p. 8


SSO Sosok Notice of Removal RACES!
RACES. At Juan Franco Park.
PACIFIC THEATRE TO NIGHT The Public is hereby notified that the SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner 16th Street West. Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. The new premises are well equipped for turning out the best class of work Tomorrow, Sunday 18th Universal Special Attraction Offering EDITH ROBERTS SATURDAY DEC, 17th Episodes ll and 12 of In WHITE YOUTH.
the goods boor The Vanishing Dagger NEXT WEEK FEATURING and with Bu: the Our Famous EDDIE POLO PHOTOGRAPHS AS CHRISTMAS GIFTS Remember your friends with your photograph this year and they will remember you as long as the photograph lasts.
Continuation of The Vanishing Dagger In His Adventurers races Soses. S0SSS 25XSXSSX90 The Program ir tomorrow race meet at Juan Franc Park consists of nine events, but bine events that bid fair to make these races the ne plus ultra of anything yet seen here in the shape of a race meet. The Killi puts are all in fine fet le, and the minor lilliputs are there with to deliver, and in goodly nud.
There are two selling races in which old and weil kcown friends of Isthmian turtites will face the starters to cover themselves glory reinforce the lining of their back ers pockets sensation of the day will be the Interne tional Races the third and sixth when the importe Equadorean and Jamaican thoroughbreds will a ect to contest for supremacy These two events alone should make it worthwhile cancelling all other dates to be at the race track tomorrow.
The foregoing is, without a doubt, proof positive that the gentlemen forming the Panama Jockey Club are determined to at no obstacles nor to count any costs nor allow let orhin.
drance to their energies when it comes to satisfying the racing public and give it real This is the right spirit, and the public should recipro cate to its manifestation by giv.
ing its unstinted supp and encouragement in order to en able these gentlemen to attain the ideal for which they are striving: to make racing on the Isthmus second to none.
Successful Concert stop Our Photographs are Permanent Have that long delayed photo which you promised your friend so often MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO The coolest in the city where you are certain of the best attention.
XMAS BARGAINS Toys! Toys! Toys!
IN sport support Day and Night Photographs SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
NOW BEING SOLD AT SACRIFICE AT Dave Cardoze Store Central Avenue opposite the Cathedral Church AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE Don miss this collection of Toys cheap.
reflected for for give their your il Boa ties the 30 in the end a CRICKET causing them to lose the match by 89 rune. We would remark here that Bri It ought not to be passed over tannie had been boasting that with their in silence that the Secolar Conopportunity to get a fine Britannic Receives Severe bowling strength Surrey would not make cert which wis staged at the La Boca 30 against them, but the tables were Clubhouse Wednesday Lacing at the Hands of turned. They could not make 30 against night last under the auspices of Surrey.
the unplayable bowling of Eloock and the teachers and scholars of St.
Blackman, Not one of them was lucky Peter Church, Sunday School, enough to reach doub e figures.
was a pronounced success. Every Woodie Proves Hero of the available seat in the large audi TOMORROW GAME.
torium was cccupied. Precisely Ingraiitnde Is Worst Than CHURCH SERVICE BRITAIN SONG Day Gives Great Batting Dis Britannie vs. Vincentian at Standard at o clock the Rev. MulA Crime.
Oval (American Episcopal Church)
play and along with Blackcare took th chair, and heartily welcomed the audience in a brief Fourth Sunday in Advent By Gerard Smith, of British man Bowls Sensationally. Serious and Striking and pity manner. The program Editor of The WORKMAN.
Christ Church by the Sea Honduras.
Coaf which of forty five items the Warning to 30 sm, Parish Communion; 10 a.
Sir. as chief Executive of the Last Sunday, at the Standard Oval, Credit alike on teachers and Guachapali Chapter No. 14 of the Litany; 10 30 a. High Mass and get Th y died to make th: world secure.
the Surrey and Britannic Clubs met in a scholars. You should have heard and C. and on be Confirmation class; 30 Evensong Uakaown? Who says, who dare proclama mon 230 Holy Baptism; p.
Sportsman League game. This game some of the little tots of my Cabinet and had been the talk of the Isthmus dear and sermon.
this nice addresses and sing their members, of So months and fans from all over the loHe is unknown, the soul that God colossal EDWARD COOPER. Rector. Exaleth above any name thmus longed to see the day when the Cable reports a beautiful songs and choruses. catholic, and cosmopolitana two clu would met. In the first half speech delivered November 24th. Special mention must be made movement. now take this me St. Peter Church La Boca. And honours? From the lonely and wboa tay mat, to all appearances, Sur. by Marquis Carzon, British Fore of Master Grenvill Walks, who dium of assuring you that, Holy Communion 30 am Morning Triumph satly, his body goas Tey would have wo they had only ign Minister, in which one of the caried off the bacon as the ora gratituous and extensive pubil Prayer and addrees at 11 a, m, Sunday To rest in Britain sacred fade.
tive wames core time to play. Since most serious warnings was detor of the evening. The house cation, of this Chapter activi School at p. Evensong and sermon le suffered all the warrior woes, ties, in this its coi good. livered ever addressed by then Britannie in going 80 48 ben its epochalcide, have the was brought down by Misses and Surrey showing so mediocre, that Foreign Minister of one nation Woodruffe and Evans by the met the unanimous appreciation at 30 pm, MULCARE. Rector.
Ho gave his life but not in vain: Weary and worn be faltered not: Elcook and Challenor down easily, and warned France that if she pur they rendered their the opinion got about that get Thomas to another friendly nation. He compelling manner in which of our entire membership.
Surrey would be beaten. No wonder sued and isolated and individual titled My Rosebud ano, en ening to your personal senti. St. Barnabas Church, Empire He did his bit and did it well; ments expressed at the unveiling Matins and Holy Communion at 11, He kept his vigil, held his spot where were present to see the bastle banjure herself and not Germany, a dialogue composed by one of unawed of contradiction, that the im, p. Sunday School; Evensong and And yielded nought but life. The knell ther:fore that fans from Colon and else policy she would in the long run Getting square with Harry. of our Charter, one must decide de sermon 30 to.
twen the two clube, The greatest and fail to protect herself, Peace our local talents for a party of pill of hallucination had been St Bartholomw Church, Is but glorious trumpet blast crowd that has been seen on a cricket will never be achieved it one lads, created side splitting freely imbibed, by not only of Justice triumph over wrong.
as newspaper march on laughter for nearly twenty five you man Las Cascadas ground for the yar was seen last Sun: Power tries to steal but viour the other, and to conclude an ar minutes. But the chief stunts of day at Sandard Oval, and the behaviour The present to the trying past also by a great many 11 a, m, Morning Prayer and address. Pays tribute in Victor song.
was unique. The wicket, which was in rangement on its own account, the Sailor boys of our professional brothers 30 Sunday School.
good condition during the week, safety of France lies bye not in Ramay Bam Back to men and prominent business WAS 7, 30 pm Evening Prayer and address. Enshrined amidst his peers and kings Neverthe partly spoiled by a great downpour of her own strength, but in the Monkey into the of our community His body rosts in quiet peace, is MULCARE. Priet in charge.
rain the Saturday evening previous, so it it confidence of the world. She audience by a dozen live wire less let us realize that this From all the dross of mortal things sur could not succeed in a revengeful lads. Every body. young and St. Paul Church, Panama.
and old, the time, and positively so when was no wonder that Britannic sent Sur. coul rey in when they were lucky enough to policy towards Germany would big and little got electrified by am, Holy Communion, His spirit wings its gls release, greatness should be Dombined rey not be allowed isolated action to these stunts.
win the toe, Capt, DeSousa Misses simplicity of It is the nation soul ve sea.
10 m, The Litany, Sarrey 10:30 a. Holy Eucharist, and ser This symbol of Great Britain Bust Bent Thomas and John in to fac) the a frustrate the work of the nations Evans, Stella Ne Jacks. Ena manners, and intellectual culture na ishould He indicated Woodruff, Estelle tack of Zack Blackmin and Maxwell at Warmament could not strengthen and mou.
Shall live throughout Eternity; that be Lydia Holder alternately pressing movement for the people of the moral virtues.
Garveyism is. p Sunday School, From north and youth, from east and as If Surrey was in for another 30 m. Evensong and sermon.
An ed at the pianoi si. Christmas Services will bs as follows: In three overs John, Thomas and Sam one nation or by two or three to be onde narked ability to of Christmas Eve (12 o clock midnight) Mortals shall worship at this shrine Blackman werd sent back to the pavili nations.
nations. Otherwise their sacrilt 10. 45 o clock when the Peter by the deserprise that shall never be wip earth. Holy Communion and sermon; Christ and pay their homage full and fres on for only runs, and things take this opportumas day 10 30 a. Holy Eu sharist and to this myre man of birth divine, ooked fices may be made useless. He chairman announced that he had Therefore for Surrey. Elcook then plainly indicated that Germany reached the end of the planeta extending a hearty invi. rermon, p. m, Carol Service, 30 pm. Who died for us for you and me gloomy indeed for had nity of joined Harding was playing good was to be brought back then thanked the tation to every Negro and Ne Choral Evensong and sermon, a game, and runs began to come fairly peaceful member of the Inter for their kinde patronage, ex gress of this city, and suburbs, He hung upon the Nations cro88; NIGH TENGALE, Vicar fast, Harding was soon bowled by ford and his place was filled by Archer, and said that no policy of retali concert had been staged, and His blood was spilt to set men free: to spacious auditorium St. Alban s, Paraiso.
It was at this stage tiat runs Game Guachapali 21st a zation or revenge would ba tole: asked them to unite in singing situated in His death ie counted gsia not los, will, the two batsmen Eloock 11 a. m, Mattins and address, To us and all posterity.
Archer completes ronstefed the bowling My country tis of thee and street recently called the Local p. m, Sunday School, and made runs fre ly. Eleook per but delivered a speech that has Government House of the He spoke for only half an hour, God save the king. on the Isthmus of Pajama 30 Evensong and address.
his there you will The members will make their Christ The president made a special club je a crucial time, but wo doubt if Stirred the Government of France British Consulate Notice of Garveyism preached, there mas Communion on Christmas Day at appeal to the members to work 11 a.
be ble ever played better cricket in bio tremendously.
harder for the welfare of the you will meet an open Forum life. He has made higher score but.
there you shall find good will to. St. George s, Gatun. Society especially as to membernot prettier cricket. At 33 he gaves The Acting British Consul all and malice ship.
very difficult chance to Joe Hill at long The following program was 11 a. Mattins and address, tioned persons, who have report. Realizing that when Constanoff, and was out rendered 3p. Sunday School. run out. The Surrey. finished 165 Bolivar Street ed the loss of their Jamaica tine espoused Christianity the 30 Evensong and address, Select Readings from McFadPermit and Treasury Receipt, first essential of his administratheir innings for 118 runs. The princiken viewpoint onCOLON pal ecorers we:e Eleosk 39. Archer 21, at the British Consultion was Freedom of Speech, AF, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge The Mystery of Death Challenor 16, and Harding 15. After Wishing you continued success Miod lacking balance if you the usual recess Britannics took their Misa Miriam Lawrence John Mitchell in the periodical field and to furstand at the wicket, and made a fair Rebecca Morris Ernest Lee ther assure you of our whole. Regular Meeting of the ignore Health.
Helen Steele Drunk with Money by Mr.
opening, Surrey lost three wickets before Cecil James Black hearted support this Guachapali McFadden Health and 10 runs were on the tips and Britannie Alma Gale George Gayle Chapter No. 14 has decided to DeBourgh.
had up 10 before a wicket was lost. At Ellen Haynes Alfred Donaldson back the WORKMAN. 3341 Educational Club. Song Come where my love 11 Trotman got run out, and it Augustus Vassel strong.
lies dreaming by Mr. Barnes.
then that Blackman and Elcock tightenDuplicate documents will be Thanking you for space, regular meeting of the McDeading. Things to be remed their girchs, and the two of them put handed to remain, the above named Just in for the Intelligence by Fadden Health and Educational embered on down the finest bit of bowling we have persons on their furnishing Your Obedient Servant Club was held at the Red Tank Mr. Palmer. JOSEPH GADSBY, Clubhouse on Thursday 15th Club meets every Thursday, President, instant night all are invited.
with social and defeat. example could not be set by West, ets rising acee stars VOnations regathering of Nations plained the object for which the retard le sou et abaei care dedimo and rated, BRITISH PHARMACY tha se grind het anderen en monos towards would call Colon: Xmas Cards, Toys Toilet Articles Colin Ralph Allwood much toutea Britannie for 20 ruw; thur Season Greetings anys factory proof of their iden W88


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