
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921, PAGE THREE LOOK OUT FOR Standard Oval! Standard Oval. Garden Party made Our Large and varied Assortment of Christmas New Year Cards Which is Expected soon depression ments.
WORKMAN PRINTERY Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding Christening and Dance Cards.
their ring og Panama Banking Company Interesting West Indian News (Continud From Page 2)
labouring classes and other persons in necessitous circumstances were unable to provide themselves with the necessary ren relief and comfort. In conse from out side sources, a confer quence of recommendations enca of medical officers was called to deal with the situation December 24 26 The medical men found that there were quite a number of persons who were labourers and GRANDEST ON RECOAD other persons in necessitous circumstances who medical help Tais position was brought about by the musements of all Kinds general in the colony. During the epidemico fever and dysentery these people MUSIC DANCING ETC. ETC.
could not meet the require AT THE They ware also un.
able to pay the doctors. То Electrical Display a Specialty meet the situation it was decid ed to provida an amount of 150 for distribution in comforts and COSTUME CONTEST ETC.
in paying the doctors for professional service rendered at a rate as is applied to labourers. The doctors on their part thought When passing drop in and inspect our yaried that by offering to take fees at. Stock of reduced rate they were renderWEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP ing help in keeping with the sympathy expected of their proCOMPANY LTD.
fession. lengthy debate book place in the matter, all the mem.
bers favouring it, but bero and Dear Sir:1316 there amendments were offered.
It was also offered as an amend, am pleased to inform you that an at anmont that the distribution of nual general meeting of the shareholders of the tickets should be in the bands of West Indian Steamship Company held at this th doctors. The Colonial Sur.
Office on the 1st Inst. a large gathering of Reon did not favour the idea as the doctors would have to draw members of the organization were present and fest that the ticket distributors fees for their attendance. It enthusiastic speeches were made in support of should play parts in the the furtherance and development of the Commatter, The scheme did not preclude the doctors from attending pany. The members in a body voted confidence Calls prescribing and afterwards in the administration, and pledged their wholerecommending a free ticket for hearted support the patient.
It was alu naplacataly igre, bet AEL The young man, Hubert shareholder will advance his baru y po has Julien or Tango King as he ing more stock so as to enable us al ons to An Assortment that will meet your Taste. was sometimes called, who used to be chauffeur bere, is making procure and put afloat our large steamer congreat progress in Canada, if we templated for the conveyance of freight and are to credit reports received passengers to the ports agreed upon in our concerning him. The Crisis Magazine of New York referprospectus to him as Dr. Julien, and You are therefora, respectfully requested Dominica a student of McGil Uciversity, announces that he has conceived not only to act in conformity with the decision the idea of a new invention in of the shareholders who were present by aeroplane safety appliance, The invention The Public Health.
bas brought an doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but 300, 000 from the Curtis Aero that you will induce every man, woman and BRANDON BANK)
plane Company for pateat rights and one of 150, 000 from child in your locality to come forward and join SECURITY In his report on the Roseau Gernir Aeroplane com with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
Company of SERVICE Dr. A, Alford Nicholls the Trinidad, representative of remain, Senior Medical Oficer of the this paper remembers meeting Yours truly, Island, is able to record a satis. him in New York a short time Panama (Founded 18. Colon factary diminution in the nuin ago, and had the opportuaity of SMITH, Secretary.
ber of malarial cases under examining the papers in connecOur large Resources and well known treatment, wbich has been re tion with the invention. It ap duced froin a total of 134 in peared to him then that Julien 1917, with 13 deaths, to 50 50 in was on the conservative Management afford unhighway to success 1920 with one death.
This indi and that it was likely the new Lodge Notice. District Court of the questioned security for every dollar cates that the sanitary condition discovery would prove to be a of Roseau, from which most of real invention. We hope to hear Members of the Green Bud of PanaCanal Zone, deposited with this bank the cases come is gradually more in the matter.
ma Lodge No, 7779 F, please being improved. On the otber be notified that the nomination and hand, pellagra is NOTICE.
election of officers for the ensuing term Demerara in the country.
This disease will take place on Saturday 24th inst.
Dr. Nicholls attributes to Those in arrears are asked to pay up in Transacted General Banking Business FRED PAY COLSON, Plaintiff deficiency of in the food, and it is sometimes An Offensive Defence Bill. order to qualify for voting at this moet ing. sharpe NATHANIEL BRANDOS MARIE COTSON, Defendant.
4BBANDOS characterised, with other similar please be on time, maladies, as mal de misere, Tu situation approaching to Civil, No. 385 Preelden in Prawidep Treasurer berculosis is not uncommon in political crisis arose in British To Marie Colson, Defendant: You the Island, but cannot be said to Guiana on September 12th, when be prevalent. Venereal diseases a meeting of the Court of Policy are required to enter your appearance in are still the increase had to be adjourned for the want the above entitled Court, at Cristobal, with deplorable results to a large of all the elective Canal Zone, in an action of Annulment section of the population. no members, with a single excepbrought against you by the above named fewer than 138 cases of syphilis tion, having absented themselves plaintiff, and to answer the complaint therein, a copy thereof attached to being treated at the Hospital in accordance with what would copy of the summons in said action bav during the year.
appear to have been a pre arran.
toasted to sealing been mailed to you at your place of part of the elected members has residence, to wit; 125, 122nd Str. New been attributed to their strong in the delicious Yord City, on or before Feburary 6tb.
Popular Representation disapproval of two measures in troduced Wanted.
Burley flavorby the Government, And you are further notified that if which it their intention to you fail to appear and answer the said block, namely, a Bill to provide complaint as above required, the plaintiff De WITT PILLS will take judgement against you by deDominica, November 23 Ata heifers, add. Bill to provide for for the slaughter of cows and fault and demand from the Court the mooting of the Legislative the maintenance Council held to day, and construc relief prayed for in his said complaint.
THE HOME DOCTOR Beecher. as unofficial member. tion of sea defences. That the Dated at Cristobal, Canal Zone, this moved the following Resolu: Sea Defence Bill should have enfifth day of December 1921.
tions. 1) That the time has countered very general opposi tion arrived when the people of Dom. sing, inasmuch as it seeks by CAMPBELL Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of in the Colony is not surpriAsst. Clerk District Court their presence in various physical disorders noticeable inica shoud be granted a measure clauses 17 and 21 to vest in the among which are: on the Councils of Government, for fifty feet land wards from of popular representation on the Crown certain private property Dr. LORD TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS and (2) That it is desirable that the HEADACHES, BACKACHES. SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOME Dominica should withdraw from the centre line of any dam in without lands Confede suy declared district. the Leeward Islands TIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF and HOWELL BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, racy. The unofficials voted on bloc paying the owners any compen is as it favour of the Resolutions, which sation whatever. This, as Dentists IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH) BAD COLOUR AND were formally negatived necessary out the would amount to nothing less by STRIKE 43 official vote, The officials, bow. than contiscation, pare and sim.
CENTRAL AVE SEDIMENTS, As no other Medicine Jis) as good as DeWitt Pills, permission of the CICAHETTE President, expressed themselves to British sense of justice and ple.
ate Dr. Bailey Office)
It would be utterly start with it right now and watch results unanimously in favour of the Re would, if the principle were once Theatest in Crowd and Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle solutions before voting to be accepted. do away with Bridgework.
purchased the security of tonure, without CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.
which development of the Colony Take Notice Take Notice could not proceed. We are glad, GENERAL DEPOT PANAMA CITY varied assortment of Christ. however, to learn that as the out varied assortment of ChristJOHN FINZI, Prop.
mas New Year Cards are come of the representations of mas New Year Cards are for sale at the Works of Contained on page 7)
sale at the Workman Office offer of com the alien is a native of on the increase in VS, IBAAO BRANDON on It Advertise in the Workman It Pays 1922 was LUCKY ever with the foreign

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