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PRICE 5Cts. Cy British Honduras need Laborers sition the Colon tbe the attack To some shots at missed, the Latest Advices from British Honduras which has a population of only 50, 000 to an area of 8, 598 square miles is in need of labour for the development of the Colony, and an effort is to be made to induce West Indians to emigrate there instead of to Cuba. THE PRINCE ALARMED SHOOTING BRITISH PRINGESS FOREMAN AFFRAY OF WALES IN INDIA At Balbea Shops Spite At Colon Results in Death WILL REMAIN Negro Workmen Of Antepara.
Missile Thrown at Him But Hap office during the week that sinc What took on something of In England as Bride of English the publication of the Recommen, the character of a gun fight as ily Missed its Markdations of the Panama Canal we read about in tales of Cowboy Noble, Says London Despatch Probe Commission, much oppo drama in the Wild West was en resentment and unjustice acted 01 Thursday at about p. Direct West India Cable from London dated November 22, last night that, while the Prince of Walas was entering a negro employees in various Señor Luis Hernandez Presi. King and Queen, to Viscount Lascelles, was announced this evenVancouver, B, C, Nov 28. special cable to the Vancouver World are meted our many of them in the City of Colon when states that the betrothal of Priacess Mary, only daughter of the building in Bomb on Monday night a club was thrown at his divisions of the Canal work by dent of the Municipal ing.
The King at a Council meeting in Buckingham Palace Council and head by someoue in the crowd of spectators. The missile missed white bosses.
and Magistrate of the its mark, and the Prince passed into the building unharmed. One of the most glaring of a Grande Ward, shot and to day bad previously announced that he had given his consent to the Boca the marriage.
great crowd had assembled to witness the arrivals for the ball these ir justices is to have taken killed Señor Luis Pablo Ante Viscouat Lascelles (Henry George Charles) is the eldest son of which was bejog given in connection with the Prince visit to Bom place at the Roller Mill at Bal. para, lawyer and Colon, corres the Earl of Harewood, and is 39 years old. Princess Mary was 24 bay. The assailant escapel in confusion which follwed ba during the past week. when pondent of El Aji and La Nacion, last April. The Viscount was educated at Eton, was an attache colored employees were dis. in the street opposite to the at the British Embassy in Rome from 1905 1907, and Aide dePrince Making History charged for no reason at all agedy was Station. This Camp to Earl Grey. Covernor General of Canada 1907 1911. He It is claimed that one of the brought about despatch received here to day relates how the Prince broke away forced during the latter siekwestions, made by Señor Antepara Wales in Bombas, the correspondent for the London Times in aed by his bosse be caused there is said, on accounter campublicat and won the Distinguished Service Order and bar, and the French named newspapers, It is no break the above with tradition that a daughter of the Royal House from his scheduled programme at the Poona Race Course last Sua in hospital to show day, making a half mile detour in order to pass unaccompanied certain points in operating the which were offensive to Señor should marry into the British peerage for the Princess Royal through the crowd. Striding well ahead of his staff, says the cor mill which is used for reducing Hernandez Louise Victoria, eldest daughter of King Edward, was married to We understand that Señor married back into the Royal Family, in the person of Prince Arthe Duke of Fyffe, and her own daughter, the Duchess of Fyffe, respondent, The Prince rushed along close to the rails laughing iron to aby size required.
acknowledging cheers, exchanging greetings, touching hundred of can Antepara sought out Publication of the Royal betro hal quick interne cenere che great din cand the indispectina eoresponder and there appears to be great risk mandez and here finding him at ened again public interest the beibice to be waites, har egentlichen. of in ia the operating of this mined called him out, and after ly.
the Hotel where he usually din rumour several times has selected a mate outside the Royal Famithe despatch, doubts if ever before in the history of India, either owing to the great heat of the the ruling chief or the Emperor son has gone afoot to make bim big furnace used.
words had passed betweeu Press Expresses Satisfaction.
self one with the mass of people, It is stated that a colord em and fired two them Antepara drew his gun at Hernan London, Nov. 23. The morning newspapers editorially express Visit a Personal Triumph ployese named William Fuller both of which the utmost satisfaction at the betrotbal of Princess Mary to an Bombay Presidency has been a great personal Triumph says a during tbis week having collapsgreat heat with his weapon; his first count Lascelles, Lodja the Governor of Bom working at this miltand several shot It is emphasized that there would have been a general disapbay: The departure of com. Prince for Baroda wave made to the western and woment, en el seu red penetrated the brain and pointment les ne pada na we bied as un ember of foreigo Royalty, and of demonstration, of people thronging be killed him thus bave left England where sbe is universally popular.
the platform in an effort to get near the Prince car, which made fore similar fate overtook choice, says the newspaper, will suit the democratic and romantic it difficult to get the train moving. The populace, the Governor rethem.
These men were green instincts of the British people, and the modern views of monarchy ports, appears to be stimulated by the unfortunate riots of last to the job and were taken on to School Children Enter in an age when the dynastic principle is under reconstruction week to prove their loyalty.
replace men who were seasoned tainment The betrothal of Princess Mary makes it easier to believe that The Prince on Monday, the fifth day of his visit jne bomba yo pase bo the outcome forced colored be given at the Loyal Victoria nation. This is typical of inany of the commentai Meanwhile to the work. All this appears to Variety the Prince of Wales in his turn will make a marrige which will ticipated in a polo match, according to Bombax despatch for the employee beline forced to appeal to the romantic and democratic sentiments of the Girl Scouts, but work parents in the remote city parts were afraid to have their children at the other ce for the benetic Monday Halling Strecember 12h expressions of congratulations over the Latrothai are coming through the recently disturbed areas, and the inspection was afet another while imme evening. wera pouring reluctantly abandoned. Fears that the day would bring further diate boss was sick in hospital. 1921, by the children of the New from people dan all parts of the Empire. Congratulatory messages Buckingham Palace to day from every direction.
disorders, proved unnecessary. Hindus and Parzel paraded the Judging from the practice that all ranks of the British country.
bearing effectionate expressions of of loyalty and good wishes from streets. waving white flags amid the cheers of the warringsacts, carried on at present, a and up to the time darkness came when the Times despatch was fil. Saxophone Christmas very enjoyable time is anticipa large crowed assembled outside the Palace this morning In el, there was no trouble The Prince spent a quiet Sunday, taking ed. Dialogues. recitations, song hope of greeting the Princess when she drove out. Meantime auch informally at the Orient Yatch Club, and attending services Dance at Cristobal.
and solos will be rendered the Irish Guards band played bright, tuneful selections in the the Cathedral.
the children, as also Fan, hoo, foi ecourt or the Palace during the customary changing of the guards The Soprano and Tenor Saxo. and flag drills will be performed. British Princess is Greeted On Driving out with The well known Primrose Choral THE ISHMIAN SCOUT. Invites Public phones recently added to the Union will be in attendance, Fiance.
Silver City Band will make their Doors open at 30 o clock sharp, premier debut at the Cristobal London, Noyember 25. Princes Mary yesterday made her The above is the title of a first appearance with Lord Lascelles, her fiancé, since their Tomorrow, the International Silver Club on Saturday night Take Notice Magazine at present very mod Bible Student Association of December 24th. for the Xmas betrothal, when the two left Buckingham Palaee yesterday afterest in size though ambitious in this City, will conduct its last Dance to be pulled of there un varied assortment of Christ. poon in an open carriage with the Queen for a drive through Hyde spirit got up by the 3rd Colon Service of the series of lectures der the auspices of the Club mas New Year Cards are Although the news that they were to drive out only became Troop Baden Powell Boy Scouts. in connection with the 1921 sale at the Workman Office.
known shortly before their departure, quite a large crowd assemIt is expected to be a Monthly lecture campaign. started six There is a decided improve.
bled in the vicinity of Buckingham Palace, and cheered the Royal hopes of making it more gener dealt wiro. The subject to be ment in the tone of this Band Panama Boy Scouts Ball pas hered along the route, and made the drive partake of the na.
and the promoters entertain months with is: Everlasting life with the addition of the two heartily as the carriage drove away. Crowds quickly and Parade.
of the public. both by way of Carmel Lodge Hall, San Miguel. a nd everyone should avail them: in dimensions with the help on Earth. The place is Mount above mentioned instrumer ts, ture of a triumphal procession, much to the perceptible embarrasscontributing to its life by liter Hour 730 Speaker, Mr. selves of the opportunity of bear ment of Princess Mary, and and the apparent satisfaction of the Queen ary, as well as financial sub Boyce.
As announced in our last issue and Lord Lascelles. The Queen and the Princess lunched with The same suject ing them at their best on Xmas the Be Prepared Ball of the Lord Lascelles at his home, Chesterfield House, which will evident sistence.
dealt with at Chorrillo; eve night.
will be Panama Boy Scouts will As expressed in its dedica Paraiso Clubhouse by Messrs.
Wolmer School room; also take place tonight at the Pacific It is reported that invitations will be issued to seven European the home the promotion of General Interest repectively. All seats free, no tion The Isthmian Scout is for Richards and St. St. Hili Mt. Puron Baptist Church Central Avenue. All the officers Sweden and Belgium, possibly will attend.
Clubcorner of 19th street and Monarchs to attend the wedding. Spain, Norway, Italy, Denmark, in scouteraft in the Republic of collection.
to Hold Harvest Festival. attending will be in uniform, and Troops Panama, and everyone who is Interested in the welfare of our this will certainly give a very Pilferer of Freight Car In Panama Hospital.
youths should subscribe to its Postmaster Held on 3, 000 zal Road, will be having its Har: gathering when blended with The Mt. Puron Church, Coro picturesque appearance to the Jailed. because whereby funds can be acquired Bail For Embezziement vest Festival on Sunday the 18th the charming gowns of the ladies The many friends of James and inst The programme as arrang: for the purpose of aiding man by the name of Run Innis West Indian well known Scoutmasters of this Scout ed is as follows: At the 11 the other gentlemen guests. dolph Gibb was sentenced by track forem in for the Panama Troop to do things for the bet Harry Carlson, American, ex. clock Celebration Service Tomorrrow a grand parade Judge Kerr at the Ancon District Electric Cɔmpany in this city terment of its members, such postmaster of Pedro Miguel Post ly selected pieces, will be rend will be held in woich all the Court on Tuesday to one year will regret to know that he is an ments necessary to their proper rest on Nov, 2nd for alleged em: Festival when the Choir will Panama, Troop, as well as a num penitentary for stealing goods. Where he underwent az opora as providing them with imple. Otice, who at the time of his ar ered; at three o clock Harvest members of the first and second imprisonment in the Gambpa inmate of the Panama Hospital training, and also recreation in bezzlement of the sum of 1, 845 sing the beautiful Choral Praises ber of olticers from the dițferent among which was baking powdition which has been successful the way of a Brass Band which of Canal Zone postal funds. was which it has so assiduously Colon Troops will take part.
the ways have set their hearts so ill that he had to be taken to practiced; and at seven o clock freight He expects out car in the railroad yard at Bal days.
on having. The price of the Ancon Hospital instead of the in the evening Harvest Celebra Take Notice boa, The car was consigned to Lilliputian mother number is the jail, is now better and is held tion Service when three visiting the United States Army post at only 10 cents and we do hope at the Ancon District Court un Pastors will give addresses. All varied assortment of Christ. Corozal. This is Gibbs, sixth Advertise in The Work everybody will endeavour to der bail of 3, 000 fixed by Judge members and friends are hearti. mas New Year Cards are for conviction for stealing says the obtain a copy.
iy invited, sale at the Workman Office. Courb record book, man. It pays.
bschool. com into is being ly Park.
on of special


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