
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921, PAGE THREE La Boca Literary Society LOOK OUT FOR Our Large and varied Assortment of Christmas New Year Cards on Which is expected soon AT THE Whenever there is a fifth Tuesday night in any month it is always looked forward to as a red letter night and in kuown to the La Boca Literary Society As the Ladies Night. The Eociety, therefore, was treated with an excellent program from its lady members last Tuesday night, as follows: Miss Wilhelmina Alleo, Piano Solo; hip.
Smith, Paper Mrs. O, Reading on Other Gses with which money expended for armament could be put to.
Mrs. Olga King, Vocal Solo, girl in your arms Miss Edns Allen, Reading Our duty, Or how girls should live Mrs. Elie, Reading Utilizing one spare time for profit, The President, Mr. Collins, made a lengthy and favourable comment on Mine Allen paper and Mr.
Reynolds thanked the ladies in general on behalf of the male members.
The Society is making tentative ar rangetrients with a view to hold a mock trial at an early date this month.
Several characters have already been selected among whom are Mr. George Pierre, of the District Quartermaster. Balbos Heights, Prosecuting Attorney; Mrs. Florence Smith, Plaintiff; while Mr. Sam White of the Police Department may be asked to occupy the position of Judgo. Much enthusiasm is being shown in the matter as the C8. 30 that will come up for trial is an extreme ly interesting one. The exact date fixed for the trial as well as a synopsis of the use will be given out through these columne at a later date WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD.
Dear Sir:I am pleased to inform you that an at an.
nual general meeting of the shareholders of the West Indian Steamship Company held at this Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of members of the organization were present and enthusiastic speeches were made in support of the furtherance and development of the Company. The members in a body voted confidence in the administration, and pledged their wholehearted support It was also unanimously agreed that each shareholder will advance his shares by purchasing mora stock so as to enable us at once to procure and put afloat our large steamer contemplated for the conveyance of freight and passengers to the ports agreed upon in our prospectus You are therefora, respectfully requested not only to act in conformity with the decision of the shareholders who were present by doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but that you will induce every man, woman and child in your locality to come forward and Join with us. Hoping to hear from you soon. remain, Yours truly, SMITH, Secretary.
WORKMAN PRINTERY When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Stock of Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
General Watson Congratulated.
Items of Interest.
It under the same 108 to see the tak a man the time WAS its beights formed WS branch in LUCKY STRIKE now ready you know Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Bu huwa out touching To the Editor of the WORKMAN, Mr. Algernon Aspinall. Secre sk. Please permit me space in your tary of the West India Commit valuable columns to congratulate Gen tee said to a representative of eral Watson for the most wonder The Times recently: have read ful work that he has been doing in this with the greatest interest the An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
windy city. remember on the 15th of article in The Times of the pro toasted to seal May, 1920. Gen. Watson called a meet posed changes in the Crown Coing at 204 Street, in the Negro Hall at lony system. Should the facts in the delicious pm, this meeting consisted of eight prove to be as stated by the wriboys, of which was one; the General ter. we are about to Burley flavorthen formed ol League name ing of a new step in our imperial sep le of the Colon Boys Institute League, evolution. Incidentally, although did not understand the real the change would mean the open meaning of the League. was glad ing SUCCESS GROCERY STORE because long had in mind that when West Indies, this dian history. As regards the became a soldier is being CORNER 3rd STREET AND HUDSON LANE My first suit of uniform was given me brought about to great extent LUCKY by the General, and other boys, at by periodical intercolonial conprivate, heing ferences, which have grown in An Exquisite Line of Groceries STRIKE faithful to the cause was promoted importance during the last few CIGARETTE Colonel. can say that as one that years.
love the cause stand by the Gen. we At Prices to Defy Competition did not have a fine time to bring this The Canadian Pacific Em.
brigade to its After the league press of Britain, 22, 000 tons, will TRY US AND BE CONVINCED in Colon, a branch was run two cruises in January and formed in Monte Lirio, and another March. There will be a stay of in Gatun; now am promoted to thirteen hours at Barbados on DANIEL GERALD, Proprietor Lieutenant General, and feel sure February 8th and again on and sm to take up my March 11th. The White Star Of course ritle and go forward in defence of the Liner Megantic will make three CIGARETTE Red, the Black, and the Green. ma may cruises in January, February say God bless General Watson, and and March, the reason are bis life to see the fruit of his labor The Police of Colon is is now at ease in The Pacific Steam Navigation why millions doing their patrol in picking up bad.
of men like boys, no more stone throwing in this from England to and around Company have arranged tours streets the cake sellers can sell their South America. The R, Lucky Strike cakes in peace, we have now got under Oro our charge the worst boys of the city. Orcoma left Liverpool on 3rd Nov.
Cigarette Is theone bost prescription for itehes bruises, cuts, sprains and and to day we can send them forma come on the first of these tours which flesh wounds.
corner of the town to another, with But will cover 18, 000 miles. After because at fear, the Chinese bo more crying out Portugal the steaner will go on Farewell Reception Held France, Spain and As an internal remedy for cramps, colie and diarrhoea it hasn it toasted for, theif, theif, everbody is at to Brazil, touch at the Falkland an equal.
God bless General Watson, which seals for Bro. Broomfield.
Canay Isles, go round Cape Horn, visit that whenever you see a bunch of little You want instant relief and you get it.
in the real boys with their bits of stic of sticks, drilling, the Pacific side of South AmeriBurley taste DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC it is due to and return by the Panama class Canal to One of the most enjoyable times General Watson. will close this by passengers pay 220 pounds ster. mong Samaritano in Colon, was spent on Buy it at the drug store.
saying that the Panamanian Govern: ling and second class 137 for the the night of the 23rd ulto. in the Flow: ment of Colon is highly in favour trip the movement of the Boys Brigade of er of the Isthmus Lodge Hall, when farewell reception was held in honour of General Watson, and trust that tater Bro. Broomfield, Worthy Installing SlanPlus. com there will be no boys seen in the streets World Has Over Supply of officer for the Light of Colon Lodge No.
eleaning shoes. Thanking you Mr.
11, D, and Worthy Editor for space.
Merchant Ships. Grand Master of the Mt. Zion Degree beg to remain, Temple of the same Order, on the 0001The McFadden Health And RUDOLPH NUBY, direct West Indian cable sion of his leaving the Isthmus, for his De WITT PILLS Educational Club.
Lieut. General of the 1st from London dated November island home Jamaica for the benefit of Colon Boys Brigade.
24th states that Representative his health.
of 14 maritime countries were The ceremony started with Bro. F, THE HOME DOCTOR The regular meeting of the MePadden present at the opening yester. Davie Worthy Past Grand Master, Health and Eduoational Club was held St. Peter Church Young Peo day (of the International Ship singing a farewell ode to the departing at the Red Tank Clubbouse on Thursday ple Social Activities.
ping Conference. Welcoming Bro, after which an appropriate address night December 1st. After the business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of the delegates Sir Was gone through the following program Owon Phillips was read to the gentleman, by Bro. U, President their presence in various physical disorders noticeable of the Chamber of Haig Mitchell on behalt was rendered: the Under the auspices of the live wire Shipping, advocated a better Lodge; After which addresses by Bro.
among which are: Reading on Berparr McFadden view young people of St. Peter Church, La International Organization of Blackwood for Earl Roberts Lodge TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS pointBoon, a grand Secular Concert will be Shipping interest and said the on behalf of his Lodgo, Herdman Being Born Again HEADACHES, BACKACHES. SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMEheld in the La Boca Clubhouse on the great question was what shoula and Sister Barett D, of L, for The Macbood Test 14th In order childwith the TIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF exceeding All to which the gentleman replied BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, ce the Debutante Slouch by parents, member and friend may attend abundance of Shipping center light of thes. Colon. Lodige were niso rond, the Director Mr. this Concert, tickets have been priced at the probable requirement for the satisfactorily. Bro. Broomfield sailed IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND Reading on Things to be remembered 100. and 200. respectively.
next years. He considered the Isle of Springs on the 25th ulto.
SEDIMENTS. Love) by Mrs. Blanchard.
Our young stars are practicing hard to it advisable that a large number We wish him God speed and As no other Medicine Tis as good as DeWitt Pills, Address on The Negro by Mr. De satisfy their patrons, and we are con of older vessels and interior ones speedy resovery.
vinced that their efforts will be crowned built for emergency during the start with it right now and watch results Recitation Anarchist Despatches by big scrambling for tickets. The proceeds Government represented at this with success, because there has been a war should be scraped, If the Lodgo Notice.
Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle Mr. Noel Hawkins, purchased Reading How cheated the Surgeons treat on New Year Monday. Doors abolish even will go toward a buge Sunday School Conference would resolve to Knife by Master Phillipe.
half the present Members of the Mystic Star Lodge CITY PHARMAY, 129 Ceatral Ave.
Special comment was made by open at 30 Will you link up with restrictions on trade and com No. 11, A, 0, please be notified the un?
GENERAL DEPOT PANAMA CITY President of the brilliant address by Mr.
merce in his opinion there that the election of officers for the ensuwould be employment for aing term will take place on the 15th ias JOHN FINZI, Prop.
DeCoteau An enjoyable evening was brought to Advertise in The Work larger number of steamers than Those in arrears are asked to pay up in close at 30, man It pays.
now and umemployment would be order to qualify for voting at this moel reduced.
blowing tin flyte, Aof tew


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