
DV SUNDAY, JANY. 29th At Juan Franco Park English, Peruvian, Ecuadorian and Jamaican horses will figure prominently Attractive Races 4 RACES FOR THOROUGHBREDS are service. 00 The Panama Charity Organi Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies zation begs to announce that the AEROND, the office Central Avo slon. Correspondence on all matters Concert which was to have been beld at Geddes ball on the 18th Due and corner of Street, Pasama, of public interest invited.
RdP All copy for publtestion must te inst, but postponed, will without PO Box 74, Panama written on one side ot paper only, and fail, be held on the 15th prox TBS OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be sccompanied by the name of Sellers of tickets will now One Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publies push theļr sales energetically, Six Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith while intending participants will Three We do not undertake to retum prepare themselves for the occa To 250 One Bion crejected orrespondence aid the Panama Carnival Let us anticipate a pleasant The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS evening SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 1922 CHURCH SERVICE (American Episcopal Church)
6a. m, Holy Communion, GOOD.
10 sm, Tb Litany 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and serm, 30 pm, Holy Bipt sm, When the French administration fell down on the con p. Sunday School.
struction of the Panama Canal and the thousands of 30 pm Evensong and sermon NIGH TENGALE. Vicar, French West Indians from Martinique and Guadeloupe found themselves without money they turned to the St. Alban s, Paraiso.
fields, squatted like pioneers and made the soil minister to 11 am, Matins and address, their daily necessities. This was the evidence of a genius p. Sunday School, not peculiar to the French subjects, and it only showed 30 Evensong and address, that an industrious people can live in any place where the F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge soil is not arid and where lands are not upavailable.
Christ Church by the Sea The present status of West Indian labor on the Isth 30 am. Parish Communion, mus is exactly the same as it was twenty years ago when 10 Mstins 10. 30 am, Choral Mars and sermon.
the Frenchmen heaped his steam shovels along the banks p. Church School, of the Rio Grande, stacked his dump cars along the tracks 30 pm. Evensong and serron.
of the Panama Railroad and turnud his eyes frɔm tbe. INCLUDING EDWARD COOPER. Rector.
scenes of a lost because mismanaged enterprise. This time St. Peter Church La Boca.
it is the completion of the canal and the curtailment of 11 a, m, Morning prayer and address appropriations for further developments, whatever they p. Sunday School, might be. 30 Evensong and sermon.
There is no work on the canal. That is to say, no Mr. Fitzgerald and wife, who work that the thousands of men now unemployed can passengers in transit to Barbados, will fine day Sport guaranteed the public hope for. The trains have been reduced and train crews take part in an Anthem at the laid off. The canal has been reconstructed to completion MULCARE. Rector.
and ships have been going through eight years ago. From that time the bulk of labor (gold and silver alikecom St. Barnabas Church, Empire Admission menced to wilter and shrink, and the shrinkage has been 11 a, to, Matins and Holy Communion going on with such steadiness that the present labor roll pm. Sunday School, 30 Evening Prayer and address, is an insignificant fraction of what it used to be when St. Bartholomew Church. ColonelGoethals and his colleagues in the Civil AdminLas Cascadas stration of the shared responsibility for the construc tion of the great water way.
11 a. Morning Prayer and address, Wesleyan Methodist, 30 Sunday School and Confir.
When the construction work was in full swing there mation Clase, Panam. 11 am, and 30 Rev.
existed the general tendency to select and choose jobs, pm Evening Prayer and address. Surgeon (Holy communion at 11. Take People swarmed here from all parts of the world, and Notice am) Colon. 11. am. Mr. A. Wil.
West Indians contributed a dominating part of the whole MULCARE. Priest in charge.
sale immigration to this country. In those days nobody Seventh Day Adventist Church Samson; 30 Mr. Jones; la Bo ca. 11, 30 found difficulty in obtaining jobs in the various depart 6S ANCON AVE, PANAMA im. Mr. Lindo; New Providence 11. a.
WREATHS ments which, although subject to the over sight vested Mr, Braithwaite Parais) 11, a.
Sabbath (8 turday) 45 a. Sab Mr. Headly; Empire 11. a.
the Isthmian Canal Commission as a body, operated along ba School; 11 15 sm, General Worship Payne.
made from natural flowers independent lines. If a man did not like his job or his boss 30 m. Spanish Class: 30 FOR FUNERALS it was an easy matter for him to find employment with Young People Meeting; 30 pm.
another, either in the same department or in anyother.
Advertise in The Wack BOQUETS for Weddings, Baptisms, or Service.
While wages were never fascinating in the construc Sunday night, 7, 30 are invited, man it Pays.
other social Functủons tion days general living conditions were far better than they have been in very recent times. Employees, white Can be supplied by and colored, kept poultry yards and truck gardens with native homes before the canal work called them here and out molestation by the sanitary kings who in later days shifted them off into an abnormal activity that was desMIGUEL HIVE Call at his office No. 94 Central Avenue, Phone 638 or at delivered prohibitive mandates against the poor who tried tined to close with the completion of the ditch.
to help themselves in these ways. Squatting was in vogue, his residence on the Sabanas Road There are two kiņds of mass labor that have proved open markets where eggs and other products from the permanent. Farm and factory work. Mining wears an RPICES MODERATE.
poultry yard as well as garden products were vended did aspect of permanency but there is generally the liability to not evoke suspicion from the subsistence Department, as exhaustion or glutting from over supply: But the farm Damaging competitors with the Panama Railroad Com. and the factory are the chief indispensables of economics missaries. It was a question of working and living with and industry. Men need the products of the soil and the out much red tape, subversion of civic priviliges or eco manufactures of the factory and it is this compelling need nomic liberty.
But those days are gone. The people must now be transcendent importance.
that places these two industries in their positions of The STEWART stir themselves and prepare for adaptation to a permanent system of industry. It is not expected that another canal Here in Panama the people must abandon all hopes of will be built, at least not in next years, and it a swinging time in canal life ever returning and turn their would be suicidal for anyone to dream idly about a mass eyes and their hands to the fields. Factories will come enterprise of any character or dimensions, whatever, in after the soil has commenced to throw out her stores and these parts. There has been a reversal in the life of labor prosperity begins to peep into the homes of the plodding all over the world. The World war taught the lesson that farmer. The farm has always preceded the factory and it CLASSES IN the future of industrial and economic life lie in the soil. can be accepted as guaranteed that the Isthmus of Panama It was there that the victory of the Allies was born and will prove to be one of the busiest industrial centres of the nurtured, and it is there that the millions of half starved world in the next five or ten years. people all over the world will find relief and life.
Farm life requires persev zrance, determination and But after all, the building of the canal was only a patience. The results are always normal and natural.
temporary enterprise. No one could have expected that The farmer ought not to expect to see spectacular much employment would be found after the work had results from this labor, nor should he hope for an abun51 16th STREET WEST been done, and no one should be surprised now that dance of gain in his initiatory ventures things are so flat here that over ten thousand people have The first word is the revised vocabulary of presen PANAMA CITY had to be given clearances because there is nothing to pay day industry is AGRICULTURE, and it is claiming the them with, if even work of an unimportant character greatest consideration and attention everywhore. Lands couid be given them.
that have lain fallow for decades are being broken up and Canal construction, building of docks, bridges and set into busy action. The earth produce must increase if tunnels, making of roads and such enterprises are a purely physical comfort and sustenance are to be rested to the temporary kind. The work, in each case, must come to masses. If the populations in this country are to live and CALLE No an end, sooner or later, and when that happens it means progress to any appreciable extent the masses must get the laying off of a large number of able bodied workmen out of the shell of economic prejudice and feature in a raand people of varying classes of labor. This is true every tional pursuit of daily toil.
PRIVATE ACADEMY where in the world, where occasional enterprises call There is nothing else for them to do. Húddling in the together a mass of working people for a certain time, only. city and combing the parks will not relieve the situation, English Classes There seems to be something looming up on the indus no more than will hoping for another big industrial boost trial horizon of this country foreboding of much good and or waiting for the combined fleets add the alleviati: For Young Ladies 6 hope, News of a gigantic farming enterprise in this Re of their wants. They must get out and hustle where that public bas struck the Isthmus, and no little comment is can find employment and business. If it lies in the so.
AND FOR BOYS 7 heard all around as to the possibility of its materializa they must go there and without hesitation apply themtion. It is known that there is still an inexplicable dispo selves with all energy and genius. No spectacular enterMon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
sition on the part of many of the extemploy es of the prise is going to bid them welcome and fete them in canal to scorn and scowl at the idea of returning to that cushioned chambers; they must plod and toil for the BARTON, mode of living which they had sedulously pursued in their bread of necessity.
all Commercial Evening School Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc.

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