
ZAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands ALBOA EST EER REWED said Mr. th there where, Dave and Treasury Kingston, which materials for sale.
in advised WANA most votes will presumably be brought againt Sir Leslie Jamaica elected.
Probyn. The plaintiff is seeking The Governor proposes to to recover 000 damages nominate two gentlemen on the agenst the defendant. in his Assistant to Attor Government side of the House capacity as Governor, for allegrepresent the of The point involved in the case ney General is the delegation.
The delegates will leave Js is one of great interest to pub.
Admitted. mica esrly in January next as lic servants Mr Cox was relievthe Conference is fixed to ed of his position at a First Clas, take place in Trinidad on or Clerk in the Pablic Service, and By Mr. Justice Sisnett to about the 21st of that month, his contention is that he was not tried, and his pension denied Practice In The Courts him, although the subject mat Proposals For Grants in. ter for which he was interdict of The Island.
Ald to Civil Servants ed had not been investigated by of Colony the Privy Council MR. HUGH KAYE RYAN.
Mr. Cox is conducting his own case whilst Sir Leslie The Hon. Wells Durrant As previously stated in tho Probyn is represented by the Attorney General, made Gleaner, His Excellency the Gov. Attorney General, instructed by application to His Honour Mr. arnor. upon the representations Mr. Corinaldi, Crown Justice Sisnett in Chambers of the Jamaica Civil Servants Solicitor.
yesterday afternoon on beball Association, has decided to The summons for direction sets of Mr. Hugh Kaye Ryan, bring up the question of a grant out the time in which the plead what he be admitted to practice in aide at the forthcoming ses ings should be filed as also the mode of trial. The plaintiff has as barrister at law in the sion of the Legislature.
Courts of Jamaica He The proposal, from what could also applied for discovery of be Ryan had been appointed Assis gathered, was that a grant of documents bearing on the case.
want to the Attorney General 20 per cent up to the first 500 The summons will come on of the Colony. In making the should be granted to civil for hearing on Tuesday 29th appointment, he desired 13 ex: servants. as from September inst, bufore His Honour Mr tend a hearty welcome on behalt last, pending the decision of the Justice De Freitas of the Bar to Mr. Ryan, Secretary of State It is now His Honour granted the appli. reported that that recommencation and Mr. Ryan subscribed dation will be placed before Trinidad bis name to the roll of barristers the Legislature for consideraAddressing Mr. Ryan, His tion, but that Assistants will not be included.
Honour said he desired to ex The Architect for the NOTICE.
tend a hearty welcome to him and wished bim every success London, October 18. Reports Agricultural College Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. In the practice of his profession from a Reuter correspondent in Wanted it known that have That success, however, would Jamaica shows that a campaign Major H, Corlette, E, reduced the prices to pre war largely depend on Mr. Ryan has been begun by: section of who has been ap. prices an all classes of repair himself. He felt contideni toat the press against the so called pointed architect for the West work; ask to see my price list ne would maintain the best Chinese invasion which is said to Indian Agricultural College to before taking your work else.
GO TO THE PANAMA BA3A18 HOUSE traditions of the prufession.
De gathering strength be erected in Trinidad has had also on hand in the subject will be brought be much When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. for bis kind remarks and said Council at its next session. It Nicholson, the Law Courts, Gen. shoes at reasonable prices, also Mr. Ryan thanked His Honour fore the Jamaica Legislative designed experience, having my new shoe department, high with Charles class ladies, gents, and children he would reply to the remarks is announced that the Chinese hats, hose, callars, ties, and so forth.
eral Post asury fine upper leathers and shoe Office on another occasion.
a It is expected that Mr. Ryan enter to various fields of enter. King House will open his chambers at the second biock of Public Buildings Prise in Jamaica, including the was erected after the earthquake quaire Pan American Shoe Repair Co.
purchase of coasting sailing Ves, of Also cheap. Cots for the weary Traveller of 1907, besides haying els and the acquisition of wharf the Government of that Colony Corner of East 12th Street and premises regarding the Inying out of Planters May Have streets and squares in the capt Plaza de Arango Address: MULLER BUILDING Medical Ser at New College, Oxford, Clifton tal. He has also executed work to Ask for Fur The FICE Prop.
Ccllege, Winchester College, beCALIDONIA ther Help vices sides various buildings in domestic architecture JUAN ILLUEGA 400, 000 Might Prove In Dr. Angus MacDonald May Attorney at Law Return here to Fill Im The following notice under TRYIX. IXA FORM LINIMENT adequate for Harvesting the signature of the Acting No. 44 Central Avenue The Coming Crop.
portant Post.
Colonial Secretary of Trinidad; TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 For Any Kind of External Pains is published in the press of the Colony: Practices in all Courts of FIGURE MENTIONED. THE OTHER POSITIONS Any Association or ReprePanama Your money, refunded if you are not by all means sentative Bodies who wish to In connection withe the decls lay their views before the Under English Spoken Fluently Satisfied)
Government Has, it is said ion of the Government to have a Secretary of State during his SOLD AT THE FOLLOWING DRUGESTORES Under Proposal Further Admore effective coatrol over the visit to the Colony are hereby Advertise in The Work.
vance of 200, 000, sanitary system of the colony. informed that Mr. Wood de Panama, Modern, Spanish. American. Nationa His Excellency the Governor sires to have notice of the quesman It Pays Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies MATTER FOR COUNCIL. recently addressed a communi cation to the Secretary of State for the Colonies asking him to The Gleaner asks is the loan of select an officer to fill the post 400, 000 to aid the sugar indus of Superintending Inspector The best Tonic in the World tions to which his attention will to bring about a prociamation try inadequate? This is the ques. under the Health Law; and as be called that Armistice Day ba a Pubile tion which a reporter of the we hinted a few weeks ago short summary of all such Holiday in future in honour of Gleaner learnt that the Legisla there is likelihood of Dr Angus questions should therefore be our glorious dead.
tive will soon have to answer, MacDonald, who filled the post sent to the Colonial Secretary The following open letter to As newspaper readers are of Health officer for Kingston at his office in Port of Spain Sir. Alfred Lucie Smith. Kt. This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend aware, at a recent session of the some years ago, being chosen before the 15th November 1921. Chief Justice of Trinidad, apLegislature, the Council decided as Superintending Inspector.
ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, pears in a recent number of the that loans should be advanced The Legislative Council, it will Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Daily Argosy. following on the to the necessitous sugar plant be remembered, also voted At a meeting of the City recept sitting in that colony of a run down constitution.
number ers up to 400, 000 Council. Trinidad, on the 8th the West Indian Court of Appeal of loans bas have been effected, apperatuhundred pounds for the appointment of three It promotes digestion, improves the appe November, Councillor Cipriant over which Sir Alfred presided. but it is known that in many Officers of Health to be station tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. remarked as follows; cases advances are ined in the three counties of the Sir, Alfred, you have occasionto thank Mr. Mayor, wish In order that the colony. It has, however, been DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or ed not a little surprise, mixed you very much for your manuiacture of sugar and rum decided that these latter kind with amusement, in respect of ap. times a day.
words of welcome and right be carried on a proper poin assure your manner of presiding over not by made you will do my utmos o help the West Indian Court of basls, it is now reported the pointments will now. As just tbe Government has under consider in every way carry on the good bed JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
superintending Inspector ation a proposal to increase the chosen he will be asked to sub work. And although we might pesh. We in this colony find it loan by about 200, 000 or there mit a scheme defining the duties not at times see eye to eye the rather unsual to have the busiknowledge that our ness of so staid a about. What will be ultimate preme Court presided over a body as a Su.
out and general operations of these goal is the same will be a ia come of the proposal is not Medical Officers of Health. It a com the matter of fact manner fort and a futherance to the hawa that definitely known, but it is be is felt the you have. We have heard that in the Government best interest of the people lieved that some reference to should have a well considered Port of Spain.
of Trinidad a sitting of the Su With your leave Sir, the Legislative Council meets be the mistake for of Armistice preme Court partakes much of Day, wish to make a plea for for instance divest themselves any friction Judges on Tuesday next week.
to occur between the officers 17 PAYS our heoric dead. It seems to of their wigs when on the bench representing the Central Gov.
me that little has been done in while Barristers do the ernment and the Parochial ausame the past, very little is Sending of Delegates to thorities.
done at present and very little often remaining seated while eing when addressing the Bench, very WI. Conference in TrinlIt is hoped that the Supe rinpromises to be done in the near they indulge in a running fire e of dad on Council. tending Medical Inspector will future for those who today sleep argument with tbe Bench, or be chosen before the end of the the sleep of the just present tin ancial year.
CALLE No foreign land. This Hall has the come very near to disrobing His Excellency the Governor distinction of being the first re We here have themselves while on their has caused a circular to be sent ave been accustomed to the elected members asking Action the Goycrulting station here and from for some time now to a PRIVATE ACADEMY bere our sons we sent out into ceremonial mode of doing things them to send two of their numthe great Unknown. It would the delegation and wh ber to serve on be fitting if from this hall came on the Banch in a pair of white when ernore of four members who will go English Classes you elected to appear a movement to bring back to trousers you committed from this colony to attend the these shores the remains of some crowning outrage. You had on Conference in Trinidad in Jan. Clalm Is for 5, 000 Dam For Young Ladies 6 West Indian soldier honuary nexvin conection with the to be ages for an Alleged oured here as the unknown 1901: your right a gentleman who is creation of a West Indian CounAND FOR BOYS 7 dier is being honoured in all nothing if not a stickler for cil.
Breach of Duty, parts of the world. am sure conventionalities. Did you notice The elected members are Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays. today thousands would flock to the pained look on his face when, do homage to those who died you indulged in some of your asked to vote for two represen The Gleaner learns that Mr.
tatives on the basis of propor. Cox, barrister at law, has BURTON, that we might live. beg also tional representation, and the taken out a summons for direc to suggest that this council little excursions from the serious wo gentlemen who get the tions in the suit which he has take such steps as are necessary (Continued on page VIGOR TONIC the adequate.
soon 33 is the that Advertise in the Workman De on the eve comedy be a in her legs.
more the


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