
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17. 1921, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Hobeon hoir will appear for will be ren Mr, The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store us the Purse and Address; West End Defeats Sussex, Game Do You Want Continues Tomorrow.
Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
PRESENTED REV. Something cheap, but beautiful and lasting for a Christmas Colon, Dec. 12 Sussex was HOBSON Birthday, or Wedding Present?
yesterday engaged and defeated DO YOU WANT TO Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
by West End in a friendly game Who Salls for Jamalca on Economizz in these depressing times? If so, then come to on the Sussex Oval West End the cheapest asd best Jewelry Store in Colon won the toss and went to bat, November 26th, Call and ses our novel assortment of totalling 86 runs. Clarke topFREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE scoring with 39 runs and H, Layne EP. X, SILVER TEA SETS, EGG SETS, ETC, ETC.
following with 12. Sussex total.
Colon. Nov. 21. Rev.
lee 48, Atberly 16 Layne 15.
This is the 3rd of a series of months acted as pastor of the Sailing dates and Ports of call subject to alteration without notice.
109 Bollvar Street Colon, games between these two teams.
Cristobal Culon Baptist Church REPAIRS NEATLY DONE One ended in a draw, and one The Company do not accept responsibility for baggage, and passenyesterday preached a very im each has been won by both, The gers are recommended to ensure same.
nressive farewell sermon. and at series will be continued on Sunthe close of the service the fol day 18th when it is expected the lowing address accompanied by decisive match will be played: Acajutla Saturday December 17th for a purse was presented to the Puntanares, San Juan del Sur, Coriato, Amapala, La Valoa, Revd. gentleman: MUSICIANS WANTED New Choir.
La Libertad, Acajutla, San Jose de Guatemala and Cristobal Colon Baptist Church Champ arico November 201b, 1921 All musicians are invited to get satisfaction in buying their new choir has been formed Reverend RH, Hobeon, Striuge and accessories lare suply of Strings for in connection with the Cristobal Ebro Saturday, December 17th for Cristobal, 2, VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS, VIOLINCELLOS Colon Baptist Sunday School Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Iquique, Antofogasta and Dear Sir. We the officers and mem CLARIONET REEDS AND MOUTH PIECES, DRUM HEADS, with Mr. Linton late of Valparaiso bers of the Christian Endeavour Society Chorillo Baptist as Choir master.
BANJO HEADS, CHIN RESTS, TAIL PIECES, PATENT SCREWS could not let this opportunlty pass with This choir. Jamaica Wedaesday, December 28th for out saying a few words on behalf of the TUNERS, BOW HAIR, ETC, ETC.
first time at the annual Christmas time that you have spent with us as entertainment on the 22ad. when Puerto. Colombia and Cartagena.
Come and be Convinced Acting Pastor. We can fully well rean excellent program callio our memories, the noble and NZW. DRUG STORE dered. Arrangements for this en ss. Orcoma Wednesday, December 28th for inspiring lectures that you so often 5th Streets. Colon tertainment are in the hands of La Rochelle Pallice and Liverpool paved us, and the many kind asta sed Tawes, Superintendent, lusting services that you so faithfully Mrs. Brown, assistant superin rendered, and as a mark of apprecintion tendent, Miss Creighton. a. organ. Oriana Friday, December 30th for ve bave got up this addres to show ist Miss Semple, asst. organist Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Igique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Our gratitude and thanks, Misses Bell, Ellis, Five months ago, you were unani Brown Messrs. Anderson, and Barima Saturday December, 31st for Owens, mously elected to fill the place of our Pastor temporary while he was on Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur. Corinto, Amapala. La Union, Vacation, and you have proved to the The most modern and up to date house in Colon. Colon Co Operative Society La Libertad, Acjaula, San José de Guate nala and entire satisfaction of all as a worthy Champerico.
The Leading house for spiritual advisor to be found in any congregation, Royal Scarlet, Creals and Hawaiian Canned Goods Colon Dec. 13 The Colon CoAlthough the pathway was not always RAISINS, CURRANTS, OTHER CAKE MAKING REQUISITES Opertive Society, has announced a real Jamaica style ragtime tea SPECIALTY bright, yet at times doubtlous and many For further particulars apply to cha Office of the Companies difficulties stocd before ue, but with the meeting to take place on ChristSILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL of Our Fatber mas eve night at the St. Joseph belp be save CRISTOBAL ACCESSORIES, ETC. ETC.
Grammar School, 8th street and victory, we are Fure that the Lord has All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone Broadway For to eng Packi: Steam Nurization Company been taking care of you in the battle to conquer souls for the Kingcom You havo SMALL, Proprletor CANE, Manager, The management has been PANAMA Beted as a wise and cons and considerate compelled to secure this spacious man, to decide in returning back to Jemusica hall on account of the large num.
or Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON ? 03. Inc. 15 Agents, ber of your beloved binered, that beautiful tickets sold. Many are pre leland of Springs and a tealth recupera paring to see how a Jamaica tea Royal Mall Stoan Packot Co. Panama ting Country where you will enjoy NOW ON SALE meeting is is conducted, while spicy breeze and beautiful sunshine also those who have already witnessed this function claim that they have air, to enjoy that Christian fellowship Best Xmas New Year Cards in Colon with those that are near and dear to you not yet seen a Canal Zone Notes loynu! Waliams: alu Mosers Ford, Johnson. WalkerAbboth, Steward.
one on the le conducted We are not saying Sir, thot me of TOYS STORY BOOKS uຍ may not meet you again, because The day school children of the Williams, Jones, Ford, Lowe, Baptiste, Done of us know what God has in store for children and grown ups Co operative school will hold Wright, Catwell. Campbell, Dorsett, for us It is said that behind a dark Electrical Treatment their Breaking up on the night GATUN Sesloe, Ianis, Mortimer and Mcdloud lies a silver living, and as you are of the 20th, when it is hoped that The last mail from Barbados Donald PACE MASSAGE, ETC.
FOR HAIR BEAUTIFYING, going from us we are asking you to the public as well as parents and brought the sad news of the After all had partaken of he good remember our Society in your prayers. El Dorados Variety Store and Beauty Parlour guardians will attead. The nomi death of Mrs. Gillis pie Butcher, things which were prepared the host, on that it may work for the social uplift nal price of 15 cents is charged wife of James Batcler form behalf of himself and hostess thanked and spiritual welfare of our community 110 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON for the school entertainment, and erly residents of this town where the guests for bsving responded to their while we promise to do the mme for you MADAM de WEEVER 25c. for the tea meeting. they made many friends. The invitation willingly, which brough: in your new sphere of labour, deceased left the Isthmus with the function to a clone with We are greatly interested in you, and Varlety Entertainment her husband on the 3rd of last feeling that thep had spent ploasiat your future welfare. We will not forget month for their homeland where evening.
your resolute intelligent and most earnthey arrived on the 20th, and she out mrvice amongst us. Feeling sure The Pupils of the Progressive died on the 25th. We extend our Sir, that when you shall have reached BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Private School will celebrate heartfelt sympathy to her brother Free Passage Through the bomeland, you will feel their Closing Day for 1921 by in Panama and to her husband Oanal touched with freeh vigour to 80 for AT The Canal Jewelry Store giving a variety entertainment at and relatives in Barbados, the Mosaic Lodgeball, 106 Broad FOR SHIPS REQUIRING REATO, TOBB in be Load, and in Joy.
PAIRS Monday, December 19th, at 7:30 Weather permitting to morrow iul tidings of Salvation so that men and and women may be led to acknoledge mammoth Assortment of ladies and gents wat les General Admission 25c. Sunday) the Cornwall will We ve Jesus Christ as their Eaviour, An executive order issued by SC. Mr. Drummond, board the 705 train for Panama rings and jewelry of all description, bed room clocks muned ain. President Harding in mahogany, mantel clocks, shavin accessories, ever sharp will not forget your partner as she goes Principal of the School will be city where they will be entertain.
exempts along with you. We with tbe return of pencils etc. etc.
supervising the programme, and ed in a return match by the from paying tolls all vessels the public can be assured of an Clovelly at Isthmian Park. transiting the Panama ber good beatih, so that sbe too may be 25 per cent discount on Silver ware, cut glass, thoroughly good game is anti from Cristobal to Balboa for the be able to to work with you in the Mas.
enjoyabls time, cipated if the personel of the purpose of undergoing repairs ter service.
and sllver deposit ware Cornwall CC, goes for anything only.
Please acopt this small purse from our REPAIR WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT Mrs. Mondell lll. It is as follows: Ranking, The Society not fir sevices rendered, but as The order reads as follows:friends of Mrs. captain. V, Butler, White, many JAS. WILLIAMSON.
token of love and esteem for the time Mondell will regret to know that Baker, Earle. Russell, ma Canal from Cristobal to BalVessels transiting The Panayou have been an angst us.
she is lying ill for the past week Linton, Jones, Husband, boa and tu, for the sole purWe wish yo pts. nily Bon Voyage, at her residence Bolivar 4th Sts Franklin, Holder with pose of. ving repairs made at and that you may long epared to en Mrs. Mondell is well known in Springer and Hall extras.
the Balbos fraternal circle, being connected dock and shops joy a life of usefulnes for the further NILE QUEEN advancement of God Kingdom. Please with the Guiding Star Taber.
will be exempt from the paynacle No. 14, IO Word has been received from ment of tolls as prescribed in take the word the Psalm! st. In thy Mrs, Edna Moore, who left these the Proclamatin The World Finest Preparations for Hair and Skin of We wish her a speedy recovery shores some time last month for dent of the the presence is fullness of Pealm 16 11 PresiBelieve us ever to see yours in Christ, Made of oils imported from India and Japan to the road of health.
New York, that she has arrived November 13, 1912, but Voited States dated in Stephenson, lieu safely and had no AND BEAUTIFIER VANISHING CREAM SHAMPOO.
difficulty And others.
in thereof shall pay charges for Sailing For Jamaica.
meeting with her sister and brother in law, pilotage, Springfield, towage, and lockages Mrs. and Mr. for such transit at rates based Cbadderton. She also begs to be on cost as determined by the Queen Party den:Nile Queen preparations have done wonders for my hair and skin Among the passengers that will remembered to all her kind Governor of The Panama Canal be saving the Isthmus on thurs friends and says New York is just from time to time.
das Dec. 14th will be Mr. Arthur fine, but the cold weather is fast The public is hereby remind Dai. formally of Half Way Tree, approaching.
Should a vessel, after having ed that the big contest will come St Andrew, Jamaica, who has Sgd. SALLE REID, made the transit from Cristobal de off tonight, Dec, 17. at Liberty cided to return to his beautiful SOLD EVERYWHERE KASHMIR BEAUTY PARLOR DISTRIBUTORS to Balboa under the above conHall. It will be far less impor island home on vacation.
Mr. Pleasant Evening.
ditions, decide not to return to tant to loose a 50, 00 bill than to Davis has held the office of Secre Cristobal, or should it discharge miss this entertainment.
tary for the last two years at the At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beckreceive cargo, passengers, It promises to be the biggest Rising Sun Lodge No. 19, Inde ford, rests of Red Tank CZ, a most accomplish anything else for mail or baggage at Balboa or and best fucction ever staged till 12. then comes the Jazzing Small Fire in Colon pendent Order of Galilean Fish please ing was spent on Sunday, which vessels usually transit in this city. Come and see the till p.
erman, who gave him an appro ilth instant. The occasion being the the Canal other than to have race between Silver City and The first part of the program Colon, Dec, 12. There was an We wish him an enjoyabie stay in Finley Athelbert.
priate farewell at their last session. Baptisinal function of their son, Master repairs made, tolls will be col.
Colon, After will be worth your money, no alarm of fire last night in Cash the Isle of Springs, and a hearty opening formalities the guests were serv tobal to Balboa at the prescribed In order that every one might thing to speak of the ball, which Street near 3rd, Large columns welcome awaits nim on his re ed with grape juice, which was taken to rates before such the regular lected for the transit from Crisbe fully satisfied that justice is in itself will be worth twice the of smoke were seen issuing from done to the candidates, the votes amoun: asked. Come and en the grocery shop of Hop Lee.
vessel will be the health of the little wao wa will be closed in the hall half an ing the best Christmas of your 26 Cash Street, and things began British Consulate Notice. were then given together with a selection collected for lockage and pilotMany given a clearance and allowed to appropriate speeches for the occasion proceed, the amount previously hour before drawing. queenly life, robe will be presented to the of Sacred Songs and solos, rendered by age through the Canal being winner. This also gives you a Below we give a standing of response of the fire Brigade saved the situation The Acting British Consul at the Misce Scarlett, and Heron of whom applied as part payment thereof.
chance to vote for your favourite the candidates to date: It is understood that the Police Colon would be glad of informa special mention must be made. Follow to the last moment.
Miss Ethel Rickets 2, 000 Votes are investigating the cace with a tion as to the present where ing are the names of guests who attend After the crowning will be Min Violet Smith 1, 100 view of finding out the origin of abouts of Cyril Absalom, a native ed the function, Take Notice Elocutionary contests etc. This this mysterous fire.
of St Ann Jamaica, who is Mesdames, Smith, Mine Devins Phillipe 300 Gelkee, Kirton, will be followed by a Comedian varied assortment of Christ The extent of the loss has not stated to have been a resident in Dickenson, James, Steward, Thompson, mas New Year Cards are on and Acrobatic Concert lasting Mise Edns Tamilson 150 yet been determiued.
Colon for some years.
Williame And Worrell, The Minor sale at the Workman Office ומר every yourself 10 in the LIQUID POWDER WHITENER AND CLEANSER (BLEACH)
DANDRUFF, REMEDY wir Chemieal Co.
Chicago, II.
tried bearly every thing to clear my complexion of pien. Now my skin is as liver spots and black heads without success, until found Kashmir Nile smooth and lovely as can be and my hair has grown so long and clossy, my friends all admire it. wish all our women would try Nlle Queen.
Very truly yours, 106 Broadway and 8th Street, Colon.
Box 738. Cristobal, stranger.
90 13


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