
London Correspondence.
The Makings of a Nation and th S:S.
GENUINE insecurity.
LACERAT. Sur Durham, NC is prices. The ontby movements of In epite Genuine Bull Durham Tobacco bren fall, is ORDER BOOKS year at with For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Bank rate of 51 54 whole 10 turn Allied debto Day.
Stock Exchange Barclay, the (BY LEONARD REID. London, Nevember, 1921. Financial Second Memorandum on the World and industrial recovery is still obstruct. Monetary Problems, prepared at the in ed by uncertainty and insecurity. At vitation of the League of Nations and bome the progress of the Irish negotis now published in this country by the tions is watched with acute anxiety; for Manchester Guardian Commercial, it ha rea ised that, should the negotia His chief theme is that deflation has tions break down, the result would be been too rapid that certain infla war in Ireland. Abroad men hopes and tion is now required. Apparently fears are centered on the Washington what he means is that the fall in comDURHAM Cnference, whose success might provide modity prices has bsen too sudden and too the peace and hormony for which the drastic. Of deflation as usually defined world bas loked in vain in recent by economists, we have had little or years. but whose kilure weutd irrepara note in the United Kingdom. The voBly apgravate the prevailing sense of the lume of purchasing media in the form of world wide in in such an currency and bank deposita under the atmoepbre financial and economic re control of the community bas declined a Smoking Tobacco covery entot ad qua ely proceed. little in aggregate, if at all; all; and certainly BLACKWELL CO.
vigorcus reminder of Europe economie the volume of production and supply has troubles is provided by a fresh plungen increased. But But if we have not bad mau in the exchange value of the German deflation. the strict financial sense, mark which has now of 1, 000 to the top the level we have certainly bad a tremendous fall stemning, in wholesale commodity welcome move has been made by Economist Incex Number, by Economist Inc ex Number, which the directors of the Bank of England measures the the monthly in reducing the Bank official minimura wholeeale commodity prices recorde a fall disccunt rate to per ont.
during October which greater than in of the continuance of political uncer any month since last February If lower tainties, which have the main Bank rate tends to check this obetacle to a reduction for rome weeka lidence. It is bold by some exporte, will help towards creating businese conpast, this move was generally expected whose opinion is entitled to respect, that 10 COD as the news antised that the New York Federal Reserve rate had we are approaching the time when the been lowered to 14 per cent. There general level of wholesale commodity have been Crucifixion Vision above four changes during the prices (now about 78 per cent pre var)
present year in the will stabilime and OVH rate, and each reduction bas been one recet. But it in the Mystery In of half per cent. The rate opened the beliel the after such stabilimtion or per cent and we reduced to reaction in wholesale quotations has set Motherland.
of per ent on April 28th to per cent in, retail prices must continue to 80 on June 23rd, to per cent on July down for some time.
For up to the 21st, and now to to per cent on Novem present the all in retail prices has been People of Braintree Eager ber 3rd. lowering of the rate at this by no means commensurate with that For Name of Witness to caron of the year is unusual; but un recorded by wholomle.
der the peculiar circumstances of the Startling Event Professor Cassel memorandum deal present day it was verdue. For with many vital matters, and is the subgreat plethorn of fundo ject of the closest attention in financial MYSTERIOUS MR.
in the money merket ond market ciroles in London Bapters are not on the rates very low, inclined with bim that it per cent hos for some time past is futile to at to the cold Large Congregations Have been a glering anomaly. Immediately standard. But when he emphasizes the Since Been Attending following the reductien in Beuk rate the need for free trade, the desirability of Joint Stock Banks reduced to per cent cancelling or or reducing inter Allied Services at Church the rate allowed by them on de poeites and of amending the reparations atd it is hoped that this fall in de poeit ment arrangement, he is supported by rates will increase the demand for Trea steadily growing body of public DEEP IMPRESSION.
sory Bills and also divert funds into opinion. Further, although bie advice bigb claes investment securities on the of a certain inflation is regarded as To industry the low. bighly dangerous, 086 Braintree, Nov. Who is the er Bank rate ov des some relief and agree that some attempt to stabilise the man who saw the vision of parish church but not a hint of Christ crucified in the chancel the time was g1. eo.
oue encouragement; but industry prices would be helpful. And, certainly of Braintree rarish Church?
troubles are s) complex and manifold the budgetary necessities of the moment Mr. who is well known This is the question everyone to us, made his confession to HOUSEHOLD REMEDY that its tangible contribution towards a revival can only be slight. lowering are likely to drive the Treasury at least is as iting etendon the the vicar of Rippon and myself, of Bark rates is a policy advocated by some distance along the road of creat streets of Braintree today. The said the Rev. B.
Practical economical Professor Gustav Cassel of Sweden in aling inflationary credit.
townspeople are great For burns, cuts, bruisas, sprains, for sore, tired feet, for lame by the story of the vision related Whear of Braintree, but only on the understanding that his name back, strained muscles, dobie itch, usel in the Daily Express but would not be des ulged.
bo We The Case of the Silver Employees dentity be the mystericus Mr.
DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC as he is called, remains a objectiu believe that be saw an vision of Christ on the It has been found to give quick relief from pain and to heal open secret. Last night tinal mis. cross cross, and we have communi wounds quickly.
WHO WERE DISCHARGED FROM WORKJAT THE sion was attenard by a la sor cated the facts to the Bishop.
It has also a positive established value as a quick frelief, taken congregation than recorded in any of the recent Sunday ser believed to have been converted called on a merchant tailor internally, for colie, cramps and diarrhoea.
vices. Many persons from cut du.
AT YOUR DRUGGIST. YOU NEED IT recent To the Editor of the WORKMAN. intense heat that he fell down while side parishes have already come Rumour has securely fastened Dear Sir: Will you please publish in working on that mill, and was not able to gaze into the chaccel of the his name in the story. He was the columns of your valuable paper the to move until taken to the hospital picturesque little church, and to his reluctant to discuss the subject, following facts in connection with the in ambulance, where be now lies bear the full story from the vicar el saying he knew nothing of it.
of Braintree himself.
case of the silver employı es who were from the boiler abop to do this work There He evaded answers to direct discharged from the rolling mill of on the rolling mill, who worked one Three Men Know. questions, but to one replied the Balbos Shope, unjustly a few days hour aid quit on account of the intense mealyxhise the Rev. Yes, attended the Sunday Only three men knɔw who ingenuously and who were given service slipe to heat. The men prema to bave no regard for a equaro from the General Foremande who told conducted the mission, the indeed.
show that they quit, by a foreman who foroed to do this work under threate Sheppard, Vicar of Rippon, who service in question, and present impressive deal At the outset the entire rolling mill them they would have to do the job or vicar of Braintree, and the Bish. Indeed, He would not say more. Even was operated by a gold force, who were them their resting period between beste ment of the circumstances of the bad he been the man it would quit, and in the mean time denying op of Chelmsford Announcepaid wages ranging trom 91 ota.
supposed divine revelation was have been no person business 100 an hour. They made a complaint The matter was taken up with the made from the pulpit of the but his own.
He would not to the General Foreman about an in Superintendent by these men, but no roagree that Mr. X, would be crease on that particular job, and it was dress was given them, owing to the fact rendering a great service to the up with the Superintendent that the General Foreman at the car officer in the organization which community, tobis religlous Whether this increase was granted or shop had told the Superintendent that is so strongly opposed to the silver em faith, and to all humanity it he not is not known, but, later on, these these men were only faking, and dido ployees could be expected to give an un were to come frankly forward men refused to work on that particular want to do the work, and that thoy had biased decision in a case where silver and roycal his identity.
job. owing to the fact that the fire was been roading the papers about alieno rs employee and a member of the FE, too hot. They further claimed that they placing Americans and that thoy vere concerned is more than we can is that an effort would be made to were brought down here as car repairers Becoming stubborn and were refusing to thom.
induce the Church authorities to and not rolling mill employeer. After take orders. which seem to be the they refused to do that job, they stock excuse of late for illtron ting silver light of investigation These are facts that will stand the announce the name of the indireturned to the car shop, and silver men employees in certain place. From the published to show the public the brand such a wide and profound imis 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
These are facts vidual whose story bas created were assigned to do this work, time that this occurred tb mill has been beam. She has two decks. tween These men were paid wegee ranging (Dec, 11, 1921)
closed down up to the present time of justice that is being handed out to Silver Employees at the hands of some of decks ft. high.
from 22 to 310. per hour, with an adtheir superiors, who seems to have been ditional increase of 120 per hour during The matter was taken up with the creatly annoyed by the recommendathe operation of the mill. But any time authorities at Balbos Heights, by these tions of the Probe Committee. There Barbados. Her speed is 17 kno She has Wireless, Electric during the day that work was stopped men, on the mill, that additional 120. per hour case would be investigated. Me, Gilkey ployees were more roughly handled by They were promised that their never was a time when the Silver Em.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
Latest news from London erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed was also stopped.
came down to investigate the case and some of their superiors than since the gives the intelligence of the for water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, ete.
These men were supposed to have a went no further than the Superinten Committee appointed by the Secretary ther success of Mr. Clyde resting spell between bests. But dent office. after the rolling mill was of War came down here. who saw the Dear, of the Customs DepartWe must Buy her for our Service. somehow of late the boss in charge of shut down, without a chancə to see the efficient manner in which the Silver ment, in his studies of law. In the mill wanted them to work during conditions under which these men were Employees handled the jobs that were this year examination in Cocthe time they were supposed to be has being forced to work. Whatever Mt, assigned them, and who made recom stitutional Law and Legal HisGilkey gathered was absolutely from the mendations whereby the Silver Em. tary he obtained a First Slass.
WE NEED 60, 000:MORE Now, the heat of this mill is 10 severe, General Foreman mouth, and no fur ployees would be given more of a fighWe wish him further success in that it is impossible for some men ther, he never soiled his clean shoes by chance to to provə their worth, which his profession.
MONEY to stand it, On one or two cocs going into the shops.
has so long been denied them.
to have heard white men passing You may subscribe some of this by purchasing What was taken back to Balbos through the rolling mill say, There.
be so overcome by the best, that they had to be taken to the bos but when the men returned to Balbos there for 00 an botr, And the some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound. WILKINSON each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound pital for treatment; at the present Heights, they were told by an official CONTRACTOR BUILDER ach and become part owner.
by the intense heat, that they are out on them as they had laid down on the job time there are two men so evercome that nothing further could be done for writer wouldn work for ten.
Here hoping that this catches the First Class Workmanship DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW the sick list. One of thema Spanish Wen boy was told by the doctor that he We do not believe that it was the intes, eye of some broad minded Official at should not under any circumstancee so tion of this official to be unfair to thôn: Balboa Heights. who is always willing Plans and Specifications Free House Writs to the back on that job under two months in den because he is noted for his faitnea o crime the working mana square deal 15th Street West when he deserves it, if there time, and it he could find employment was probably acting on the report given was one that was deserving of a Box 411, Panama, such he WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD the him by the INVESTIGATOR, which square deal, THIS IS ONE, On Monday December 6th, 1021, awas evidently far from the facta u they Roopeotfully, Advertise in The Werkman 73 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA West Indian wa to overcome by this really are. How Mr. Gilley, who is a OBSERYER It pays.
stirred in the were men who were sent oyer Advertise in the Workman It pays.
880, to taken prominent townsman said THIS 600 TONS STEAMER vere pression.
ing their spell.
ting sions men have heen known.


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