
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1921, PAGE THREE DODGE BROTHERS to weather and were Xoxos eXSSXOS OS inkove next des general business MAINTE Oxos are as Cr.
Seven Lives Reported Lost.
Dear Sir:8 The 100 ton tugboat Mensabe, recently sold by the Panama am pleased to inform you that an at anConstruction Company to some nual general meeting of the shareholders of the BUSINESS CAR interest in Columbia, foundered West Indian Steamship Company held at this off Buenaventura, whither she was bound loaded with coal, last Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of week Wednesday owing to have members of the organization were present and ing met with a severe storm a Car so light should also be so which she was unable enthusiastic speeches were made in support of tremendously rugged and strong is The crew were compelled to the furtherance and development of the Comabandon the ill fated craft, 10 evidence of the thoroughly fine way in taking to the lifeboat, as also pany. The members in a body voted confidence which it is built.
one Mr. William Rosewater, an in the administration, and pledge their wholeAmerican Engineer Contrac hearted support, tor who was a passenger on the The very first cars built are still render tug, and the others, seven in It was also unanimously agreed that each number, to the skiff, which shareholder will advance his shares by purchasng steady, economical service, RE the only boats carried by her, in the raging storm about dawn on ing more stock so as to enable us at once to Wednesday, after the seas wash procure and put afloat our large steamer conover her had flooded the templated for the conveyance of freight and engine room and extinguished the fires thus rendering the passengers to the ports agreed upon in our vessel unmanageable.
prospectus The gasoline consumption is unusually low After considerable buffetting The tire mileage is unusually high.
by the sea and hardships from You are therefora, respectfully requested coid, hunger and exhaustion, not only to act in conformity with the decision those in the lifeboat succeeded of the shareholders who were present by in reaching the coast at a place somewhere off Cape Corrientes doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but morning at about o clock, that you will induce overy man, woman and but nothing was seen of the HARRY NICHOLLS.
skit with its freight The child in your locality to come forward and join steamer Laura Hall on being with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
13 STREET communicated with went to their assistance and took the remain, eleven Castaways on board and Telephone 758.
immediately instituted Yours truly, search.
10 for the missing skift with the others, which, however, turned SMITH, Secretary.
out unsuccessful after a cruise of two days about the place where the Mensabe had gone to bottom. Running out of Informer to be PublishC.
returned to Balboa and landed the rescued ed as Magazine.
members of the crew, and after replenishing her tanks with fuel The publishers of the BROOK oil left on Wednesday, the 16th LYN AND LONG ISLAND IN to resume the Starch for the FORMER desire to inform the unfortunatos, whose fate is still public that, due to the present LUCKY unknown.
depression, STRIKE The loss of the tug and her involving for the INFORMER CIGARETTE cargo is estimated at twonty continuous falling off in paying thousand dollars.
advertising coupled with the The names of the missing men growing expense and physical follows: Generoso Mo strain involved, under these éndez, mate, Columbian; cumstances, in a continuance of Marks, second engineer, West the production and distribution, Indian William Kelly, oiler, in territory of very widely West Indian; Morrain, firescattered population, of the week.
man, West Indian; Cadogan, ly publication, the INFORM Of course carpenter, West Indian; Hipolito ER, as a newspaper, will on Penia, seaman, Panamanian and after Saturday, November Diario Aguirre, seaman, Colum 5th, be temporarily suspended.
the reason Exoxos bian, The INFORMER takes a pride in having served the public of why millions Brooklyn and Long Island so Made District Com satisfactorily as of men like Possibilities of Chirique for acknowledgement of the public Lucky Strike Agriculturists.
missioner, it did for so many of its earlier Cigarette AFTER SHVING months; and begs to say that whatever it has lacked in the TURKS ISLAND the whole because latter months of. USE Mr. Thos, Davis, representative it toasted eighteen through which it has of the firm of B, Leonardi Co. of DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC which seals New York returned from a business trip Mr. Bascombe of the rua, in the original variety its features or in mechanical It feels fine. Prevents soreness, chapping, burning, chafing. through the Province of Chiriqui, where Civil Service of Grenada in the real precision, or in regards to any be reports that he has done excellent If you shave often, you can do without it.
other points of merit, was diAppointed to Position, business for his Burley taste firm in that Province, rectly traceable to the strain Inexpensive, easy to use. Just a dash in your bowl of water. Mr. Davis also infurms us that they under which of late the paper Keeps your face smooth and comfortable.
are excellent opportunities for Indians who would like largo SECRETARY OF STATE had to be compiled and pro pleasant, satisfactory mouth wash Use it for Dobie Itch.
to turn their attention to agricultural To take the place of the preAT YOUR DRUGGIST, YOU NEED IT pursuite as extensive fertile Will Assist Conimissioner sent publication, THE INFORMStewart in Chiriqui abundant in the Discharge of BR MAGAZINE.
water supply and easy means of com.
a monthly periodical, will on December 1st, munication from the interior districts to Duties of Judge. make its the city of David which is the capital of racial and intellectual in property damage was caused by appearance. Articles of that Province, We understand that the Sec terest; short stories and novels the explosion of a bomb in the of Fernande Gonzales retary of State for the Colonies by the most celebrated of co home Advertise in The Work has appointed Mr. Bas, and cheatrical reviews: humor fashionable residential section of Verdenes, loured authors; social, musical Architect in man It pays.
combe of the Civil Grenada to be. District Com many other attractive and spicy ting the explosion, and appeared Jazz poetry these and this City. early investigamissioner of the Turks and things will characterize the new to believe it might be connected Caicos Islands.
publication Hitherto the post of Assistant with threats by Radicals in conSANCHEZ FARRUGIA Commissioner and Judge of the nection with the case of Sacco Dependency was filled by a Sympathisers Of Murderers and Vanzetti, who have been con gentleman with legal training.
victed of murder in a Massachu.
The last oncupant of the com Make Trouble setts Court.
bined offices was Mr. Scholefield. but he has returned to Jamaica and is now Insurance taken in London filling the No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET Threaten Vengeance against sale of to Office of Clerk of the Courts for St. Ann.
Endea yours have gainst Major. General.
been made locally by Sir Leslie Crowder of In Cuba London despatch dated Silver Prices Probyn and the Secretary of Ostober 24th states that insurState for the Colonies to get a ALSO THE LEGATION rance against the outbreak of GENERAL MERCHANDISE legal gentleman to take up the position but without war between the United States success.
It has now been decided that considerable Property ber 31, 1922 was effected in the the Commissioner of Turks Is. Damage Caused In Cuban London market to day at a rate land should discharge the duties of Judge and that he should capital by a Bomb equivalent to odds of of about 19 have as an assistant a District to against the risk, according Commissioner It is to the London Times, to the Specia to our Customers direct West India Cable latter post that Mr. Bascombe from Havana dated Otober 31st. Times adds, providing for the Another deal was affected, the has been appointed states that threats ag last Major payment of the total loss in the Cups and Saucers in Various Patterns. for 00 It can be stated that the Gov General Crowder and the United case that even part or the ernment have made arrange States Legation in Havana, West Indies is Plates, Assorted Sizes 30, 40 50c. each.
ments that whenever there is an contained in proclamations dis transferred to the United States Glasses, Plain and Fancy. 20. 25, 30 40c.
important trial involving any tributed here in connection with of America in payment or part question of Law Resident the Sacco Vanzetti case. The payment of our debts on or Magistrate from Jamaica will be posters denounce General Crow. before December 31, 1922.
OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN TOWN appointed to proceed to Turke der as a representative of the In the second case the rate Island to preside over the Grand United States Bourgeoise and accepted was 15 guiness per Pay us a Visit and you will be onvinced Court. Otherwise the Commis. breaten the dagger of ven cont, equivalent to odds of sioner will preside over the geance, against him. about 17 to against the risk.
trial of cases involving (for the Bomb Outrage The other transaction was at the most part) matters of fact. Havans, Oct. 31. Considerable rate of guineas per cent, you know by yo voluntars ومن Colony of Wort duced.
they are Braids lands with an an Advertise in the Workman It Pays. Service of and were today morning ESTORES China, Glass Enamel ware, Etc.
are whole of the

    BourgeoisieSacco y Vanzetti

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