured the skull.
paid operstiyes. Canal execu AUDITING DEPARTMENT of Trumps tivos Sre no low paid and and Waampus Kat refused to improving and hopes to be out function it is said is for the purThe body was discovered in operatives bigb paid. Not modern. Abolish paysend their horses back and the in a few days time, He under: pose of making its debut to the an orange grove, about three master and Collector and create OFFICALS BALARY INCREASTI eaar er aftens. Semi monthevent had to be abandoned. Pa necasaltated his stay in the hos ou bhechiel objects of this Asho discovery having been made by nor and his executives, bo in pissaries and sell for cash only.
which. We understand that one monies in Part Recommend salary of Gover iy pay, Abolish coupons in comMutuel were returned.
pital so long ciation is for getting Antiguano rural guards.
This however, did not effect at Permit civillan stores closer Association with into the racing events which were all understand a very interesting another than heretofore existed cused Garcia, as he had said he fitted it necessary.
one One of the men arrested ac employ new men especially CATTLE INDUSTRY, FARMS, ErG.
satisfactorily carried out program await turfites.
and for the assistance, finan bad seen Garcia in the orange Out out cattle industry, farms There is to be Another All aboard for Juan France cally or otherwise, DIVISION OF SCHOOLS one grove where the murder is suplantations and dlarles.
meet to marteat which wo tomorrow, another.
pposed to have taken place; Notjautficient tenchers; More (8 ohad to ponaru)
comes to the single number sub fone Car Rule. expected and longo RO.
ind for employees.
to the AceBoy reduce of
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