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PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 192. Telegram to Disarmament Conferanco THE WORKMAN Standard Osal! Standard Oval. Marcus Garvey, President Get of te Universal Nero Garden Party Im; rovenes. Asscciation repr. on Saturdays by BN Rates for Advertisement on spplies the Centri Avotos Correspondence on all matters canas Negroes throughout the SON Stretto of public interest invited world sent the following tlecran to the President and All copy for bottle Box Param both Armanent Cou Se on one of paper only December 24 26 ferie Washington to day.
KATEROESCRIPTIONS The companied by the name Style for publes Provident and Members of the Back to Nature Interational Corence of Dis.
Six Months Darko od sith GRANDEST ON RECORD Roll Your Own Three do not indertake to turn Cure of Scelary of Conferene with One chected or respondence Pamerican Building was Amusements of all kinds GENUINE The Liberty of the palladium of cort JUNTOS November 11, 1021.
HONORABL GENDEN: Ist you in the name of De and for a causa THE JAMAICA REPRESENTATIVE Jus beball of the four Electrical Display a Specialty hunden negroes of the DURHAM GOVERNMENT QUESTION Yon Obafer TOBACCO enes now sitting in this con COSTUME CONTEST ETC. ETC.
his puben 20Guaranteed by nounced ani not the The island of Jamaica, by far the largest British West Butiks world oral Indian possession has taken in these days a political stand were cald OD by the that it will be hard to suppress. This country now a President Harding traditional instito Presiden ot crown colony of the British Empire, did not always bear the United are in the work Auntries to. tsust the pro this status; and inasmuch as this relation to the Empire JEWELRY BARGAINS an loorable bles of armaments, the al desting ble seitle became necessary at a time when no other status might southern states satisfying from Somany different ele inent of which you believe will the on things wa wa must ensure the perpetual peace has come to the end of a long and exhausted existence, notably to happiness and con the lopment of group ani cliss or man of the Negro Jamaicans at bome and abroad are talking and writ tentment. On the other hand, would ginizations country who desire pe: POing their clamors for representative Government, and their claims are right, logical and reasonable. The best brain insist upon cqual educational Paete hus bei a time when litically, industrially opportunity for both This does we heard too much of tau la bor ally, socially and religiously, as and the brigntest minds in that country are turning the not mean that both would be vote, the business vote, the well as a question over and over in order to sift every atom of in come equally educated within a Irish vote, the Scandinavian world democracy and a national veterate prejudice out of its political aspect and to con generation or two generations or vote, and so on. independence ali onr own on ta But the Vince themselves and the Home Government that the sons ten generations. Even men of the dan artinst class to inform your ret a little who Continent of Africa, it is for me GiF IS THAT LAST.
ht of the soil are now ready to share the full responsibilities an equality as that. They and group against group group have shown to re Negrues shown to four hundred Dillon of the democratic feature of the British colonial policy.
of The fairies say a silver gift never will. The Providence that fortunately found little to re After the emancipation in 1838, about five years from endowed men with widely un. ward their eftorts. That is be this world At the will give the baby wealth and. despite the demagogues, sailles that time, Jamaica was given a constitution which estab endal capacities and Compabilities the idea Pue dur oneness as happiness of every kind, good Peace conferenca, tha lished the House of Assembly; this House was very much and energies, did not intend any Americans has arisen superior the awful mistak luck good cheer and health.
like the British Parliament. They elected their own Presito every appeal to mere class legislating for the disposition of dent and had complete control of the finances. In 1865, Education to Develop Leaders. and group And so would other people lands COMPLETE ASSORTMENT wish it might be in this matter in But there must be such edu of our national problem of into consideration, believinx that without especially the St. Thomas disturbances took place, in which it was Africa)
them ALWAYS AT charged, that the people rebelled against the constituted cation among the colored people races. would ac sept that a black ested after peace could have been authority of the island Governor Eyre declared Martial as will enable them to develop FULLER Law, the result of which the inhabitants were roughly understanding their own leaders, capable of and sympa man cannot be a white and that ence The mistake is now apJEWELLER handled, Mr. William George Gordon, the leader of the thizing with such a differentia. he does not need and should not parent. There can be my peaca disturbances, being hanged.
between the races as have aspire to be as much like a smong us mortals, so long as tae 122 Central Ave. A commission sent out to Jamaica by the Imperial suggested leaders who will in white man as possible in order strong of humanity opp ess Government in 1866, enquired into the cause of the dis of race pride, or national pride boek to be and he should bə en weak will one day turn even race with proper ideals to accomplish the best that is the weak, for ia due process of possible for him. He should time and through evolution, the Matrimonial turbances, and reporued unfavorably against the inhabi of an honorable destiny, an in couraged to ba the bast possi like the worm and then humantants; the constitution was withdrawn, and Crown Gov portant participation in the ernment established. That form of government became universal effort for advancement ble black man, and not the best ity hope of peace will be shat pretty wedding was solemnized at autocratic, bringing about a state of unrest in the island ambientation the whole on Racist possible fmmitation of a white cord na bhaties brains solamento Carlos, nou. ale mierday which might have ended seriously for the political partnership of the races in de amalgamation cannot be some for 19 bint when Mr Benjamin venting distructive implements us the Naval Radio Station, situation.
veloping the highest aims of all of warfare, such as guns, gun Fort Amador and native of Monsterst, In 1883, an agitation was started agaiost taxation humanity there must be if hu. Boy Scouts Parade. powder, gas, and other des was joined in holy ma rimony to Mine without representation, and in the same year, the late manity not only here but everyHon. Richard Hill Jackson, sailed for England to make which we have set for the endo para maboksgiving bebaya Tohe tempted nothing destructive to Motivo Demeraria o che se Permony wind to achieve Panama Boy Scouts held a most the peace and good will of bu conducted by the Reverend Me Meredirepresentations to the Imperial Government as to the cao say to you people of imposing parade Headed by a state of chaos into which the island had fallen; and that if the South, both white and black, the band of the 3rd Colon P: an attempt to make the world and Miss Sw. cose atted manity, in fact he has not made eb. Walcott acted as Bestmuss the forrn of government was continued in Jamaica, seri that the time has passed when Scouts. detachment of which know that he is alive, neverthe bridesmaid, while Mine Juanita as also detachments from the less like ous consequences would follow. Lord Rippen was then you are entitled to assume that less wor Secretary for the colonies, and on receiving the representa this problemfraces is pecu: 1st and 4th Colon Troops took via bike there was a the Negro strong plaged the liarly and will one day tun. humbly The other guests were: Messrs: Harris tions of Mr. Jackson, a new constitution was promised. bleur. More and more it is be: to Panama on the Thanksgiving norable Conference act not like Julo Lecurieux, P, Hinds, Mr. and Mrs particularly pro: part therein, having come over ask you therefore that your. Allen, a. Chroe, Mapp, Grensway In 1884, Sir Henry Wylie Norman, arrived in Jamaica coming a problem of the North; Day Special Train for the bringing the constitution. This constitution now in force, more and more it is the problem pose they marched the one at Versailles, but that through Mrs. Simmons, Master Viviso Chat Morrison, you realise and appreciate the and Lilian Flynn, Master and L, 0sgave to the fourteen parishes pine representatives, with of Africa, of South America, of the principal thoroughfares of act that the Negro is a man, bourdo, brothers of the the Pacific and of the South the city lending a bright touch and that there can be no settlethe Governor. There is in the present constitution, a pro problem of democracy every. Thanksgiving Day is not includ proper consideration being given en el resto 230 fps the bride center the official and nominative members to be appointed by Seag, of the world. It is the to an otherwise drab day, forment of world affairs without and Miss G, Walcott bride, Master vision, that whenever nine of the elected members voted where, if we mean the things we ed in the calender of official to him with his rights. Presented the church wearing a beautiful drepe solidly on any financial question, the votes of the official say about democracy as the fiestas of the Republic.
dent Harding of America has bouquet. After of ebarmuse lovely ideal political state.
and nominated members could not be taken; this of course but recently sounded the real an impressive Take Notice gives to the elected members a semi control over the Avold Development of Classes cry of Democracy. He says to brides parents where the rzerption was party journeyed to the home of the revenue of the country. But there is also, another special Urged. varied assortment of Christ. his country, and think it held. Miss boure was highly esteemed should be provision, that whenever in the opinion of the Governor, a Coming a9 Americans do mas New Year Cards are for world Give the Negro equality recipient of many presents. After the by the community and she was measure was of Paramount Importance. the votes of the from many origins of the race, sale at the Workman Office.
in education, in politics in in reception the happy couple motored to official and nominated members could be taken, and in dustry because he is entitled to this manner vote the control of the revenue granted to the to the condition of commercial remoteness in the eyes of to human rights: bumbly inoon in their new residence in to the Capital and will spend the honeyelected members. Later on, a memorial was presented to the whole world.
to recommend to your Honorable Conference those quoted Her Majesty Ministers in Council. The late Queen VicCanada and Australia with the other Dominions of words of President Harding.
toria, of Blessed Memory) to grant one member to the British Empire have only been able to develop their Negroes have blood, they have Lodges and Friondly Societies each Parish. that was fourteen members in the Legisla internal resources by an internal government; what the berty they feel that the conduct souls, and for tive Council. This amendment to the constitution was leading and thoughtful Jamaicans are thinking of is that of men like Alexander, HaoniTake Notice granted, but the government added four extra nominated form of government that will offer positions to native born bal, Caesar, Napoleon, Welling mas New Year Cards are on varied assortment of Christ.
members, so that they would have a permaneat majority Jamaicans whose whole make up is filled with Jamaican ton in the Council all the time.
Garabaldi, interest and who have been breathing the atmosphere of that peace not founded on real is It is profligate to argue that Jamaica cannot produce Jamaican politics and industry from the cradle; and there aumaa justice will only be a Wahin. Lafayette, imitatable, and sale at the Workman Office.
native sons who could show themselves capable of helping can be no real objection to this demand since it has work mockery of the divine invocation Rent Receipt Books in Spanto direct the deines of their own country, because there ed well in Barbados, an island almost insignificant in Peace perfect Peace trust ish and English, for sale at the is sufficient evidence to the contrary in the professional size, but formidable in self government.
academic, commercial and industrial achievements of men your Honorable Conference will Workman Printery.
If in the island of Jamaica there were the same form not fail to take into considera.
tion therefore, that there are renown is second to none among people of like history and been a most flourishing country to day, and the thousands in the world who demand gregation of the Bigger Broexperience.
of Jamaicans who have been forced out of the country by da nas their rightful heritage, therhood, through which None but an Australian or a New Zealander could economic conditions would have found it conyenient to re even as the European claims Europe will see the rights of know the real needs and requirements of the political main at home and contribute to the development of the Europe, and the Asiatic Asia. Asia, Asia and Europe see the antipodes; none but a Canadian could understand and country and to their personal comfort as sons of the place. will not only be one of disarma and Asia see the rights pray that your Conference rights of Africa, and Africa arrange for the interests of Canada; none but a South It must not be understood that any reflection is being cast Europe and accordingly give of African Unionist can serve the wants of that young Dom upon the government that now obtains in Jamaica or on every race and Nation their due, inion and it only a Jamaican that knows Jamaica best those which have preceded the present administration.
CARD and let there be peace indeed, and would be able to direct the political and industrial Perhaps, these have tried to do the best they could under On behalf of the four hundred affairs of this resourceful, but partially developed, spot in the conditions that environed them, and it is only fair to Mrs. Henry Spencer begs to not represented at your Confermillion Negroes of the world the Caribbees.
The Jamaica question is one in which Jamaicans, accomplish. But the point is that very much more could of sympathy in her bereavegive them credit for all that they have been able to thank the many friends for their ence.
of condolence and words have the honour to be, particularly, and West Indians, generally, should be be done with Jamaicans making their own laws and ad ment. She wishes also to say Your obedient servant, and virile problem because it has taken hold of the vitals they, as Jamaicans, are more familiar with all the condi Endge, the Fidelity Lodgornia Universain Negro Improvement enthusiastically and sincerely interested. It is an acute ministering to a great extent their own affairs, because that she is deeply appreciative MARCUS GARVEY!
grateful to George President of a country that is capable of being brought to the high tions effecting their people than could be known to any all other Kindred organizations Association and 1st Provisional est state of industrial and commercial development or Englishmen sent out by the Imperial Government how for the help and sympathy President of Atrica.
susceptible, under an indiscreet policy, of being reduced ever conscientious and energetic he mignt happen to be. tendered to her by them.
To be continued tructive chemicals, The Negro Nellie AS hours of La Boca and Joseph it.
chief Arm part of Alwergiel. Precisely at 30.
Bervice an advice to the the Ancon letters


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