
SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANU ARY 21, 1922, Kostoleciosocioc so SSCOXSSES London Correspondence.
BRITISH FINACE Canada West Indies Service TENDERS CLO NEXT MONTH AMERICAN BAZARI Big Bargains FOR THE jate NEW YEAR u nem Shoes. Shirts. Suits Hats. Underwear Neckwear AT PRICES BELOW COST ount of so Saya th Montreal Gazette of 17th ulto. Th Canadian Gov ernment is inviting tenders for a mail, passenger au freight service between the Dinion and the British West Ind es and Bitish Guiana, Tenders will be received at the ottice of the Douty Minister of Trade, O:tawa up to Jan uary 31st, of next year Tenders should be for weekly or fortnightly si ing: frons John NB. Or Hafax to Br.
mains, Berbados, Tinidad and British Guiana with calls at Grenada, St. Vincent, St Lucia and other pl ce else for wek y or fortnighly services al en els from St. John or clitax Leaders are asked for a service covering five or ten years.
The stoners employed shall fron 5, 000 to 8001 tons gross shall be able to matxin a speed of 12 13ts an hour, and provide accommdation for 100 srst class 30 cond class and 100 steerage passengers. The am SUsidy required wust stated.
Toeir is to be no unfair difer entiation of rates of freight against the smaller calon es, and freight and passeng rates will be subject to the approval of the Minister of Trade S, far as the traffic warrants, cold storag is to be be provided. The stan must carry such mails as may be required by the Canadian or West Indian Authorities.
Why Not M?
In connection with the foregoing announcement, the question has been asked why tha Canadian Government Merchant Marine cannot be utilized for his new service, which is the out.
come of the recent Canada West Indian Trade agreement. Fron what can be learned, it appears be necesssy to build ships especially for this route; but if the Government is inviting tenders and expects private en terprise to tind it worth while, it might be assumed that the G could make it pay if the necessary ships were built. The building of such ships, it is pointed out would almost immediately help in relieving the unemploy.
mint situation, and at the same time contribute to the expansio. of Canadian export traie Koosoologos Notice of Removal or two The Public is hereby notified that the SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner 16th Street West. Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. The new premises are well equipped for turning out the best class of work events BY LEONARD REID.
London, cember 1921 It is felt must be assumed that, if sad when bere that Germany announcement that trade really revives and with it the deshe is unable to pay the in tallments of mand for British manufacture, then a Reparations payments due in January vers large increase will bsve to take place and February is in one senar, oppor. in British imports of the raw materiale tune. It came on the eve of con of industry from the United States and fereno on economic matters in London elsewhere. Increases of imports of the between the Premiers of Britsia and raw material class must be precedent.
Prince. It will lend definite point to to the normal resumption of manufacturtheir discussions and emphasize the ing activity, and it is taken to be the urgency of formulating concerted most favourable feature of the official Allied policy. There is full realisation in British trade returns for November that financial circles bere both of German importa of certain leading raw materials difficulties and France need for ready were very much higher than in October, money. It is held that, given the sup For instance imports of raw cotton were port of German industrialists, the Ger. 1, 950, 263 centals in November against mon Government can pay substantial 732, 771 contals in Osto per, of raw Bums. But there is something approach roseb: 11, 424 tons agsinst 4, 730 tons of pulp ing a general consensus of opinion that of wood 66, 232 toas against 46. 942 revision of the Reparations programme tons, and so on.
30 on. Such figures may peris Leverary, and that to obtinue on the haps be taken as as straws showing that present lines and methods is hopeless, the wind may be setting into a more Britieb financial opinion is ready to favourable quarter. Batso far make generous concessions to France ployment remains as bad, or nearly as in the matters of French priority is re bad as ever.
ceipt of German payments and of abil of The general level of prices and the France war debt to Britain, if, as a cost of living are still moving down. result of such concessions, a strong and wards in this country. The large extent practical agroement can be be reached by by of the fall both of wholesale commodity which the perpetual irritation of the prices (13 measured by the London frequently crises over repara Economis. and of the cost of living tions can be avoided. But there is also as measured by the Ministry of Labour. general feeling that in any re orga. is showa in the following table :asion or revision of the programme Germacy should give stringent under. Percentage Over the level of takingo that abe will do everything in July 1914.
her power to put ber own financial Date in Wholesale In Cost of bouse in order.
Prices Living The first news of Germany Announce. Jan. 1, 1921 131 165 De Valera Refusal meat of default was badly received and April 1, 1921 98 133 ia wedia e reaction took place in the July 1, 1921 88 119 stock markets, but as the idea grew Oct. 1, 1921 92 110 that it possibly brought the formation Dec. 1921 To Adopt The Treaty 74 99 of pracucal policy Dearer, there was a strong recovery. The last week or The bottom does not yet appear to have undoubtedly teen the bright have been reached in either case. But est of the whole year in London finan the year 1921, it may at least be as London. Dec. 1921. Forty cial marketa, ae rapid acheivements difieds and distressing phase of satisfaction had been experienc. has us through the most eight hours after the glow of che Washington Cnference and the ta signature of the Anglo Irish agreement for oud re adjustment towards the normal ed at the agrement reached hava caured immence relief, 11 these war levels, whatever they may prove to between the Government, and Irish delegation, can be followed by a business. be. Tais process of re adjustment is not the some like a creement between Britain, France pleasant for anyone conosrned. It mean thing like a cold douche was exand Germany on the question of Rea drag on trade industrial losees, disloca perienced by de Valera refusal parations, then it will be felt that the tion of markets and large wage re to adopt the treatv. His formidable barriers obstructing ductions. In the past ten munths of nouncement was made with that world recovery have at last been broken 1921 it was repurted to the Labour crudity of expression with which The rapid and reduction of over he has more than once jsop rdis improvement in in the value of the British 4, 370, 000 had taken place in the weeked the success of the negotiapourd sterling in terms of the dollarly wages of 6, 800, 000 works, The ex tions. Irish opinion was patient is a clear ilustration of the bippier tensive nature of those re adjustments with bim on those occasions, hit views taken of the world outlook. For strengthens the hope that the turn of it is possible to overdo the part this movement cannot be due mainly the economic tide is near at hand and of the skeleton at the feast, and to trade course contrary it that 1922 may have beker times in store. his last promptly ed the Irish pr seth break their e and to criticise him with refreshing frankness De Valera is a man une idée fixe excel.
lent in his place but impossible for negotion. His idea was that the Irish Parliament, the Eireann, possessed a Republican mandate and was not justin ich in ratifying any agreement did not treat Ireland as a Repub.
lic He ignored, however, firstly.
the exhich circumstances under that election had taken place: secondly the enthusiasın with which the treaty had been acclaimed throughout South is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins. Ireland and by Irishmen abroad; thirdly, the importance to Sinn beam. She has two decks. tween Fein of keeping a united front decks ft. high.
He split Sinn Fein from top to bottom. Every practical Irishman knew what the Idea of an Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Irish Republic was merely a con.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: ception to be utilised for the pur.
erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed pose of bargaining, and that, in water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. perpetual insignificance in the comity of nations, and proWe must Buy her for our Service bably ruin to Ireland, All that, however, is now a thing of the past. new spirit has been born between Ireland and Bri: WE NEED 60, 000 MORE tain. Arthur Griffith expressed it when he declared: believed MONEY that the Treaty will lay a foundaof peace and friendship beYou may subscribe some of this by purchasing tween the two nations. What some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound have signed shall stand by in the belief that the end of a coneach or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound flict of centuries is at hand. The each and become part owner.
vast majority of the Irish people, believe, clearly endorsed his DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW attitude.
it would be most dow.
that cube antial Ministry O, the action provok PHOTOGRAPHS AS NEW YEAR GIFTS Remember your friends with your photograph (this year and they will remember you as long as the photograph lasts.
silence and to To Encourage Commercial Research.
ether Dail most THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Our Photographs are Permanent Have that) long delayed photo which you promised your friend so often MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO The coolest in the city where you are certain of the best attention.
During the last few years much bas been done in Great Britain to encourage scientific ani industrial research in one forn or another. The latest and in som ways the original scheme is in connection win the British Empire Exhibition to be held in London, England, during 1923 Toe 100 British Chambers of Commerce are offering Commercial Research Fellowships of the value of not less than 500 and including a first class return caet to a Dominion or Crown 20ny. in Winners of these fel.
open competition)
will proceed to a selected Im: periai region overseas and report upon the best means by which its trade can be stinulat.
ed and its raw materials and other resources developed. The best method of representing these resources at the British Einpire Exhibition will also be considered Day and Night Photographs SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
tion of Panama Banking Company Golden Opportunity (BRANDON BANK)
SECURITY SERVICE Panama (Founded 18 93)
Colon Write to the WEST INDIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY LTD Cargo Carrying Aeroplanes 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA novel type of aeroplane is being constructed by a British company under the auspices of the British Air Ministry. It is WILKINSON ROOMS TO LET designed mainly with a view to carrying capacity, speed being sacrificed to some extent in CALLE No CONTRACTOR BUILDER order to give more scope for cargo. Careful experiments will First Class Workmanship APPLY ON PREMISES be made with this aeroplane to decide certain disputed points about the actual cost of carrying Plans and Specifications Free goods by air, Aircraft tios hold that for long distance 15th Street Wes House 99 lient Receipt Bacics in Span the cost of carriage by air will ish and Enlish, for sale at the be very little in excess of road motor charges The capacity of Box 411, Panama, Workman Printery. the machine will be three tons.
FOR SALE An up to date house containing three apartments; located on one hectare of land, Securely fenced with barbed wira and well planted with sugar cane, bananas, plantain, papaya, pine apple, etc. also suitable Mesh wire enclosure for poultry. Situated at Hatto Pintado, Las.
Sabanas, 15 minutes walk from Tramway. Price Reasonable.
APPLY TO THOMAS, Box 801, Ancon, OR TO THE WORKMAN Our large Resources and well known conservative Management afford unquestioned security for levery dollar deposited with this bank General Banking Business Transacted ISAAO BRANDON Truisms.
The other day a guy was overheard to bay, to his pal If you want to keep a friend don let him owe you The pall replied, Well the quickest way to be rid of a friend is to lend him dolls and then try to collect it.
NATHANIEL BRANDOS Vice President 1) BBANDOS President Tressurer

    EnglandFranceGermanyUnited Front

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