
DODGE BROTHERS BUSINESS CAR aegis of De In all and treble hele have Why the great circle not we look in when When might not ack of TAEKWORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1921, PAGE THREE Sosos The Crown Colonies WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP Mr. Churchill Urges Their COMPANY LTD Development, Dear Sir:Mr. Winston Churchill SecreI am pleased to inform you that an at antary of State for the Colonies, nual general meeting of the shareholders of the speaking at a dinner of the Gold Coast Civil Service Club, on West Indian Steamship Company held at this September 27th, asked wby it Office on the 1st Inst. a large gathering of was we had let so many years pass by, decade after decade, members of the organization were present and a Car so light should also be so enthusiastic speeches were made in support of leaving neglected, or only very tentatively developing those the furtherance and development of the Comtremendously rugged and strong is great possessions which with great foresight evidence of the thoroughly fine way in pany. The members in a body voted confidence and been the British oder After all placed the in the administration, and pledge their wholewhich it is builthearted support these years, shocked to see in how coptismalla am It was also unanim susly agreed that each The very first cars built are still render way the British Parliament has shareholder will advance his shares by purchasplayed the ng steady, economical service.
its great tropical game in developing States.
ing more stock so as to enable us at once to they could have been procure and put afloat our large steamer conearning large sums in increas ing revenues and general aug.
templated for the conveyance of freight and mentation of the assets which passengers to the ports agreed upon in our the nation possesses, but years prospectus The gasoline consumption is unusually low have passed and you see the The tire mileage is unusually high.
same things now being consid You are therefora, respectfully requested ered, and now costing double reble as much. Now we see not only to act in conformity with the decision situation has been creatof the shareholders who were present by ed. Many of our old customers doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but have disappeared. We have kill ed a lot of them, and others we that you will induce every man, woman and HARRY NICHOLLS.
rut in the bankruptcy child in your locality to come forward and join court, and owing to this incon.
venience they are unable to with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
13 STREET renew their monthly or yearly orders with regularity and abun remain, dandet which we had a right to Telephone 758 Yours truly, do British SMITH, Secretary. Here are assets in which you could sink 200, 000, 000 in ine next 10 years with the certainty of getting back every penny you invested.
country women, to witness a It is believed clues obtained in more rapid development of those this capture will soon lead to the see plans being dis: Colonies, which can obviously arrest of the gang who made a cussed by local authorities for only be procured by the greater sensational armed attack on have some doubt, and for derey outlay of capital. Cautiou must Boulevard jewelry shop in broad admittedly be observed in deai daylight some months oping this or that public working with the finances of these.
which they do not feel any small Colonies, but there is such band kept passersby at bay by On this occasion three of the enthusiasm for. whether something wonder thing as over crution, and this firing their revolvers, while two be done to relieve the places usually spells stagnation took 500, 000 frances worth of the case of partially developed others broke a show window and enterprise, lack of initia ventures to tive, in in the business and indus hope, from Mr. Churchill ut gems. All five escapad in an auto trial world by putting out orders terances last night, and on mobile.
on other assumed The automobile thieves who ihe apparatus which is needed the office of Secretary of State bave just been arrested have been to get these great fertile coun for the Colonies, that to soon as the last week around the Grand making their headquarters for tries with active populations and he is firmly seated in the saidle, Palais where the automobile immense natural sources on a under his vigorous guidance not show is being held. Ten of the scientific basis. At any rate, it only Parliament but the Colonial gang seems to me that the develop orice twin more amplycofaldi gang wae caught and admitted ment of our Crown Colonies is their obligations to the Crown have stolen four cars. one side that since last Sunday they of the factors which ought Colonies and Protectorates, to be used in solving the tempo car, and made revolver attacks rary collapse and breakdown of on two tercabs.
the markets and purchasers. Cheers. Crime Wave in The McFadden Educational Club Why Suffer With Dobie Itch it speech in a letter to the Paris creates Public Champion ShortTimes, the Hon. Gideon Murray, Alarm.
hand Writer When DR. TICHENOR AN113EPTIC will re love and cure you? Thursday night 27th October was MP, complains of the inadereading night for the McFadden Health quate timo devoted to the dis.
This old time prescription is living up to its reputation by conquering and Edware stional Club, at their Literary cussion of the Colonial attairs in Stops Dobie Iteh meeting held in the Red Tank Club the House of Commons, only Rounding up Murderous Aibert Schneider, of New The advent of Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC has proved to be the shouse.
two days being allotted last Ses Gangs by the Police one York, Hoids World right thing in the right place. Those that have tried it for The following was the programsion for the purpose, and of Title.
this troublesome iteh have found instant relief Readings on McFadden viewpoint were given up to questions con after the Other those two days one and a half cooling soothing application for the affected parts, and you are doubly grateful to Dr. TICHANOR ANTISEPTIC on Save the Child and Physical Out cerning Mesopotamia, a mandat when the itch disappears.
rage by Mr. De Bourg.
ed territory Niagra Falls. Albert SchneiA WOMAN LEADER.
Others have tried it and found relief, why should you suffer?
Reading Hygiene, of the nose by der, 20 years old, a free lancə Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC can be found la ali drug stores This left only a few hours, Master Phillipe.
reporter of New York city is the TRY IT (he con inues)
To te happy by Mr. Fred with any matters connected with which to deal Pittiess Punishment asked world champion shorthand writer, and the youngest that Charles the large number of Crown Colo for Guilty Life and Life has ever held that title, it was Optimiem by Mre. Gale. nies and Protectorates, includ term Demanded. announced at the convention of Breaking a Fast by Mr. Rhodesia, which is neither the yexed problem of the National Shorthand ReportPalmer one ers Association here this afteror the other II Mr. Churchill Paris, October 16. The exisnoon.
has Advertise in The Work to obtain more time in Parlia: bach organized bands of craoks. record when he wrote: 175 wordeste will use his powerful influence tence of the Paris police become unceasing battle Schneider established a world It Pays man. It pays ment for the discussion of Colo with Dail affairs, then Parliament will Just as Yeyette cat throat a minute in a state literary test have an opportunity to rid itselt gang was brought to trial, ten without making an error. Oa of the slur which bandits specializing in jewel questions and answers, jury sys SEXSCOXOC. he wrote 280 words upon it. But if, in the future shop robberies were placed un tem, SANCHEZ FARRUGIA two days a year are to be de. these accounted for than a third charge to the jury he wrote 240 as in the past, one or at most der arrest, and no sooner were minute with 44 errors. 01 voted to discussing the affairs or gang was captured. This last words a minute with 22 errors, our Crown Colonies and Protec. devoted itselt to automobile eta 200 words in a minute with one state literary test, he with their huge poten12 errors, George Daly, of New tial undeveloped resources, large Pablic alarm at the sudden York, was awarded a gold medal populations, and many and development of the Apaches for proficiency in combination tNo. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET diverse problems. cannot see war on society is expressing tests. how Pariament is even to take itself in an outcry for pitiless in.
Silver Prices velopment or even to acquire a caught. This opinion is gener reputation for considered res elly approved by the Publie SACRED CONCERT ponsibility toward them. Prosecutor, who to day asked GENERAL MERCHANDISE Whilst blaming Parliament for the death penalty against caterber lack of a forasigat and one per te principal members of BY THE, Yeyette be will, all he can do to remedy The Flapper Queen fainted Antiguan Progressive Society this, Mr. Churchill will doubtless in Court when the Government not forget that the Colonial demanded the life of her lover AT THE Ofice likewise cannot evade its and lite imprisonment at hard Special to our Customers National Progress Lodge. share of responsibility for the labor for her. The Prosecutor policy has left the Colo explained that he ought to pronies insufficiently developed. pose capital punishment for her Hall, CHORILLO Cups and Saucers in Various Patterns. for 00 wonder, for instance, if he too, as she was the leader but be Plates, Assorted Sizes 30, 40 50c. each. remembers a despatch that cause of her youth he quite recently went out in his the milder sentence.
ON SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th Glasses, plain and Fancy 20, 25, 30 40c.
name to the West Indies The police have discovered At 30 which he laid it down as a policy that the band of jawel thieves OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN that he does no ſavour loans for arrested a few days ago are the smaller Crown Colonies. Affiliated with an international Special ORCHESTRA furnished par us a Visit and you will be onvinced wonder, further, how this pollcy organization with ramifications for the occasion is reconcilable with his express all over Europe and South ed desire, which is shared by America and have a membership many of his countrymen and numbering about 1, 000. ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 15c. 008 a 18 Advertise in the Workman STORE torates, wie ans appreciable China, Glass Enamel ware, Etc.
he suggested 10


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