
988 08 SEXO enesis 18. no Yes od Post Office Box 842 woman, Pansas Sesso XOXO 5060 OS THE WORKMAN DAVE CARDOZE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, at the office Central Ave tion. Correspondence on all matters que and corner of Street Panama, of public interest invited.
Real Reduction Sale to All copy for publication must te Box 74, Punona RP written on one side of paper only, ard ATES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be companied by the name of ON CENTRAL AVENUE One Year. 40 cy, the writer, not necessarily for publies.
Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith Three opposite Cathedral Church adjoining Maduro Co American 60e.
we do not undertake to return One 25.
crejected orrespondence.
e L! berty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS (CLOSING DOWN ONE STORE)
SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921, Must be Sold out by 31st Dec.
GENUINE BARGAINS Women Men and Children Wearing Apparel What has come to the world as the greatest act of diplomacy of the age is the master stroke made by Lloyd George, the English Prime Minister, in connection with Prices Never Heard of Before in Panama the century old agitation of Ireland which evolved from the character of administrative policy to the dreams of an COME IN AND BE CONVINCED Irish republic. few days ago, when the news flashed around the world that Lloyd George had settled the Irish question, pulsations of ecstacy thrilled the hearts of people 63x03:55:00xSoissss. 66. 5005 e seres everywhere from the Royal Chambers of the British Empire to the most humble cottage of the peasant.
The new status of Ireland will prove satisfactory to Letter to Silver City In Acknowledge. Defunct Society Divides Nationalists and Ulsterians alike and the independence Folks.
ment Funds which it concedes to the country will undoubtedly be the Dear Fellow Citizens: cause for general approbation. Ireland will have ber own cannot refrain from writconstitution with her own parliament and her own domesThe remaining members of tic government; but she will remain in allegiance and ing you this lo ter feeling con. To the Editor, THE WORKMAN the Association known as the fident that you will readily Daar Sr: valf of the Guacho United Loyal Negroes now fealty the sister and friend of Great Bsitain. Her states agree with me in pali Chapter 11, A. the Isthmus have decided to dismen will take an oath of allegiance to the British crown understand that the Colon Tae it toasted, of Socretary boks through this tribute the balance of many in which appears on another page of this issue.
Probably, no other man living could have evolved the Party is confident of whipping the receipt of ten dollars twelve ad UNIA. and AC. in the city candidate in the Queen medium tº acknowledge with elebaba tbe en ude efth brauchers to?
of Association be.
the the course. To seal Ia hul cints. 10. 12) C, from settlement of the long and strenuous political conflict with our Siver City Candidate.
at her folly Association that was knowa ay of Panamna and Mr. Isten in the flavor Ireland out of the patent choas into which it had plunged would the lignWere than the itself but the present Prime Minister of Great Britain, and City shou we permit such a Mr. E, Ilusten its former tre. has sent the sum of 12, 105 to of our the Waiversal Layal Negroes through secretary of the defunct sasie ty it is to his fame and renown that the world will add its thing. Let us show that lady surer, the same being par of the eaca of the branches of th testimony of merit in relation to the strategic intellec who we are. Silver City folkss unclaimed balance of the funds of said in Panama to ba used in as: tuality of his brilliant career.
are not stingy, and if money has Association now defunes. The communi sisting the needy and sick min bers the raca Tais step is since the Act of Union in 1800 which took away a any value at all our little Pet cution acoumpanying thamut is a follows ap ideal on and th rainining parliament of its own from Ireland this country has been officers and members of this de.
represented in the British House Lords by a definite am appealing to every man, and child living in and Ancon, funct society must be cag ratu number of temporal peers who deliberated in matters around Silver City to come to ated, Dec. 7, 1921 effecting the interests of the country. The same system of the honour of our little city. To the Offi rera and Membara election of English commoners was adopted by the Irish Our name and reputation are at stake, and we can afford to No. 14, Casper, LA.
electorate with a household and lodger franchise.
sacrifice them for the looks of Mock Trial at La Boca But for over a cenutry Ireland fought for a local gov a few cents.
Please find herewith Ten dullars and LUCKY ernment that savored of a more national precision uan Though times are hard, lets twelve sodball cente. 10. 12)
was seen in even the Lord Lieutenancy and the Irish Privy allow no foreign rooster to Arrangements have been made for a mock trial to be held at the Council.
STRIKE. ball of balance of amount La Boca Clubhouse on Tuesday The fight for Home Rule was kept up until crow over us.
1914 when it was finally brought to a successful issue, and wish also to appeal to Gatun. the other half being handed over CICAK ETTE which measure, on actount of the war, was postponed until folks to consider how they vote, No Division to night hat vas ool. December 20th under the Boca Literary September 1915.
seeing that Silver City is nearer eeted by the Asociation of Universal pices of the Li Society, Loyal Negroes of which vw Treasurer The case will be one of As an aftermath of the European war under which to Gatun than Colon is.
Now for God sake my dear in 1918, for something up oifi e that, that Breach of Contracı brğught the United Kingdom sweltered in her birth throes of vic tellow citizens, whether you are but do it ba impractionble, and amount against George Milton Muggle.
in the United States, colored by the political brand of an or not, whether she is your thought best to return amount to (Mrs. Forence Smith. was ton (M Irish American society and endorsed by the leading spirits enemy or friend let each and individual contributors; some of the oshade characters in the case are of the North island of Great Britain. It came forth as the every one open our purses and have left the country however, and it in Samuel Whyte, Judge; Reynolds, Clerk of the Court; ghost of one of the old Irish uprisings known as the pink post. furet us hberother when therefore agreed by those who were ning only whip were George Pierre and George orge rebellion of the Society of the United Irishmen which that Colon girl but will ner whom? officers of the said Ase seistion now Gero thrived under inspiration from the French Revolution in ever.
EWELRY BARGAINS in. non existent, to dispose of this amount berts, attorneys for the prosecu.
1798. Prior to this the agitations and troubles of Ireland Yours, these amounts be utilized for local Jurors for the occasion will be Attorneys for the defence were principally religious, and it was Pitt, the British For a merry Christmas, charity work of the in Panama selected Thanking you for an acknowled, e the night of the trial. Quite an the audience Prime Minister of the day who thought that legislative KING ment, union of the England and Ireland together with Roman enjoyable time is anticipated and Catholic emancipation the only remedy for Catnolic rebel British Consulate Notice remain, the public is invited to attend.
Yours sincerely, lion and Protestant tyranny. a thought which was (8zd) ER HOSTEN sponsor of the Act of Union which was passed in the last The Acting British Consul at The amount received bas beea credit days of 1800 and formally proclaimed in January 1, 1801.
Colon would be glad to hear ed to the sick and distress fund of the International Bible StuSince the Union, the history of Ireland is a continuous from anyone who has any infor Chapter, dents Association.
struggle for civic and religious freedom. The names of mation relative to the late Tho.
Robert Emmet, Daniel Connell, William Smith Brien, mas Frederick who died on the The fairies say a silver gift 29th December 1920 in Ancon To The EDITOR WORKMAN.
John Blake Dillon, Thomas Francis Meagher are among ROOMS TO LET Sir, Your weekly reader a Hospital will give the baby wealth and those of the earliest malcontents and revolutionary ieaders.
member of the International happiness of every kind, good John Mitcnell was the first to conceive the idea of an Take Notice CALLE No Bible Student Association in Co luck good cheer and health.
Irish republic, and in this respect he is the political forelon kindly begs to insert this varied assortment of Christ bear of Devalera and the late Mayor McSweeney who mas New Year Cards are APPLY ON PREMISES news in your paper of Saturday starved himself to death in a prison cell. The struggle and sale at the Workmano ffice.
the 10th date on your Church COMPLETE ASSORTMENT notes as follows: There will be fight of Ireland has been long, intricate and serious. It is ALWAYS AT free Bible Lectures in St practically over now, and it is the greatest statesman in macy and the sword have worked overtime in Ireland and France polisi hatunamus Hannes Hall, D, streets, FULLER the world who has done the trick.
JEWELLER over at last the whole of the British street between Bondage and 4th 22 Central Ave.
if the turmoil 6th 7th, It) was a fight over centuries in which Pitt, Peel, Empire ought rejoice.
Salisbury, Gladstone, Balfour, Asquith and other political The whacking policy of Cromwell, Ireton and Ludlow strrets on Sunday 11th inst. at celebrities of England had their turn. The last stroke of was the only thing that kept the Irish rebels in check, but pm.
diplomacy has been played by Lloyd George and it is now it is not the policy that the world would commend at the The subject is The Handwrit. Volcano. In Eruption On Ishoped that the quarrell that made Ireland a desperate, present time. The King and Lloyd George launched on line on the wall. Wine Glorious land or old Providenca irascible and refractionary integer of the United Kingdom another policy and they have won. The Irish people will living will never die. All are Consumation Millions now has gone forever.
Our Contemporary the Star accept the treaty which has just been made, if even Deva, invited, seats free no collecction Herald announces that the CapIn the beginning of the struggle between Ireland and lera is disappointed of his dreams of a Presidency. Ireland of the Calam tes of the the English crown cligious causes were predominant, and is larger than one man, and when the people see that they Yours, United Fruit Corn y declared even through the series of uprisings all over the coun have reached the height of their political ambition and on coming into poru taat be obD, Skeffrey per Secty try in which the fortunes of the combatant forces veered that they cannot reasonably aspire to any greater status Served a huge volcano in active with alternating success and failure, it could have been seen they will desert Devalera without the least compunction.
eruption on the Island of Old Providence which is situated in that politics played second to vital issues in which Kings and Whether Devalera and his associates decide to accept the 290 Prime Ministers, according to their religious pigmentation, the treaty ought to give the British Prime Minister no con Dr. LORD miles of the Musquito Coast turned the tide of the conflict from one side to another by cern. Lloyd George has played a safe and sound game, Central America. The Island investing their partisans with powers, privileges, and posi and should any circumstance arise to thwart the pos and HOWELL is about miles tions of state with flattering influence.
sibilities of conciliation in Ireland the responsibility will be wide and is not inhabited, Dentists frequented Landowners fell and rose, properties were confiscated laid at a door other than England If the bigh brand of men from the neighboring Coast Only by fishes and restored, offices were lost and regained while Ireland, diplomacy which Lloyd George has used should happen to 43 CENTRAL AVE, villages, but it is, however, cele the theatre of bloody experiences all along, continued to fail there will be left no other recourse but the one in brated through figuring largely (Late Dr. Bailey Office)
writhe under the strain. Many of the English sovereigns which the whole world will support the man whose bid in stories of the pirates of the Spanish Main as a rendezvous or tried the policy of conciliation, but rebellions, sporadic and for peace with Ireland has demonstrated sucn magnificence The Latest in Crown tand umping ode point to attack the regular, gave causes for radical changes by others. Diplo of temper, mind and tact.
reasure laden Spanish galleons.
This is a aus.
time; Sr. Gay Jump from on on James am ten ise about 20 miles long by


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