
PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17 1921; THE WORKMAN Yes cablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica WALROND, the once Central Avo slon. Correspondence on all matters 29e and corner of Stront Panama of public interest invited do DO. Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, sed CATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX muss de accompanied by the name of Oce Year. 40 S. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publlesBix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
We do not undertake to return Guo 25e. crejected orrespondence.
it toasted, of course. To seal in the flavor AMERICAN BAZAAR Big Bargains XMAS SEASON Thre Lberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS FOR THE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921.
BACK TO ZONE FOR CULTIVATION Shoes. Shirts. Suits. Hats Underwear Neckwear.
BSB EWELRY RARGANS The Biggest Bargain co that word er as bill.
meet thiorily they the satisfied.
What this paper bas been advocating for many years, and what the special Investigating Commission reLUCKY commended to the Secretary of War has been accepted as a sound measure and is now going into execution as anSTERIKE other addition to the improved administrative policy that controls the affairs of the canal.
CICAT ETTE The agriculturists who have remained idle in this country for over seven or eight years after they were forced to join the exodus that swept the Canal Zone clear of private interests are commencing to rejoice that a AT PRICES BELOW COST favorable time is forecasted for them in the announce ment of the land lease on the Zone. They are breathing a sigh of relief, feeling that they may yet find some way of providing for themselves and their families in these days of industrial strangulation.
Garden Party At The West Indians here on the Isthmus have been wishing that they might be granted lands for cultivation.
Standard Oval Many of them have tried to obtain cultivatable areas in the suburban districts of Panama, and while some have succeeded in procuring small patches, here and there, the Season Attraction.
majority bave failed in their search. Land lease in Panama IN TOWN IS THIS BURNER GAS STOVE is not unattended by multiplex difficulties; and for this The third Garden Party to be reason tracts of rich, fertile and virgin soil lie covered with beld at the Standard Oval Gar.
weeds and underbrush where valuable crops could be reardens by the management of this ed with abundant profit.
well known pleasure resort will take place on the 24th and 26th GIFTS THAT LAST.
At last, the opportunity seems to be bere. Shall it be Ah of December. From the moment lost. This is a question for the hundreds of West Indian Inat word went around regardkoru ing preparations for this fete, families that are now penniless in Panama and Colon.
The fairies say a silver gift the Just now, there is an airful of talk about purchasing lands the public began enthusiastically will give the baby wealth and to press for further information for cultivation, and while this proposition is not impossiand at the present moment the happiness of every kind, good ble it seems, at present, far out of the sphere of probabiliprincipal topic of conversation luck good cheer and health.
ty. If the people really wish to cultivate, if they are in berid on all sides is the Stan dard Garden Party.
earnest about their industrial improvement, and if they COMPLET ASSOR (MENT are serious in their quest for something contrary ONLY 00 The public hardly needs assurance as to the certainty of findALWAYS AT to unemployment they will not lose much time in taking Pay 00 with order and 00 with monthly ing amusement to suit the indi hold of this unique chance to reconstruct their domestic FULLER vidual requirement of each and JEWELLER affairs which have already begun to crumble to pieces how everyone, regardless of ander the stress and hardness of the times.
particular be or she may be, as 22 Central Ave.
It is unnecessary to say much on the new land lease the ability of the Management to this demand of the Canal Zone as given out by Governor Morrow, has been very PANAMA GAS CO, AT COLOGICO satisfactorily demonstrated in RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY The reasons for seeking lands on the Zone are too familiar, the past, judging from the upaCathedral Plaza YOUR and the public is too conversant with the views of the 03 Bollvar St.
pimity of congratulations WHEREAS: Tha Grost High Chief WORKMAN on the question to warrant their reproduc Tel. 798. SERVICE Tel. 364. have received from numerous of Rangor and Creator of the Univers, hs tion. The people have asked for the lands and they have pe rticipants in simi been given. What shall happen remains to be seen.
lar functions bel by them be a fit to call uato bim soll the coal of fore. In addition to the usual and blow. bestuur alfred E, Shepherd. Certainly, every sensible individual will feel that the Attractions, such as fishing wells right thing has been done by the Secretary of War, and bitting the pipe out of Granny WHEREAS: The brother nativa Governor Morrow acquiesence in the plan is worthy of mouth, Post Office, Casino, For of the island of St. Vincent, B, I, tune telling, and the several had lost his life by an aesident in the other forms of for Republic of Cubs on the 1st day of help which they are famous. there September 1921, dying lost instam to whose request it bas been done is the question. Will will be a monster Christmas tambously, and.
the people understand that it is in their interests that the It pays.
Tree, suitably decorated for the WHEREAS: This eyurt has lost a concessions have been granted and offered? Or will they see occasion, and a genuine Father walous worker an ardent member and in it a phantom of suspicion and dub the whole as a Christmas who will make his fraternity, and that his wife who is now staunch supporter of the principles of movement of blatant insincerity veneered with a whitepearance at 12 midnight gratuitously distribute gifts domiciled in the Ci y of Panamı has wash of apparent benevolenee?
al charges ought to prove a great inducement to the people to the deserving. There will be lost the care od proivation of a loving It is hoped that the sanest and strictest thought will to avail themselves of the land and start in to chan ge fairies lots of them presided buvaud.
characterize the attitude of the people in regard to the the conditions of domestic life on the Isthmus.
over by their que BE IT RESOLVED: That this Court queen which, to matter. It is the crucial test for our people. They have gether with the flower girls, all now la session assembled express its been saying what they would be able to accomplish if of squatting and farming was given residents on the ment seekers, will give just the end The memory of the good old days when the privilege distributed among the amuse sorrow and regret at his sudden demine, they had had lands; they have been complaining of their Canal Zone should act as a stimulus to all concerned in the quired in a function of the kind a letter of condolence be sent proper festive atmosphere re to the widow of the brother, and, industrial handicap and their inability to help themselves agricultural life on the Zone.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED for lack of opportunity. Now, the opportunity has come, which was er cted on the crops and shacks of the squatThe ruthless destruction at such a time of the year. That a copy of this resolution be sent to First class refreshments the Star to the handicap is gone, and they are able to obtain lands.
Herald, ters is not a pleasant reminiscence of the past, and the poor suit all tastes will begin shun: St. Vincnt for publication, Workman, ono copy to the Sentry of It is true there will be much inconvenience, and per and insignificant compensation awarded the people when dance, and music. Oh boy! Silver cody to the wiadow of the haps, an evident measure of privation as the experience they were driven out of their settlements does not offer City Band of So if you bro ber, and that two Officers be deputed the deceased of some families who might arrange for the cultivation much inspiration to those who were stung, but it must be about having a good time there to protect the copy of the copoledica lui of lands leased from the Panama Canal, but this should remembered no contract had been signed, no guarantees you have It, Finally and best of ber. and eat a copy be incorporated in not act disparagingly because the first venture in any given, and no limitation as to acreage made in the bon of all. the usual ladies. several a minute book, and that our Diepen thing carries its attendant hardships, and the circumstan days of yore.
be sati of ces would be no worse with them than they were with the ed at this moment with plea mon. bs in mourning.
pion ers of the Gatun Valley settlement.
All who may apply for leases the present sys sure, on account of some marked If it is a question of funds for the initial expense of tem will do so with a full, perfect ana viivrough knowledge courtesy she may have shown at Nomation and Election clearing and sowing it might be possible for most of the as to the conditions under which the business will be done, two former garden parties, of the a of Officers people ic btain sfficient funds on loan for this pnrpose They will know that two years free rental will be given; preside over the various stalls, In Jamaica, there are loan banks which help the small that they will be compensated for all improvements on the ladies claim they cannot be cultivators and set them on their feet. There are no the land made by them and that they will commence to ruffled, aud experience with May it be understood to all members of such provisions here, and in their absence it will be neces pay for the lands at the expiration of two years. They them has proved it. They state the officers and ought to know for themselves, also, what crops to culti able duty to assist the folks in 2344 that the third that sary to seek some other way out of the ditch.
consider it a pleasur the Royal Victoria Lodge No, Common sense and discretion will naturally direct vate so as to make their energies and labor balance with having a good time, and it real. Mondays asked fon the actions of all who may apply for lar the purpose the terms and provisious of the contract.
ly does the heart good to watch tion to the present nights of of cultivating. It would be a practical idea to make pre The test has come to the people when they must really want to enjy a good committee Gabriel Union Lodze.
them doing it. In short, if you work has been granted, by parations for short term crops at the cornmencement so either show their willingness to take themselves out of the Christmas and to ender into the 6th, street Hudson Lane. Au that the toileis will, in the least time possible, find them prevailing distress or reject the offti and alienate the New Year with pleasant recol. members are notified that the selves with food and other necessities. Crops of heavier sympathy and interest of all who are anxious to help. It could not do better than take in cers will be on on the third Mon.
lections regarding the past you nomination and election of offnature will doubtless be cultivated for their higher market is not believed that the lands offered for cultivation will the Garden Party at the Stan day night Dec. 19th, All members value, but care should be taken to make provision for im soon be needed by the governmrat, but in giving grants dard Oval.
mediate returns.
in arrears are requested to make of land no government would act without making such trial, or probably two, has themselves financial to meet the The text of the contract which must be signed by determinations as will protect itself in every aspect of the already convinced you. Now, it occasion.
lessees is not yet made known but much has already been arrangement. It cannot be conceived that the Panama is simply WORD TO THE learnt as to the protection and compensation of the people Canal would make grants of lands in which no provisons WIBE Take Notice if the land should be called for by the Government. The formed the basis of its own protection; and the fact varied assortment o Christterm of two years grace in which time the land will be that the stipulations are made ought to form no barrier Advertise in The Werkman mas New Year Cards are for under cultivation by the Lolders without payment of rent to acceptance on the part of the people.
It pays.
sale at the Workman Office congratulation, but what advantage will be takes pofit Advertise in the Workman diversions for and will copy to tho and on course. So if in addi.


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