p. 8


PACIFIC THEATRE THE PASSION PLAY Showing the Entire Life of Christ 10 Word of XMAS BARGAINS Toys! Toys! Toys!
in made a Dave Cardoze Store lead the of all womes Don miss this opportunity to get a fine The bride appes red wbie who acted Dust be Vice Presideeretary President Elaborate Funeral Resolution. XMAS RACES Of Member of Chapter 14, The International Bible Students As, Franco Park will take place on The Xmas Races at Juan sociation, in convention Assembled at Wasblogton, begs leave most te Monday, December 26, when One of the largest, most order pettully to memoraliz) the luternaiional eight sterling events. which ly and well conducted funeral Arme Congrees now rembled at comprise be program, will be palled off, In view of the suc.
Tonight, Saturday and To morrow Sunday Dec. 24th, and 25th, processions that was ever seen Washington, as follows: cessful meet which was held in the city of Panama took place As Christians earnestly striving to last Sunday, and from the satison Sunday last when the last follow the teachings of Christ Jerus our faction we have beard expressed earthly remains of James Law. Lord and his Apostles we hold: on all sides by those who witrence Wilson a native of the 19 That war is a relie of barbariem, nessed it. there is no no doubt that land of Barbados who died on destructive of good morals and are the Panama Jockey Club is true Thursday evening at the Ancon proach to Christian peoples. blue and has made a deep in.
Hospital were taken to their last resting place in the Herera Ceme That the principles taught by the pression on the minds of the tery followed by nearly one Lord Jesus Christ preclude consecrated turfites as regards the fact that NEXT WEEK thousand members of the Guach Christians from engaging in war, blood from benceforth first class racing will be seen and enjoyel apali Chapter No. 14 of the eled or violence in sy form at Juan Continuation of Another Thrilling Serial That to nation can be said to be Franco Park whenever and ACL of which the deis a meet ceased was a member for only truly Chris isn which fails to adhere to there three months.
those principles taught by the Lord and Mof the the eight events billed for 15. EPISODES. 15 The deceased was an his Apostle; Monday three are for thoroughem Tant the ruling and governing factors breds viz, the third, The Kings ployee of the Panama Canal Car of the nations commonly called Chelston Handicap; the fifth, The The Adventures of Ruth shop for the last 15 years and tendom are now and for some time Ecuader Catch Weight; and the took ill suddenly on Friday, Dec. See the Panama Catch EPISODES EACH NIGHT 9th and was taken to his home have been to wit Financial Princes, seventb, where he remained for two days merce, Statesmen of Political Leaders, horses as Chagres, As de Oro, one otherwise termed Controllers of Com Weight. In these races such SOSIOSSEYSS. SEX after wbich he was sent to Ancon Hospital where he the who formulate the lowe, and Clergy Ben Battle. Lord, Water Boy mained until his death. on Fri men and other Ecclesiastical Teachers, th and Dalin will battle for honors.
day evening just eight days after last named, both Catholic and Protes The Lillipuciao races, as is bis illness. The body of the tant, having, contrary to the usual, will will provide surprises deceased was kept in the hospiGod joined hands with the two first without end, and there no is gain tal until Sunday noon when it mentioned factors which three component saying the fact that they are Hall parte here we for convenience and in always enjoyed by the racing the Guachapali Chapter at the designate, The Ruling public. We beg to direct atten Power tion to an advertisement of this corner of 21st and 12th of October Streets, That the delegates and representatives meet which appears on another of the Ruling Powers now Assembled in page of this paper, and which IN Long before the hour announc international conference. Washington will certainly be of interest to all ed for the funeral ceremony for the purpose of the limitation of patrons of our races hundred of persons were gathum ered in the streets eager to catch armaments, and insofas possible for the establishment of conditions of peace proved be one of the best ever before them a laudable obje otive.
a glance at the procession which and prosperity among the people, havo British Consulate Notice seen the city. The funeral rites were conducted by the The Acting British Consul at But we may be pardoned for bumbly Chaplain of the Chapter who suggesting that the end desired cannot Colon wouli be glad of inforcommation relative to Luceyla Mo a very appropriate address be attained by partial or even NOW BEING SOLD AT SACRIFICE AT Tess plete disarmament of the nations Ro Koy, who is stated to be resident At about 30 30 the proces formation of of men or sion headed by the Brigade Van result from the destruction of arms, but or nations will not in Colon guard and followed by the mem genuine reformation of men will bers of the Black Star Line automatically to Band who played Wedding Bells.
to the couplete destruo Dead tion of March in Saul. Directly behind forms of violence. While war is ter ible war and Central Avenue opposite the Cathedral Church the band were the members of pretty little wedding took place at the 1st Panama Boys Brigade un ne is not the worst thing to be feared.
of beyond description of human phrase, ses La Boca Church on Sunday the 11th der the command of Col. Jackson inst. when Mr. Charles Drakes of Bar The otticers and crew of the Bolsheviem, as a great menacing mon bados and Miss Elias Smooder ufJamaiIron Duke under the command ster, is knocking at the door of every na ca, were joined in bo y matrimony. It of Admiral Corbin was next in order is threatened. To prevent such dressed in tion, and the destruction of tail law and was p. when he order. Behind them was the charmeure and leaning collection of Toys cheap.
Charter of the Chapter carried terrible disaster and to save the on the arm of Mr. Jones, wbə by Miss Agnes Clare and Mrs. people from indeecribable suffering is the bestman. Special mention Henry, General tremendous problem, which, we submit. made of Miss Elisa Grant who gracefully Third of the requires more than a wisdom, We carried out her uties as bridesm. Ladies Division respectively vely, therefore suggest that the beeding of of Mr. E, Hurd who presided at the Gadsby and the Exe Divine wisdom and the adoption of the oro organ at the pace of reception, building cutive Officers followed whole remedy prescribed by God holy No, 22, 18 Str vt Central Avenue, Pous Itinerary of Major Wood at 20th Street Central, have pre New American Minister behind them the large banner her Word is vitally essential at this time. The Voice what breathiou o er Visit to the West Inuies pared one of best loca!
Arr. ves.
of the Capter in the colors of the The kingdom of Christ, the Messiah, Eden. greeted the couple at the enevents, for the purpose of en.
Red, the black and the Green for which he taught his deciples to pruy trance of the door, tertaining all those that will was borne by York Russell is at band. This is evidenced by the Among the ladies present were Misses Owing to the occurence of a avaid themselves of this grand Dr. John South, who is to Sisters Lindsay, 11 and World War, faminine pestileno, social McLean. E, Grant and Walmon British situated at the above mentioned pings Price, as American Minisopportunity to visit their Lodge succeed the Hon. William Jen.
Mrs Bridget upheaval, distress or nations with fer, lex. The sentemen were Mr. Smcoder the fresh case of fever in Honduras, a modification of the place.
Aird, President of the Ladies y, eto all of which one. itute the tur bride father, Messrs. E, Hurd, W, Hon. Edward Wood programme Doors will be opened at Extraordinary to the Republic ter Plenipotentiary and Envoy Division and her escorts march sument of prophecies made by Jesus Jones. and others, has become necessary. He had on Saturday night, December of Panama, and party, consistada diretty boobed by the bother within a short time his kingdom will be Advertise in The Work se unirtea si caut Company beted to you to come over and en Dohald Rodger, the new secre ed behind banner present.
intended to reach Belize from 24th, 1921, New ing the sailings of of Mrs. South and her Indy officers and members of to ls and and the cordial invitation is.
the Fruit and the African Black Cross Society old order of thingo completely gune. To man. It pays been The bearers be followed and subject eitber willingly or unwi ingly ween those ports have the body that kingdom all varthly powers must be een joy one of the best entertain. be temporarily abandoned, and of the deceased ments to be pulled off for the here on Tuesday by the Steamer of. was guarded by four officers of The trouble upon the nations begiuning These things done, the kingdom of therefore Mr. Wood will now Yule Tide Seasons.
Pastores of the United Fruit Com.
the 1st Panama Boys Brigade, in 1914 19 but the expression of Christ, the Messiah, will be established make Jamaica his first port of Remember you will be enter call. His amended itinerary is tained and it costs only, Atten to the Isthmus on the arrival of South welcomed Bebiud the hearse inarched the vengence against all unrighteous systems on earth without suffering.
We shall be pardoned for saying that as follows: members of the Advisory Board in the eartb.
tion, Good Behaviour and Con the steamer at Colon by Molagua, duct.
the Hon and other members of the Chap Price and several oficials ter together with friends of abe Theholy prophets of Jehovah indicated the prophecies clearly indicate that if the Avonmouth, leave in.
29 Nov.
how Christ, the divinely prescribed remedy be ignored, Mesinh, may be established without this being the day of God vengeace, Jamaica artive 14 Dec.
of the and Panama, among leave 26 Dee. CHURCH SERVICE whom were Judge C, Kerr.
The procession marched up great suffering to humanity, provided declared by his prophets of old, bis St. Kitto, arrive 30 Dec leave Jan.
District Judge for the Canal Central Avenue along Sixteenth that the Divino way be adopted, You wrath will be visited upon every govern Antigun, arrive Jan. American Episcopal Caurch)
lesva Jan.
Zone, Blackburn, MagisStreet thence towards the will pardun us, therefore for calling your ment and system of Christendom; and St. Peter Church La Boca. Itrate, Calhoun, Chief of the Herrera Cemetery and all along attention to those Divine prophecies long both Jesus and the proploto declars that Dominica arrive Jen.
the way the streets were lined ago recorded, which in substance indicate the world has never known, at which St. Vincent, arrive 11 Jan. leave 13 Jan.
shall 30 be time of trouble such as Lucia, arrive Jan, leave 11 Jan.
a. Choral Celebration of the Divison of Civil Affairs, Colonel Holy Communion Enrique Icaza Fabrega, Aide dewith hundreds of people all what the proper course is, to wit: 7, 30 a. m, Holy Baptism.
Camp to President Porias and speaking in glowing terms of time shall Michael (the Messiah) stand leave 18 Jan.
the procession.
11 s, t, Matins and Holy Communion Colonel A, Lamb, Inspector Let the financial Princes, the Con up, the great prince that standeila for Barbados. arrivo 13 Jan.
leave 23 Jan. and sermon.
General of the National Police.
At the grave the last taps censo exploiting and deceiving the peo ing up o trollero of Commerce, cease proti teering the children of thy people. This stand Grenada, arrivo 19 Jan.
of Michael. will effect the de Trinidad, arrive 23 Jan. leave Feb. p. m, Carol Service Dr. South hails from the same were blown by the bustler of the ple by system atio propaganda, and be liverance of mankind all forms of oppres British Guiana, arrive Feb, leave 30 Choral Evensong and sermon State as his predecessor, Ken.
Boys Brigade and as the body content with a reasonable income suffici ion and will mark the beginning of (the Ven. Archdeacon 13 Feb.
H, Carson tucky, and it is said of him that was being lowered into the ent to ensure their owa maintenance and righteousness on earth. The result will be Trinidad, arrive 14 Feb, leave in In.
he also possesses that genuine grave the hymn On the Res support; let them use their power for God will done on earth as it is done in MULCARE. Rector.
and aflable, manner which has urection morning was sung. the general welfare of the people to the heaven, for which Jesus taught Christgoma, Mar.
made the Hon. William Jennings procession marched back to end that the idle may be employed, the ians to pray.
Mr. Wood will take with him St. Barnabas Church, Empire Price so deservediy popular the ball shortly after bungty ted, and each man be efforded Great respon as Private Secretary the Hon, Morning prayer and address during his stay here.
where they were dismissed after an opportunity to provide for himself Great responsibility, rests upon the Arthur Ormsby Gore, eld. 3, 30 Children Service, a short lecture was given to the and loved ones the things do cent and Ruling Factors of the nations of earthwest son of the third Lord Harmembers of the Boys Brigade honest in the sight of God and Another distinguished passen. 30 Evening Prayer and address. Isenger og the Pastores was Dr.
and in the hour of dire distress and perplex lech.
by the President and Chaplain St Bartholomew Church, Eusebio Morales, Minister of Finance and of the Chapter. Let the Statesmen or Politicians wy; and we shall be pardoned for requesting such to give earnest considera to act as instruments of selfish pow. tion to the Word of God, having in mind Treasury of the Las Cascadas si Republic, who Deceased has left a wife and ers and selfish interests and benceforth that blessed is that nation whose God is Birth Notice.
comes from 11 am. Morning Prayer and address. Washington where he went on a four children to mourn his loss honestly and impartially represent 30 Sunday School, and Jehovah, special mission for his governfor whom the greatest sympa: safeguard the interests and general wel Resolved that a copy of this memorial home of our well known friend, The stork psid a visit to tha pm Evening Prayer and addrese. ment, after having represented thy is felt.
fare of all the people.
Panama at the Mexican centenbe delivered to the Honorable Charles Mr. Walter of La Boce MULCARE. Priest in charge.
3, Let the Clergymen and other Re Evans Haghee, Chairman of the Inter School at 11 am, Sunday 18th Seventh Day Adventist Church nial celebrations.
ligious Teachers, who claim to be minis. national Arms Congreso now in session at inst. Mother and baby girl are NOTICE. ters of God Word and therefore the Washington, that copies be furnish doing well while is 68 ANCON AVE. PANAMA.
nobles among the people, divorce themed to each delegate or representative of smiles.
Wanted it known that have selves completely from commercial and the nations attending maid conference; Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a Sab Advertise in The Work bath School; 11. 15 am, General Worship reduced the prices to pre war political affiliations, return to their first that a copy be delivered to the President 30 Spanish Class: 30 man it pays.
prices an all classes of repair love, recognize God Word as truth, of the United States, and copies to the work; ask to see my price list honestly and faithfully teach the people members of Congrees and to the public Celebration of Annual Young People Meeting; 30 Vespers, before taking your work else the principles taught by Jesus and the press.
Watch Nights Service Sunday night, 7, 30 Service, where, have also on band my new shoe department, high to receive the Kingdom of Christ, the resolution was unanimously adopted by Apostles, and thereby prepare the people Upon motion duly put the above All are invited, class ladies, gents, and children Messiah, who alone can and will esiab the convention this 271h day of Novem of the Ancient Bethlebemites, Following the venerable plan Dr. LORD shoes at reasonable prices, also lish peace on earth and good will to all fine upper leathers and shoe men.
ber, 1921, on the Glorious Christmas Eve, WILKINSON and HOWELL materials for sale. Signed)
when the greatest gift was Let the Ruling Factors by example as decended to mankind, Christ DE R, GAMBLE CONTRACTOR BUILDER Dentists Pan American Shoo Repair Co. well as by word thus lead the people in the way and are Chairman of Convention, traditions, First Clasa Workmanship AVE. NTRAL tuate these recorded perpe FRANK HARRISON, inculcate their sublime precepts Corner of East 12th Street and the real friends of the people; and let all ate Dr. Bailey Office)
the people heed the words of God refrain Eecretary of Convention. and teach exalted lessons in Plans and Specifications Free Plaza de Arango from violence of every kind or form; seek moral law. The officers and 15th Street West meeknes and righteousnes, and the occaJ. RUTHERFORD, Latest in Crowd and members of the Gorgona Star Box 411, Panama, FICE Prop. sion for armament and war will cease.
Fricant L, 44 Lodge No. 13, located Bridgework.
the Mayers.
mother pany. Dr.
was leave Jan men.
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