
PAGE FVE Just Arrived Ponty DO their Sedurendered a pretty Master Canal Zone Notes CHURCH SERVICES Unveiling of. division Koin your endeavours in fosterior his movements that First Sunday in Advent (Continued from page 1)
GATUN St. Peter Church La Bocs.
There will be a Choral Celebration of little dit el set that w for Vento the loty Cmet 630 am An assorted shipment of stand before rebaudies all Divi The St. Aence Guild gave a Morning Prayer and address at 11 am AB sion who have sent yay their utmost best Thanksgiving concert on Sut. Sunday Scholtsm; At 30 ENGLISH MEAD BICYCLES die of which Lberty Hal is the website wibrant caylalt at the St. George there will be shortened Choraleves New York headquarters could not shall take back to the your finisce Church. Despite the inclemency sng at the close of which the Rev.
ashamed. Te for her and say that the day of my life Racers Included.
to lo stes by sition in the divi of if ever there was anything wantine the weather the church was Jims Crik Morris, D, will perform make me have contence in my cand sien want it this from and fairly pocked, and it must be the site or Holy Confirmation. To this Also a good assortment of to make sat the the rety elaborat pro serve cordial isvitutioa is extended to to believe that the reshenever tomto TIRES, RIMS, PARTS FOR REPLACEMENT Isthmus of Pets and in there will tell them, if you want inspiration gran provided was exceedingly all.
andete iban are coming into to Pinas Cher 11 well rendered to the entire en MULCARE ctor out unted say this eventos joyment and satisfaction of all St. Barnabas Church, Empire. Drop in and be convind that the English Medis function is that we will ke me ben who attended Unveliing of Charler.
Morang Prayer and address at 11 nothing to than a Live that this is possible tam This uniqe and pretty cere.
hitelisten to take muchy when was the picole Tess The Silver employees of them pm Sunday Scho; Even.
Thorough Bred. Machine Espres antence of the evening hivi bien Gatun cks desire to tnder og Prayer and address at 7:33.
stor, Tomas Mark Anthony said in reached a curious physie silence their scrie cor dolence to Mrs. St Bartholomew Church, his cration over the toly of Corar el over the auen who Gred and children in Las Cascadas Remember that Mreel Planes mounted on a seven year plain but who caly spacklis his crains forward eager to have since by the loss to timot lusband and father ons in a Sunday Senool at sp, 400 Morning Prayer and y Commun!
old Mead smashed the world record for long distance primary glaces of their duly We Green wald, ek Opcia A4 panther will be Evening Prayer a victory over 650 cycles of well known make Precedent, oftets ambers and visiting authorisoje Charter yet mun Mr. Planes is a Thorough Bred Man tar, lost his life by drowning this evening by way of eulogy or by way Vister of me Weremonies then eille th Spilway, where he went and siddress, ofympathy is indeed from the very dle Miss NIS fishing on the 1940 MULCARE. Priest in charge.
Saturday ist. The deceased was well Thoroughbred Wheels for thorough bred Men.
dipilis my heart and far as it has gone Isca indeed thippy Chich was followed a preity recitation vho Iked by all the colored employ to lehre. The first thing that Christ Church by the Sea ees of the locks for whom he Address by pressed me Western Auto Supply Co.
me way your enthusis En Alvarez son of the first Vica.
always tad a good word.
First Sunday in Advent thusiasm that seems to verita 78. Parish Communi n; 10 COR. STREET, ANCON AVE.
any President who was dressed in difficulty that rent sny ob tacle and the uniform that is determined to of a Mrs. Edna Moore sailed for Litany; 10. 30 a xa. Eucharist and sermon naval officer Box 816.
New York on Tuesday, 22 23) in, lloy Baptism; p. Con overe we wlistever may stand in its way Phone 85 Panama.
Ladies Members, in striving to reach the coil sit down tlemen inst, where she will join her firmation class; 730 pm. Evinong and sister and brother in law, Mrs. sermon.
by his Excelleney the Honourable Marcus honor to unveil the Charter of am very glad of the and Mr. Chadderton. All join in EDWARD COOPER. Rector, Again let me wishing her a sale and pleasant Miovies at Standard Oval Cricket on Sunday.
Division on this Chap er of which my her cerned is one of we are in deep sympathy voyage to the land of Uncle Sam. Seventh Day Adventist Church of the founders, Hung Uuder New Management with done so in my naval uniform you and the very fact that you see my. hope God will me to live 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA seli and the First Lady Vice President command the great Negro Fleet Meeeting on Monday of the Ladies Division here this after as its first Admiral under the Sabbath (Saturday)
Night ba ba bicholl, In sm, General Worthi are again to be started. Most picked team under the captainey mode de problem inferiore e barve hande colors of the ked, the Black and difloulty 30 m. Spanish Class; 30 pm, exciting pictures beginning with of Mr.
Kelly tomorrow at the feel more than amply repaid by the sea together with Master, Abecerea Green, Niles On Monday night at the Pacific Vesperto People Meeting; 30 o. a grand comedy which depicts all the granduer of the West Indies promises to be as interesting it offers and the deep sympathy and the then sung in unison special Club, the Panama branch of the Sunday night, 7, 30 m. Subject and takes you right into Kingston not more so, as any of the first bower of appreciation which has been coin position entitled AFRICA ment Association, will hold their satURDAY OR SUNDAY WHICU is unnerval strainat gemet u ee citing class matches played here, for eksperienced to you want to watirst entered composed by Brother FrankI found that you have made in, and set to music by Brother THE JEHOVAH. weekly meeting. All the All the memtled Checkers to be staged on up of good men from some of strenous efforts in order to approach and Carl Elliot especially for the bers and other well wishers of Saturday the 3rd December, The the leading clubs Pof Panama, in order to heal that which has been occasion and at the words: Wesleyan Methodist feature being very im Then may this Chart unveiling Panams. 11 am. Mr. C, Harris. from start to finish Horses gators and the captain of the Clovelly broken in order to bring together teach portant mieli tinted a large gather. 30 m. Rev. J, Kissock Brabam, D. For the time being the res valobe is certain that his boys are able cement the bands of love which hitherto to knock the pins from under has not existed betwen the Chartered is anticipated, so the Colon 11 am. Mr. Aiall; 7, 30 only shows per week, Sundays any combination judging from that so far as have discovered that you Division of this city but am persuaded To all arsembled here that each be. sed off. Executive May strive to conquer and to ve done your level best and that you a, Mr Johneon; 7, 30 Mr. days: Beautiful serials coming played at practice reach Thoa, Africa tee takes this opportunity of ex ex Reid. New Providence 11 a.
in end still to do vour level heut in order ing all the arguments for and Rev. Kissuek Brabato.
The following comprises the whesi che wunds that has usen inflict the curtains which covered the pressing its willingness in bear. Mr. Mordie; Petuis 11 am, others.
BD Clovely XI: A: Nation, Capt. ed. cbeere)
cuarter and who were against Pacific Club, No. 1, 19 Take Notice Walker, Cool, Ellis, Rd, Bad iud cen, wart And now brothers and sister let Street and Central Avenue. was ire. 11 o, Mr Raoden. dramatically marted amust th means more of victory that some Advertise in The Werkman varied assortmeat of Christ Palmer. Fargaharson, say in conclusiou keep us in this goud uproarious caser and thund: men are good citizens than that mas New Year Cards are on Roberts, Myers, Mosely. work. Keep on in your endeavours to erous baudela 13 from the vast many of you are saints.
it Pays, sale at the Workman Office, Bailey, Cooper und Reid. cement yourselves with the chartered concourse of people assembled and said: Mr. Pre President sunt Officers and Gen.
Garvey ss the Colon Castered sy ibata 12 help noon is getting here but we the wiss all Isthmian this ball.
with thrills attend. This are requested to The Atlantic Side News Harvest Thanksgiving Sea in a the proper The Parlor of Satlataction Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeint. ois Blemishes removed. Coras cured modern appliances.
Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chicago. mu.
were ne ne.
Monster Whale Mount Horeb Lodge Holds admire the lovely debate on 6th Anniversary Wednesday night the 23rd inst, Visits Colon SUCCESS GROERY STORE which was carreied through with out a hitch by Messrs. WaiAt Christ Church By The CORNER 3rd STREET AND HUDSON LANE Colon, Nov. 20. Past Officers son and Constantine Bowen, both Defeating all Efforts to of Prince of Wales, Loyal Victor resident of Colon, the subject be and Eusebius Lodges. Llocs of the Negro be bettered? Mr Land It.
An Exquisite Line of Groceries Horeb Lodge celebrated their 6th anni Waison handled the negative side Colon. Nov. 21. HarvestThe Big Creature of the Sea Thanksgiving services came off versary last night at St. Charles of the debate and Mr. Bowen the he Both Lodge Hall, corner 10th and affirmative.
At Prices to Defy Competition gentlemen catemen the whic is Dumped Outside successfully at Christ Church byStreets.
handled the subject to the satis.
Breakwater. the sea yesterday at 10. 30 a.
The chair was occupied by Bro. faction of all present, and after Rev. Father Cooper preached a TRY US AND BE CONVINCED Charles Elisee and an elaborate Mr. Ricketts commented on ih very soul stirring sermon banquet was served. The func. the subject at length, setting out Colon, Nov. 21. Truth is in which he exhorted his hearers DANIEL GERALD, Proprietor tion was very much enjoyed by some cogent points, same was put all present, and was brought to a Bowen won out in the affirmavote in which Mr. C, deed stranger than fiction. to be thankful for ordinary blessmonster hale, said to be over ings of life. At 30 m, a child close at 12. 30 tive.
100 feet in length found itself ren flower service took place.
in about teet of water near when the children of the Day CHRIST CHURCH BY THE It was given out to the general Crie: bel Coaling Plant, and Sunday schools presented SEA.
public that every Friday night of where it was killed, and as the their offerings, and enjoyed an each week will be set apart for excellent lecture on result of inability to handle it in Kashmir Beauty Parlor Thankfuldebate to which the general pubmanner, was.
this ness Retreat for Acolytes by Father Cooper. Even 106 BROADWAY AND 8th STREET, COY lic is invited to take part.
morning taken outside the song and solemn procession at Mr. Ricketts, President of the breakwater and dumped. This 30 brought the festival to a retreat for the Acolytes and above named society is to be means that upwards of 1000 close, on which occasion the Scalp and Facial Treatment. Manteuring. Shampooing. Hair Straightening Associate members of the Order congratulated for this step. He which could easily be yielded Rt. Rev. James Craik Morris, the of Saint Vincent will be held assures the public that many of Equipped with electrie vibrator, electrio comb, electrie hair dryer, and other by blubber, bones and flesh, Bishop of Panama Canal Zone this evening beginning have been thrown away, was the preacher at the ramifications that co opera6 o clock and closing with a cor.
On Friday the town was in an porate Communion at 30 totive societies call for an upstir, everybody going to full line of Human Hair Goods morrow morning. Rev. Father glected by this society on ac WEDDING BELLS Cooper will be the conductor.
cour have a look at the huge visitor, the long pending suit All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, combed, and The retreat, the first to be held, he can with safety state that all that was forced upon them, but On Saturday it was killed and is for the Acolytes only, and will their troubles are coming to an taken co pier where after defeating all the efforts of a 75 Newton Lloyd.
be held hereafter annually.
ton crane and two lecomotives end and hope soon to be victor.
Compline uccess of the ious to put it ashore, the task was Colon Colored Corredy Co. plimented on the abandoned.
company, and it is hoped it has Com pline will be sung this society. the enemies of the Colon, Nov. 21. Mr. George now come to stay evening at 30 instead of the taken of several maps and other 10 was indeed a source of Newton of Grenada employed at usual time. As many as can make chool chillances or the At America Theatre much surprise to those who the Panama Canal Press, Mt it convenient to attend this ser.
This shows that knew about the handling of a Hope, and Miss Florence Lloyd Charles Cook Dead vice are asked to do so.
the the society is is forging ahead de whale, when it was ur derstood of Black River, Jamaica, spite all its troubles. The officers Colon, Nov. 18 very enjoy that it was to be towed be was yesterday evening, joined and members who remain faith.
be handled. In Barbados, matrimony by the Rev. Witt at who attended the Comedy and in able evening was enjoyed by all Colon, Nov. 14 News bas Step in Economy society should receive St Vincent end other West the Cristobal Colon just been received on the Isthmus Baptist Minstrel show given iast night in of the death of Mr. Charles Cook hearty commendation and should Indian Islands where whaling is Church. Mr. Samuel Hayacs was the America Theatre, not rest satisfied until they shall an industry, they bave no cranes Best man and Miss Dollie Good.
of Clarendon, Jamaica, a former The Colon Independent Mutual have proven to the general pub.
available for the en Chief Bridesmaid. The Bride! that baggage master of this hPanama Benefit Co operative Society has lic what co operative societies The entire company was all Sork. and one Railroad Company, who along been economising in the making can do.
cunce is wasted After killing white charmeuse, arrived at 30 in a way that attracted special with his wife and soa. left for of changes in its grocery departbooking charming in her dress of the monster the work of cut bearing a beautiful bouquet and tion of the audience, Miss Maud attention and gained the admira. New York in July, 1918.
Mr. Cook was employed as sion of the entire building at the ROOMS TO LET ting should have been started on supported by Mr. D, Foster, ment. They are now in posses the spot. It would have been Best the new addition to the Pullman Porter on the Detroit corner of 5th and Hubson Lane At. the close of the ceremony Company easy matter to transport an was really at her Michigan Line, and on Thursday which is divided into their meetthe small pieces to the cold a quiet reception took place at best and has already won her the 3rd inst. a customs inspector This step of sy has made CALLE No storage or any other place for the home of the bride sister at self a place in the heart of the discovered him dead in a sleeping hall and grocery department disposal.
things better the society; its APPLY ON PREMISES Interment was carried out in St. stock of goods is more compact no expense to the were the recipients of many All the members comprising West. whale. silver service from the. but owners, as there are many valeable presente finale din co the program were up to date. Michael Cemetery, Long Island, and the general appearance of all that can be Hent Receipt Books in Spanhere who would have completed workers of the bridegroom, at was the hit of the evening. Deceased is survived by wife desired.
the work in less than no time the P, Press by whom he is Messrs Sutherland, Martin and and son, besides other relatives ish and Enilsh, for sale at the held in high esteem, The situation their hall is and at little cost.
the other officers are to be com to mourn their loss.
ovely and one could not but Workman Printery.
treated as the hair on your head, Special notice was also school hay were ful to the to little


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