
Demerara Railway Tragedy The Makings of a Nation IN GENUINE LATES TEST Durham was torn ewhere Genuine Bull Durham Tobacco mained on Barrack was from AMERICAN BAZAAR Big Bargains.
Golf Club the variety 23. afterwards and o. Francis, His compartXMAS SEASON such as. Cuntinued from page Scene of the Tragedy. of the compartment. After As we have already stated some trouble succeeded in Turkeyen where the accident opening the door and handed my occurred is about 45 miles fron wife out. blazing interno met the City and the derailment took our gaze and an angry tongue place at a point about a little of flame shot forth from the over 100 yards Eastward of the burning engine and not only inpavilion of the Damerara Golt creased the terror of the passen.
Club When a Daily Chronicle gers but scorched their clothing.
reporter visited the locus in quo Mrs. Douglas spang from the yesterday morning the scene fierce attack of the fire only to DURHAM was one of wild desolation and be confronted by the gruesome the engine was lying disconnect spectacle of the fireman lying ed from the carriages in the dead on the track with his neck trench on the Northern side of broken. Under the strain of the rail in an upturned position horror on every side her nerves The carriage nearest the engine give out and she lost con: clouswas following in its wake and ness, Smoking Tobacco my self was bettered lay horizontally wita its head and badly scared but succeedWI BLACKWELL CO.
cived into the trench. The railed in retaining my self control just above this and had my family conveyed to carriage and for some distance the Golt Club premises below there was an indication Dr. s. Massiah rendered us of severe strain on the bolts invaluable first aid. All around which riveted the rails to the there were scenes of bloodshed sleepers. The The second carriage and cruel wounds while the over which like the first was for the turned engine lay buried in the 2nd Class passengers was also diteh its wheels being reared derailed only the first class car aloft.
riage which was next in position Sometime after the accident and the van which was last, re: Mr. Douglas and his wife reach the rails. In and ed their home in around this scene of desolation Street, Kingston. Mrs. Doug.
was a large crowd of city folk las late last night were still prominent among whom prostrated the Soo several well knowncitizens, many reaction as her terrible experiTYSOS Additional West Indian News of whom took snap shots of the ence whilst Mr. Douglas, too, wreckge. section of the mount had to confess to severe shaking ed police force was on duty un and its consequent ill effects.
Montserrat der Sergent Major Billyeald but they had very little work to do in Another Narrative.
view of the general orderliness Another eye witness, one of The Report of the Montserrat that prevailed, every one being the passengers in a second class Agricultural Department for the eager to render assistance where compartment of the train, stated inancial year ending Mareb 21st possible and to do nothing that that the train had consisted of 1920 show the engine, two second class and tha. cosidable might bamper the authorities.
one first class compartments amount of experimenti work Hospl al Staff To The Rescue. and a van. All went well until was done during the year in the At about 50 a. a telephone they had reached the Golt breeding or new types of cotton.
message was received at the Links when a a noise was heard 23, 213, which cave Public Hospital, Georgetown, in followed by a violent rocking of such satisfactory results in iji7.
tinating the accident. The mes the whole train. Consequently 15 receiving especial atention: sage was as follows: Train he he glanced out of a window and from St. Vincent and St.
smash at Turkeyen Please send to his discomfiture and utter Kitts were also tested in in co. paambulance and doctors to assist. imazement saw the engine headrison with the above Montserrat Immediately on the receipt of this ing for that FOR THE bordering ditch. He variety, and it was found o EW. comprising Dr. Kerry, was immediately a party the latter gave the best results thrown out of the window but as regards quantity of lint, Nurses, Matron, Warden tortunately escaped with but few length weight of seeds, lint inAustin and six porters were slight bruises.
dex, and percentage of liat, but despatched to the scane in motor ment was crowded with passenthat the St. Vincent variety was cars armed with all neccessities ters, there been hip you of whom were reported upon by the Cotton for the rendering ot aid to the is bound for Spinners Association as being attend jared, as lotions, splints, the patronal festival of the Ro the best as regards quality of bandages, stretchers, etc. while man Catholic Churca ihere and a hot Limes, sugar canes, and bay Dr. Craigen, Resident Sur panic ensued as soon as it was trees were also experimented geen made all preparations at the full realized what had befallen with.
institution and awaited the arri the train. The men all jumped The Report states that the val of the injured. On the arrival from the compartment leaving a area planted in co ton in the seaof the party at Turkeyen, a base large number of women folk be was established in the Pavilion hind, who remained motionless Was approximately 200 acres, the production for the the Golf Club to which and weekly awaited their o crop being 545, 337 lbs.
of lint.
the serious the Luckily for them, however, the raw lime juice cases were taken after first aid compartment although derailed, were 96 851 gallons of had been rendered alongside of was not over turned.
trated lime juice 424 gallons, of the wreckage. The crowd pru The Cause of the Accident.
citrate or line 276 cwt, and of sent were loud in their praise of oils 92 gallons. Fiftyeight the good work done by the Medi cident is concerned no definite So far as the cause of the acmuscovado sugar were who exported, 970 lbs. of papain, 35 tbankiul for the assistance rende made. From all the facts at our rend pronouncement can as yet gallons of bay oil, 120 worth of Take Notice ered by willing helpers among mag onions, and 270 barrils of tamathe spectators who volunteered disposal, however, it would seem varied assortment of Christ riods.
as siretcher bearers and rend that the engine jumped the rail all the help possible within and after its immersion in to the thu boiler exploded thus mas New Year Cards are for Advertise in The Workthe causing suffered flash sale at the Workman Office.
man. It pays were allowed to leave for their and the dull roar referred The Public is hereby notified that the homes after being treated while to Douglas This the less fortunate cases were that a casual examination disclo3.
by the fact SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO promptly despatched to Hospital ed that the brakes were all on and by cars. After Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner LWO bours hard work the medi in these circumstances it is fearcal party returned to Headquar ed that the line had expanded 16th Street West.
ters but not before making per at that section thus accounting sonal and detailed enquiries and for the derailment. Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. assuring themselves that Salvage Operations.
The new premises are well equipped for turning out care had been taken of the inThe line was cleared during jured.
the best class of work the course of the day and at HOW THE ACCIDENT OCCUR about p. a 10 ton crane with RED a gang of about 20 men was des.
An Eye Witness Version, patched from headquarters to the scene of the disaster with a PHOTOGRAPHS is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
Mr, Douglas, of Spros view to salvaging the wreckage.
tons Ltd. who was a passenger Exorts were made to lift the AS beam. She has two decks. tween in the first class compartment engine from the trench but along with his wife and infant very little success attended the decks ft. high.
CHRISTMAS GIFTS son gave the following account attempts and to day the work. will be undertaken of dismant. We left the city about 12. 30 a, ling the locomotive so as to be Remember your friends with your photograph this Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric All went well until we were able to get at the boiler and so year and they will remember you as long as Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: bearing Turkeyen. Just about ascertain whether or not the the photograph lasts.
erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed 100 yards East of the Golf Club condition of the machinery of the water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. experienced a peculiar sensa engine in any way contributed tion as if the carriage in which toward the sad accident.
We must Buy her for our Service was seated was being lifted off Providential Escape, the lines. It rocked from side Our Photographs are Permanent to side and then there was Among those who great flash of light and travelling by the train when the Have that long delayed photo which you promised dull roar and the carriages Ding wall who was on his way accident occurred was Rev WE NEED 60, 000. MORE your friend so often listed dangerously several passengers in East Coast where he was ento were one of the churches on the MONEY, MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO the compartment and to these the dreadful You may subscribe some of this by purchasing fact burst gaged to preach, It is under The coolest in the city where you are certain of the some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound in all its horror that the locomo stood that the Rev. gentleman tive had met disaster, With had a providential escape and best attention.
each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound ше Vion was ableto fulfill his engagethoughts for self preservation each and become part owner.
uppermost in their minds most of the travellers leaped from the The body of the dead fireman DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW Day and Night Photographs las was badly shaken but at Plantation Ogle where a postcarriage windows. Mrs, Doug was conveyed to the mortuary snatched baby from its mother mortem examination was hela.
Write to the SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO arms and giving such assistance as could with my disengaged hand to my wife who was in a Rent Receip Books In Span 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
tainting condition. made my Ish and English for sale at the 73 ORANGE STI, KINGSTON, JAMAICA way as best could for the door Workman Printery.
Shoes. Shirts. Suits. Hats Underwear. Neckwear AT PRICES BELOW COST fate The exports more of concenline tons of were cal party equally be ditch ered all wer their powered little or no injury and the Notice of Removal blinding an by Mr.
is lent were colour to to the sto storey about all THIS 600 TONS STEAMER were WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD


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