
LAQE TWO TE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1821 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands DI ALBOA EST EER REWED meent And a and it is ther turtle and had ochtog goes on to in town or engine; there abroad.
the Barbados of keeping many American tour acribed to the Government ists away.
five million was 842. 550.
Since the departure of Dr.
Barbados Produces Barbados Wants No Direc engaged on an investigation tor of Public Works. the incidence of filaria among Mystery Ship.
the Aboriginal Indians of the North Wast, the work of the The Barbados Globe states Filaria Commission has been Disaster Attends Launch that both branches of the Legis carried on says the Argray, by lature were in session on the Dr. Anderson.
Ing Ceremony 22nd ulto, when important matters received attention in who has been on a tour of inHis Excellency Cecil Clementi, Bankruptcy Flat Filed Against the House of Assembly, the spection of the Nörth West Dis: message on the sub trict, a region which is greater Owner.
ject of the appointment of a than the combined area of JaDirector of Public Works was maics, Trinidad Barbados and According to the Barbados discusssed and turned down, the the Windward and Leeward Globe there was a deal of talk in House preferring the appoint Islands but has population of that colony in connection with Manager of the Water Workery 000 souls, states in an inof only an Engineer the successful launchinge otse Department who should be this district is more suitable for terview given to the an Arg y that dale, Bank Hall Road, and was Civil Engineers with special any other part of the Colony.
plane which was built at Avon. member of the Institution of settlement by imigrants than taken therefrom by the unknown qualifications at a salary not and builder in a cart to Paynes Bay exceeding 1, 000 per annum and tively accessible by roads. Fur is now at last compara during the early hours of Sun Superintendent of Public surveys are in progress as day morning, 13 Nov. where in Works. also a member of the the resuit of which it is hoped the act of turned Institution of Civil Engineers at that overland communications to be abandoned. a salary not exceeding 600.
may be established with the The paper to say great highways of the Colony the builder is said to be a Mr.
as they may exist today. Mr.
Harry Williams, a Canadian who Clementi is convinced that the Demerara came out with his wife a few future of the Dis rict should be months ago. She returned agricultural and that the inhabiCanada and he set about building tants will do well to put their that seaplane in secrecy. Fit.
Postal Rates Increased. laith in limes, coffee and rice tings and necessaries were obrather than gold or oil tained ffrom dealers NOTICE.
with whom regular settlements Demerara, November 24. At Wanted it known that have were made, and labour was en a meeting of the Court of Policy Jamaica reduced the prices to pre war Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. gaged for satisfactory wages. yesterday a motion to increase prices an all classes of repair The mystery boat is said to have the postal rates as follows was work; ask to see my price list teada capable carried. Letters to the British of being worked by before taking your work else.
New Kingston Judge.
Were Aapire, the United States of where, have also on band in GO TOJTHE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE America and His Majesty electric appliances throughout forces serving For Dec. 8th, 1921. His Honour my new shoe department, high and when taken to Paynes Bay ounce four cents. Each addi. Mr. Orpen »sident Magis: class ladies, gents, and children To trate for Manchester has been shoes at reasonable prices, also When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit(complete. to be launched was said to coo; tional ounce three cents tain sufficient of gasoline and other other places abroad: For one appointed Judge of the Kingston fine upper leathers and shoe hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
stores to last about four weeks. ounce six cents. Each addition Court by His Excellency the materials for sale.
builder and owner has not al ounce three cents. For other Governor.
been seen since Tuesday last, classes to places abroad. Post Death of Beatrice Langley, Pan American Shoe Repair, Co.
a has been filed against him, cents; printed ech the ant Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller It is with regret we have to Corner of East 12th Street and ship seized as also the furniture Commercial each two ounces two cents papers each papers each to re copy the news of the sad Plaza de Arango at the deserted home, all two demise of Beatrice Langley of Ounces (min. centa) two cents, late of the Isthmus, which will be sold at auction for samples and patterns each two died on Dec 7th at her residence who FICE Prop. Address: MULLER BUILDING the benefit of his creditors. ounces (min. cente) two cents No. Myer Street Jones Pen: Registration fee six centa Advanco delivery registered ar and was buried on the 8th CALIDONIA ticles cente.
at the May Barbados Island.
Pon Cemetery, Advertise In The Work Rest in Peace. wie man It pays. Police Station.
in Jamaica Many of the par represent it. The Acting Colo In an account in Nahre by The weather has been remarkents teach thoir childnen to nial cretary Mr. RN WOthy Glengoffe, Dec, 6th. Inspector Prof. Stanley Gardiner, able for the time of the year, believe in it, Instances of the seaded the resolution. Tbe ot Prof, Nutting Report and there have been several Scotter of Spanish Town visited JUAN ILLEUGA prevalence of the belief among Hon. Member for Portland Mr.
on the Barbados Antigua Expe amall showers during the course the District yesterday with children are oncou tered in the Ffrench, movad an dition of 1917, the following refe of ouch 24 hours. On the East view of finding location for a schoolroom. The offort of the mondment to the resolution rence is made to Little England Co Coast 14 or 15 inches of rain police station which the authori.
to establish bore Attorney. at. Law teacher to Barbados Island Itselt is tho havo fallen, as compared with ties expect fight superstition Municipal Corpo to nought by ratlon should consist of ex officio, brought Frase sometime in the coming year.
the most eastern of Antilles, and an inch for the No. 44 Central Avenue. the bad examples set at home one fourth arth nominated members although now consisting largely The Ballef In Obeah.
by there parents Our corres not baing governmant officials of elevated coral and limestone Job 108 period last year. Sir Harrison points out that in Sehoolmaster writing on TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 pondent next points out that and the o: her half elected memrocks, contains the remains of the Agricultural Department there are some people who bers. He moved that amandland connecting it in early Terrainfall records, which extended the 28th November to the Daily Practices in all Courts of are said to guard themsel elves ment in the best interests tiary times to South America. from 1846, the present year is Gleaner and which we have re.
Panama and their children, as protection representative Government It was then sunk to great depths the only one with a record of copied says that the practice in from evil influence of neigh cause he felt that to leave and overlaid with beds of ooze, nearly inches in the first fort.
ob3ah is increasing considerably English Spoken Fluently bour or from that of spirits. management of such a mammoth Barbados earth. noted for their night of October. No serious Silver rings are generally undertaking in th: hands of a radiolaria damage, however, to cultivation used for this purpose.
winters The uplift raised the is reported as a result of this purely elected body it of bottom In conclusion Our corrospon wreck that body inside six high enough for co exceptional rainfall.
rals to thrive and subsequeat ele.
dent refers to the case which however far this may have been The best Tonic in the World months and would deal a blow.
The negotiations between the are responsible for the Government and Major Cochranrecently took place at Harrison from the desires of the GovernTown near Ocho Rios when effects so apparent in Patrick, of the Bermuda and a shopkeeper named Lewis who ment in bringing forward the the topography of the present West Atlantic, Aviation Co. with was labouring under the belief scheme, to representative inland. The island is is about 21 by that he had been obeahed by an would be said; Here they clam view the latter bringing one anstitutions, in this island. It 14 miles, and has now a popula. of his machines that have been This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend went to the tion of nearly 200, 000. All is engaged in oil prospecting in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, latter shop and stabbed him to oured for this thing we gave it to cultivated, and land collecting death as well as another Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up man them and now the Government has hence little likely to yield Venezuela to the Colony to give of results of much value. The ex seem likely to be successful.
who had witnessed his wiful bave to step in and appoint a a run down constitution.
deed. Our correspondent points om Commissioner.
ned time peution, Indeed, mainly concen.
In addition to the concession It promotes digestion, improves the appeto Christ as the only help in the dissolved and a Parochial Board misfortunes of this world; they weaken representative in more striking animals of differ mentioned in the last Circillar the tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
he maintained ent groups are described; the Sugar Planters Association are Government dible requesting possible ise forins a gu. de which will also DOSE: One smali Wine glass before each meai or alue to future workers. Control, for a guarantee to for the creation of a the times a day.
manage the undertakings. They general variety of life is in. Bank against loss on advances teresting, but uniformity of all to estates, and for the suspen.
At the December Session of out move step by step and tropical marine life in the coral the Legislative Council held on cautiously. They should nou reef regions of the world is (still Sea Defence Loans in respect sion of the sinking funds for tne 7th inst. the Attorney Genake any step that would weaken eral the Hon. Wells Dar, with all due deference to the more striking; indeed, Professor of 1921 22 representative institutions but rant, C; moved the fol: Government he would tell them Nutting description would aplowing: That in the opinion of Gove ply almost equally well to faunas As the result of the recent Council it would tend of that if such a resolution to the were from similar grounds off Ceylon, protracted control of rice, which more efficient and economical ad adopted it would be a set back to Seychelles, or Fiji.
formed the subject of represen ministration of affairs and to imrepresentative institutions.
mittee this year, the industry is proved sanitary conditions if the Drainage Scheme For Bar in a critical state. IT PAYS following bodies, namely. Proceeding Mr. Firench said the bados.
of farmers led by Rev. an inter The Kingston General Com new body might be dissolved in was granted an missioners; 2, the Mayor and six months, Council of Kingston; and 3, the Voices: N3, no.
Mr. Howard Humphrey re Clementi on October 11th, when Parochial Board of the Parish of Continuing Mr. Ffrench said port on a drainage scheme for it was pointed out that farmers CALLE No St. Andrew were dissolved and yes. They had seen the City Bridgetown is now published. were unable to meet the adthe powers, rights, duties and Council, the Parochial Board of The estimated cost of the pro vances already made to them by obligations now conferred, vest St. Andrew, the Parochial Board ed and im posed upon posed work is 43 822, and it is the merchants, that owing to PRIVATE ACADEMY said of St. Catherine dissolved, poit ted out that a city which is the unremunerative price that seyeral bodies were transferred not once, but more than once. He bad combination to and vested in a of dense central paddy was fetching, further corporation to English classes congestion and long straggling advances were not forthcoming the affairs be called The suburbs can never be drained and that without assistance the Kingston try and he knew what he was St. Andrew very economically. Mr. Hum coming crop could not be reaped poration and to be established were brought about because men saying and these dissolutions pbreys thinks that, in spite On His Excellency suggestion For Young Ladies 6 by law, and further thateconomic depression, it will the farmers are submitting conwere elebted to sit on the Boards Muinicpal AND FOR BOYS 7 Corpora not having the qualifications at pay to take a forward step in crete proposals to the Govern tion be a purely election. That was his reason for the matter of drainage at once, ment as to the form the relief body. b) for the purpose of its opposing a corporation of purely Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
as although it is well known that should take, and it is understood establishment the parishes of elected members Barbados has the finest climate that the Government will grant Kingston and St. Andrew should BURTON, in the West Indies, the know assistance through the Loan be divided into wards, each ters in the resolution he would like There are certaln other mat ledge that sanitary matters have Banks.
ward being entitled to have a been neglected has had the effect on October 19th, the total subcertala number of councillors to (Continued on Page That such are les than an corres of Je Ibe in end fora would vations are terraced VIGOR TONIC Every they stitutions and that it would not be New Municipal Corpora hoht on get the right men to the of a Sugar Board had JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
this Advertise in the Workman Voices: No, no.
deputation Burgan, is Excellency Cecil municipal watched the coup of Cor(a) such should elected


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