
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20; 1921 PAGE SPVEN a Try a Chesterfield and see the difference You know what you ve always wai a cigarette to do.
Chesterfields do it.
They not only please your taste but they do more they give such a new and different enjoyment to your smoking that there only one way to describe itThey Satisfy Berteplek are well CARE hesterfield NYERS TO CIGARETTES LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
sion antees us effective might be Society the Cham Soosoo NEW MERCHANDISE be nominated We are receiving by every steamer fresh stocks of Merchandise Interesting West Indian News WATEBURY COMPOUND (Contnued from Pije 7)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL Grenada INDICATIONS The West Indian of the 21st ulto. says: Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Mr. Albert Marryshow.
Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Managing Editor of this paper, Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia returned to the colony last night after an absence of ive and one An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromides half months. He received an and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowel enthusiastic welcome home by Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates, his friends who were glad to all seasons of the Year.
see him back in Grenada.
You have tried the Rest We beg to tender our sincerest Why not Use the Best sympathy to Trinidad in her re cent damage from heavy rains as reported in cable news from FOR SALE BY that colony. She was fortunate to have escaped damage to her ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
plantations from the recent storm, but subsequent bad wea ther in which the rain may bave WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY been accompanied by heavy Des Moines la, winds, has been reported Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans have done damage to agricultural areas. Sangre Grande. Toco and Moruga which met the full force of the disturbance known as prosperous agricultu De WITT PILLS ral districts.
It must be plain to the entire THE HOME DOCTOR community that the Grenada delegate was not disconcerted when he was told at the Colonial Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of Office that on no account would Grenada their presence in various physical disorders noticeable be permitted to appoint among which are: the seven unofficials. His alter.
native scheme outlined to the TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS the Under Secretary, showed won HEADACHES, BACKACHES. SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMEderful resource and must bave TIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OP de very favourable impres.
He fought for guar.
BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, which, if granted, will IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND Deres SEDIMENTS, near up to wective as possible. He As no other Medicine is as good as DeWitt Pills, be said to have done splen: start with it right now and watch results did work in recomending the Agricultural Soc Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each botte ber of Commerce and the Dis. purchased trict Boards as fit and proper bouies tos select the three persons CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.
to by the GENERAL DEPOT PANAMA CITY Governor. The essence of reJOHN FINZI, Prop.
presentation is complete just there, ani there is nothing in the idea to cause objection. The Chamber of Commerce is already ready lary bave organised a Committee taking steps to discuss a plan composed of the best musical St. Lucia and perhaps give its approval.
It is now left to the other bodies and vocal talent in their ranks.
to signity their willingness to show recen the presenteeir first Cattle Dying Suddenly.
in of the assume the responsibility in Acting Governor, their Inspec their case.
it will be to The function During the past two weeks be tor and others.
difficult for the District Boards WE a success, and future per cattle have been dying suddenly collectively withose dies may pass resolutions informances of the organisation at Choc Estate and Sergt. Yorke bodies promised oticial co opera and Dr Duncan, Veterinary the manner which they should The local Force needs Surgeon have been visiting the send to the Representative some similar diversion and its estate investigating the Government encouragement of the ot! We understand that cows put up transmission to the Secretary ficers, we are certain an orga.
in the evening looking of State. Afterwards they may nisation of the sort could be were found dead and swollen decide on a plan for appointing formed to the benefit of the next morning, and in one in.
their representatives to the morale and eficency of the force 10 a. feeding and looking all stance a calf was seen at about Council and the credit of the Colony.
right, and about one hour later was dead. Voice Oct. 19 21. The Government have circulated for consideration of the Dis Governor of Trinidad directs it His Excellency the Acting trict Boards. a Bill for the Or to be notified for general inforDominica dinance to provide for the remation that the President of the pairs of damages done during Republic of Honduras has infor.
Fiots. It appears that the ob med His Majesty Government of ths Thominica Government At a meeting of ject is a in which a riot oceurs responsible that there is a scarcity of work Representative Association hela for repairs. Whether the inten. Indies, and consequently persons paganda in the out districts of for from the West to consider the spread of its protion is to tax a district which are warned against going to that the island, and at the same time may have been un ortunate Republic in search of employ to get the Petition to tho enough to experience a riot is ment.
not quite clear us. But it King, praying for a change in would seem we are again to have The Preliminary report of the the cor stitution, signed by th another ordinance incorporated Registrar General of Trinidad on country people, it was decided in our Statute Book.
discloses the total population to held in the coast towns in the For the first time in the history of Sunday, 24th April, 1921, as Sunday the 16th inst. immediahave been 362, 780 on the night following order, at Soufriere on of Grenada all the members of against 333, 532 in 1911 an in tely after High Mass; at Postthe Executive Council ara Gre crease of 22, 228 or 88 per cent. mouth and Colihaut, on the Sun nadians it is also significant The increase is the lowest since day after, at Pointe Michel that the Officer Administering 1871.
the and at St.
the Government a leading son Joseph aad Mahaut, the of the The observation has been made Sunday following.
of the soil. The names At these members referred to are follows that for this year alone, claims meetings Sub committees will. to werthe who will have Freasurerampe Acting Colonial made ag ainst Insurance Compatricts charge of Paterson, Colonies for fires which occurred in the petition, and from whom the nial Surgeon; H. Martin, Trinidad.
Committee anticipate untired co Barrister at Law and de la operation, Invitations are being Mothe, Proprietor.
sent to Grandbay to send a delegation to take part at the friere meeting; in like manner Trinidad of Lasoye, are the redidents Vieille Case and other places According to the official re beyond Portsmouth asked to be ports relating to torn damage present at the meeting to be The death occurred in Trini. to properities in St. Vincent held there on the 23rd. Guardad on the 18th. inst. of Mr. and its Grenadines dependencies dian, Oct. 13 Joseph Theodore Thibou, retired a total of 1, 861 inbabited houses Provost Marshal and Registrar were destroyed or damaged on The Colonies and the Coloof St. Kitts Nevis, and for many the 8th Sept. last.
nlal Office.
years editor of the Damaged Destroyed Total Standard. a publication now de. In St. Vin funct. Mr. Thibou was a zealous According to the London Times cent, 923 1, 298 and prominent member of the In Grenathe Colonial Office has a scheme Masonic fraternity and attained 305 to re organise the Government to high office in St. Kitts.
of the Crown Colonies by giving 1, 181 680 1, 861 them a greater amount of autonomy, and by grouping several Port of Spain, Trinidad now The Census for 1921 shows of them under High Commissionboasts of 12 troops of Boy 8, 415 inhabited houses in St. ers.
Scouts, comprising 21 officers Vincent and 793 in the Grena The Hon. Edward Wood, and 364 scouts, one pack of cubs diaes. Therefore the damage Under Secretary of State and patrol of rovers. by the storm has affected 15 per for the Colonies is likely to visit cent of the houses in St. Vincent Jamaica first in connection with For purposes of self enter and the remarkable proportion bis coming tour of the West tainment the Trinidad Constabu. Jof 70 per cent in the Grenadines. Indies, Although to reply Come in and look over our new HATS. SHOES. SHIRTS. SUITS for the quite well New goods mean better values in these days of declining Prices.
American Bazaar Stores.
Parama. EISENMANN FIETA Co. Inc. Colon to on SN Xoth, is next St. Vincent SouJOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards. Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards.
Antigua 375 dines, 258 563 Good Assortment ËTO SELECT FROM AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY


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