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PRICE Cts. Cy Kingston Rocked by Earthquake DETAILS GIVEN BY NEWSPAPER REPORTS MEETING THE UNVEILING OF CHAPTER GHARTER Colon, back mean to get that we must both our eyes wide wide open un Handicap, Presi uro for the four from.
with wa general 12 we orin of severity experienced the lat pleased delight, it Wo reported men les let by Bow what is as CHARTERED BIG RACE CHAPTER No. 14 of the Universal Ne At Juan Franco Park Togro Improvement As morrow. New Blood WILI sociation.
Be In Evidence.
Movement Declared to be 10 If ever there was a proud mo No. 14 Interesting The program announced for of an inch in City.
ment in the breast of the negro to morrow races at Juan Fran.
race on the Isthmus it should be co is well got up and gives Speeches Delivered.
The Gleaner of the 26th ulto. many people to run from their 1921, when over three thousand promise of being really interest.
ing. There will be nine events in (Continued From our Last Issue)
negroes gives the following details of the homes, No damage has been reand spectacked into the large all, made up as follows. 2 The next speaker was Brother is good to be jealous, When we are severe earthquake shock which ported.
Street Guachapali to at for lilliputians assist reached the island of Jamaica on Severe at May Pen.
the unvailing of the Charter selling racer; Charles Alvarez the first Vice jealous of good works think jealousy the 25th November last. Special (the sixth race) in president of the chapter who is right, and as have already told you May Pen, Nov. 25which gives undisputed first vice Prerident of the Ladies At 17 o clock yesterday nevere shock of earthquake was thority to Chapter No. 14 of the whicbe the contenders for honors spoke as follows: such well VICE PRESIDENTS ADDRESS, Branch in afternoon Kingston was shaken experienced at 15 here today, NI to continu the by a heavy earthquake which The Oscillation lasted quite a few work of uniting u begro people Brown Prince and White Jackedi. members of the respective delegations, else we won be able to keep poor with good Memory. Cocktail, Grasshopper, and tell my president and fellow officers May it please Brother President, that we fortunately was of short dura seconds and gave some amount keep whic began nine months ago and star events, tion.
of alarm. Two lighter shocks ac gathered up to the pre caps, namely the South No damage was done to curred during this week. No sent time a membership of naar can Handicap and the Ecuador NIA and am indeed very your president, your first vice president buildings so far as can be damage reported. This is the ly three thousand. This is specially arranged glad to bs here this evening and pare your other officers and your Lady ascertained, although movable heaviest shock in three years. doubtedly the greatest and fastrecently fixtures and crockery in some imported ticularly so in At Stony Hill, est feat of the negro Ecuadorean horses these two to you and in able to say word dent and the members of the Advi drawing med sou saying that word wish Board, they all appear to me the very cases were thrown about. Han people together, on record Stony Hill, Nov. 25 Two very the Isthmus of Pånama, and we necessary element of interest heart, for the great confidence you have very on races, besides creating the to thank you from the bottom of my very intelligent med women, am dreds of people rusbed offices and dwellings on feeling severe and distinct shocks of make bold to ma for they are those eins bus part of that new blood always provides, placed in me in electing me Pirat vice who who are to settle tho differswiftly passed The at 17 and lasted for about we ven to say who bas out heard, prove to be the most the power of God. to work more stren them to stand by their president. Withopinion is that the shock was seconds. Several persons be classed classed President Gadsby and have the third or fourth in point Came alarmed and left their his staff of officers in their attractive features of the meet, the All aboard for Juan Franco that the 2400 now on our list shall be officers, the presiden: will not be able to members and clocks the end.
acted as seismographs stopping ganz ng seat and that man is Park tomorrow since tht mighty metropolis Lord tehner of accomplish anything. was is one thing that struck me very forcibly also with the first vice president addevastating shake of January first felt. From enquiries made in organizing a British Army Colon Racing As save the parable of the teme tepers who showed that he is broadeninded. We at the time the earthquake was tou toum with his lightening speed this evening and that is when Christ dress. It filled me with great very minor damage has been during the late war.
Telegrams from widely sepe. caused, such as walls being browere said were they not must be. We afrated points of the island show ken in parts, President Gadsby and his of sociation. ten cleansed one one has come to worship ford to allow any dissension to get into that the earthquake shook all Jabut where are the nine? Today must our midst and we must remember the Mandeville Report fieers must be congratulated for maica being far more severely the good they have already done say Are they not five, four have come motto of the UNIA is one God, one felt in some centres than in othMandeville, Nov. 25. Precise and are still doing in uniting the Bought out by Dr. to worelip, but where is the one? That Aim, one Destiny and that when we ers. While general alarm, was ly at one twenty o dlock today a negro people on the Isthmus of Edwards.
one is the other branch, but for the have one sim let us rink our diferencer created no damage has up to the very sharp shock of earthquake Panama, grand and noble purp 38e of the UNIA and putting aside whatever it may be present been was felt here. There was some The open book policy and the We understand that the entire and for the desirability of the race we take a brother or a sister by the hand would ask you to go to that brother or and In the city the earthquake was excitement among the residents readiness at all times by the of stable of the above named Assoc. that one and tell him like the words of Bay as a man or a preceded by a dull sound, Immediately there was The weather since the begin formation of its working to mem. Dr. Edwards one of the better with all thy faults love thee still go is the caue for this dies rumbling caused thereby.
ticers of this Chapter to give in. iation has been bought out by the fond a mother how her tway warde son. nother be bygones and let us all join to unityI slight shock and then a violent ning of this week has been sultry bərs, have e tablished a conti. known of the Colon physicans, one which lasted between 10 and during the days and rather warm dence in this branch of the and a real turite. We hope this and tell them that despite all their faulse shall endaavour to see the president and is oiber officers of the chartered division of kotona similar experience to King was a down pour of rain between the aspirations Como President de ter and the doctor is indepen. We No. 19 love them still Just for a few minutes want to talk in Panama aud use my feeble efforts in yesterday evening which lasted as expressed in his good stable, hence the public can to you of something which you might bringing you all together. Friends, this Officlal Notes or Shock. between two and three that on the ultimo the imo count on having when same high not have noticed. While our charter is what we want, this is what the be that he Brennan the Government and whidh registered as much as would not rest until every the race tracks of Kingston the black and the green, one very serious can afford to be divided, we have to ne class sport as witnessed on lay obecured under the colors of the red, Honourable Marcus Garvey wints. We meteorologist supplied the Glea. 24 inches.
nor with the following details of At Black River. negro in the four corners of Knutsford Park and other not thought struck me and that is that lead timeline for use and her hende boy looking or while obscured as we steadfastly the earthquake so far as it relat.
Black River Nov. 25. heavy ganized into the ed to Kingston shock of earthquake was hfel The impressive ceremony Through a a misunderstanding Chapter No. 14, had all our differences divided they are going to laugh and Shock at 17 m, here to day at 25 m. which the 27th ulto and the large pre racers will not compete appears, ears, the Doctor string of obscured and now that the charter is un scorn us, so please bear that in mind.
Duration 10 to 12 seconds. lasted for about six seconds. No porderance of our own people to win the two events ire which the option to let them at de to helbinigo to une, and do not feel could sit tomor veiled we veiled we have arisen with a new deterI thank you much for listening Maximum horizontal move. damage reported who with beaming faces the horses taking past and go forward do ment about one tenth of an inch.
At Chapelton. pleasing smiles gathered to part, but we hope to soon see which are right and essential, for the noble woman of our race, the Black Direction Southeast shock.
Chapleton, Nov, 25. sbock witness the unveiling of the bis colors prominent at the Juan future. In all these things ask you as Very severe at Port Maria of earthquake was felt here to convince the most skeptical that sufficient in itself to Franco meetings, to go with us for without you to Crose Nurses. They are they who are Mandeville, Sav la mar, Rich: day at 117 The duration des pite what others may say or is arranging with his trainer, Mr fered for 250 years and now that God moea you more than that they are super We have learnt that the doctor we can do nothing. The negro has suf supposed to take care of the sick of our mond, Buff Bay, Moderate in about five seconds.
Annotto Bay, and light at Port do Chapter No. 14 of the UN. Edmond Phillips, to prepare also three and a half years ago, Guy Hill Report.
posed to go to Africa to help our men Antonio.
is working in the interest of the to take part in the January race Marcus Garvey has given us new life so on the battlefiolds where they shall News From Country Guy Hill, Nov. 25. very negro race and must sooner or meetings in Jamaica, our best that we know today that no man in the care for them, and want the other terrible shock of earthquake later command the attention of wishes are with him for success ill you come? Anyone of you bere then last but not least the choir. How of God is better than the members to appreciate them.
travelling south south east and every thinking negro in the Re in the game, Heavy at Port Maria Port Maria, Nov. 25. At 15 onds occurred here today. So northeast lasting a couple sec public of Panama.
who have not yet joined this grand and will we be able to get along without ths a heavy shock of earth. terrible was the shock that Take Notice noble association, we are entreating you sweet strains of music.
to join us and help make this cause a quake was felt through the town. good Dr. Fyfe Returns many people ran out of varied assortment of Christ. great one.
Friends, must tell yon, this is a red No damage, their houses. With the exception We are pleased to welcome mas New Year Cards are letter day in my life, the unveiling of Intense Severity of a few bottles and tumblers back to the Isthmus the genial sale at the Workman Office.
At the close of his address the our Charter which shall never forget. By telegraph from a corres falling off the shelfs and break medico Dr. Fyfe, after a first Vice President was loudly and shall take back to Colon your pondent at Port Maria who ing no damage was done.
short stay in bis native home applauded and the Chairman good wishes, and ask that you too passed through the Kingston Jamaica, the doc Old Capital Shaken.
look Real Reduction Sale commented very strongly on his socept ours, and want you to realize earthquake of 1907. fit and has many pleasing remarks. The next speaker was that we are with you. We are out for Spanishtown; Nov.
On page of this issue appears the first Lady Vice President of cause. Too much is at stake. dear to of Port Maria, Nov. 25 Terrific earthquake shock was telt hera jolly time he has had with old an Advertisement of Real the Colon Diviston, Mrs, Doris friends, to stop at trifling matters. Lot shock earthquake here 15 at about 15 to friends in the Isle of Spring. His Redaction Sale at Dave Car Richardsou who gave a very us push forwaed. May God help you Lasted pebrot ce afteen a seconds about 10 seconds. There were many patients will undoubtedly dope oil Stores en Central Avenue brilliant address as follows. so to do, and trust in the near future. second only to The Our that shall be privileged to come back the 1907 earthquake. whilst the second of longer and and the appreciation in which Dr. great bargains that are offered to attention was directed to the MRS. RICHARDSON ADDRESS.
Heavy at Manchioneal.
weavier tau ration. The walls of Fyfe is regarded here was eviden the public at less than half the President, Officers and members of this amidst thunderous uproar of Mr. Chairman, Mr. President, Lady The speaker took seat Manchioneal Nov. 25. the Registrar Office cracked in ced by the large number of friends original cost: heavy shock of earthquake several places.
who waited at the railrord We understand that this sacri you from the depth of my heart, As noble race of ours greet you. greet applause from the large audiwhich lasted several seconds Clarendon Park Notes. tion to greet bim and escorted fice was experienced here at about him to his residence.
sale is being made for the pur representative from the Colon Chartered ence, and when order had been 15 to day. No damage short sharp earthquake was felt Clarendon Park, Nov, 25. pose of closing down one store Division No. I really never anticipat restored the chairman in com.
done to buildings.
and everything, must be sold be the pleasure that was awaiting mementing on her address said here to day at about 15 British Consulate Notiec. fore the end of the present month here. The beautiful and bright face attitude of the men to treat the Moderato a Ewarton. No damage has been dopri In these days of when money is that now see, think is sufficient to women as inferiors, but now Ewarton, Nov, 25. moder Shortly after came the report The British Consulate at Coolon tight, bargains like ately heavy shock of earthquake of the death of Mr. Francis desires information about Joseph should come as a god send to for tho A, must congratulate they have to be treated as on to Colon to do was felt here at 20 Lasted Blackwood member of the An. Buffong, who came to Colon those of our people who have you Worde really fail me to express my equals.
for about twenty seconds. glican Church here. The de from Montserat. fifteen The Chapter choir then rendyears but little to spend, and who iny and appreciation, to think that just Heavy at Glengoffa ceased has passed through sogo, long and serious illness.
should grasp this opportunity to couple of months you all came to ered an Anthem Sun of My Glengoffe, Nov. 25. heavy make that little go a long way sother and now you have amassed oyer Soul, which was loudly apAt Annotto Bay.
by rushing to Dave Cardoze 2, 400 members. must my in a whisper plauded. This was followed by snock of earthquake of short day at 16 m. lasting about 15 store on Central Avenue opposite that you have put us, the Colon Divi e recitation by Miss duration was felt here this after Paying Centres: Heavy shock seconds. No damage noon at 1, 12 o clock causing of earthquake was felt here to ported.
yet re the Cathedral and make their sion, No. 4, to shame, and want to Henry, a member of the Chapter purchases: Appure you that we are a bit fosloue. It (Continned On Page 27th al keep the race on and let us be one to the other.
Ich Charter people And right Degro, on returns ine to you.


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