
Streets MONDAY DECEMBER 26: 10 Three Obe 25e.
14 ау Attractive Races. reJamaican Ecuadorian THOROUGHBREDS item entitled STEWART Commercial Evening School alize the Before a rather small audience ablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALROND, WI the onio Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters at Liberty Hall of the Gascha and corner of Street Panama of public interest tovited.
pali Chapter No. 14, at the cor PP All copy for publication must te ser of 21st and 12th of October At Globe Trotters Box 74. Panama Juan Franco Park written on one side of paper only, and ATRS OP SUBSCRIPTIOS. 40 cy the writer, not necessarily for public and minstrel stunts, on Satur mus de accompanied by the name of Comedy Troupe of Colon renderOce Year a unique program of comedy Six Months a. 20 tlon but as smark of good faith.
day evening December 17th 60e. We do not undertake to return 1921 which kept the house in erejected orrespondence roars of laughter from begin ping to end. The small attend Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS ance was due bowever, to showers of rain that fell through SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1921.
out the evening but those who were fortunate enough to be present went away feeling MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! throughly satistied and quest that the show be staged GOOD EVENTS. again.
The first item on the program was an opening chorus by the BETWEEN No season of the year brings joy more and stirs the heart troupe entitled In a little front with a more amorous thrill than Yuletide when the Chris. Parlour and was followed by a tian world opens up the heart in mirthful happiness and steen minute minstrelsy in sends wishes of good cheer all around to family and friend, Messrs Thornbill and Howell Miss and alike. This is the key note of Christmas, and it gives to participated causing the house to the tune of life a pitch of the most rhapsodic al height and be in a uproar; song entitled enriches its song with a melodious harmony that seeks to Don take away those blues approximate the first Christmas carol chat came from the was the next on the celestial sphere and warbled its enchantment over a entitled Dangerous Blues by and was followed by a quartette program groaning earth that was long waiting for the heavenly the Harmony Four. This proved This is the last program for the year and promises message, GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND to be a great hit for it was ON EARTH, PEACE TO MEN OF GOOD WILL. loudly encored. Another to be the most attractive ever seen on the Isthmus.
which caused loud applause and For almost two thousand years the civilized world end encores was song has been singing the song that came from the lips of the Love Me by Miss Trotman.
SOS angels on the first Christmas morning, and through this on the whole the entire program long and eventful stretch of history in which nations and was well rendered and too much President Gadbsy individuals have tried to inculcate the glories of the praise cannot be given this com. Continued from page 1)
beavenly benediction amidst struggles and battles with pany which is composed of all negroes and members of the the imps and fiends of hell by whom the passions and Universal Negro Improvement discontent and confusion, marr tempers of humanity have been swayed, the faithful fol Association.
ing the pathway of man. The lowers of the Babe of Bethlehem have never failed to Arrangements have been com: world experience a change? Not voice goes on. when shall this magnify Him as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. pleted for the company to stage unt There has never been in the life of the nations in the another show in the same ball until we shall have learnt to do on the night of January 10ch the unto all men as we would that past a more sincere effort to establish the Peace which the when all should make it their they should do unto us not unheavenly host prcolaimed at the birth of the Redeemer duty to attend. The the Upper Tens learn to company give up and give back, that tban at the present time when International Conclaves, has promised to give a banner which is not theirs; not until CLASSES IN Round Table Conferences, League of Nations, Limitation programme on this occasion and Africa shall hava been redeemed, of Armaments Conference, Treaties of the Big Threes, and their slogan is you cant the Big Fives, Religious Federations, Inter church Agree are now on sale, the cost is fifty earth, shall hear, and heed the come. Tickets not until the inhabitants of this Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. ments, Charitable Institutions, Educational Movements cents for reserved seats, and words of our Lord and Savior and the Psycho Analytical doctrines of recent discovery twentyave cents for general ad. Jesus Christ, just a little before all tend to awaken in the consciences of men and empires mission.
the desire for the demonstration of good will based on the 51 16th STREET WEST He gave His disciples their last new commandment eternal principle of universal brotherhood.
Governor Issues Circuiar give unto you, that ye love one PANAMA CITY As we stand on the threshold of this great festival at Re Renting of Quarters another Then and only then which time every civilized heart pulgates with joy and inbabitants of ter on Canal Zone. restial hemisphere realiza cheer the great;lesson to be learned and remembered is that meaning of that Angelic it was the love of the Almighty for mankind that caused the Host Incarnation of His Most Blessed Son through whom this rokardy this weeke Governor Mor: Peace wherearth and good will row issued an Executive Circular towards men. Fellow men bid love became known to earth in all its richness and fullness. in conformity with the Executive EVERY WORKMAN And it is on account of this manifestation of the Father Order dated December 3rd 1921. you go on support the A, that hope came to a world that was once de rk and which governs the assignment of Jand its allied corporations buy Comes home at times with a lame back, sore muscles or bruised sorrowful quarters and the collection the Negro World bay the Workman of and to this ead beg to extend bands Don endure it get raliet and sleep soundly and comfortably rents there for, effective January Perhaps, it is most opportune to mention here that 1, 1922.
to all members of the Race and DR. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC vers of Negro Freedom the great appreciation of this mystery of the centuries by The circular, which contains MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a will give you quick, permanent relief. You can go to work next all races should be shown in the harmony, equity and jus nearly three and a balf times the healthy PROSPEROUS morning feeling good as now.
tice that should exist among them. There should be no proverbial 14 points (or clau: NEW YEAR. With Keep a bottle handy always in case of accidents.
march preaching of doctrines of hate or distrust among the child. ses. definitely states that rent wishes for our onward DR. TICHE ren of the King whose love and goodness are showered down occupled by all gold employees will be charged for all quarters NOR ANTISEPTIC cures, dobie iteh, cuts, bruises, sprains JOSEPH GADSBY, Try it.
on all alike and for whom this wide world was made of the Panama Canal; the Pana President.
of the Guachapali Chap All drug stores have it.
Every race and every nation, like every individual has a ma Railroad, other departments ter No. 14, A, place and a part to play on the grand programme of the of the United States Govern world affaire; and it is only by reciprocal love and mutual who may be permitted to occupy and or others Panama, cootractors, understanding based on the unshakable foundation of quarters in the Canal Zone, such uniou in the Incarnate Word that this programme of as non employees of Govern Four Members Expelled heaven can be truly worked out.
ment or Railroad whose work is from the Men of every shade of Christian belief and practice, But it is made clear that strictly of every political color and trend, of every bue and custom ters will be rented to these latter quar. TO ALL CONCERNED: should understand that they are all the products of the only when available, that is to Triumphant Star Lodge, No. 28, The Officers and members of same creative fiat, the same Eternal Order, the same ori say when there are no Canal ap: U, M, 246, Street ginal stock; and that they are sustained by the same plicants for them. Also such en Guachapali, Panama City, beg to IN TOWN IS THIS BURNER GAS STOVEJ power of Omnipotence, the same benign influence and the assignments may be cancelled on inform all sister Lodges that same Providence everywhere, everytime and in euerything are needed for Canal or Panama the four names hereunder men.
connected with their religious, political and economic Railroad emyloyees and a sur tion have been expelled from the experiences, problems and aspirations.
charge of 100 per cent Order of Mechanism for a period One of Ninety nine years (99 years)
per effectiye Dacember 13th, 1921, of the important things of which the world bachelor quarters and 200 stands in need to day is the recognition of the truth that added to the regular rental, this the violating the constitution of all men were created equal, and that the Incarnation is the to include, however, charges for the Lodge and order.
evidence of Love and Obedience combined for the Calva electric current, fuel, ROLAND PHILLIPS PI Secty.
finu of all men, and not of a particular race, or class, or etc.
H, PHILLIPS tor. The world leaders among the races will make a dismally poor showing throughout their entire career Grand Picnic at Standard ALONZO RICKETTS Trusteo ActJOSEPH NICHOLLS Tyler for the term this great fact is not understood and expressed in the Oval.
ing Treasurar.
ONLY 00 energies and struggles.
ROBERT GEORGE, Europe, Asia, Africa and America must form a universe The Management Committee of Secretary. Pay 00 with order and 00 with monthly of unity and love in all affairs touching the life of the the Chapter have completed ar human family. The great powers must really seek to rangements to hold a grand Lodge Notice.
as bill.
abolish, not only war, but the possibilities of war; and picnic at the Standard Oval this they can do by abandoning every vestige of disurust, Monday December 26 Qui Members of the Queen Bud of suspicion and hypocrisy that stands as a stupendous impedi and it is hoped that a large crowd Panama Lodge No. 7779 PANA GAS co. AT. IGAS CO.
ment to the reign of universal peace. The white race, will be in attendance. are reminded that the nomina. vedral Plaza YOUR 13 Bolivar St.
the red, the yellow, and the negroe and all others must tion aud election of officers consign to oblivion the clinging atoms of prejudice, envy Take Notice the ensuing term takes place toTol. 798.
SERVICE Tel, 364.
and hatred that now stand out against the background varied assortment of Christ. are asked to pay up, so as to be night 24th. Members in arrears of the social order as the discordant and unharmonious on qualified for the occasion. Meettouches on the picture of variegated humanity traced on mas New Year Cards are ing starts at p. please be on buman nature by an agency, serpentine in character, base sale at the Workman Office, time.
in principle and worthless in.
WORKMAN sends out of the. energy of the great for the nations, for the families and for societies a truly buman family in general, and of our readers in particular.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, hoping that the thoughts ex Again MERRY CHRISTMAS 10 ALL.
It Pays.
real and very best of the the Zone.
The Biggest Bargain for or water, an for in plesiu tha broad spirit of general afection that the presed in this editorial may awaken response and quicken Advertise in the Workman


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