
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10. 1921, PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes Luciano Sanchez GATUN As mentired in last week is.
fue of the Workman the Myrtle Company under the directorship of Dalhouse will give another concert tomorrow at the Silver clubhouse in aid of the Colon Charity Organization. Con cent begins at 2, 30 pim, sharp Those who wish to secure seats are advised to come early. The entrance fee is only 25 cents Су.
are The West End Cc, handed cut a good thrashing to their hosts, the Cornwall. C, on Sun day last. The pitch was in bad shape owing to the recent heavy rains which considerably hampered our best bats otherwise Skipper Burton may have had to go around with something else than a smile.
China. Glass and Enamel Ware, etc.
Fine Assortment of Toys James Weeks, employed on the locks, met with a very sad accident on Wednesday evening Dec. 2nd He broke his arm while cranking a motorbus in the vicinity of High Street and is now an inmate of Ancon Hospital, We wish for him a speedy recovery, meanwhile all fraternal brothers in Panama are asked to visit and cheer him up so far away from home, rangements demonstrate the Dickson, Master Campbell and prepariog of a high class enjoy. Phillips able time and recreation, aut inly for members, of the Lodge. Dancing was indulged in till und Order, but for the entire 11 35 when te farewell dance om munits, and all who can was given, after whica addresses vail themselves of the oppur work of Mrs. DeBourg towards were given ealogizing the good anity to be prsent.
13th STREET EAST (Salsipudes) No. 21 Several Lodges of Papama and the progress of the club and er Colon have been invited to take pressing regret for her departure by Messrs: Palmer, McDonald part in in the very attractive pro Hawkins, Dixon and Atrs, Gayle, BRANCH No. 9, CENTRAL AVENUE gram, that is being got up, and Mr and Mrs. D:Barg thanked it is almost safe to say, every the speakers for their kind widawake lodge will have words.
quite a representative number General Merchandise at the Canal Zone Rally All the representatives termined to com out on top in the competitions and as the Rolly Committee declares it is to be the best rally ever held on the Isthmus, it is golog to be Some time down There LUCKY Then the essential thing is the Music, The committee feels STRIKE that it has seeed the best band CICARETTE of music that could possibly be obtained for the cecasion Layers of the Jazz FX trot, Mongoose, etc. etc. will have a merry time Welcome to the Paraiso hall of Red Tank Star, on Saturday If you reside in Guachapali or Calidonia visit night this week, there, at 30 pm, if you want a seat.
Of course All are welcome.
SANCHEZ FARRUGIA STORE No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET the reason MacFadden Educational Club.
why millions of men like The MacFadden Health and Lucky Strike Members of the Cornwall cc, Educational Club held another are notified that there will be a farewell party on Monday night Cigarette BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS meeting tomorrow at the Silver Sth instant. The party was held Clubhouse at which matters of on account of the proposed because importance are to be dealt with departure of Mrs, De Bourg, wife it toasted At The Canal Jewelry Store so please do not fail to attend, of the Director of the above club which seals 167 BOLIVAR STREET.
who sailed for her home in in the real Trinidad on Thursday 8th inst. mammoth Assortment of ladies and gents wat Big Canal Zone Rally The party was held at the home Burley taste rings and jewelry of all description, bed room clocks mounted of Mrs, Palmer at Red in mahogany, mantel clocks, shavia accessories, ever sharp Tank pencils etc. etc.
The Red Tank Star Lodge The following members and 25 per cent discount on Silver ware, cut glass, IO. are making elabor friends were present to say good and silver deposit ware ate preparations for their grand bye to their genial friend: MesRally, which they will hold in dames Blanchard. Gayle, Palmer, BMC REPAIR WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT their Temple Hall in Paraiso. Catwell, Charles, Campbell and cz, on the night of Saturday niece Ila DeLesser. Reid, Miller JAS. WILLIAMSON 10. inst.
and Mitchell The motiva of the Rally is a Messrs.
Advertise in The WorkPalmer, De Bourg very unselfish one, as the ar Charles, McDonald, Hawkins man it pays.
you know The Secretary of the Cornwell CC, wishes to inform all clubs or combinations that are desirous of challer ging said club, that owing to the fact that it has been ad mitted into the St Clair Cup Com petition for the 1922 season it will not be possible to give any definite reply cff band to any such challenges.
With the increase of letters, pos postal packages etc, due to the advent of the Xmas season it is mysterious how the under man ned staff of the Gatun Postal De.
partments can handle the mail for the one thousand and odd residents of this township, Atlantic Side News Kashmir Beauty Parlor 106 BROADWAY AND 8th STREET, CON The Parlor of Satletaotlon Hair Growing, Hair Hair Dyeing, Facial Blemishes removed. Ooras oured Equipped with cleotrio vibrator, electrie comb, electric hair dryer, and other modern appliances.
Mme M, ROBERTS, Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chicago, full line of Human Hair Goods TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, PUFFS, ETC.
All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, combed, and treated as the hair on your head, The Biggest Bargain de IN TOWN IS THIS BURNER GAS STOVE Colon Charity Or niblecor The amount of suffering is greater than imagine and the Organisation appeale to one and all ganization.
to give all the help they can that it may carry on the good work that it has begun, Colon. Dec. 7th 1921. Ameeting of the Management Committe was held New Paster for Cristobalin the Vestry of the Colon Wesleyan Church on Nov. 25th. The report Colon Baptist Church, showed that 124. 80 C, were spent on relief work during the week, Colon, Dec. Rev. Joseph On account of the inclement weather Thrift the new pastor of the the Concert which was to bave taken Cristobal Colon Baptist Church plece at the Cristobal Silver Club made his initial appearance in Houte by the Atlantic Orchestra on the pulpit on Sunday last. The Sunday Nov. 20th, was poetpened and church was tastily decorated fixed to come off on Sunday 11th inst. All and a large congregation grett.
who are acquait:ted with the reputation the Rev gentleman.
of this Orchestra will surely avail them.
telves of the cpportunity to atter this, public reception took place utical treat which is in store for the last night the 5th when the music lovit people on the Alan ie Stephen Witt the retiring pas.
chair was occupied by Rev.
rice, tor. Addresses were delivered The net proceeds will go toward the by Elder Burke of the Chris.
Colon Charity Organization for the re tian Mission, Captain Dodd of her the suffering and every one in the Salvation Army, Rev, arked to turn cut to assist this very Surgeon of the Colon Wesley urgent cause, The small price 25c. for wbo for a number of years has adulto ad ioc. for children is seked to been acquainted with Mr.
put this within the reach of every one Thrift, and by Mrs Thrift. her.
The Committee has arranged to make self an eminent christain workSunday and Monday the 11th and 12th er baving been for some time Inst. Tag Days and it is hoped that every Missionary to China, one will do his and ber share in pur: Mr. Thrift comes from Jachasing a tog to help the cause that maica with a wide sxperience needs immediate assistance.
having labored in many of the The following receipts of de nations leading Baptist Churches of the island are bereby ack for many years. He Collecied by. Clen McKenzie, among whom he will be working is therefore well known by many (2. collection)
In these parts, and we bespeak 00 for him a time of succes in his Mr. J, Beverboudt Mr. Briand 00 new sphere.
Mr. de Abate 25 Mis, Elden 50 Friend 00 Colon Colored Comedy 75 Company appears in Collected by Mr. Clfford Bolt.
Panama To Night. A, Davy 25 Leon 10 Colon, Dec. 10. Pacific lovers Waterman 25 of amusement and minstrelsy Rene Jean 59 will to night be privileged with Cadogan 00 the long coveted visit of the Friend 00 Colon Culored Comedy Company 10 hall of the Universal Negro Im.
will be appearing in the The receipt of one (1) bag of four provement Association, Charter.
and six (6) tine of Corn Beef donated ed Division No. 14, Gauchapali.
cy Mr. Canavaggio is also acknowledged at o clock. This will be their Much bas done since first appearance on the Pacific the Organisation came into being; end, and the boys, who, especial the funds are now in depleted y on the last two occasions acted condition, and the public is asked in a way which has won distinc.
to render all the Rusistance por tion for the company, are prepared to excel themselves, Miss on a very attractive service of Maud Best a recent addition to song entitled Jcy in Harvest the company will be at her to be rendered in connection best as she always is. with the Harvest Thanksgiving The chief attration of the pro services on the 18th inst at pm gram will be the farces Take This service was rendered at Your Sheet and Good morn the Panama Wesley three weeks ng Judge which alone will be ago with much success. The worth the money, while the music is very lively and enhanc Harmony Four. Martin, ing and is sure to b) enjoyed.
Lovell Kirton and Lewin, and It is understood that the choir Sutherland, the local Charlie will be agumented by a small Chaplin. will surely make for orchestra.
themselves a name in Panama.
Wesleyan Methodist St. Joseph Catholic Friendly Pansmi 11 a. Mr. Lindo ani Society Calebrates 10tb AnniRev. Kissock Braham, B, D, 30 m, versary.
Colon 11 am. Mr. M, Jones and Colon, Nov. 28. The St. Joseph 7. 30 Rev. MC. Surgeon; LA Catholic Friendly Society celebrated Bye 17 a. Rev. Kissock Braham their 10th anniversary yesterday, in B, D, 30 pm. Mr. L, Lindo New spite of the threatening weather which providence 11 a. M, C, Surgeon; continued throughout the day. At Parsiss 11 am, Mr. C. Avialle Em9 30 the Thanksgiving Service took piro 11sm. Mr. C, Rhoden, place at the Church, but the rain de delayed the prosession until 30 Headed by the college band it marched 7th Street Baptist School through Bolivar and Streets, and to Entertain.
returned by way of Broadway. On reaching the ball refreshments were What is known as real served and unique program was rand enjoy: ered, when the chair was occupied by able evening is looked forward ddressee were delivered. The rep. National Baptist Elementary Soott. Some very interesting to on Thursday evening the 15 e inst. when the pupils of the represen inte tative of St. Anthony s, Panams spoke very encouragingly, and congratulated School, Colon, under the. Teachers the past year. The chairman in his closing Ке will present to address spoke very appreciatively of the all who has be present, a band, and thanked the members for real high class variety program their valuable services, me of songs, recitations, gues, piays, drills, opperrettas, tableaux charades in pantomines Tag Day.
etc, etc. few of which are being repeated from last year Enter The public will please bear in mind Lainment by special request.
Phat on Sunday and Monday, 11th and No one interested in children 12th inst. will be Tag Days, when performances should be absent number of young ladios representing the from this entertainment. Par.
various Religious and Educational Orga ents and friends are asked to he ninstions of the City of Colon will be on time as programme will begin soliciting your belp for the relief of our at 7, 30 sharp, Tickets are going needy suffering fellow citizens, under fast at 25 cts. and half price for ganization.
the auspicios of the Colon Charity or children.
We plead for your sympathetic ree ponse, purchase TAG and wear it Excelsior Lodge to Elect proudly.
Officers Me.
ONLY 00 Pay 00 with order and 00 with monthly 16.
PANAMA GAS co. AT 1400)
Cathedral Plaza YOUR 03 Bolivar St!
Tel. 798. SERVICE Tel. 364.
been It Pays Advertise in the Workman Colon Wesley Choir Working Hard.
The Excelsior Lodge No. 2444 LO, will elect officers for the ensuing term FriWesley Choir is working hard bers please take notice.


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