
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands been ALBOA EST EER REWED by next.
The have sits portionate Jan 23rd Direction et ladiare Manisere coming ownlinesholfe scope to use in the time periodo de 102:20, Pan American Shoe Repair, Co. Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller will be Opportunities. Foi ho tediscuss armatters of common In this connection it has been interest. He also proposed that a permanent secretarist Currency should by established Tourists.
might be Established in the and that the expenses indicated West Indies in connection with should form a charge against Projected West Indian the Central Body.
the revenue derived from the Lord Milner, in reply, said investment of the profits. Tours.
that he would be glad to see diſcussion on the subject of a these proposals thoroughly dis West Indian Currency would The good old days when cussed in the West Indies. They therefore ba appropriate.
tourists could enjoy 65 days in were subsequently circulated. 7) Any other relative relative matter, the West Indies for 65 have, and were favourably commented Mr. Churchill, the Circular alas, gone; but it is satisfactory upon in the newspapers, form is informed, has now forwardei 10 note that increased facilities ing also the subject of resolu these proposals to the Governors are to be provided for visitors to tions by the Jamaica Imperial of the various Colonies concern the colonies next winter, To Association, the Chambers of ed, with a request that they wil begin with, Messrs. Elders and Commerce of British Guiana, arrange to give them publicity Fylles, in order that Colonel Trinidad and British Honduras The Govarnors have also Wilson, the new Governor of and Trinidad, may reach Port of me the Agricultural and Com informed that if the proposals mercial Societies of St. Vincent commend themselves substanSpain under the British flag, and Montserrat. The princest Secretary of State will be hap.
tially to local public opinion the have decided to send the sa. of the scheme met with Coronado (6, 500) to Barbados and general approval, though, cer: Ry to give every assistance in Sastobe route to Port Limon, min of the details were criticised bis power in modifying them to will give tourists an admirable constitution of the Central nies may express in the matter, opportunity of visiting the Less Body and that he will be glad if it is er Antilles, since she will arrive Sir Edward has, accordingly, found possible to arrange for in the Gulf of Paria on the day modified his proposals, which such a Conterence as is contembefore the Chaudiere leaves Port en visugod originally the forma plated to take place in January ol Spain on her northern voyage tion of an Official Council by Governors The itinerary of the Coror suggesting that it might include been asked to telegraph as soon will be as follows:representatives of the people as they are able to say whether Loave Avonmouth, Drozmber Blat in Barbados (arrive and leave. Jan 28 potnted ont in a momorandum ment would be desirous of being Trinidad (arrive and leave. Jan, 14th subate the Central Body as ho ence.
that the alm should be so to con represented at such a Confer ulo Port Limon (arrive) Jan. 19th; leave 20th give popular representation proCristobal (arrive and leave. Jan, 21st.
to the degree NOTICE.
Kingston (Jamaica) arrive and leave, which any Colony has acquired Grenada it, while also giving some repre Wanted it known that have Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. The enterprising Company has sentation to those others which remain under Crown Colony also arranged for their. Government, reduced the prices to pre war The Revenue of Grenada for prices an all classes of repair Oamito to call at Bermuda on ber the voyage from Avonmouth (Decemyear 1921 was estimated to work; ask to see my price list The Council would meet at ber 11th) to Jamaica. This will fixed intervals to consider and backl45, 782, Up to June 30, the before taking your work else GOJTO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE Bermuda direct from England tors of common interest, and to ta 47. 506 as against 87, 203 my new shoe department, high onable winter tourists to reach make recommendations on mais receipts had amounted only to where, have also on hand in When you wish a cheap, but decent) Suit(complete. as possible, with 14 fór the corresponding class ladies, gents, and children imembered that under the Ban. resolutioon eftoms bei papout heads of revenue however there fine upper leathers and shoe eleven days. It will be re. doal, as far period Under. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
ana Contract from 1900 to 1911 men Conferences which the steamers of the Imperial be systematised into Stand had bzen an increas of 2269, materials for sale. matters thus leaving a difference West Indian Committee th body capable of 966 17. against that of 1921.
Bermada 06 their park and expressing a united West Indian and from Grand Turks and For 1921 the Expenditure was Corner of East 12th Street and astimated at 142, 027. At 30th Jamaica, and a revival of the opinion.
Plaza de Arango June 65, 870 14. had been ex.
itinerary would be immensely Just as the Imperial Confer. pended as against 81 307 17.
Address: MULLER BUILDING appreciated.
ence, which, it is to be presum for corresponding period 1395 FICE Prop.
ed, will meet regularly in the vaded early in the Nor Your by tuture, may be considered under certain honds Amounted Advertise in The WorkIncreased expandituro CALIDONIA an army of tourists who volebo the Couvernor Bad Comment, to 4, 905 19 10. the largest in transported the Caribbean al affairs, so would this Council islands by the Canadian Pacific he states, in its own degree, be presses between the two periodo Empress of Britain (22. 200 the Central Body for dealing 1, 823 10. to June 30, 1931.
man it pays.
bo being mlacollaneous service!
TRY AXA FORM LINIMENT. tons) and the White Star with matters relating to thi Megante (14, 878 tons. decrease Indies. Finally, Mort bhat the Conference should current wu responsible for. being 18, 821 bo sug: 4, of which public works ro JUAN ILLEUGA For Any kind of External Pains bo convened in January next, Cricket Tour Postponed. compristox one oficial and not a valinta on 1, 597, compar more than three unofficial mem: 1020 and hospitals and myluma Attorney at Law od with period. Your money refunded if you are not by) all means bers of the Legislatures of No. 44 Central Avenue Satisfied Great disappointment will be Jamaica, Trinidad, Barbados and 1, 16 felt in West sporting or TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 SOLDAT THEJFOLLOWING DRUG STORES cies at the postpone more of the Bridlsh Guiana, and 00 and We are glad to observe that proposed visit of an Practices in all Courts of official ropresentative front cach of the remaining Colonien, Brit thoughtful mon throughout the Papama, Modern, Spanish. American, Nationa aricket team to the West Indies ish Honduras Panama.
colony have Antigas Union, Pharmacy, and other Pharmacies anatbritish Gill be tre the combines Kittar Grenada St. Lucia, St. ious attention so the present un: English Spoken Fluently Guians in It recalled that Vincent, Dominica, the arrangements for the tour rat. This date WAL selected were practically completo. and with with due regard to steamship satisfactory condition of affairs at a tim a whea beneficial action that Colonel Hartley, who movements and to the almost in the colony. Nearly every Dis is the most desirable requisite, had consented to captain the En En general freedom of that month The best Tonic in the World trict Board in the colony has got together tbe from the embarrassment of the Hereunder we publish another gone on record being concernnucleus of a team of tirst class crop season, and the following the present crisis. The re install ansat of the urgent oricketers.
Then a telegram agenda is suggested:solutions passed by them raquasis for acties issuing from was received from Barbados and the various public bədies of the submitted to the local Govern colony. At the instance of the it was absolutely impossible to Cricket Committee, stating that Selection of title. 2. Constitution: the basis of This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ment tell emphatically dition which can only be averted Rav. Byer, the St. George receive them. o, team. It representation: the number of ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, at its meeting by prompt statesman like Board subsequently appeared that this official and unofficial representaare sure that HR So the local Government.
Wo held on Friday, passed the folImpoverishment of the Blood, and to build up decision was due to thefinability tives from each Colony, Voting lowing resolution for submission of Demerara to participate in the power. Chis might be based on a run down constitution.
the Governor will be the nature the requests arrangements. fortnight later the population of the various It promotes digestion, improves the appe now being made of him to do This District Board views a further message was received, Colonies, allowing one vote to the stating that something to investigate what with grave concern the present Demerara had tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
had representatives of each Colony remedies are necessary to en Economic condition of the colony, agreed, after all, to join in. but it for every unit of 100, 000 people. was then too late, Colonel Hart. Provision for additional members DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or sure the safety of this colony and due to the crippling of Agriculto put the administration in a ture and Commerce by a combi4 times a day.
Jey having by that time made in special circumstances, position above reproach. Wonation fof circumstances over other arrangements which pre Powers and functions: the should suggest that Sir George which the Agricultural and om vented his reconsidering the subject with wbich it would deal JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. call a meeting of princil mem. Commercial Communities have matter, and it being then too and the control of Sectional Con late to get together a fresh sido forences dealing with the follow bers of the colony, reputative no control. In the earne Both Mr. Lacey and his ing subjects:of every shade of opinion to go lief that coadjutor, Mr.
into the question, at the same be Findlay, as by some act of cour. a) Law, stateme as Mr, of time indicating what the Govern. bertad y disaster can only ment attitude in the matter Board respectfully invites the maica, and Mr.
Austin. 6) Customs, be from of Barbados. have devoted much (0) Health, consideration. Already he is the present situation, and urges angle of attention of the Government to time and trouble towards bring. d) Education, aware of the trend public the ing about the visit of IT PAYS (c) Police, opinion in the team to the West Indies, and matter. Wise the immediate appointment of a statesmanship on his part dicta. consider the various Resolutions Vise Representative Committee. a) to. Commerce.
is much to be deplored that their tes that he should at least show on this Subject passed very kindly efforts should have (The first five of these would been frustrated owing to the battended by the appropriate some willingness to lead an District Bobcast of passed by the effort to restore confidence in and (b) to advise the Government Colony, circumstances set out above.
Offcers from each Colony, and the ability of the administration as to what steps are, would consist of the Associat tbe Chambers of CALLE No by an act of statesmanship Callon of such Commerce. opinCommittee necesProposed West In The establishment to the en sary to provide for the rescue of ue tire community for time at the Peasant Proprietary, and the dian Council.
permanent Secretariat in the West Indies. The Secretary PRIVATE ACADEMY least, It is would be cretary be appointed of our country and Commercial interests of the.
by the of State, and man who is To Meet In January Next. would attend to this business of posi Colony English Classes vorhandlingconchis Secara the Council and of the Section al and who is in a Conforences. For Young Ladies 6 his Toward the endof last year Sir to bear in this matter We make of him to day lative Council eld on Friday, At the meeting of the LegisEdward Davaon submitted to. Procedure: time and noti: AND FOR BOYS 7 direct request to give the pre the resolution in the name of the the Colonial Office proposals for Acation of meetings, sent situation especial considera Colonial Surgean asking for a Correspond Council, in the West Indies, to ence. vertigt tion. We want to feel that he vote of 150 for medical relief existing authorities. Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
consider and deal with the reso Financial: cost of maintethinks in terms beyond the con was granted. It was explained lutions passed by the Interna nance of the Council of the SecJ. BURTON, fines of his legal duties and that that owing to prevailing condibo oan co operate with others tions certain Monal Conferences held from tional Conferences and of the persons of the time to time in the West Indios Secretariat and this provision.
In the effort to assist his country (Continued on page 3)
The toward glish side, e bad ed VIGOR TONIC with ot the earnest b3hu well Fa: ageous this Advertise in the Workman bayderm an 11 of tire ted to bring to tion of Acting position to bring Secretary judicious mind te Status of


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