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PRICE 5CTS Cy Unveiling of a New Charter DISCUSS RACE PROBLEM negro history as a ren son.
know 25 P antal August ligations. The putin ne Convention thin th in the interest of the CAPTURED BISHOP MONSTER CROWD WITPRESIDENT HARDING IN ACT McGUIRE NESS GREAT FUNCTION of Placing Bomb in City Joine African Blood Brother Of of Havana hood Chartered Chapter No. 14, Havana, Nov. Two men An.
Bishop George Alexander Mc. Protests Against Black Man Being tonio Pazos, Cuban, and Jose Guire, organizer of the African Scores Big Hit Rodriguez, a spaniard said to Orthodox Church, a movement Uused as Political Tool be connected with the syndic begun two years ago by Negro list labor athenaeum, were ar. Episcoplians who believe in Ne.
Birmingham, Ala, Oct. 20. war and has continued at only nams and especially thise resid Colon Division No. 4; Gamboa a bomb at a corner in the dition to the rapidly increasing the colored man must be given slackened pace since, Negroes on the Isthmus of Pathe represen ratives from the rested yesterday while placing sro leadersbip, is the latest adcity of wil Division No. Division No. business section of Havana, Blood Brothernood For the membership of the African a chance to make gol, President never forget Sunday Nov. 20h although invitad did not send They were also charged of being goed is the errood Dr Forcebant Hardines declared in a frank dis North, West Closer to Race 1221. a day which in any representative) Command the authors of propaganda di 25 years are cassion of the race problems in Question.
and ant Morris from the Salvation reted against Am rican officials occupied a prominent rank the heart of the Sith today, It has bloucht the question glorious one, a day that 2:00 ne.
of the Universal; N Walrond in Cub They will be place on won the cley of the Pro The black man, haid. must bofre closer to North West groes, mom of Voekma Newspapar trial alone with political and cconomic and believe it has red to Negro Imp ant Associeer won the deles from alged wimbo November 1919, he withdrew giver and Africanas Logotovimuus Paternal societies in zition, or tha organ from that buds, started at ind quality as a unutter of justice modify soms what theirs of pendant Episcosal Churen, which and national welfare.
these sections on this a were eager forward to the city of Panama.
pas les devis pia into a decom Chesmade the Satu Sarely we shall gain nothing is industrial alize There were showers of the meeting was eli to Panama Centenary, Od releely ination the African by blinking at the facts Presibor of the cobrei rain where to click dependence the RN Whittaker ma, and Orthodox Church, and for which dent Hansen in bregion and the ta realiz and fell indir Cuplan elect dir Ossional lym was covecrated the first up the subject in his main speech ficulties of the community in the hours or that when the 01 Mondiv. 23 ist Pinsbe cision. Grosnland ley Mama will col bat her one on otshop on Sep muerto de Belasting lain semi enten who trestly de Soon atter binang ting tunity all wel all love to tolavas san by the conged th Anniversary of freedom 80 graces insanov nial celebration rubro by sitte wirds the Lo and chat which was fol from the run San men DicGuire became a de Harding in a rather starting in his Guachapali Chat UNIA and traininital helyteenth birthday san 1920. at the first convw parts USB OL the black man the world problems of race, by movement er by the Chap Panan nas jest celebrated ciple of the Garvey fashion, protested against his recent essay. sarveying nro: 215 und 12 octorate rendere and Dandanumtion was elected on plain geraas here oli igal tool, and urgencludes thus: utions of the Earth Small but rendering most valuable service ed the negroes to vote either the Strees, cuacha aliaid 1021 directions handles Omen, after which the Chaplainen mein Here, then, is the true con.
Owing to the Democratic or Republican ticket ception women and children were seen the evening lesson which was patriotism and devotion to the demand made upon him 10 of wending their way towards Lt. Talren from Exodas 10 Chapter high ideals of Democracy, may linquish either his denomination on the mories of the two parties. calo complete uniformity in verse 15. then save an ad you continue berty Hall which was to be th The President warned your upward nat work or his position as chaphis ideals, absolute quality in the annals of the Guachapali Chapter ofticers and invoked the bless as you have begun. All hai unhesitatingly choose to resign something educationally for the equal a journey of knowluci and culture, opportuny for those No. viz. the unveiling of thg of the Almighty on their Panama!
his office in UNLA rather negro and not make its colored who strive, equni admiration for the Charter No. 14 granted to the labours. hymn was then than submit to any infringemeot population a vast reservoir of those who achieve; in matters Chapter by the Honourable Mar Sung by the Choir after which Lodges and Friendly Societies of his religious freedom and ob ignorance to be drained a way by social and racial. a seperate path, cus Garvey the President Gene Brother J, elect the processes of immigration to each pursuing his own inherited Take Notice Stevens da other sections.
rai of the organization and the livered the address of welcome traditions, preserving his own installation of the officers elect, and introduced Bro. F. Mil. mas New Year Cards are varied assortment of Christ. ed no successor, but in appreciaon tion of the Bishop services, une The growing industrialism of race purity and race pride; The hall was tastily decorated lington, Chaplain of the Colon sale at the Workman Office animously conterred upon him the south, be said, will not permit equally in spiritual; for the cccision and from the Division No. 19 the Master of the title of Honorary Chaplain. this, if the south is to continue agreed divergence in tha physi outside one cou see from a dis Ceremonies. B:o. Stevens said:General. Since the close of the to prosper.
cal and material.
tauce the colors of the association EMR. STEVENS ADDRESS Ebeneze Baptist Church Convention, Dr. McGuire has Held Vital to Equality Proportioned to Hons the red, the back and the green.
Removed. ben comunicating with his Laborers are Fellowmen of the Negro race, We as Est Capabilities.
flying from th flagpola whil Nation, fellow members in the officers and memb rs of the UNI the decorations African Here, it ha seemed to me, is in the interior of and C. are very glad to welcome Ebnezer Baptist Church situ. Orthodox Church, and especially President said he had no sym. Political and conomic. Ya here of the true way out.
the builling were something to behold and will long you in our midst this evening The linger in the memories of those tonz looked for day has arrived (Chpers) ased in 21st. Street Guachapali is in the creation of sad lo king over this viewing. between 20th 12th of October monument to the unktown Ne pathy with half baked altru Deed be no occision for great would overstock the were present. Overhans, the brilliant Faces of the Indies and Streets. bet ne ing 200. 19 Gunchapa sacritice in the recent world yers and leave no laborers.
and 21st gro heroes who paid the supreme country with doctors and law and permanent differentiation, for limitations of the individual this huge silk tilig of the association 5a tlemen who are overerawing li, and will be dedicated and ope a Garvey while on the riget was the ratio Liberty at this mom. ht, hasta ed up for worship at o clock on opportunity, provided that on We are gathered today McGuire to both sides there shall be reBishop Tais ev ning wo Sunday afternoon, the 27th celebrate the semi centenary of cognition of the absolute divermal colors of this beautiful repub m) with enthusiasta.
ne the Republic or Panath and are very siad that in spite of many say this monther Acordia invitation bers of his organization and the the founding of Birmingham. gence in things social and richar.
on the left tnit of the United inga that have transpired we are herio this mist august moment; is extended to all.
latter refusing to surrender his that this wonder could be wrought individual rights to urcorrespond in so brief a time tells us how lity çi economic equality between When a time that States gether with ligs of the Rev. Odle. Pastor, respired fast our modern world moves so the races, mean it in precisely various allied nations.
Dagorica, We aro bero this evening severed all connections with the last poste de pe bewone tor for set the same way and to the same Long before the hour sat for to allow you to še clearly that th Lodge Notice the opaning of the tune in nizrohus struck out ou UNIA. and Mr. Garvey. In gue resterdays before or todays toe the Bishop will find are fairly begun; so absorbing in extent that would mean it if spoke of equality of economic crowds began to assemble in the few years ago th would have sid that halll and a 15 mn. when the it wud bo khaly impossible to have an organization, while working its concerns of the present that There will be a special sum. Intelligently strenuously for a nor interest for the tomorrow.
neither time opportunity as between mem bers. of the same race. In each meeting was opened there were gathering of this kind but was gro moned meeting of the would mean equality propor over 3000 men and women of pople has been awakened from our dor King Edward Lodge No. 13. In and liberation everywhere Royal Exhausted and affrighted by tioned to the honest capacities the negro race as which in the munt sleep and are moving forward auto dependent Order of auditorium was the soul it his besa said that the botto Mechanics. ondorec, 1st 19. ottish persions of African descent, does that bor more of the world war, the and deserts of the individual.
for interfere with nations on the initiative Men of box races my stand taxed to its utmost seating ca has never been on pacity whilst hundreds had evening we this the purpose of nominating offi ideals and ecclesiastic efforts, prevent repetition of such we are sending it down on the cers for the insuing term uncompromisingly against every turn away disappointed unable pages of history that too negro is on the other business of vital impor of personal and nor limit his rights in the matter experience.
suggestion of social equality.
to obtain even standing room scene. don feel like infringing upon tance. All members are reques. Judging from correspondence. Departure of Colored Race. Indeed, it would be helpful to have the advertise and were compelled to join the your tim but it has he. appointed to ted to attend.
From South Noted, that word equality eliminated ments in the Negro World and from this consideration; to have vast concourse downstairs which me to name to you a in our the official instructions and com Our own country, though its it accepted on both sides that picked the sidewalks, in some midst, or a brother if we should go furmunications sent from headquar necessities are táss onerous, its this is not a question of social instances and 19 deep.
ther home, in in whose hands shall be Take Notice oi the NIA to otticers difficulties not so grevious as equality, but a question of recog striking feature of this evening e program and one whom mas New Year Cards are entrusted a very important part of this varied assortment of Christ and members throughout the those of many others, has yet oc. nizing a fundamental, eternal unique gathering was the pic belive that you will learn to obey and sale at the Worls man Office, on world in reference to the African casion to consider where in it and inescapable difference. We turesque note struck by the te Church, it is it is evident may better its methods, adjust shall have made real progress members of the African Black to respect and have the great pleasure that Dr, McGoire resignation itself to the new relationships when we develop an attitude in of calling upon Mr. Millington, bas aroused a Cross Society, who in their white Chaplain of the Colon Division to be The Be Prepared Bali. tiveness among the powers that of struggle that lies ahead. Con thought of both races which la spirit of vindic. and equip itsell for the new sort the public and community dresses with flowing veils on Master of Cetemonies.
which the insignia of their or be with the purpose of hamper cerning one phase of this natio recognizes this difference.
ganization was placed reminded MR, MILLINGTON ADDRESS The 1st Panama Troop, Baden ing the progress of the Church. nal problem, want to say a few one of some ancient druid festi Fitness, Voting Qualification It would appear however that words. val when the vestal virgins led Mr. Millington in replying to the Be Prepared ball on Dec. the intended persecution is the stately processions in last speaker said President If the Civil war marked the would say, let the black man Take first the political aspect their sacrificial services. Their de officers, Ladies and Gentlemen als both at the Pacific Club in cele ing as a veritable fertilizer for beginning of industrialism in a 4th the African Orthodox Church.
Anniversary was members of Chapter 14. It is with feel. bration of exemplary ings or mingled feelings should say portnout the function south which had previously been vote when he is fit to vote; pro.
the formation of the troop. In Bishop McGuire the B. almost entirely agricultural, the bibit the white iman that stand before you this It is expected that this ball has made a most valuable acquisi. world the thegrand success, socially tion and THE FULL FORCE 410F world war brought us to full when he is unfit to vote. Es deration circle was to be seen able surprise. Iudeed it has been to me Panama We, as the elete THE RUSHING CURRENT IS NEAR ecognition that the race problem pecially would appeal to the is national rather than merely self respect of the colored race.
West Indian a revelation to be here this afternoon and have There are no authen. to improve itself as a distinct anthen. would inculcate in it the wish the Black Star Line Band go further the but it is common to the ivitations statistics, and Panams The officers of the and soy that in all my have accepted Card of Thanks knowledge that the world with heredity, a set Cha pter choir neatly robed lubare life it bill be to me an inspira: Colon Boy Scouts Troops have was marked by a great migration traditions, an array of aspiradirectly beherical caps whilst tion. Little did expoet when called also been invited. Music will upon by my president, the president of he mall desires through this of colored racial ambitions and and pride will pleasingly them and most the Colon Chartered Division, who are supplied by the now justly medium to thank his numerous and wanda, people to the north tions, all its own. Out of snak Were the members of the White you know is in very deep sympathy popular Silver City Band, who friends for their Cards, letters by the demand for labor and the come natural segregations, with and repraseats a special and expressions of sympathy higher wages offered. The slow out narrowing any rights, such and Blue Choral Union attired of the work of the terms. part pieces for the occasion to sup also for the many bouquets and movement had been in progress as are proceeding in both urban.
plement its already high class flowers sent her daring his re for decades before, but it Seated on the platform were (Continned On Page 5)
cent illness, vastly accelerated because of the (Continued on page a beautiful to Ism that who. of desirested mem shall go down in th: history of the with he never vast this an gentieman ters Orthodox act of the and on body.
of Colony the sectional tic sto Capital war race, with and their was

    Civil WarDemocracyWorld War

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