
THE! WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17; 1921 PAGE SEVEN WATEBURY COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL The choicest of rich Turkish tobaccos blended with the best of American tobaccos.
That why Cold fied is us Interesting West Indian News that virile body, the British Guiana Sugar Planters Association, the local Government has given a definite assurance that these very objectionable clauses shall be amended. It is indeed unthinkable that thay could be adopted in their present form, Another clause which, as it ap pears to us, should also be modi is that which would empow er the Government to apply the rates paid under the Ordinance for the public use of the Colony instead of tarmarking them for the purpose of carry ing out the objects of the mea sure, namely, the maintenance and construction of sea defences Copies of the amended draft Bill have not yet reached this coupty. When they do so it may be necessary to refer to this matter again. Meanwhile, we are glad to know that the situation is beiog so closely watched.
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You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best They Satisfy and the blend can be copied FOR SALE BY ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Chloe St. Lucia IGARETTES Woman Exchange Chesterfield LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
population, for a and seeing Christmas and New Year Cards on Sale at THE WORKMAN Printery Luciano Sanchez on 17th 13th STREET EAST (Salsipudes) No. 21 BRANCH No. 9, CENTRAL AVENUE General Merchandise Lucis ro return.
China. Glass and Enamel Ware, etc.
Fine Assortment of Toys St. Lucia Debated The ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN In The House of Commons.
MR. HURD asked the Secre tary of State for the Colonies DRESSMAKING whether he bad received a memorial signed by about 2, 000 resl.
dents of St. Lucia, including authoritative representatives of all sections of the and system of Paepresentative Government: whether, that a similar PLEATING request has been granted in the case of Grenada, and in order to allay unrest and encourage inter. Accordion, Knife, colonial guod feeling, he will now accede to this St. Lucia petition?
MR. WOOD: The petition Box Pleats)
which is presumably the same as that reierred to in the question asked by my Hon. Fiend the August Our) Establishment it.
has been received. The signator sures a perfection of handiies have been informed that work which accentuates it is proposed that, if, as hope am able to visit the latest styles so pleasing St. Lucia, during my furthcoming to patrons.
tour in the West Indies, should take an opportunity of acquaint ing myself on the spot wish public opinion in St.
garding the suggested change in ANN R, THOMAS, Proprietreus, the Constitution or that island, and that the Secretary of Stato will therefore defer consideration of the matter pending my try of State for the Colonies the His Honour, E, Laborda Mr. HURD: Would the Hon. decision to which he has come in 9, Acting Administrator Gentleman kindly answer the last for de toute mobitelo noprocena in bo precided. opened the meet second part of the mountion tivo Government, and when tho phasised the great need of an da a system of stated the object, and. whether similar ro quest bas been granted to new system would como into Grenada, and whether represen operation.
MR. WOOD: This is the ques.
apparatus at the Victoria sald it tations have not reached the fortuno of St. Lucia, to Colonial Oifice showing the most have such ominont doctors as unhappy circumstances it a pre referred. The petitioners bave those they have, and, that much ference is given to one Colony already been informed that it great work could be performed over another in the same group is proposed to amend the exist by them if only they had the neMR, WOOD: With regard to ing Constitution of Grenada by cassa ry apparatus.
the first point, was under the introducing an elective element impression that answered the local commission has investigat. Legislative Council of St. Viainto the Legislative Council. At a recent meeting of the question yesterday. It is a facted the details of the scheme, and cont, the Unəfficial Members Lost a similar request was re their report is now under con made it quite close to the Gov.
ceived from Grenada. It wat received very much earlier, and sideration. It is not possible to that in their fixa date for the new Constituernment effect has been given to 15. tion to come into force, as some all timest to be called upon at With regard to the other part of of the details may require con taxpay Bay whether the the question, have had a should or sultation with Governor.
great many representations on should the subject of St. Lucia, but not be spent, that in their allow of any of would remind the Hon. Meinber son: Is there any regoplnioa. Governmat should not West Indies is largely the result also be granted to another obtaining the sanction of the in Section.
The Adtions, it does not seem unreason the same conditions?
ministrator in replying said that able to deter decisions for three MR. WOOD: The main differ members were quite right in months.
ence betwoen the two, as have their objection, but there were MR. KILEY: Seeing that the tried to point out, is that one times when he had to take on Administrator is in England at request was received about six himself the responsibility of the present moment and that months before the other. the expenditure of certain sums, there is general agreement believing that it would meet upon. and no opposition to the with the Council approval. proposal, wby cannot it be dealt Another Medico For St. The Canadian Gazette.
with now instead of postponing Lucla.
it until next year.
An amendment to the RegulaMR. WOOD: bave seen tho Says the West Indian: It is tions made by the Board of Administrator and do not think understood that Mr. Fred Alex Education adopting a scale of have anything to add to what ander, native of this Colony, payment whereby the salaries have said. Grenada. who recently gradu of Head Teachers, Assistant Teachers MR. HURD: What period will ated at Liverpool, has received Teachers, and Pu elapse before any action can be appointment as a will be increased.
Doctor on a taken.
after the Hon. Gentle. ship proceeding to India. Atter man visit.
the trip he is expected to go to MR. WOOD: According to the Agricultural cannot, St. Lucia where it is said he has course, be precise as to dates, been offered a post in the medi News the damage to crops ex perienced by the planters in St.
but need scarcely point out to cal staff of that Colony.
Vincent as the result of the Sop.
my Hon. Friend that the most tember hurricane. is estimated probable way of arriving at conclusion expeditiously will ho An Important Meeting at a figure between 1, 800 and 27000 to form an opinion on the spot.
and then shall be in a position On Monday afternoon Nov.
to offer advice to my right Hon. 14th a meeting was haldagento ROOMS TO LET War Department Agent and enable him to deal with the Ofoe for the purpose of pro.
moting and organizing enter CALLE No MR. HURD: You did not do tainments to raise funds for the that in the case of Grenada. equipment of an Ray apparaPAPLY ON PREMISES MR, HURD asked the Beeroj tus as the Victoria Hospital If you reside in Guachapali or Calidonia visit SANCHEZ FARRUGIA STORE No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET opinion money shin to a JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards. Good Assortment TO SELECT FROM AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY


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