
MOROSOV Atlantic Side News MERRY CHRISTMAS AND pmmi condi from Galati heation Speaking again.
The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store we sow.
past display of forgot Colon Wesleyans Do You Want HOLD SUCCESSFUL HARVEST Royal Mail Steam Packet Co.
THANKSGIVING SERVICE Something cheap, but beautiful and lasting for a Christmas, Birthday, or Wedding Present?
Pacific Steam Navigation Co.
DO YOU WANT TO Celon, Dec. 20. The Harvest Economize in these depressing times? If so, then come to Thanksgiving services in connec tion with the Colon Wesleyan the cheapest asd best Jewelry Store in Colon FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE Church, which took place on the Call and se our novel assortment of 18th and 19th inst. were excep P. X, SILVER TEA SETS, EGG SETS, ETC. ETC.
SAILINGS FROM CRISTOBAL, a. and FROM BALBOA, NOON tionally successful The sacred edifice was adequately decorated JOHN WILLIAMSON Watchmaker Jeweler.
Sailing dates and Ports of call subject to alteration without notice.
and with the numerous gifts of 109 Bollvar Street Colon, various kinds, tastifully display REPAIRS NEATLY DONE The Company do not accept responsibility for baggage, and passen ed, presented very attractive HAPPY PROSPEROUS gers are recommended to ensure same.
appearance The preaching ser ices at 11 am and 30 pm s. Jamaica Wedgesday, December 28th for New Year were conducted by Rev, Brham MUSICIANS WANTED D, who preached very instruc Puerto. Colombia and Cartagena With the greatest appreciation tive and interesting sermons, In of your patronage and supss Orcoma Wednesday, December 28th for All musicians are invited to get satisfaction in buying their the morning using as the basis La Rochelle Pallice and Liverpool.
Striugs and accessories. lare supply of Strings for port in the past and trusting of his argument St. Matthew 6: 28 he showed how futile is for that we will merit a continu.
VIOLINS, GUITARS, MANDOLINS, BANJOS, VIOLINCELLOS. Oriana Friday, December 30th for people to worry and be unduly CLARIONET REEDS AND MOUTH PIECES, DRUM HEADS, ance of the same during tha anzious over the things they Callao, Mollendo, Arica, Igique, Antofagasta and Valparaiso Coming year.
need Ged knows what his child DIN CE PICTURE ren need, he contended, and TUNERS, BOW HAIR, ETC, ETC. Barima Saturday December, 31st for FULLER they seek the proper things first, Come and be Convinced Puntarenas, San Juan del Sur, Corinto, Amapala. Li Union, JEWELLER all things will be added. At 30 La Libertad, Acjaula, San José de Guatemala and Mr Braham electrified his NW DRUG STORE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE Charo perico. 6: reminded 5th Streets. Colon Manavi Wednesday, January for N Aarons GT; Belfor his hearers, that as it is in the Chap; T. Bonrne GW: agricultural world, so it is in the Esmeraldas, Babia. Manta, Machalilla, Manglaralto, Allman, Guardian, spiritual whatsoever a man sows, and Guayaquil Lewis that shall be also reap, and Quilpue Thursday, January for Bro, JA we always reap more than Baird outgoing New York direct Council Master was highly com mended for his excellent work The service of song, Joy in the Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 during his 88. Jamaica Friday January 6th for administration to Harvest Was very effectively wutca is due much of the The most modern and up to date house in Colon.
rendered at p. by the choir Buenaventura and Tumaco success of the Council, The Loading house for ably assisted by Mr. Jose Felipe 1st, violin, and Miss Sur.
Royal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawa lan Canned Goods second violin, Much credit is due George RAISINS, CURRANTS, OTHER CAKE MAKING REQUISITE For further particulars apply to the Office of the Companies Silver City Band at Cristoto the artists and members of the SPECIALTY bal Tomoiow.
choir for their fine SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL CRISTOBAL musical talent The solo The ACCESSORIES, ETC, ETC, Heavenly reapers rendered by All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone For to the Pacific Stain Navigation Company Tonight, the much talked of Mr. George Smith Snr, in the SMALL, Proprietor CAVE, Manager, PANAMA Sex phoe dance will be given by morning, Sowing the seed by the above and a Cristobal Sil.
Miss Constance Davey and the of Messrs. ISAAC BRANDON BROS. Inc. Sub Agents, ver Clubhouse, 11 wnici. anthem He shall come down prano and amor Sexo: re: like rain at night when the Royal Mall Stos a Packer Co, Panama Csutly purchased wit choir was again assisted by the impul Diac. Brues de Lux NOW ON SALE artists, will not easily be will be the order o le day.
ten by those who heard them.
Last night a short service pre Best Xmas New Year Cards in Colon ceded the sale of the offerings, place on Saturday afternoon, a close and all went their way December 17th, when a mode! address was YOU CANNOT TELL when Mr. homewards singing the praises of TOYS STORY BOOKS delivered by Rev. Thrift, new for children and grown ups Leopold Ordnetth was joined in the pupils and teacher.
pastor of the Cristobal Colon Holy wedlock to Miss Susan What a real evening enjoy: Baptist church. The Rev. gentle Electrical Treatment Francis of Colon, RP. at the St mont means unless you arend Roman Catho New Time Table For Pana the Christmas Entertainment to Joseph man spoke on gratitude, and his FOR HAIR BEAUTIFYING, FACE MASSAGE ETC.
address was well received.
lic Church by the Rev. Father ma Raliroad.
Burns, who performed the cere.
be given under the auspices of very encouraging address El Dorados Variety Store and Beauty Parlour the Panama Wesleyan Choir in was also delivered by Rev.
mony amidst a large gathering of Geddes Hall, 15th. Street East, 110 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON friends and well It is understood from official on Tuesday evening 27th inwishers.
Surgeon. the resident pastor.
Promptly at 30 the bride sources that the passenger train stant. There you will be able to who thanked all who contributed MADAM de WEEVER the success arrived of the services. He at the church fattired in a schedule is to be changed effec ce invigorate your beautiful gown of crepe de chine tive January 1, 1922, when in wearied by the days toil, with a system, said among other things that this be the last service of a. m, 11 Orang a.
the Edwin Rodney who gave her nuals kind in the old church as and tea. There the Silver City Baad away in marriage, assisted by her by Date de crossing about mid will be on hand to transpose plans were quickly taking on a chief bridesmaid Miss Ces.
definite shape towards the build BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS the Panama After the ceremony the leave your soul to the very realms of am arriving in Colon Euterpe the ing of anew one. couple drove to 145 Hadson Lane, et 8:45. ular deabe saunen train and and enliven you with its enchantTo The Canal Jewelry Store crew will Colon. the occasion where the enter reaching Panama 167 BOLIVAR STREET.
at 10, 55 West End Crushed tainment was to be held Refresh mixad train leaves each terminal free chat and merry laughter the opportunity to engage in maenes, were served to all, after at 12, 15, arriving at the other with other by Sussex mammoth Assortment of ladies and gents watches rings and jewelry of all description, bed room clocks moaned the evening prepare your and dancing concluded the pro a train will leave Clon at night rest. Then, think of the for a in mahogany mantel clocks, shavin accessories, ever sharp gram. Mr. Ordnetth is well known o clock, arriving in Panama pencils etc. etc.
at cause. real in fraternal circles being Worthy 45 and returning leaves Panama will be a monument to Price and Eversley Prove Organ, which datino 25 per cent discount on Silver ware, cut glass, too Deadly for opponents Chaplin Elect of the Loyal Suc at 6, 10 reaching Colon at 7, 55. the pious devotion of Wes: Inand silver deposit ware ecss Lodge No. 10, 135, Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Election At Fidelity Lodge look such an opportunity to do a dians now residing on the IsthREPAIR WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT mus. You cannot afford to over.
Colon, Dec. 19; The last of a Colon They will be at home to series of test matches between JAS. WILLIAMSON. their friends on Sunday, Dec No. 29 lasting good.
Sussex and West End took place 25th, at their residence 165 Had The Bi annual nomination and son Lane; Colon, election of Officers to serve for yesterday on the oval of the former, terminating in a win for the ensuing term January June, Sussex, thus deciding the test in 1922 of the Fidelity Lodge No.
their favor. Captain Atherley of 29. Independent United Order of Susser, won the tons and decided Kashmir Beauty Parlor Successful Entertainment Scottish Mechanics, will take place to bat opening his inning with on Tuesday, Dec 27th 106 BROADWAY AND 8th STREET, COY at H, Lu 300mbe of Cam Lynton and Eversley. Lynton James Lodge Hall. 8th Hudson brian, now at Pier 15, Balboa, did not remain very long; he was Lane Colon. RP, at pm. The Marie Luscombe (now married wishes his sister, formerly Miss The Parlor of Satisfaction clean bowled by Gittens for 3, The Variety Entertainment members of the Lodge are rebut husbands name unknown to Soalp and Facial Treatment. Mantouring. Shampooing. Hair Straightening but his partner was more for Hair Growing, Hair Dressing. Hair Dyeing, Facial Blemishes removed. Corns cured given by the pupils of the Pro quested to be in attendence at this him) to know that he will be in tunate, and succeeded in totalling gressive Private School. under the meeting, as other important busi bu 14 before he was run oul. The tation of Mr. Drummond, ness is also to be transacted.
Panama until Wednesday 28th men of Sussex erercised much inst. and would like to see her caution and judgment, and Beauty Specialist Graduate of the Kashmir Institute Chicago, came off successfuly at the Mosaic at Lodge Hall. 106 Broadway, Colon: before leaving the fall of the last wicket 129 runs Uulty Lodge No. F action TRANSFORMATIONS, SWITCHES, PUFFS, ETC.
on Monday Dec. 19. Mr Harold were made, Nurse 32, Price 21, treated as the hair on your head.
McLean, well known in fraternal Layne 15. wickets were capturcircles was deputed Chairman for RentReceip Booksin 5p? Unity Lodge No. 3, M. ish and English for sale at th ed by Gittens for 37 runs, and the evening. and he by Porter for 33 his duties in an able and credit: S, will hold their nomination Workman Printery.
election of on TuesMr. Caree appears to be a busi able manner. The various recita: day. Dec. 27 th at the st. Charles Price and Eversly are to be West End entered the field full of confidence, but the men of complimented on the manner in ness man of more than ordinary tions and dialogues were amusing Lodge Hall, 10th and Sts, Sussex were prepared in the which they upheld the dignity of ability and one that is able to and enjoyable, and at the close ali Colon, Members are rebowling as well as in the their club. The former captured keep trade always bright by voted it one of the best juvenile quested to attend.
BRITISH PHARMACY it was told them that a ce wickets for 12 runs, and the lat shifting his stock to suit entertainments heard in many dignitary in the ranks of their ter for 20.
requirements of the public at months. The Chairman called 165 Bolivar Street opponents had said that unless different seasons, the upon Messrs Gibson, Kerr, and Eureka Grand Masters Sussex made upwards of 200 they recent arrivals of stock are Christ. Cunnigham, to address the gather COLON Council No. 9879.
could not with the gamed Pricele The Peoples Grocery and ous kinds, tops, Kellogg Week manner; pointing out to the anmas and New Year Cards of vari ing, and they responded in an able of Eversley great hurricane burst over the Ead Xmas Cards, packages Colon, Dec 18. At a meeting West Enders. The first pair of Dry Goods Store presents, and other things along their children educated; as they of the Eureka Grand Masters bosit in stock is a novel one, and reflects re constructive period. They fur working under the Committee Toys like many of their successors were dismissed by the two The Peoples Grocery and Dry very creditably on Mr. Caree ther appealed to support the tea of Management in England, held wicked bowlers with a duck egg Goods Store at the corner of 4th chers In their humble endeavour last night, in both financially and spiritually, business of great importance the addition Other Toilet Articles 2, 4; 3, 4; 4, 4; 5, 4; 6, 7; 7; 7; 14the able management of Mr.
WEDDING BELLS Mr. Drummond is to be congratu following officers were elected lated on the showing of his pupils for the ensuing term: Bros. F: 30: 10, 35. Hart top scored Caree is very attractively display Just in for the with 13, the only double figures ed, and deserves more than a and not MacCormack.
paasing notice. dainty little redding took vais, The entertainment came to Alman GD. COM. CO. Season Greetings WEVER 1065 39 2005 DEB OVE ORILO: Naistu a 100 bis Byev to night Pekos would as 7, 10 way for the was Ath Equipped with electrio vibrator, electric comb, electrie hair dryer, and other modern appliances.
Mme. M, ROBERTO, full line of Human Hair Goods All handmade under highly sanitary conditions and can be washed, combed, and runs.
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