p. 8


PACIFIC THEATRE The Biggest Bargain over to Do or Die valuable ed here Wings of the Morning this them shall be call we we ith them We mean an howevery we Choir cribe must יצ N. ליירט סיN prise say, that has as its basis bases S8Sssss three great factors, an mter prise that has benevolence, bene ficence and magnificence. An enterprise started nine months and fourteen days ago and today we stand second to none the Carribean waters.
To night IN TOWN IS THIS BURNER GAS STOVE shall not weary you out any Monday SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 longer; but am only asking of you that you be loyal because a lone can do nothing. want you to be loyal to the Honourable Mar SILK HUSBANDS CALICO Continuation of cus Garvey who is the cause of this colossal movement. He is WIVES the one who has got the vision EDDIE POLO S, latest hits in and am saying that want to keep it up and the longer you keep the more we shall be able 18 Episodes.
have to To morrow Sunday, Nov. 27 thank you very much for the amount of esteem you have FRANKLIN FARNUM ONLY 00 showered down upon me. have to thank the Chaplain of the Co. inlon Division No for the very Pay 00 with order and 00 with monthly services he has perform Gas bill evening and since rely hope that he shall take back to his division the kind regards coxsesse. SSSSSSS SeSSSEXOS SS of the Guachapali Chapter No. 14 PANAMA GAS CO. AT COLON GAS CO.
and let them know that we are with The Panama Charity Orand at every Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bollvar St.
be with until the the Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
muffled Tel. 798.
SERVICE Tel. 364. mum drums and calls shall beat their last tattoo Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
The Committee of Management of the to go on in this good work and Panana Charity Organization to let me say it would be easier to Tuesday night under the presidency of stop the sun in its daily course, Dr. Lowe There wis a fair attendance it wouid be easier to have the or the members, and the meating lasted Unveiling of Taylar, Dwnee, James McPhun, dust from a cyclone with a safety FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE until after 11 o clock, James Phillips, Aird, Worrell, razor or it would be caster to The Deputatioa that wsited on the (Continued on Page 8) Bourse, Ill. Morris, Alcee wear the aurora boreails as SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON British Minister last Wedoesday repro A Bellisare, MeLoan and evening gown than to stop the onward march in the hall. When order had Cooper.
of this Gaachapa: ted a satisfactory interview Sailing dates and Ports of all subject to alteration without notice, once more been restored the li Chapter No. 14 and we shall Subscriptions were handed in include chairman in a laudatory manner Lady President was given to dier hights and our eternal ha The honour of welcoming the go on from gay heizhts to kid The Company do not accept responsibility for baggage, and passen ing 25, 60 proceeds of Music Entero enuncited the facts that we Mrs. Doris Richardson, the bitat shall Africa (Loud and gers are recommended to ensure same tainment by Commindant Morrie Sil vation Army. and result of uncert le from a line to salirst Lady Vice President of the prolonged eheers)
were adancing from a point Culon Division who in welcoming Jamica Saturday, December 3r1 for by the Church of th: Nxirene.
supplies a The Chairman comment on mucn very The Committee cords ering forward to our her said have you. It is the brilliant address with Puerto Colombia and Cartagena number of applie tions favours alij ction, the Summum Bonus pleasure in welcomings distinguished, to be delivered by the President and terte twenty and referred to oluride Arica elected as as Lady President of then called upon Mrs. Bridge Barina Saturday, December 3rd for dirut members of the Cominit. ee for The charter was then takin such a chapter as this must the Lady President who further investis bu and hell before the audieuce say a few words to you made the towing at Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amala, La Union, The set lys to Leing paid out for atter which Secretary your duty. they La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Gaita mala and amount to neatly eereaty dla LADY PRESENT ADDRESS and deel Smith read aloud the President of the Chartered Champerico.
inscription and the Preamble of UNDP N1 Teongratulate Hellowmen the Negro Rica the constitution thereon setting you and remember is your and longing eto to the Further eariu ionad til th this work is to be annusyning Salvador Tuesday, December 6th for women of shores of for the Octs and not a due very bushi liktatory to this world wide, organization our race, which was formed by a negro bonourable position and trust to receive thos Tumaco. Es ineraldas, Bahia, Manta, Cayo, Bellenita and The Changes to the for proesthis being done that you will not onsy lookupun Guayaquil Lady ous publie to make litoral response to its the Chapter rer dered as an honour but also as a my feelings to the deaths Calelors and 2018 this month beautiful anthem entitled Sing bicosure to serve this noble race that words re Weak to des Oruba Wednesday, December 7th for mine work The best off ein bivem Praise to God which was thank you conception of the amount of real need well done and was the cause of At the conclusion of the for the at honour Rochelle Pellice and varpool, and suffering there is Loud aptuse from the installation of otficers the choir have conferred on me, that you The Ladies Commis busy preaudienes This closed the first rendered an anthem which was have so unan nously elected me Essequib. Wednesday cember, 14th for part the program and the highly parink som children clothing to a to appreciated chairman then announced that audience.
by the for this Lady Presidency. Little hiva a distrio fora did dream to New York direct.
Christmis, would Gilla of second hand garments or cloth the installation of the officers. have been this great honour woud then take place. PRESIDENT GATSBY ADDRESS, and now that it has been duly will be gladly received by Mrs, Andersoa or Mrs. Finzi, Installation of Officers conferred on me, The President who was serious you that by the help of God For further particulars apply to the Office of the Cononnies can assure Clark. Trotman Nuptials.
This was a most impressive throughout the ceremony then will b: as ardent a worker as CRISTOBAL ceremony and the members of have a thrilling address and hold possible for the good of the the choir who robed in clerical bus audience spell bound waf: UNLA and as long as For to the Pacific Stea Navigation Company pretty wedding came off at St.
Paul church, Panama, on Saturday caps and gowns marched up the ing them over the wide which he lasts. This evening it is an occupies in the oratori long aisle led by General Mayers PANAMA 19:h instant, whea Me. Rufus Clarke, world and his staft together with the al He was joined in Holy matin ay t) Miss said. Mr. am attempting to speak to you for Iron Duke Chairman, Officers, Members a few moinents and my address or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Ageits, Admiral of the Molded Trotmin of St. Goes, Bros dos, the and friends of the Guachapali would be suromed up in these the While behind him by the Rev. AF. Nightingale. Royal Mail Sten Packat Co. Paasma Preci ely at 30 the bude entered the officers to be installed. The chapter. No14. am indeed few words have come that Chaplain who was attired in his glad to be in church gowned in a dress of pasivpres. ye may have life and of pusiy willow this evening have at abundantly. In gown was installed by stin, trimmed few Master of Ceremonies, he in this with silhof.
moment to beaded, leaning on the words you Mr.
are summed up many turn installing the remaining for the showers of esteem you instauces or references Trotman, brotaer in law amid the siren both otticers. have voices ohor, and mlodious in immacvlate white attire with Little did think was so much come in the treat instance The Woman strains of the organ chanting II»w welthe excepu. on of the Male Presi: esteemed, but from the other us refer to the Birth of Christ.
come was the call, Mis Resveted as dent who wore conventional night saw from the band writ. When that birth ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN Chief bridesmaid whila Blades evening dress and the Lady ing on the wall, found that heavens declared the glories of NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY.
bestino, and IE, Clarke, Uher. Among President who was attired in a was very much esteemed. This God that meant new life, unthe gusts prasant ware the Miss charming creation of clinging evening is exemplary, for that! bounded life. At His resurrec Rico, Manning. Både Sharp Clark, black silk which accentuated have to thank you very much tion the heavens broke forth Yard, Bus, Mrs. Meaning Clark, her special type of beauty most for the amount of esteem you into jy saying, Trotman, Bryan, Yard and Ashby. Christ is Mosers. Small Greenidge. Springer, stallation of each of the officers that you have made me President jey, and then we come down the. DRESSMAKING Brathwaite, Watson, Cantor, Backthe Chapter choir rendered of this Guachapali Chapter No. to the three and a buro, Biades Clark, Chap Nurss.
sveral songs which were very 14, of the UNIA 2whe when God through Marcus GarBryan, Toppio, Downes, Johnson and a propriate for the Occasion want to assure you that vey sent us life, and today we andmany oth. Afer the cromony the The oficers who were into the authority vested in me have it evinced. We have life bridal party left the eurob un ler strains stalled into oftice are of Mendeleon wedding march for their through the constitution, want and as that more abundantly.
follows: assure you that from this Now we have come to the other home in Guarapali, wbre an enjoyable moment onward shall go for motive of these words. have PLEATING evening was spat.
JE GADSBY, President, ward to use my authority and come that ye may have life and CHARLES ALVAREZ, first Vice not usurp it.
that more abundantly. want Advertise in The Work Providunt, Standing as do from this to especially refer this even. Accordion, Knife, man It pays CONWAY, 2nd Vice president, rostrum and gazing over the ing to our charter In it is LEON BAPTISTE, Vice audience, taking a view of this vested our authority and we have Box Pleats)
president gay trong indeed it to look to this with joy this eve.
Personel to Form Jamaica fills ALFRED SMITH, Executive this moment with ning Deep down in our career an air of philanthrophy. It we must think of it for without e retary JOHN ST. LOUIS, General Sec. Sir Conrad Reeves. It causes ers but with it we have the causes me to think of the Hon it we were pilgrims and wander.
as Our Establishment inThe following persons are authorised retary. AUSTIN, Associate Secretary, ed somewhere on the ladder and NI. and This is our me to tink that we have reach surance that we can go to it and to form a branch of the Jamsics Represures a perfection of handiand accomplish anything for the sentative Government Association, and work which that we are looking down on the accentuates A, SUTHERLAND, Treasurer.
to collest funds for the sending of a deR. WHITTAKER, Chaplain, lesser mortals, Listen to me receipt, we are sure that we have the latest styles so pleasing legate to Jamaica Bocas del Toro: Organizers, Messrs MRE. BRIDGET AIRD Lady clearly. When say the lesser paid a sum or that we have paid mortals don mean individuals.
debt, to patrons have come Findlayter, Lewin, Gao. Knight president.
MRS. NILES, 1st Vice president. grand movement. mean the other branches of this may have life, we have had life, Glasser, William F. NowI mean that for if we did not we could not land, William Stewart, Jame FranMRS, BROOMS, 2nd Vice presi we were the least amongst the have been numbering 2400. Right cie, Jonathan Rankine, David Russes dent, apostles and at this moment we here, have come that. ye may ANN THOMAS, Proprietress. and Dr. Forrester, MRS. HENRY, 3rd Vice President are the greatest of the apostles. bave life and that more abund Lloyd, Britisha antly, and now that you are sa MISS AGNES CLARKE, Goners! Lawrenca, V, DusGazing as do over this Pharmacy pesar au tisfied, my dear brothers and ant, Thomas Cargill, Arthur Secretary, MRS. FLORENCE BATSON, Asst. you one question. what come ye since this charter has been persnaded to ask sisters, that you have got life Bayles, Bachelor, Powell un. We are a chartered Chep we yet go forward, and can as. A, Bowry, Cockrane. Dr.
Treasurer, out for to see? a reed shaken by veiled, we appeal to you in Trustees the ter, No. 14, and want every sure you that will do all in my Reid, B. Kinnimouth, Parker.
the wind, a man clothed in a long name of our leader and as new member of this chapter capacity to help you. Loud Messrs. Ward, Richards, The Executive of the Panama branch Allen, Fitaherbert and Jonee Coat or the beautiful faces of the croes to have a new life and to irrespective of anything to work cheers)
the Jamsics Representative Govern.
gay ladies? say no, these three have it abundantly. We true members build up Advisory Board ment Association takes this hodium of (Continued in our next issue)
things are not what you have worked in the past but want to the organization push it up requesting the above named kentlemen Lewis, Bishop, Craig come out to see. You have come tell you that we have to work B) Squires. Rouse, Git. to see, to hear and to help carry and do double work now, for we and as wehave given of assisting this movement on behalf of forth Advertise in The Work Jamaica furure political welfare.
tens Joseph, o. Skoete, on a grand enterprise, the an un stand on a platform where we before the end of one year B, P, WYNTER, Charles, Chas. Scott, H, Fogherty, veiling of our charter. An enter. must not fear that we will fail, example never yet recorded may man It Pays, Chairman.
are a most wita with unbounded anded jy that were The ence thies et more Mice and thank Voices of the ho Exchange came the half year to at me a that ye of have as


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