
PAGESIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1921 London Correspondende.
The Makings of a Nation NET BAGIVES SET Durham. VC Genuine Bull Durham Tobacco on Pana, Panama Banking Company preached with Hie upon Cryad together; msay you General Banking Business Transacted To meet the Tressurer (BY LEONARD REID. Parliament, apart from a discussin in controversy will not dwell further on the shape of debate on the Irish nego the shortcomings of the measure. But, tiations, is chiefly engaged in passing how impotent to solve or touch the rapidly possible the Government basic problems of t»day such masura measure for meeting the unemployment are, is shown by frequent occurrences in question. The Government yesterday the industrial world to day, One instalo: iseped a loan of 20, 000 000 ncminal) quoted in the House of Commons at GENUINE in the shape of a three per chat Local week, will serve to illustrate the point.
DURHAM Loan Stock at the price of 52, the pro. damaged steater was towed in o ceeds to be employed in the emergency Thames dry. dock and tenders were in works which are to be carried out in co vited for the necessary rep sirs, The low.
operation with Local Authorities. Witbest tender on the Thamts side was in their necesesrily narrow limitations it 8, 700, One from the North of Englao y hoped that the Government emer was as low as 5, 500 pound sterling. But geney plans will work moderately well; Rotterdam firm quoted pounds 1, 800 Smoking Tobacco but is more clearly realized every day and the work of course went to Holland.
that no one Government can do much Here the enormously lower tender came towarde euring the present abnormal from country whose currency has not trade depression, and that Government deprecia ed. The Member of Parliament interferance with the natural course of who quoted this case stated that work business in any way at all is apt to do toen in Holland are paid about as highly much more harm than good Obviously as in the North of England, but work however, no Government could, under longer hours and are free from many present circumstances have refused to restrictions. The Dutch ship repairer take some action, and probably the em alss, could get cheap steel from Germany content with reasonable and se little open to economic smaller ergency measures now proposed area and employers were mio smaller profit.
objection as any such measures are likely This little story should give food for to be. The very modest claims made by thought both to employers and employed the Prime Minister himself for those in this country, Employers in many emergency measures serve to contentrate Case can contribute largely, as the Chanattention wider aspects of the present cellar of the Exchequer reminded them would fit every man not only to sconomio problem. So far as it is an the other have to record your departure from night, to reducing production international problem, all mong us on the Isthmus of can complete the solu all eyes are turn corte. Labour solu do his particular work as well as more so this our little Vineyard. Coroas ed and all popes based upon the forth. tion by guaranteeing full day hard possible, but to rise to a higher coming conference at Washington, where work for a full day pay: By. For that sort of educati I have Road Church) in whicb you v. lab.
oure ibsantly for the past few months world statesmen will have an opportuni operation. and mutual understanding, no fears whether it be given to a during the aceea ce of our Minister. Your ty to do much towards establishing both can contributo more, Some of black man or a white man. Fron (BRANDON BANK)
faith in us and good will to all men we Qe of international has completely failedurity, which those truths are not only realised but that sort of education believe to mature since are being actively by black pray will not only make for you a name men, white men, the the Peace of Versailles, and which is the leaders of Labour in this country to day, whole nation would draw im.
SECURITY among the officers ond metbers of this indispensable promise of general economic Mr. Olynes, Labour Parlimen measurable benefit.
Church but that God in Hainsaita recovery. So far as it is a domestic pro tary Leader, said in the House of Con Rapid Increase in Population SERVICE merciee will you rieboss blessings, saabling Hem, attention is is focused you the mone the other day relations between capital and labour. The Ends fallacy of dimini bing the Panamo (Founded 18. to attain higher service, loading His Colon the shortcomings of both, and the people in the way of purity and truth of goods produoed in the beliet questoty It is probable that as a na thus fulfilling the word of prupbery.
ing need for close and active co opera that the loss work one man does the tion we have come to the end of Our large Resources and well known as officers and members of ube tion. The domestio side of the problem more work is left for another, must give the period of very rapid increase Church fuel sure that the work entrusted can be solved by solved by employers and employ place to standard of production with in our population. Recent legis conservative Management afford unyou for such a short period cua got it cannot be solved by the to yo the certainty of lation to restrict immigration marketa attracting have been, in the hands of any one else, Government. few months ago Parlia to take what we have to bell. would be in part responsible for questioned security for every dollar more cruditably performed filling the went pas ed an Act known as the nato Scarcity is the shield of the profiteer. a slackening ratio of increase position subly, exccuting the It the and the du.
is just AS bad deposited with this bank ties encumbent on you through nature of a compromise unpalatable to profiteer if he deliberately retraino from reduce the rate of increase and difficulties, and thus gaining the affedevout free trader, Lion of our peuple with whom enough to satisfy the protectionist. Ito doing a fair day work for a fair day force us back upon our older Other Labour leaders have population to find people to do primary object was to protect certain spoken in similar vein.
came in contact with daily.
Such declare the simpler, hysically harder, British industries from the competition tione tine lead one to that the British manual tasks. This will require hope which was supposed to threaten mainly industry will set about the task We are speaking to you Sr; as one set some difficult adjustmants whom we feel nuru bas dis inguish. from countries whose currencies were ting its house in order. It has been easy indeed, yourself among the peope of your race.
gressly depreciated. Already in the difficulties of the time, nothing but the but it has not been good IBAAO BRANDON. NATHANIEL BRANDOS BRANDON We ate teel sure th your departure Parly days of its administration, the Act finest pont of efficiency, tending to the for the people of from the Isthm of aams will do you our older has lost any friends it had. In a few lowest possible production cos. will stock, President Vlan President that constant in.
good, for there might be wider and betpecial cases it may be effective; but it suffice, Industry can. ve this problem flow in immigration made is ter fields of labour acing you, though is causing obstruction, and, in general, ita for itself, Nobody else, certainly no possible to crowd off these less there ace yet souls to saved in our tasks community, thus we recommend you to inefficacy is becoming plain. To avoid Government, can solve it from outside. attractive and profitable upon the newcomers don His divide words as bus spoken.
think it has been good for the old Latins called the national what Lesning ou the arms of Jesus.
PRESIDENT HARDING virtue. That is a word have Oh it is so sweet and precious, always liked, empl iyed in the He will surely bless and keep you, Roman sense wish we might DISCUSS RACE PROBLEM have adopted it into our vocabuCalmly resting free from care.
lary, in this issue. It strikes me Not in lieu of your service but in good as a good deal better than faith, and recognition of wbieh all our Protests Against Black tries of Europe, set off from real morale.
contribution of solving our natio appreciation is due. The officers and Anyhow, we are under neces.
members bereby present Man being used as nal issues, because of a division sity to raise honest, hard, man.
December 24 26 purse and letter, trusting that God Political Tool. on race lines.
With such convictions will lead, guide, and protect you ual work to a new dignity if we One are to get it done. We will have in all your walks of life, while must urge the people of the to make its compensations more GRANDEST in your native land, you will find favour (Continued from our last issue. South to take advantage of their generous, materially, and it!
ON RECORD with the you come in contact with Question is of National Concern superior understanding of this may say it, spiritually; to make daily.
problem and to assume an atti usefulness of service, rather Amusements of all Kinds We remain yours. It is a matter of the keepesttude toward it that will deserve than spotleszness of hands as the national concern that the South the confidence of the colored test of whatever social recogni.
In the Master service shall be encouraged and make its people. Likewise, plead with tion depends upon the individuMUSIC DANCING ETC. ETC. Sign Deacon) JULUS, roir of ignorance, to be drained aside every political program Hard Work is Faced by Nation colored population a vast reser, my own political party to lay al occupation.
G, BARRET, away by the processes of migra that likes to line up the black J, ROWE tion into all other sections. man as a mere political adjunct. consess to a large disgust Electrical Display a Specialty Per the Officers and members: That is what has been going on Let there be an end of preju with all such classifications, and in recent years at a rate 30 dice and of demagogy in this earnestly bespeak an attitude The Rev. Gentleman in return thanked accentuated that it has caused line.
toward good, honourable hard COSTUME CONTEST ETC. ETC.
the officers and members for their deep this question of race to be, as Let the South understand the want to coddle and patronize work that will end them, do not appreciation and took for as the text, of have already said, no longer one menace which lies in forcing labor, want us all to get out.
his farewell address St. Matthew, of a particular section.
Chapter 25 verse, which brought his Jus as on blue denims, roll up our hearers nearer to the fopt of the cross, do not wish the upon the black race an attitude puhapes, let our hands be honor ROOMS TO LET Farewell Service and many with sorrowing hearts, for of political solidarity.
South to be politically entirely one party as believe that it is his departure. The greater hope, the dissi ably soiled and do the work bad for the South and for the pation of hatred, the discourage are to get on, wewe must act wit That what we ve got to do it we CALLE No rest of the country as well so ment of dangerous passions de to and be glad we can; for there is To Reverent Hobson do not want the colored people persuading the black people to and to be entirely of one party. forget old prejudices and to have small chance that we will ever APPLY ON PREMISES wish that both the tradition of them believe that, under the rule again have such armies of laborthe solidly Democratic South of whatever political party, they ors landing on these shores, as On Sunday Nov. 20 a well attended of a solidly.
Republican black race mighliche pould be treated just as other have come in the past In anticipation of such a these issues?
be people are treated, guaranteed structive policy in dealing with congregation gathered at Corozal Road Neither political all the rights that the people of condition, the South may well Church with many wending their way sectionalism, nor any system of other colors enjoy and made, in recognize that North and West! The march of a great people with engar steps at p. m, sharp to atrigid groupings of the people short to regard themselves as are likely to continue their ise motrain blind. fna.
We cannot tend the farewell service of the Rov.
will, in the long run, prosper our citizens of a country and not of a drafts upon its colored popula. ment. We wish to be more than the operations. fine program wine celos Hobson, who occupied the pulpit for be of country, that the South. Brin want to see the time come Education to Fit all Men for to keep its fields producing and anaca mwite progress and was a bio usual spirited way deliveroodford bla when black men will regard our America leading choosWork its industry still paths. Fifty years ious suxilarice of the Church, which was 2008: dress representing the members and var.
themselves as full participants will have to compete for the tree safar Every consideration, it seems services of the colored man Back to Nature in the benefits and duties of to me, bri ags us back at last to it will realize its need for him than the marvel of our astoundo presented by Bro. Gray in behalf of the Yet is a narrow span, the If marvel of Birmingham is less laudable accepted.
Roll Your Own American citizenship and watching the question of education, where and deal quital, fairly we to koning America.
Democratic with as of be keep mean candidates, ir they prefer the thil racer, ad u do not want the thing Bontoc wilde belle to your go on. If we are just and honest Church, which is as followe. on GENUINE states or Corousl Road Church.
the nation to attempt activities make desirable. At in administering justice; if we taxation or foreigo relations, or what not, and when they will white or black, into something it is pressing for settlement.
to educate people, whether any rate here is a problem and are alive to perils and meet them in conscience and courage, Rev. Hobson, Nov, 20th 1921.
vote on the Republican ticket Whi only for like reasons.
they are not fitted to be. have Readjustment Era at Hand. half century will be magnified the achievement of your first Dear Sir, People of South Urged to Act baked altruism that would over.
no sympathy with the half Is it not possible then, tbattenfold in the second half, and In behalf of the above named We cannot go on, as we have stock us with doctors and law in the long era of readjustment the glory of your city and your Church, and members we hereby tender DURHAM gone, for more than half a cen: yers, of whatever color, and upon which we are entering, country will be reflected in the you this letter of recognition, with our TOBACCO tury, with one great section of leave us in need of people fit and for the nation to lay aside old happiness of a great people, deepest appreciation, as a brother and our population numbering as willing to do the manual work of prejudices and old antagonisms greater than we dream, and friend, but more so as a faithful worker Guaranteed to many people as the entire popu a workaday world. But would and in the broad, clear light of grander for understanding and in the Master Vineyard.
Butiifiicon lation of some significant coun. like to see an education that nationalism enter upon a con the courage to be right, Sir; it is with great regret that we Standard Oval! Standard Oval. Garden Party you this broken BULL POATE


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