
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian slands DK ALBOA EST EER REWED that cases bill of health small while Ofts freight Rubber Address. MULLER BUILDING in gete orn Islands for which he bad for the Colonies, that, according Barbados many repatriates. Pelican is to present arrangements, it is land has only accommodation for proposed that the Honourable 250 persons, but a shift has Wood, Under Secretary The Emigrants By larger number, been made to accommodate a a of State for the Colonies, will There was no arrive in Jamaica on the 21st room however for the 275 non. December, departing on the 31st Barbadians; and, of course, in idem. Guantanamo view of their coming from an intected port they could not be British Consulate Notice.
allowed to land to endanger the The ss. Guantanamo charter health of the whole community ed by the Cuban Government Had the Captain waited until a The Acting British Consul at to take away repatriates from message could be sent to the Colon would be glad of informe tl at isiand, consequent on the other colonies and a reply ob tion as to the present where slump in the sugar industry, tained, accommodations may abouts of James Marshall, and the throwing out of employ have been temporarily found ex Sergeant, LR.
ment of thousands of immi for them on the two empty grants who were wandering ships in the harbour, but in homeless and destitute about this stormy season Demerara the country arrived here at of course, would have been 10 a. on Thursday 6th, with attended with risk, But it 603 repatriated emigrants. At coul have been done. The The West Indian Court of Ap4. 30 in. on Friday, the Guanta orders by the Cuban Govern peal which satin Demerara namo sailed again for Cuba, tak: ment for the Guantanamo to take opened at the Victoria Law ing away 276 of these emigrants the remaining emigrants back Courts on Thursday, 3rd Nov no did not belong to Barbados to Cuba put an end to this possi There were thirteen The circumstances under which bility. There is no fault attached on the calender for hearing, these emigrants have been taken to this Government for any The Chief Justices of Trinidad, back to Cuba have been enquired suffering and anxiety the un Barbados and St.
Vincent into by us, and we have received fortunate repatriates on the attended, the following information from Guantanamo may have to underofficial sources: go. Barbados Advocate.
It is reported that it the On 3rd October the Governor weather does not improve im.
received a telegram from The necessity for legislation mediately, the harvest of rice Consul at Santiago, stating that to provide for the registration of in Demerara, which is now being toe Guantanamo with 515 deaths has again been brought reaped will be ruined. On the repatriated emigrants was to the fore by Mr. Howard East Coast, especially at Ma.
leaving for Barbados. On the Humphreys, who, at the in bric in. baica and Mahaicony, and on following day a wireless from stance of the Highways Com the West Coast of Berbice, the NOTICE.
the Captain of the Guantanamo missioners of St. Michael, has rice farmers have already sufwas received, stating that he made a report on a proposed fered heavy loss as the result Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. had discovered 88 stowaways on sewerage system for the City of their paddy being beaten Wanted it known that have board which brought the num. Rivers of ink and reams of paper dowo by the heavy rainfall, in reduced the prices to pre war ber up 603.
have The Guantanamo arrived as before; but, for some reason or been inundated: been utilised in this way addition to which the lands have prices an all classes of repair work; ask to see my price list stated on the 6th instant, and the bibited a remarkable unconcern before taking your work else GO TO THEJ PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE the Health Onicer at once proceeded in the matter. Bill for the Georgetowne ota boat accident Class ladies, gents, and children where, have also on hand in to examine the emigrants News recently reached my new shoe department, high When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit(complete. the steamer did not bring a clean the Order Paper of the House of in the Etanimie Falls, Essequebo shoes at reasonable prices, a. 80 purpose bas a and hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
in Cuba, arrangements least and remains Assembly for three sessions at river, involving the lives of five fine upper leathers and shoe were et men as well as the loss of the materials for sale.
made for their detention there yet, bid, boat, another term draws which was laden with in quarantine at Pelican Island, It was manifestly impossible ty to close, The wood to be balata, with all its The Pan American Shoe Repair 20. Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller uwing to the number and the derived from such legislation was one of several belong.
to absence of known addresses to has been generally acknowledging tho Consolidated have allowed them to land and ed, and the neglect to construet and Balata Estates, Limitear, Corner of East 12th Street and Plaza de Arango come up for inspection daily, the machinery is but one more which were coming to the city with the season The risk of the introduction and instance of the mañana attitude wil output of FICE Prop.
spread of small pox up and down of our legislators towards any balata. The accident is supposCALIDONIA the country would have made any measure of general public coned to have occurred on Thursday 13th ulto. and the survivors such permission have landed at Potaro Mouth.
was JUAN ILLUEGA considerable Tbe names of the victims are to BarPelican Island is once more not yet known ing out in. There cern.
Attorney. at. Law bados, since the Captain could clear, the three hundred oda TRYJX. IXA FORM LINIMENT give no information as to the Barbadian immigrants from No. 44 Central Avenue For Any Kind of External Pains nationality of the passengers. hebewho we been descinspection new Bill to enable Mr. Allen TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 land them at Barbado ng his instarbados and noth Thursday afternoon, Aship 18 cine of the University of were to there, having been discharged on Moore Walcott, Doctor of MediPractices in all Courts of Your money refunded if you are not by all means ing more. Of course, the Health momently expected with those fornia, USA, to be registered Panama.
Harbour wrecked Satisfied took off the Barbadians and when off San Domingo on the Gladytes, under the Medical Ordinance of the 325 of these had been taken Smith, and for whose relielay the 1886. 48 a person qualified to English Spoken Fluently SOLDAT THE FOLLOWING DRUG STORESTI to Pelican Island there remained local Government voted the sum Demerara will come before the Advertise in The Workpractice medicine or surgery in 275 repatriates for Panama, Modern, Spanish. American, Nationa the other of 500.
next sitting of the Court of colonies made Coro as follows: St Policy Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies man it pays.
Vincent 54, Gre Antigua 12.
Trinidad 12 Montserrat 20, Dom Jamaica inica 22, Demerara 4, Saba, SurinDr. Walcott is the holder of a a deputation of rice farmers ane, Neyis, Burbuda The best Tonic in the World each, and Diploma in Tropical Medicine from Belladrum and the entire one man who said he was born in Assistant to Attorneyand Hygiene of the Royal Col West Coast of Berbice waited on Barbados but had lived all his General.
lege of Surgeons and the His Excellency the Officer admiclife in Trinidad and would not Royal College of Physicians ister land here. The Government inwhich does not entitle him to be Hon.
the Government the formed the Captain that these The Gleaner learns by special Clementi, MG, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend registered to practice medicine at the Public Buildings yester: men, who did not belong to Bar cable from London that Hugh ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, bados, could not be landed here Kaye Ryan left London on Mon.
the Demerara Bauxite Company led by the Rev. Robert or In The deputation, at the could woment, but if the ship take up the position of assistant day on his way to Jamaica to Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Mackenzie River Dr. son was introduced by Mr.
wait out the seven days to the Attorney General of that a run down constitution.
Walcott is the Medical Officer Shankland of the Local Governquarantine, they would be allow in charge and in that capacity ment Board to His Excellency ed to laud. Or, if he could wait colony.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe is required to render free medi who was attended by the Hon.
a day or two until the other co Capt. Ryan who is a Barristerlonial governments concerned at Law, saw active service during tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
cal and surgical services to the Hampden King, acting Colonial employees of the Company. By Secretary.
could be communicated with, it the great war. He voluntarily DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or the Medical Ordinance the inmight be possible to make some organized the recruiting of the times a day.
habitants in the vicinity will be It was pointed out to His Ex arrangement for their detention Inns of Court Officers Training able to procure medical atten. cellency that the Banks were re.
here. The Cuban Consul was Corps, and subsequently underas well. By the present fusing to lend money, that the also communicated with and took special work for the Inland is proposed to register Loan Banks were in the same asked to cable for instructions. Waterways Directorate, for Dr. Walcott as a On Friday forenoon the persou quali position as themselves, and the Cuban which he was awarded the tied to practice medicine or local merchants were not buying Consul received a cable instruct. E, decoration (Military Division. surgery for such time as he is the product and that unless ing him to send the ship back to in charge of the medical depart. measures of relief were immeCuba with those emigrants who The West Indies Chemical ment of the Demerara Bauxite diately taken the greater porhad not been allowed to land, works at Spanish Town has and the Guantanamo sailed. As started operation again after Company at Mackenzie. tion of their crops would be lost in view of the near approach of already stated before. an month inaction.
the season.
opportunity had been IT PAYS to cable the thirteen The Public Hospital, George colonies which had emigrants Mr. Stephen McGregor foretown, will soon be equipped tation a very, patient hearing and His Excellency gave the depu.
belonging to them on board. We man plate layer of the R, with an ray apparatus which is on its way to the colony from desire to help them as much as and think it will be clear to everyone died at the Port Maria hospital who reads this statement that as the result of an accident England. Accommodation has however regrettable may be the when his trolley ran into the been provided for the apparatus possible. He then asked to ad taking back of the unfortunate and Highgate.
motor trolley between Albany CALLE No in the Hospital compound. The journ to put the matter before people to Cuba not the slightest building which was erected the Executive Council which was blame rests upon this Governsome years ago as a special then about to meet.
ment. Before The proposed amendments to kitchen for the Seaman Ward any tion PRIVATE ACADEMY be sent to the several the Hackney Carriage Regulahas been The whole position was converted into gone governments interested, it was tions for Kingston, now before an into by the members of the Exe. ray and Electrical Departrecessary to know how many the Government, embraces some ment English Classes which will be under the cutive Council and it was decidto them drastic changes.
emigrants belonged to control of Dr. Rose, Gov. ed that the Combined Court be ernment Bacteriologist.
asked to give assistance through were on board, and this information could not be furnished For Young Ladies 6 the loan banks.
by the Captain; it had to be crowded Court room witAND FOR BOYS 7 The decision of the Executive from the nessed the unveiling of the War men them The Demerara Chronicle of the Council having been conveyed to Tablet at Port selves. That took time. When Memorial 12th ulto, says: Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
the deputation they retired. It the information was elicited, the Maria by the Hon Sir John Consequent on the serious posi is understood that the sum reCaptain had received orders to Pringle, tion which faces the colony quired is in the yicinity of return to Cuba with the men, BURTON, rice industry as the result of 100, 000.
although certainly his route The Governor has been inthe lack of funds by the grow would take him past the North formed by the Secretary of State ers to reap their present crops. Continued on page 7)
Caliand has Authorities Lucia 62, st. vip as mada 67 gua 17, St. Kitts VIGOR TONIC istering Ltd. at tion as JA VER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Bill it Advertise in the Workman communica could elicited


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