
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY DECEMBER 10; 1921 PAGE SEVEN Try a Chesterfield and see the difference this They Satisfy prove hesterfield NIVERS Western Interesting West Indian News WATE BURY COMPOUND (Contnued from Page 6)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL Grenada INDICATIONS How the Law Courts are Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Kept up.
Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia Says the West Indian of Grena An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromides da:You know what you ve always and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowel The general reader will be sur wanted a cigarette to do.
prised to learn that in a small Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates, Chesterfields do it.
colony like this the income from all seasons of the Year.
They not only please your taste our Magistrate Courts is more but they do more they give such a than sufficient for the upkeep of You have Tried the Rest that department. Last year new and different enjoyment to your Why not Use the Best collection alone was fully 4, 000, smoking that there only one way Considering the population ol to describe itcolony. the sum is quite a FOR SALE BY large one to be paid in fines by the people. But it must be ex. ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON. ained that the fines were not occasioned for offences of WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY kind which would go to that the people were not law Des Moines la, abiding and a danger to law and Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans order. As a matter of fact, the Magistrate reports for the past five or more years reflect no grave position for us. Like proposal now before the House Happily the non importation other peoples, our people fre. and sink a trial well in the neigh of dogs into the colony is of quent the law Courts too often borhood of Rouen, and grant the little moment, but suppose it was with petty offences which could 2, 000 pounds sterling, now ask the other way round, what would be avoided. Thated for in the Resolution now be happen? And let us bear in class at breach is in the main fore the House to enable the mind that in these days of new CIGARETTES responsible for the big sum col work to be proceeded with as fangled ides the Government lected annually. Magistrates soon as possible. In the mean may think fit of commnicating a people that they should settle requested to obtain all informa. In the same way as they have their diference amicably, but tion and particulars as to the communicated the repeal of one.
they are difficult of understand cost of the necessary machinery ing and so the courts benefit by and equipment for a well, esti.
The Saint Lucia Motor Comtheir indiscretion.
mated to give 300, 000 gallons of pany inaugurated a motorwater per day, and the annual omnibus service between VieuxConsequent on the retirement The Resolution for 000 pounds object of establishing a coacost of the pumping end upkeep fort and Soutriere with the LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
of Mr. Harbin, Inspector of sterling as recommended by the nection between the two prin Schools, Grenada, it is proposed Committee wasgranted later in cipal Southern and by the Government that the Sa.
the day by the House.
office shall districts of the island that the be reduced to 300 per annum present existing Costal servi e It is further proposed with has been inadequate to provide, View retrenchment and econo.
The Motor Company is to be St. Lucia my, to reduce the grant for congratulated on its enterprise Education in in the Colony by and energy in this direction, to: 000. The Headmas ers and Asit certainly is very helpful to sistant Teachers of Primary The following rather funny thriving, industrially, aistricis the people in two of tue most Schools to be deprived of the 15 procedure on the part of the per cent bonus by wbich their St. Lucia Government, is reor the island.
salaries were increased during lated in a recent issue of the Cinema Company, has been the War.
Voice of St. Lucia:organised at Soutriere, the sec In the Cablegram purport shareholders being residents ond town of the Colony, all the ing to be received here on the there.
Barbados 19th ulto, we notice the follow imported and the plant erected An engine has been ing item of news. in the St. Isidore building.
St. Lucia, Oct. 18th. It is Visit of English) Cricket officially announced that the Come in and look over our new Windward Islands have removed The St. Lucia Voice of the 2nd Team Cancelled.
the probibition against the instant states:importation of dogs.
It is our painful duty Expectations have been rudely or disturbed by the announcement reconstruction new inventions George Herbert Clarke who died course in these days of chronicle the death of Mr, of the cancellation of the intend new ideas in every school of in the Press during the week of all sorts and conditions, and on Tuesday and was buried on ed visit of an teame to thought, and in every realm of who was 42 years old, was a the early next year.
of such a pleas deace, one need not be sur Lacis his home during the past ur. Barbadian and made St.
The posel. Indies ing in the was looked forward prised to have the first intima vears. During his residen of a local occurrence con 21 greatest enthusiasm veyed to bim via New York bere he has filled many positions and sudden decision to call off the tour, after the promise neighbour to the to call though he may be next door finally being a Ship Chandler local was held out has certain Ofice. But what we find funny Cable He He took a keen interest in all ly yorked us. There is no in. Withe of sports particularly of the the reason for is 100 with the above bit of Cable news cricket and will be missed on this unexpected development in portant local measure should be deared himself to all classes as the negotiations. It can can scarcely made known in that manner the large concourse of people be due to any thing on this side when there in an Oficial Gazette who attended bis funeral testifor both Barbados and Trinidad Government com died. We offer our sincere conhad given gum asked of them and Demera. munication, not to mention the dolence to his bereaved family, their guarantee Panama. EISENMANN FIETA Co. Inc. Colon era local prese. The question arises. ra altbough not fully decided, Is an enactment by the Govern Advertise in The Workwas likely after all, to come ment communicated in such a through. We like other manner binding?
man It pays lovers of the grand old game regret the turn affairs have taken and hope that at no distant date it will be found possible by the tion sent out by the West Indies: The ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN The Barbados Globe NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY.
Changes Owner ship.
ary attaching to to that NEW MERCHANDISE We are receiving by every steamer fresh stocks of Merchandise to HATS. SHOES. SHIRTS. SUITS.
had New goods mean better values in these days of declining Prices.
tion od the to with which was.
imation given American Bazaar Stores or dad the organ of all The Woman Exchange JOB PRINTING DRESSMAKING andPLEATING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards,(Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards. Accordion, Knife. Box Pleats)
We take the following from The Dominca Guardian: Whe send our hearty congratulations to our friend Mr.
Gibbons, the doyen of the Press in Barbados, upon his acquisition of the Globe newspaper, with which he has been connect ed since over wun quarter of century ago. The Globe is the oldest newspaper in Barbados Temperate in language, con sistent in principle, the paper is a strong advocate of the public rights of the people of Little England. We wish Mr. Gibbóns every success. It gives us pleasure to add our congratulations also Ed. Workman.
At the meeting of the House of Assembly on Tuesday Nov.
15th the Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider der the Governor Messages re the supply of water and to report to the House best means to augment it was handed in by the Attorney General. The Committee, among other recommendations, thought they should proceed with the Our Establishment insures a perfection of bandiwork which accentuates the latest styles so pleasing to patrons. Good Assortment TO SELECT FROM AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.


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