
PAGESIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1921 The Makings of a Nation EN GENUINE SLADDELS IST Durham, NC Genuine Bull Durham Tobacco ard nede ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the tion be made WORKMAN PRINTERY be pledged to the 1922 tarving and Interesting West Indian News Comments the Times: Rice is at present retailed kcally at (Continud From Page 2)
and cents per pound which is less than the price quoted from mein which he impresses by his Demerara Importers are not manner on all who enter his likely to pay in Demerara more Court?
than they can obtain in St. Vin.
cant. The latter, however may Land Reclamation be a basis for negotiation.
The London Financier of Oo.
Legislative provision has retober 25th publishes the follow cently been made in St Vincent ingfor a scholarship to be granted Trinidad Lands Reclamation, every other year and tenable at DURHAM University or College in Europe Limited, has been registered. Canada or the United States of with a nominal capital of 100, 000 America. It is valued at 250 pounds sterling in pound per annum. Provision is also shares.
made for the payment by the The objects of the Company Government of the scholar are to acquire and turn ac travelling expenses to the appro.
count land, quarries, mineral ved University and for sum Smoking Tobacco properties and mining, water, not exceeding in the whole 30 WT BLACKWELL CO.
forest cutting and other rights pounds sterling to be allowed in Trinidad or else where to the scholar to defray any medi adop: an agreement with Sper. cal or surgical expenses incurred ling and Company, and to carry by him during the period of the on the business of land, estate and mine owners and agentse scholarship. This makes the St Vincent scholarship one of the farmers, graziers, horse, cattle, most liberal of its kind in the land and property dealers, etc. West Indies. The age limit is The first Directors are: fixed at 20 years, and the standD. Elliot Alves Lidebrook necessary to entitle a candiPlace. Sussex (president British Ship is second class honours in date for election to the scholarControlled Oiltields Limited. Sir Mackay Edgar, Bart, 17 the Local Cambridge examinathe examination for Seniors in Grosvenor Square. vice pro tions.
sident British Controlled On.
fields, Ltd. 23 District Court of the law has been passed in St. Teniers, the Camp. Wind.
lesham, Surrey (director British Vincent making it illegal for any Canal Zone.
Controlled oifields, Limited. member of the Police Force to hold membership in any friendly and society or secret order. fine NOTICE Sir John Esplen, Bart, Hard res of 25 is fixed for any breach of Court. Upper Hardres, Kent, the law which will bold liable FRED PAY COLSON, Plaintiff (voting trustee British Controll both the member and the officer ed Oilfields. Limited, and direc of the society who registered his tor Furness, Withy aud Company name. Says the st Vincent MARIE COTSON, Defendant. Sentry: Experience has proved Civil, No. 385 The minimum cash subscrip that it is very desirable that To Mario Colson, Defendant: You upon which the directors pract practical efforts should be may proceed to allotment is here to constitute a reliable con the above entitled Court, at Cristobal.
are required to enter your appearance in seven shares. The qualification stabulary which includes no Canal Zone, in an action of Annulment (except for first directors) is members of secret orders or brought against you by the above named 100 societies, of whose rules, aims, plaintiff, and to answer the The secretary is McClure, and purposes the Government therein, a complaint and the solicitors Ralph Leach has no knowledge. It is felt that copy of the rummons in said action hov a copy thereof attacbe to and Co. of 10, St. Helen the police constable should be ing been mailed to you at your place of Place, The registered bound by no obligations to residence, to wit; 125, 122nd Str. New office is at 20, Copthall Avenue undivided service or Unions and that his Yord City, on or before Feburary 6th, should to the Crown. But the And you are fur her notified that it St. Vincent Councillors were assured that in you fail to appear and answer the mit the operation of the bill the Au complaint as above required, the plaintif The Colored Population.
thorities would see that no de will take judgement against you by deserving loyal constable, who fault and demand from the Court the St. Vincent Moving Again. Ty is alreads will suffer any direct a member of a Friend relief prayed for in his said complaint, ly census disclosure is the Dated at Cristobal Canal Zone, this increase in pecuniary loss by his obedience tho pennle of We have read with pleasure to the provisions of this Ordie seth day of Deciwbet 1921.
African descent who have come CAMPBELL.
be Report which appears in the Dance which will cause him to to dwell in San Francisco during Vincentian of October the last five years.
of a relinquish his rights of receiving Asst. Cerk District Court.
mated that there were three public meeting which took place the benefits from his Society to mated times as at the Carnegie Hall the evening wards which he had been submany as there were hues Take Notice before the Panama Pacis et previous under the auspices scribing hitherto.
local December 24 26 varied assortment of Christ. Exposition. To the great fair is Goyernment Association, for the attributed the added number mas New Year Cards are Demerara for purpose of re opening the Cam.
of these citizens. Another sale at the Workman Office.
paign for Representative Gov.
reason for the increase lies in the importation of labor for the GRANDEST ON RECORD ernmenment in that Association turned out in migration were expected to ar shipyards during the At the recent election for the rive in the Colony in January Many for the strong numbers, and many of Colonial big Amusements of all Kinds the general public were also Guiana, Mr. McArthur defeated Parliament, British next.
wages remained The colored people, for the most part, have present. The Vincentian says Mr. Fernandez, they receiving that the Association had assem: 427 and 397 votes respectively. Experimenling in Cassava settled in the Western Addition, MUSIC DANCING ETC. ETC.
between bled for business; that the it has been since alleged that Steinar and Octavia keynote of the Preparation streets, from meeting was who voted for Pine ito many persons practicability, and that those Mr.
This section adjoins McArthur Mr. Everington, manag and a impersonated Electrical: Display a Specialty come ot in the hope of Little pod persons who were really dead. er of the Hills Estates in Bartica, and a portion entertained with long and petition will be filed before the has stated that the cassava ea Nipponese quarter has come to ittle Japan, as the Rowery speeches were disap. Supreme Court praying that the periments being carried on pointed. The Chairman of the election of Mr. McArthur be there by the Emido Compazy, of like their Japanese neighbors. COSTUME CONTEST ETC. ETC.
Leeting was Mr.
declared null and yoid.
very well Richards, who told the audience and if the returns justified it, ilare law abidiog, most of them inter alia that he had their cause at heart; that he had been No Difficulty In Running for the preparation of the proof. Oakland Tribune, San Fran.
is proposed to erect a factory having homes or flats. Trouble in this district is seldom heard with them from the beginning, ducts.
Seaplanes to Falls cisco.
and hoped to be with them to Advertise in the Workman the end, that is until their legiti Major Cochrane. Patrick, the Governor to Authorise Acmate aspirations were real zed. aviator who has taken advantage of the follow of a trip to the Colony to visit ceptance of Certificates Take Notice ing Resolution Be it Resolved Kaieteur, has expressed to the It Pays of Origin. varied assortment of Christ that another Petition praying Argosy the view that there should for the introduction of elective be no difficulty in running ses principle in our local legislature planes to the Falls, the stretch given to a deputation from the sale at the Workmano ffice.
As a result of an interview mas New Year Cards are be prepared, popularly signed, of water above which, he thinks, Georgetown Chamber of Comand sent forward to the would make an excellent landing merce, His Excellency Cecil was appointed for carrying the rocks. The journey from George rise the acceptance of some of Throne a special Committee spot, the only danger being the Clementi has promise to autho Resolution into effect. Dominica town by air would take about as the Certificates of Origin that Guardian.
bour and a half as against the had been previously rejected as five days occupied in the present not complying with the Customs method of travel.
regulations, the merchant con (BRANDON BANK)
Savs the St. Vincent Times:tention being that the object of Through the courtesy of His the Preferential tariff was being Honour the Administrator we The Establishment defeated by the insistence on SECURITY are in receipt of a copy of a let.
the present form.
SERVICE ter addressed to the Chamber of Central Facof Commerce. St. Vincent, with a sample of Demerara Rice, for tories.
Governor Open New CatPanama (Founded 18:3)
Colon warded for general information tle Trail The letter is as follows: Back to Nature To Induce East Indians to His Excellency, accompanied Our large Resources and well known Georgetown, Demerara Roll Your Own by Mrs. Clementi, has opened 5th October, 1921.
Remain in Colony the new section of the Rupununi with conservative Management afford un.
Dear Sir3. We beg to enclose Mr. Sookdeo Persuad. intro cattle trai. constructed under sample of our Demerara rice. ducing a deputation that waited the direction of Mr. GENUINE questioned security for every dollar The price is 00 per on the Acting Colonial Secretary Haynes, by riding across coun deposited with this bank bag of 100 lbs nett. And we at the end of August, urged as an try from Arakwa on the Deme.
would like you to put us in touch inducement to East Indians to rara River to Takamı on the with your importers in your remain in the Colony the estat Berbice River. When the re country. All shipments will be of central factories that mainder of the work now pro made against Bankers Credit. could be used not only for the ceeding is completed their will DURHAM Thanking you in anticipation purpose of willing rice but also be a continous trail from George General Banking Business. Transacted TOBACCO and oblige.
of ginning cotton and preparing town to the Brazilian frontier, Yours faithfully, dehydrated bananas. The depu? requiring but little further ex IBAAO BRANDON NATHANIEL BRANDON 1) BRANDO Guaranteed to tation was informed that the penditure to convert it into a SAWH Co.
delegates from India in connec serviceable motor road.
Balta American Samoa Preelden Plea Preldes Treasurer per Subadree Sawb.
tion with the resumption of im. Continued on page 7)
Standard Oval! Standard Oval. Garden Party It is esticolony.
war The who came Geary it is literally a who had a part of being Upon the ор Panama Banking Company BULL lishment som


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