
TAE WORKMAN SATURDY, DECEMBER 24. 1921, PAGE THREE LOOK OUT FOR Our Large and varied fissortment of Standard Oval! Standard Oval!
Garden Party December 24 26 GRANDEST ON RECORD Misses Christmas New Year Cards Which is Expected soon AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY drene georgette crepe with When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Stock of Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
to and Panama Banking Company Wedding Bells Wedding Solemnization. very pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Joseph Church, Colon, on Wednesday, November 30th, when Mr. Rupert Anderson of Jamsics, ani no resident of Colon, ww joined in holy matrimony to Mise Adelina Heron, dough er of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Heron her The ceremony was performed.
by the Reverend Father Burns Mr. Guton acted bästman, and Mis Blanbe Heron, sister of the bride acted bridesmaid.
Ines Bolt and Myrtle Bailey played the part of flower girls. The other guests were: Mrs. Gaston, Mr.
Amusements of all Kinds ond Mr. James Law noe, M, M, Bourse, Mr.
Minze, Mer. and Me Bernie Mie Jo Samuels, MUSIC DANCING ETC. ETC.
South Gordon, Pusin, Sures, and Jones, Merre: Fred Samuels, Pilt, and Fisher, Prescott, Peixotto, Fey, Greenwood, Lewis, Ellis, Electrical Display a Specialty and McLennan.
Precisely at pm. the bride! en ered the Church resting on the arm of her COSTUME CONTEST ETC. ETC.
father and wearing beautiful of Georgette and Charmeuse, with orange ossoms, and nea rpearls on her head, and carrying a lovely bouquet, The chief bridesmaid was attired in WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP pink and blue georg but to match.
After the impressive marriage COMPANY LTD.
ceremony the bride, groom and gues journeyed to the home of the bide parents where the reception Dear Sir:was held and many good things par: taken of sufficient it is to mention the am pleased to inform you that an at an.
10 story cake which was the bandiwork of Mrs. Melhado. Toasting and dane nual general meeting of the shareholders of the ing were indulged in till the wee small West Indian Steamship Company heid at this hours of the next day, Office on the 1st inst. a large gathering of Mr, and Mrs. Anderson are highly members of the organization were present and esteemed by the community, and were rbe recipients of many useful and enthusiastic speeches were made in support of 00 lly presents. After the reception the furtherance and development of the Comthe happy couple left for their residence te spend their honeymoon.
pany. The members in a body voted confidence in the administration, and pledged their wholeConcert Was Booming Suc hearted support cess.
It was also smaul randy igre. Allered The long looked for entertainment of shareholder will advanca bis barn y pan EAD the Loyal Isle of Springs Lodge No ing mora stock so as to enable u al one to 8150, 1, 00 F, U, F8, came off on Sunday Dec December procure and put afloat our large steamer con.
11th, 1921, with booming duccess, the weather was indeed templated for the conveyance of freight and fine, which permited a large attendance passengers to the ports agreed upon in our whose conduct was excellent.
The gram was a lengthy one, much praise prospectus to the representatives of.
You are therefora, respectfully requested Interesting Items. the various Lodges who lived up to the specification of the evening also, to the not only to act in conformity with the decision Choir for their melodious songs of the shareholders who were present by.
wa The report of the Committee Ages? rendered by Mrs. Maynard of La dues a solo entitled Rock of doubling your purchase of stock yourself, but a Government as to the proposals Boca: There is also much praise to be that you will induce every man, woman and recently put forward in connec attributed to the Chairman (Mr. A, tion with the Development of the Turner) well known of this city child in your locality to come forward and join Economic Resources of that Col whose hands the occasion res:et, b) with us. Hoping to hear from you soon.
ony, recommend the strengthen in his masterly form brought the fine ing of the research stat the tion to a final ccess The officers and remain, provision of laboratories the Loyal Isle of Springs Yours truly, and bungalows, the estab, beg to tender their thanks and appro.
lishment of one or two rice mills, ciation to all for their attendance SMITH, Secretary.
experiments in the conduct. and promis: a treat of a simi.
cultivation of sugar and its ex lar nature in the near future, traction, and of cotton. tariff protection for rice is also advoca Paraiso Clubhouse.
ted. The report does not recom District Court of the mend any immediate action as grand Christmas programme will be regards che es ablishment of an conducted by the Paraiso Community Canal Zone, agricultural college, Club at this Cubhouse commencing Sunday, December 25th. at 3:30 The strength of the East In a which time a regular community con NOTICE.
dian community in Trinidad has cort will beſrendered. The prog amme will been further demonstrated by be a chui se one. imission free masted to seal FRED PAY COLSON, Plaintiff the appearance of another jour. Mon lay, night December 28th, at 7:30 nal published in its midst. This sharp. Christmas Cratata will be in the delicious is The East Indian Patriot, which staged; accompanied by good music. Ad MARIE COTSON, Defendant, is to be devoted to the social, in mission 25 cents. Refreshmants served tellectual, and moral advance froe, Burley flavorCivil, No. 395 ment of the entire community, Children treat at 9:30 after the Can.
To Marie Colson, Defendant: You and will be largely edited of the tata.
are required to enter your appearance in people, by the people, and for the above eatitled Court, at Cristobal.
the people It is noteworthy Tuesday the 27th. special Christmas Canal Zone, in an action of Annulment that Sarran Teelucksingh, moving picture show. Everything conbrought against you by the above named its managing editor, Mr. Bhar ducted by the Paraiso Comnunity Club, plaintiff, and to answer the complaint at Gobin, its business editor.
The Pubiie is urged to join us in therein, a copy thereof attached to and Mr. Abdul Gany, its trea making this a Jolly Christm around copy of the rummons in said action bav.
surer, are all members of the Paraiso ing been mailed to you at your place of West India Committee. With a residence, to wit; 125, 122nd str. New declared circulation of 1, 000, our Installation Yord City, on or before Feburary 6th.
latest contemporary, whose ap 1922 pearance we welcome, has made Last Saturday night, Court Minerva And you are further notified that if a good start, No. 9284, installed officers you fail to appear and answer the said for the ensuing term, January June; the complaint as above required, the plaintiff will take judgement against you by deThe weekly newspaper Pales. house was well decorated with bunting, fault and demand from the Court to tine, announces that the London flags and flowers; several visiting brothers firm of Pearson Son Ltd, from sister Courts assisted in the insal relief prayed for in his said complaint.
contractors for public works, lation ceremonies.
CIGARETTE Dated at Cristobal, Canal Zone, this has secured a contract to con The following form the ministra fifth day of December 1921.
struct harbour works at Haifa, tion: CAMPBELL on the Syrian Coast involving an Bros. Alves Gerald of 10, 000, 000, Bud, CR; John McDonald, TreaAsst. Clerk District Court.
which the firm will advance to surer; Marshall, Secretary; Me the Palestine Government as Laod, Cufley, Mitchell. Take Notice loan. In return the firm will re Noel, 2. Alexander and varied assortment of Christ ceive several concessions, in the Samuel Church. Trustees.
port, The work is expected to After the ceremony was over the loopery?
mas New Year Cards are be coin pleted in four years, when brothers retired to the banqueting hall, sale at the Workman Officer Haifa will be the most important where they partook of the good things port on the coast.
provided for the occasion.
ROOMS TO LET Dr. LORD WILKINSON Panama Loss is Lascascadas and HOWELL Gain CALLE No CONTRACTOR BUILDER Dentists Claud Joseph has transfered his First Class Workmanship Billard and Soda Fountain Busines PAPLY ON PREMISES CENTRAL AVX.
Plans and Specifications Free from Panama to Lascascadas, where he ste Dr. Bailey Office)
has opened a Recreation Hall for the Advertise in The Wor The 15th Street West House benefit of the people of Culebra, Empire.
Latest in Crowd and Box 411, Panama, sad Lasonscadas.
man It Pays.
Bridgework. BRANDON BANK)
in חר SECURITY SERVICE members ment and and Calon (Founded 18. Panama and further Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford un.
questioned security for every dollar deposited with this bank It General Banking Business Transacted VS NATHANIEL BRANDON BRANDON IRAAO BRANDON President Vian President Treasurer Mr.
Advertise in the Workman It Pays, De WITT PILLS THE HOME DOCTOR LUCKY STRIKE expenditure on Kidney and Bladder Troubles always warn you of their presence in various physical disorders noticeable among which are: TIRED, WEARY AND DEPRESSED FEELINGS, DIZZINESS HEADACHES, BACKACHES, SIDEACHES, PAINS AND SOMETIMES SWELLINGS IN FEET AND JOINTS, IRRITATION OF BLADDER, BURNING SENSATION, WEAK AND LAME BACK, IRREGULARITY OF URINE OFTEN WITH BAD COLOUR AND SEDIMENTS, As no other Medicine Jis as good as DeWitt Pills, start with it right now and watch results Shun imitation and see that LONDON is on each bottle purchased CITY PHARMAY, 129 Central Ave.


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