
A real cigarette nomina th They Satisfy Croskefield CGARETTES LIGGETT ANVERS TOBACCO CO.
The Woman Exchange Chesterfield Luciano Sanchez N.
thes THR WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24; 1921 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Continud From Page. to refer to. One was the election WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL of certain civil servants to the new body. Did the Government believe the people would be 80 INDICATIONS foolisb as to elect officials to a Coughs Board who could only serve with When we made Chesterfield Cigarettes La Grippe Reconstructant Cold the permission of the Governor.
Anaemia we tried to give smokers the highest posFollowing Fevers It would be far better to have Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia sible quality at the lowest possible price.
certain officials nominated to the It didn take smokers long to discover Bard, such as the Attorney An excellent vehicle for administering lodides, Bromides that Chesterfields had just what they General, the Direct or of Public and Salicylates. Summer Complaint and Bowel wantedWorks, and the Auditor General Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climates, he was not making That quality taste of choicest Turkish all seasons of the Year.
tions but only sugestions jast and American tobaccos blended in exas had been done by the Attor You have Tried the Rest actly the right proportions.
ney General the previous day, You ll sayMr, Wint: Let bave the Go Why not Use the Best error on the board.
Mr. Ffrench; N, we dont FOR SALE BY want the Governor on it. We don even want him in this ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON.
House, becase when he sits here as Presidentit gives Curtain people the chance of tell bim WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY nasty things to his face, which Des Moines la they dare not say to him as Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Governor. With regard to rais ing the qualifications of met bers he thought they should raise the qualitications of those who nominated the men rather than the men to be eleced. Hear, hear. The Attorney Ganeral: The ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN man who nominated him is the elecior. and he is one and the NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY.
bame person.
Elected Members. Nu! no!
Mtr. French said the qualifica.
tions of the men who nominated DRESSMAKING the men to serve should be raised Elected Members. Hear, bear)
Mr. Ffrench: The principle andLIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. involved is to say whether it would be to the best interest of the island of Jamaica for this PLEATING merger to take place between the Mayor and Council of King Christmas and New Year Cards on Sale at THE WORKMAN Printery ston, the Kingston General Com missioners and the Parochial (Accordion, Knife, Board of St. Andrew. continutug, he said in his opinion. Box Pleats)
and he believed 16 was also the opinion of a lot of the people Pave that there should be a merger of the Mayor and Council, tho Parochial Board of St. Andrew, Our Establishment inand the Kingston General Com sures a perfection of handiwhat he objected work which accentuates to was the method suggested.
In Kingston they had splen the latest styles, so pleasing 13th STREET EAST (Salsipudes) No. 21 didly laid out city, but to patrons.
found that since the tramway BRANCH No. 9, CENTRAL AVENUE had been laid the better class of people have trecked out to Lower St. Andrew to live there; leaving the poor who could not ANN R, THOMAS, Proprietres, General Merchandise follow them to remain in King ston, and bear the burden o: higher taxation. Was it fair, was it equitable, was it just!
He had heard of the drayman Ffrench, Sangster, The Ven. Archdeacon FarquYoung, Williams, Major Dixon, har, who left Antigun, his birthlicensing bls dray over the Phillips, the Collector General, place, over thirty years ago to borders in St. Andrew and have the Director at Public Works. proceed to the Rio Pongo as a it plying for hire in Kingston.
There were motor car owners Clause Carried without missionary has re visited the who licensed their motor cars division, Island recently, receiving a very in St.
used them hearty welcome from one and in Kingst. drew, but all. After a short stay, the save axes (Hear, hear. They should Arch deacon intends returning to his mission.
amalgamate the two parishes and then they could say what was urban or suburban. AnothTrinidad er point was, the day was not The Water Problem in far distant when they would Antigua.
If you reside in Guachapali or Calidonia visit have to put Kingston in order This could not be done by tho Representation Hon. Donald McDonald, writ SANCHEZ FARRUGIA STORE of annual grants to ing to the Committee the municipality. They Meeting have to get out COMPE on October 15th, states that No. 58 THIRD OF NOVEMBER STREET over TENT SANITARY ENGINEER rain has continued, to fall AT PRINCES TOWN the entire Island, doing a great and find the money needed deal of good to the crops. So to carry out the work necessary far, however, nothing like the Leading East to be done.
Indians beavy pond rains, required after They would have to raise a loan so long a drought, have fallen; Take Part.
for the purpose, pledging general and Walling Reservoir and the revenue for that loan. That was Body Ponds, the sources of the Trinidad, Nov. 25. The best what he sew. looming up in the Island water supply, are still attended meeting ever witnessdistance. When that unable to provide a water ser, ed in Princes Town took place shey need the best men vice, which has now been locked on Wednesday evening under the they should have nominated off for a considerable time as well as elected men. Unless His Excellency Colonel r: auspices of the San Fernando Representative Government Com this was done they were not go St. Johnson, Acting Governor, mittee, when Mr. Albert ing to have good men coming has lost no time in dealing wit Marryshow of Grenada delivered forward to be heckled and abus. the many questions of impor an address on Representative ed at ak: Chapel steps or at tance awaiting settlement. The Gevernment, Town. Long before Mr. Marryshow This would also effect men com been extended to goods from the arrival all seating and standing ing up for Legislative honours. British West Indies, as was ori accommodation was taken up He accordingly moved the amend ginally intended. The matters numerous persons had to ment, of improved water supply and content themselves with remai Mr, Sangster, member for St, roads have also engaged His Ex ing outside the building. The of Elizabeth seconded the amend cellency attention. As the out appearance Mr. Marryshow ment.
come of a meeting at Govern. and members of the San FerVarious spaeches were made whole subject was dealt with the ment Committee led to a tre.
recently, when the nando Representative Govern by the elected members, and the Agricultural and Commercial mondous outburst of applause resolution was then put to the Society have since passed a which only ceased when Mr.
vote. No. Carried without resolution urging that a loan be Marryshow took his seat and division.
raised in order to improve the bowed acknowledgement to the The President said their was water supply and put the roads Vast audience.
an amendment by the Member in a satisfactory condition, On the platform were Rev. D, for Portland and the original mo Permission has been given to Farrell, Meers. David 24 Municipal Corporation should continue to Rev. Saunders, Mr, erecting posts and be a purely elected body. He George Wyatt, with Messrs. would now put the original motion and this important undertaking H. Rigsby, Scott, fair to be an accomplished Harewood. Fer The motion was carried on di fact at an early date.
nando Representative Govern vision as follows: The rates of money orders on ment Committee.
Ayes; Lightbody, Nash, Gra Canada and the United States Mr. Rigsby in the course of a bam, Wint, Simpson, Wigan, have been raised to correspond tew brief remarks asked Rev.
Davis, Barclay. Bir John Pringle with the rate of exchange with Parrell to preside over the moetthe Attorney General 10. shome countries flag Noes; China, Glass and Enamel Ware, etc.
Fine Assortment of Toys 60 as to Antigua continuance Would occurred una would JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards. Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards.
thers and tuirut.


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