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VIEWS EXPRESSED BY MR. ALGERNON ASPINWALL DASTARD ASSAULT AND MURDER Brutally Done to Death at His Residence only were was verity is run at in as the hopes have not soma was be run but again any erra in the United Dolice we Blacs MONSTER CROWD Witnesses Last Sunday Races at Juan Franco He Thinks That the Suggestion is From the point of attendanee DR. GUYA. LORD, DENTIST there is no doubt in our mind that last Sunday race meeting Unworthy and Unpatriotic.
Was by far and away the best ever held at Juan Franco Park never before was The following is taken from the dan we could make the Italian co.
such a rast crowd geen on that course Liverpool Courier of Nov, 4th: lony much more valuable than it but there is much to be is to day, deplored (By Raymond Radiliffe. on Central Avenue as regards the loose method of Wben made my suggestion know quite well that these handling the events in conformiJast week that the United States ideas are unpopular. know that ty with the program and, what should forgive us our debt and the West Indians, er at any rate NO TRACE OF ASSASSIN UP TO PRESENT.
should receive in ernsideration a portion the majority of them desire to be considered essential, strict adherence to time, unless of our West India Tela: ds, remain subjects of the British made noi Crown. am certain that Franco physically impossible, frankly sat that did seemed to have been ol think that the idea would im.
be and Italy vir their colonies in On Fiday worning between assailant; but due probably to Lord descended the staircase, material difference.
the hours of and a, this the excessive loss of blood, and and was seen by the policeman. result of the As oes letter in your issue of yes terrible plight and we can only city was shocked with the most the physically weakened cordi. he was well dressed. There was to chaotic condipopular. Aspinall vigor, the same tight, but we are in a he was in the pencil fell no mark of violence about which developed xtrica e ourselves by adopting horrible assault and murder re tion terday is a proof that was not bis part of the program presented wrong should be the last to the most severe measures de cualid. Thebe history of theire Areer hoiskhand. All he did was, cloths His fingers all carried out there were state that the Wet tidan sub is never agreeable bar it is public. The untortunate victim, after looking up to the ceiling, bruised, which is evidence there eight events billed the main jects ot the King lack loyalty or sometimes very neccessary am was Dr Guy Lord, a West to exclaim Dr. Lord was a struggle at the door and items being the races between resided at that they would waliohalt on Secretary of the West India Com. 143 Cential Avenue.
in complete sympathy with the Indian dentist who The policeman got a car and that his tiogers got caught be. Chagres and Glorita, and Siban change their nationality, but rushed him to the Santo Tomas tween it while trying to closse it ita and Chagres. Tais last race the fact that the Prince of Wales Wales mitte do not wish to controvert en being The deceased was a native Hospital. Dr. Lord, up to that and thus prevent a forcible 15 left no found it adviseable to assure the even if could any single one or of Grenada, who came to the time apparently, was not uncontime for the other two races to inhabitanis of Barbados that his statements but would point It was evidently not a case be run and, in fact the dissatistheir destiny as freemen lies out thot the high aia and end of Isthmus a litde over 12 months scious, as he left the car without tied spectators would not remain their bands. ard that the Prime patriotism is sacritice and if a ako at the invitation of Mr any assistance and walked into of bulgary with intent to com felony, Hilton Howell, Dr. Lord passed the hospital. The physicians in mit the valu.
of seeing what Minister also emphasised this few of the smaller islands became a successful examination of the attendance at the hospital were ablas of the deceased man was would probably point and again that the Ameri tue property of the United States Dental Board, and took up a very while his wounds were immediately summonea, can Ambassador only a few days the teeming millions of Lanca lucrative practice, due very much and found, lying on the table and off at all events, being money was in the premisas We Chagres. Glorita Furlongs.
ago declared that the United Ishire would benefit.
States did not seek additional to his courtesy and atteative ser dressed he succumbed to the in, do sincerely hope that efforts This vice to his many clients juries will be used to bring to race which tha territory and would not accepti Mr. Aspinall Reply.
the dastard assassin.
crime to light, and that the was a good as a giti, ali goes to show that The The Liverpool Courier of The information we have recei.
Glorita Taking Dr. Lord immediately to sassin will be brought to the one, no the ideas put into print are in in November 11th published the fol Yede of this sache horrencentis nad the hospital, Police No. 179 dis ror justice, so as to remove the chane the Jamai.
the air. They are, ciscussellowing: To The Editor Of The follows. At the hour mentioned grettable suspicion on can horse, which led all the way the West Indian Islands the counterabove, policeman No. 197 of the patched a bearer to the residene winning easily by it of Mr fylton Howell Dr. Lord crson who may National Police Corps, was going partner and informed him of guilty while being innocent be thought have been talked about in Lone lengths. In the fourth race in dor, and they have been causide plus correspondent Me the rounds of his duty when he what had taken place. Howell which As. Dr. Rist and States.
Radclif) of pat saw stair In concection with this sad Ingliterra compted, Risa bad a constitutional point of contesto is hardly likely to con: case of the house at 143 Central gover to the office, and it was there sad ntair. Mr. Hy Iton Howell and things all her own way!
view the cessation of any Brit vince your readers Granted that Avenue with a towel over his that he was takon 10 the son other persons were held on Toe Fifth race, four farlongs suspicion in connection with for Lilliputians was won by Pep, ish territory is repugnanfor lite som de sacrificed coupatiri pe neade and bleeding profusely: station. But, ism may be be be apparently in a weakened condithis alarming tragedy, but Ву being second It is agree with called patriotis. to dispose of tion, he went to him and asked Police investigation disclosed, have been inform at the time saia that Black Boy was some Lord the sentimental side of the ques. another person property for given of going to press, that the wo what lame one own benetit: This is business her Mr Radclyde really he was in that condition, that Dr.
very heavy blow from men who were placed under ar After considerable discussion Osaland be considered and what proposal some information as to who a blunt instrument rest have been set a liberty by as to weights etc. the matter everything hangs upon the poin: amounts to wheahele suggests was bis assailant. The police. the centre of the head, and to the judge investigating the was finally settled and Chagres that few of smaller British response. He the right side of the head, an in crime.
and Sibarita faced the starter No one can deny that the im west lodra islands might be then led back to the cise wound from a knife which body of for the sixth race. Chagres dense burdens of debt created transfered to the United States sitting room of the dental par was found in the sink, smeared taken froin the hospital to Dr. gave a little trouble at stating say the war are stopping all pra the benet of hühe teeming tor and questioned him regarding with bloodust tahan lenite in more than Anderson house, an thence to our sources but soon got away and led for but coming up Rress. It would millions of Lancashire. per of attack, failing to less is inches length.
Cemetery an interred. Quite a the home stretch Sibarita took bits all would be well, but they licy of my old county. I, for one man took out his duty memoran. ed murder offers a problem agree to ca cellation of war sonally felt that that was the po get any information, the police The mystery of this cold bloode large gathering of friends and away the lead and galloped in will not. The United States re should be heartly ashamed of dum book, and requested Dr. the Secret Service department sympathisers followed the funer. two lengths and a half ahead, fuses to consider the question, being a Lancashire man.
Lord to write the name of his for solution. At the time Dr. al to the grave, It is the consensus of opinion and neither France Dür Italy Mr. Radelyte finds its conven among the backers of Chagres like the idea. They are too proud ient to ignore the position of the that had he been properly to come cap in hand to their Dominion handled there would have been of Canada which The St. Paul Church no doubt as to the issue, for creditors, and who can blame would certainly have cause to complain if the near9st British men Club. never has this horse been known Europa Huge Debts.
source of supply of tropical pro to make such a tame and ridi But how long can Europe con duce which she so greatly needs culous finish in a race.
tinue to exist under her present in the absence of any tropical The Churchmen Club was orhuge burden of debts? Unless terri ory of her own were to be ganised during the month of Barbadian Dles Intestate Europe is prosperous Great alienated, October by a group of young Britain trade will fall away. All men connected with the Church above nations bang together. It is o of the utmost importance to us to the Prince of Wales, Mr. Lloya Nassau Grows Rich From Enorm as a means of bringing together contemporary the capricion are all young men in the parish for a the 7th instant publishes the once again get the pound sterl. George and the American Ambas ing and the dollar to their pre sader which ventured to quote ous Smuggling of Whisky in Spiritual. Moral and Literary the following in efect bli benetit war parity. The whole of Lip to show that this question of the In Ward 10, bed 21, of the cashire knows this. We are more sale of the West Indies is being This Club promises to improve Santo Tomas Hospital, died or Sless dependent upon Egypt discussed in those colonies. Let the Manchester Guardian, Tan this lonely British archipelago, is every capacity possible, and years of following is taken from loot, o the mind of; the members in Thomas Morat. Barbadian, 30 and the United States for our me assure Mr.
age, Protestant and that the hace English journal. of a recent date stacked between 8, 000, 000 dollars having viewed with regret the domiciled at No. 11 East 18th only references to it cotton supplies and as long as disgust the dollar is expensive for so been expression of te bey will Lancashire be mulcted there should be Englishmen so prim town in the Bahama Islands ed into the United States. Good extends through tnis medium institution owing to the pains and 10, 000, 000 dollars worth of downward trend the young men Street, Bis (Guachapali. and Nassau, the ancient and rather hard liquor waiting to be whisky of this community are taking who was obliged to enter that with a beavy tax, as home and Mr, Radclyffe to suggest dollars a an invitation to all well thinking with which he was afflicted, and France has in Madagascar a large island which the French Co disposing of the birth right of ort of mystery ships and case. Private yachts of Ameri both inside and outside the through not having any family smugglers, an alcoholic boom for their own gain.
or relatives in this city.
donial Office firds a heavy burtown. where is gathered a col can millionares, dropping in to Church; lection of ruic runners, pirates, col Lake on a supply of drinkables den. She cannot make it pay and assorted rough citizens fit to looking craft in This is not a Sectarian move mingle with the strange piratical am, etc. As the house in which Morat Great Britain might receive this island in lieu of her debts and by harbour. ment but an organization well used to live belonged to him, the ALGERNON ASPINALL grace the fiction of Stevenson, Murders are considered only established in the Episcopal matter was made known to the Bret the construction of one or two or Hartadequate Henry. On trilling affairs, sincere the onio Church in America, and so as to authorities so that the place coula this city Secretary of the West India god harbours might develop the runs the pot ial wealth of one of the report quoted byo the quor runners see no harm in be of service to the Cora munity be put under the care of one of Committee.
richest islands in the world Literary Digest. in forty bond became half of its total trade, the work, believing that onde slaying dry spies. Since liquor the most thoughtful have set to their officers while the fact was Italy bas in her East Africa 15 Seething Lane, London, reported to the Third Municipal ed warehouser. in private dwell place has grown rich and gilded devolves upon them in serving Judge for the purposes required of Lies a very valuable cotton Nov. 9th, 1921, This Club by law in such cases territory, have been hurled, in a hundred and, the inhabitants boast, it is their fellowmen.
growing cellars once given over to sisal, the only British colony without meets every Monday night in (The Judge of the Third Munisan say that the Italian secsponges, and like native produce a public debt. Business con and so a cərdial invitation administration of the estate of the Vestry of the Church at 30 cipal Court is charged with the tion of East Africa is properly developed, but no one can deny Rent Receipt Books in Span in hotels that never were filled tinuas lively, says Daven is extended to all the young men persons who die. under similar even in the brief Bahan 903 port, the newspaper man who is of the Parish.
conditions as Thomas Morat.
ing land we can get and with our ish and English; for sale at the son, in caves that once sheltered responsible for the statements «experience in Egypt and the Su Workman Printery, pirates and their exaggerated (Continued on page 8)
The next meeting will be hela Editor. on Monday the 16th inst (Barbados papers please copy 14 was tunately much as tion, there also the and requested of him to sive a in to as pest Rot no bim was we shem EARNS REPUTATION OF BOOZE TOWN that colo Nobody


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