
value LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE It TOASTED cases delivered that the ca to cost of svar recede two each other nently be grave challenge de not Always in the Limelight the ring that LUCKY STRIKE which Bindiet effort is with Conferring of Con Britain amounts approximately to the sum of and promise of the development gressional Medal works now contemplated become ap parent. This, think, can fairly be Upon British Unknown described as the most comprehensive and Warrior.
statesmanlike scheme for steadying em.
ployment and consolidating industry that has ever be put forward in BriThe ceremony in whicla General Per. Linh politics, and represents an impor shing on behalf of the United States tan landmark in our economic history Government conferred the Congressional wit also strikingly indicates the great medal upon the British Unknown War adaptability of the British point of view rior who lies buried in Westminster to changing circumstances and the new Abbey was of the most solemn kind demands of succeding generation and the addresses by the Moanwhile it is worth recording Prime Minister so by the Amerion of living is officially declared Ambassador and General Pershing wore have fallen ten points in September to a something more than mera international level only 110 per cent above prs war compliments, for they breathed the level, and many competent een omis: spirit of true reverence for the dead believe that within a fow years it will who had fought in the war and they be within 25 per cent of the 1913 level.
revealed the 18 of use of common sacrifice sach and devoted comradeship. The King message to. ing permision to confer the Victoria The Irish Problem.
Cr the most cherished honour that any Briton, from Prinse to private, may win, and open equally to prince and The Irish question seems fated to private upon the American Unknown Mr, do Warrior expresses the instinctive desire pass from crisis to crisis: of the British people to reply to the Valera, acting apparently on his own gracious homage of the United States iniative, sent a provocative telegram to with an act of dedication equally King of England and loudly proclaimed le the Pope which gratuitously affronted the people significaat. There is may add, Ireland determination marked suces of earneatness in the reland to to from its protentions to complete inde public opiniou of this country to pendence. Coming in the midotct strengthen the racial bond of friendship pend between us and the United States, for negotiations between his own planimore than ever is becoming recog potentiarios and the British Governnised this telegram was obvlously that unless these ment, great English speaking people can approach grosely improper and highly dangerous. angered every in trust and live It together in a not merely formalamity British public and in canonitute of that the Prime Minister bimsoll describes de the peace of the world cannot perms th Frie bo secured British Government, to the peace nego The forthcoming conference st Wasb. Nations. The ingo gron is giving point and emphasis to preserving an exemplary patience in its away this very real growth of British goodwill ch an ow of vettlement and believin and the same event hus offered a stimu: on this oce waion Mr. de Valera ne bed lux to the popu ar belief bere in the without any authority from his colleaLongue of Nations. The idealistic theory witbor League exn performa rrcles or cues of the Doil Fireann, and without of the knowledge of the plenopotentiaries transform the world at this early stage of is existency has given place to an in London, is doing its best to keep being. At the moinformed familiarity with its practical the negotiations in limitations. This new sense of reality ment there seems to be a favourable is existing materially the new propa. prospect that they will continue; but is now being made it is clear that Mr. de Valera ta message by the League of Nations Union on un es repudiated or satisfactorily exbehalf of the League, and the hope he beforehand plained, prejudges the issue by denying IT TOASTED any also widely entertained that one outcome da intention to compromise of the Washington Conference will be and deprives the Conferen se proceed.
to draw America nearer to definite sob rooming more and more appsrent that inge of much of their reality. It is association League. euch difficulties as rem vin in the way It is frankly recognized, in England at of a generous prace in Ireland no longer any rate that the League can never exist on this side of the Irish Channel.
tunetion completely or satisfactorily until They are being to created and kept both the great American cont continente are fully convinced of its power for good alivo by Mr. de Valora himself, who There was at first a good deal of cri sem, incapable either of wise silence or prudent speech cism in the Britieh Press of the verdict of the League on the question of Upper Silesia, but the admission is gradually making way that the ague solution of The Prince of Wales Dea problem that at one time seemed insol.
parture for India.
uhle is impartially inspired and that the Immigrants Must The Public School at Farewell Party. Funds in Aid of Distressed elaborate economic scheme of administra tion is really worksble.
New Providence.
There was a remarkable demonstra Each Have 250 Tweeday night the 8th inst. We Jamaicans Here.
tion of affectionata good will when the memorable one in Rei Tank for on Late Jaunaica papers state Proposals for Relief of Un public on Wednesday bade the Prince New Providence, RP at night the members of the Maclad. that up to the 7th, inst. 126, 13 employed.
of Wales God spoed op bis visit to Parents Must possess 50 Nov. 14, 1921. den Health and Educational Club had 10 have been collected towards India, The Prince has become a kind of Farewell Party at the home of the the aid of distressed Jamaicans The Editor THE WORKMAN, beneficant ambassador on behalf of For Every Child PassDaar Sir; In your ssue of the Director Mr. De Bourg for Mrs in Panama.
The Govarnment proposals for the Great Britan to all parts of the world, 5th relief of unemployment and for assisting In whatever part of the British Em ports for Foreigners inst, you ve published my letter of Dixon the Pianist of the Club, who is the revival of British trade have been pire he has appeared he has established Otober 19th last, with reference to the proceeding to her home in Trinidad on few months vacation, closer bond of friendship for the WILKINSON Goveroment Public School at received with general satisfaction, both New Dancing ww indulged in till 11 30, in Pariim int and in the country. There Mother Country; and in the United Providence, the letter as publisbed. By Canadian Prees)
not exactly, a true copy of the manu addresses eulogizing the activities of the which the following members gave States, not only was his personal success CONTRACTOR BUILDER is nothing in the Ottawa, September 26th scripts, but this is not measures about any of these plans, in constant, but he did more than a little in uended for which strues is all the time laid not on to odidle Regulations governing the ad correction; but if you will kindly pub distinguished Pianist, and wished ber First Clasa Workmanship firmer understanding ve to promote landing mission to Canada of bon Messrs. De Bourg.
direct reliol buc on facilitating the deve between the Eaglish speaking demo: grants, and published in this under which the school is worked.
immi lish same it will show the conditions Palmer, Carles, Mitchell, Hawkins, Plans and Specifications Free lopment of trade abroad. The original cracies. Tuo Prince has been widely Week Canada Gazette. provided MeDonald and Mrs. Gayle. Mro. 15th Street West export credits scheme to benefit advised in going to Indiasons of The parents whose children are each immigrant House 99 at Dixon then thanked the speakers and all gesrantee British business enterprise hu duty and his courage in deciding a 250 in his possession, per month, eacà, it is claimed to defray must have at and etending the school are 38 in number preseut for the many kind worus and PO. Box 411, Panama, been greatly simplified and extended, Long standing promie We are taxed to pay 300. Winbau expressed and the Government undertakes a con moment when the self government besat with much addition to a sum suflicient to the monthly rental of 910 00 USC, for Delicious refreshments were ser ved.
tingent risk of 25, 000, 000 on in India account schomo transportation the school house.
unique feature of the evenings pro lient Receipt Books In Sparof contracte placed in this country.
For anxiety, has appealed to the imagini cover the direct measures for relief of imme of the nation, as it will. think, appeal grants under the age of 18 years credinge was the Farewell Dance in ish and Enlish, for sale at the charges. In the case of immi38x30 equal to 11. 40, But on the other which half minute was allowed every diate distress ten millions are to be al to the instinotively loyal sentiments of the sum of 125. is required, band sing the school is. Government member to danes with Mrs. Dixon. Workman Printery.
lotted on a levy basis, and sums era to the creat mase of the ladina people. While parents must possess ass public school, why are we compelled to be invested in forestry and allotted Amid downfall of for each child under the age of pay for school roads and land reclamation. But per prestige of the British Throne stande five years.
that parenta pay rent for public school haps the most interesting announcement higher than it has ever done in our in the cities of Panama and made thelbiatory genuino democratic The regulations are waived in Colon, and elsewhere in the Republic?
House of Commons had reference to the sympathies of the Royal Family Honvo favor of farm laborers, and and are wa at New Providence not tax arrangements already made for the rais entributed largely to this striking fact; domestic servants, and in fayor payers too? then why should we not of 20, 000, 000 for the development but above all the Crown in regarded of persons travelling to join enjoy the same other par(BRANDON BANK)
of colonial resources upon the credit of the proud symbol of union in the their families.
cate in the Republic? Since it is the colonise themselves, without any Empire, and it does in fact play.
British guarantee. The large and grow. witally important part in preserving the prohibited of persons not in pos: cur discretion, and not be compelled to The entry into Canada matter of payment we ought to be free to SECURITY ing prosperity of the British Crown harmonious working of this great 1820. session valid Colonies in hardly sufficiently realized eiation of nations and in strengthening issued by the governments of send them to the Government public SERVICE either in this country or abroad. The the common loyalty to the common their respective countries. These school. The taxes we are paying do annual value of their trade with Great ideas of fellowship and mutual defence. Passports must be presented not give us any water or light or streets Panama within one year of their issue. paved or unpaved. but we have to pay (Founded 1863)
Colon and if not British passports, must all the same.
lit Vancouver Vast Flood. Dr. LORD ve vised by a British diplomatic Panamanians are sending their sons Our large Resources and well known or consular officer. This regula and daughters to the United States and tion is not intended to apply to else where to be educated in English and conservative Management afford) unand HOWELL British subjects coming to Cana. other languages, but our children here death roll of 36, says a Cable, has marked a questioned security for every dollar record Dentists da either directly or indirectly in New Providence must be taught flood in Vancouver, Canada, from the United Kingdom, the Spanish only, in the public school, for deposited with this bank!
Damages run to millions of 14 United States or any of the which we have to pay house rent, and CENTRAL AVE dollars. Suddenly out of the self governing Dominions, or to what else we do not know yet, darkness, down a steep moun. Late Dr. Bailey Office) a citizen of the United States or Thanking you again Mr. Editor, in tainside, the flood bursting on The Latest to persons who have been resi anticipation, in Cicwrand dent in the United States for at Brittannia Beach, a model mining remain yours faithfully, least one year. MARKHAM, town, bore at least balf of its trim houses to destruction, Rent Receipt Books in SpanIBAAO BRANDOS NATHANIEL BRANDOS BBANDO while elsewhere railways, bridg. Ish and English, for sale at the Advertise in The Werkman Advertise in The WorkProvident, Workman Printery.
Vloe President Treasurer es and houses were ruined.
it pays.
man It pays CIGARETTES is alter nature of panie that over to tulsi of 18 years na least land of dynastire, the houses in th by Minister in Panama Banking Company ang privileger ents General Banking Business Transacted


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