
I want be for det do kind in the race look division he THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921.
PAGE FIVE Unveiling of. bad to be under the leadership of this grand cause with one God, by applause by the audience. ing together has started to addresses which were very apthe white man, but today we find one Aim, one Destiny, One ob The next item was an address by consolidate th race as a propriate. The fonction came to that the negro has awakened ject with God first and our race Mr. Waldrond, Editor of people and want to tell close at about 10:30 and (Continued From Page 1)
from his sleep and are doing next. This is the bible (holding the Workman Printery who said you this evening that am will be a day long to be remen thingsfor himselt.
large bible before the audi The Last Hymn.
entitled with you and will ever stand with bered by negross in the city of MR, WALDROND ADDRESE.
Continving the speaker paid a ence) and am glad to see this The graphic delineation with glowing tribute to the wonderful book here, Others are books but you as a united people. Mr. Panama Mr. President, Officers and President to repeat 10 which she rendered it together work that has been accomplished this is the book and in coming members of the NL. Ladies you that your invitation was composition rendered at the unThe following is a copy of the with the musical part, which by the Honourable Marcus Gar here this afternoon have one and Gentleman. It is indeed a pleasure to me, am glad that veiling of the charter.
added to the beauty of the piece vey when he started this world thought and have gone through a great pleasure for ma to be bave had the opportunity to come stamp her as one with that rare wide movement and gave words that hook and found something with you this afternoon. It is among you and to be able to see Africa, gift of rhetorical emotion. of en couragement to both the ot that will help us. One question the first time that have had and hear for myself. have we do not love theo for thy gold The chairman then called upon ficers and members of the Gus that deal this for mysteries untold, the representative of the Gamchapall Chapter to go abead in the was asked by Christ to the pleasure of being invited to Apostle and refer to the me boa Division No. of the NIA the good work of organizing and Apostle Paul when Christ in it has been established on thel you president address and the the meeting of the UNLA ince and the noble addresses which our heritage is deure to hold the question Africa.
and L, who spoke as follows: keeping together this thousands making me home IC of Panams. It is also a of on of God. GAMBOA DIVISION NO All of thy children dream of The And have begun to. Thre free Panama, and assured them of who can be against us? Dare the first time to speak to such a ed down by one of the gentiero say we live hot day to me Mr. Chairman, President of the support of the Gamb a Divi what others may say or the Guachapali Chapter No. 14, sion No. He concluded by webes, and as a negro feel that time such a gathering of the Colon Division. feel like We Then may this chart unveiling teach stapendons convocation of our sex, no a person wherever God is, there is suc race and believe front the representative from the Our Africa Officers and Members, Visiting saying that Mother Africa is cess friends, Ladies and Gentlemen, crying out for help. She is sufis on on my side and wherever race has has ever come together at had more her To all assembled here that each In the first place am asking sering at the hands of foreigners meet a boy of my raca, a girl any one time on the Isthmus of peaking as she did it would be ta May strive to easer and to reach you to bear with me because and we as part and parcel of the of my race a lad of my race, a Panama As a newspaper min a wonderful asset for Thre Africa am a small man, small in statue 400 million negroes of the world lass of my race, a man of my have had to be very reticent Continuing tha speaker referred and you must expect my voice to we must do our part in answer race or a woman of my race, in the past; have bad to steer to the good work that the organ: When on thy golden shores we moet be small. am here this evening ing the call.
wheresoever meet them and clear of many things There zation has Transported there by our own fleet, as a representative from the The speaker took his seat and look upon them have to say another under such a nine. that that division is the smallest was loudly applauded. The Pans there is the image of God, and auspices of the NI AI have of members in just mige momhet God grant our lives be pure and was In Africa.
of that and said that he is since the that he is looking for division on the Isthmus. We nelection Band ithea Teodored is here, and since he is on our carefully. have endeavoured ward for greater things in the composed by Fraser, Music by a entitled Holiness we are Carl Elliot)
have a membership of forty and Becometh Thy House and was a long to achieve to do what could in its behalf hope for your organization all to and it didn do a great want it understood that we have followed with an address by Kreat things. want to speak it is het didn I say forty members know ing of. the PERSONAL We have enlarged our field and tion Army who said in part as ing We as hpreoplo Sins you have invited here noble purpose of this organiza m3 we have gone to Darien and or should do our best for them, we this afternoon, and am pleased tion, the consolidation of the ne Mr. A Fraser, pilot at Bal ganized the people and just a COM. MORRIS ADDRESS must work for the education of with the invitation. will be able gro race.
boa for the firm of Grace and week ago we sent a pioneer to Las Cascadas where we found and want to open my heart and intelligent to that they can great deal paper men audiencand was followed by an Mr. President, Mr. Chairman our children to brir them up in my owa feeble to do deal more for your orga amidst a loud applause from the er Sizaola on December 1st alto The speaker took his seat senger for Jamaica by the Steam Company in this city was a pas pioneers from the Guachapali say my brothers and sisters for climb and be in a position to me there as stand here this afternoon make us feel proud, We are here many instances imagine many anthem by the white and Blue His many friends wish him. tore to congratulate you on the am a 100 negro and indeed lam this afternoon listening to our things. In fact very often we Choran Union entitled the Hallo Eleasant stay in the Isle of wonderful work that you are very glad to be here. feel like own people rendering Springs now doing look back on saying the same thing as was strains, looking at their suany facts and wa can substantiate bujah Chorus. This was nicely rendered and your nine months work and see once said of a Notice of Meeting what you are 2400 strong. Your addressing an audiener who in facaWe dont have to go to them we are able to do a great cause of thunderous applause.
be the other races to listen to their deal more. am pleased to be has said you are are fore he began, really don musical talent, we have our own.
bere in especially ei an organizaA special feature of the even going to outlying districts and can see he was finished he said, well about the great future that is in principles of this consolidation William Crichlow a The basic inde program was in miniature All members of the Isthmia is ship which was built by Brother League of British West Indian. it. You are here this evening on but with all the smiles and with striking examples of the great of the Negro race. am a Negro the Chapter which was placed on to take place at Paraiso on Wed member of are reminded of the meeling understand, the an auspicions charter of The un all the jokes and with all the the deeds done greet you as Negroes like exhibition in the hall. The di nesday the 7th December, for veiling of the and believe that eve is as follows. the nomination of officers for the every pensions of the ship is Guachapali Chapter hapter No. 14. The this afternoon, to me as far as ment which was fostered by the the pleasures there may be with us elowing two y negroes and paid Spinded negro ani Length over alle all feet inches; ensuing term beginning January charter is a symbol of authority am concerned, this is a reality.
113 inches; Dapth inches 1st 1922.
his address by to know that the race is ter can go ahead with the good that we could have and with it the Guachapali Chap. If we were told two years ago concluded Marcus Garvey and with a y principle should be Bught, inches foreward and arranged in this in Moyer of the Universal Negro the work it has been doing which such a manner to get supbopin improvement Association 2100 Work man newspapar since it bas ein chartered able to stand together. One of inches aft. Fitted out with one chief principles of the set of compound engines using Lodge Notice caused the eyes of the whole energet of our people oil burning system. Size of en Isthmus to look upon it and we together we might members and may he been established is for the con gine. 11x11 inches with air There will be a special of the Gamboa Dibision although believed it boy thanks ha to God crown your every effort with solidation of the Negr race. puinn, feed pum condenser moned meeting of the Loyal small one and although we can we are here together this even success and my we mva on in And if we have not been able to suitable for driving twin screws. David Lydg No. 231, boast of a 100 membership yet ing under our own vine and fig that spirit until when time for do much in this connection in Boilers pressure 56, pounds nr. U, on Decamber 5th, 1921, at we have to respect this Guacha tree. We are here as a race, we us shall be no more we may the past it was because the race square Inch. Spoed four knots their Lodge Hall, San Miguer, pali Chapter No. 14. few years are here as a people to encourage able to say like the great Admiral was not what it is today. There per hour.
Built of sheet metal. for the purpose of nominating ago the negrues were looked one another to stand by one has been a sudden a vakening have done my duty.
There were several representa Officers for the ensuing term, upon as inferiors, and never another to get hands and hearts and this has been only in the tives from the various fraternal and other business of vital im could accomplish anything, we together and to push forward The speaker was given a har past year or two. That coming societies present who gave short portance.
when our race.
way to very the Sald as any negro Honourable by saying proud to have not som be Atlantic Side. News It Canal Zone Notes NILE QUEEN The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin Made of oils imported from India and Japan WHITENER AND CLEANSER (LEACH) BOUGE. COLD CREA UNUID POWDER HAIR GROWER AND BEAUTIFTER CREAM BAUN. VANITHING CREAN SHAMPOO.
DANDRUFF REMEDY Springfield, Kashmir Chemical Co.
Chicago, Gentlenien. Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin.
tried nearly every thing to clear my complexion of pimples, liver a black smooth and lovely in can be and my hair has to WO NO long and glossy, my friends Without success, until found Kashmiri Nile Queen. Now my skin 1849 all admire it. wish all our women would try Nile Queen.
Very truly yours. Sgd. SALLIE REID, SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS 106 Broadway and 8th Street, Colon.
Box 736. Cristobal, Desde the musical program lively both The Biggest Bargain Live Gatunites that they should GATUN The entertainment planned by the Colon Charity Organization for Nov. 13th and which on account of bad weather had to be postponed, was brought off very toasted to seal brilliantly on Sunday Nov, 27th at the in the delicious ſilver Clubhouse. R.
Cunningham, was chairman and Burley flavorwas under the directorsnip of Dalhouse of whom performeatively, duties ably and The Myrtle Company placed itself on record as high class in ranks of local entertainers, so much so that at the close of the concert the audience with one tunity of hearing them as soon as possible, and they very courte ously agreed to render a concert on Dec. 11th Special mention has to be made of the part taken in by tne ladies LUCKY in making this entertainment such a musical treat. It was in STRIKE deed a pleasure to hear the sing ing of Masdames Apple white, CIGARETTE Wade, Forbes, Warren and Gob son; The genial Secretary of the Silver Clubhouse is planning a good time for everybody at Xmas: There is to be a grand concert on Christmas morning and a dance on the night of the 26th, when Brukerna. www. ligy the Silver City Band will, It is expected, delight the Lock City jazzers with the new Xmas Royal King George Lodge.
Merry Time Jazzes: ve ho shall be the IN TOWN IS THIS BURNER GAS STOVE Smith, the Elizabeth Watson ed, but the strange noise in the shop was heard by one of the chinamen, who made an alarm; Jamaican Shot Through and the thief succeeded in mak.
Forehead ing his escape. Queen Party.
Various Rumours as to Who did Shooting.
The officers and members of Colon, Nov. 29 Mystery sur: the Independent Benevolent rounds the death of Elizabeth Society of Coloa beg to notify Watson, age 23, of St. Elizabeth to Colon Hospital on Sunday last Queen Party is now coming Jamaica, whose body was taken the public that to very with a bullet wound which pene mga tanticipated this being time is trated the forehead.
the first entertainment of its It is alleged that Watson who kind to be staged in this city, was employed al France Field by seems to be attracting the interSergt. Majer Wallen was on the est of overyone.
ficnt porch of the house with an From the deep enthusiasm infant in her hand when a stray shown by the candidates and shot, apparently from New Cristheir respective supporters it is to bal struck her, causirg in certain that one may expect a stant death.
very warm and enjoyable time.
The accidental cause of death It is not even possible is regarded by the public as beto guess as all ing somewhat peculiar. As far candidates are determined to as can be gathered, hunting is is win. Miss Violet prohibited in new Cristobal. as Silver City candidate is well as in France Field. Again mined that the crown must go to deter dueks are only kind of honour of Silver City, while. as well as othersmain are bunted with ed to it. The others shot cartridges, as the sbots are neither showing saying scatter in the flock and kill many believe that they are thinking much, but we have reasons to and not with bullete.
much, and fear the outcome They are at the same time per may be a surprise to all. The sistent rumours afloat in Co date is set for December 17, at lon, as to who did the shooting, the Liberty Hall.
and where the shot was fired.
We have secured some of the The remains were taken over best men of the city to act as by George Herry, raramour of dignitaries; viz, His Majesty the the deceased, at whose resi King, His Royal Highness, Prin ydence between 6th and 7th ces, Lordships, Secretaries of streets on Broadway it was seen State, of Labour, of Commerce, by many, of the Admiralty, Lord High Chancellor, His Grace the Burglary Becoming Fre Archbishop etc. etc.
quent. most enjoyable program is under preparation, which will be followed by a free ball for the Colon, Nov. 29 Burglary is voters.
fast becoming a fine art in this The following is the standing city. The establishment of Mr, of the candidates to date: Harold Bowen, a well known Mise Ethel Rickets. 1800 votes tailor at the corner of 7th and Voilet Smith streets were entered a few days ago and literally cleaned out. Devins Phillipe. 300 Edna Tamlinson. 150 Shortly before o clock yes.
terday morning the grocery Advertise in The Workstore of Hap Lee, chinaman, in the same vicinity was also enter man. It pays are the that are likely to frequent New Miss Ethel Ricketts is determina game the to keep birds nor we ONLY 00 Pay 00 with order and 00 with monthly Gas bill Secretary of PANAMA GAS Co.
Cathedral Plaze Tel. 798.
03 Bollvar St.
Tel. 364.
With the number of busses The Royal King George Lodge, operating between (this burg and No. 2, Modern Order of Bethany Colon, Gatunites are not worrying has asked its members to make much over the alteration in the good in their arrears in order to train schedule: Among the facilitate the coming election of specials are the Lady Hay, Gatun members on the 12th inst. 1A Special, the Blacksmith Reliable full attendance has also been etc, etc.
asked for the special discussion on Monday night the 5th.
The tenants of houses No: and 57 are in an awful predica.
ment owing to the heavy rains to travel over: Surely the Chief over the hill to such an extent as to relieve the sufferings of these to make it a torture for a human poor folkes who are paying rent being tired from a hard days work and working so cheerfully. 1100 40 Advertise in the Workman It Pays


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